Thy Notes 3 - Brighu Technique

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Saptarishis Astrology

Combining Bhrighu Ascendant & Pending Karma Technique

In the last issue we had revealed in BSP-14 the Bhrighu Asc and how to see
the Past Life Trait that one brings into this life. Let us see Deepak Chopra's

Deepak Chopra{ADB) 1e

October 22. 1946 XJU

15:45:00 (5:30 east) \ / Me
77 E 12, 28 N 36 XZsL Su
Ma SL Me GL /6\ Ma
Su Mo
Ju Gl X
Sa HL \x 1mo - \

24Aa22 Su: 5 Li 18 (DK) 5 Vi 39 (GK) 25 Li 60 (AmK)

27 Li 23 (AK) Ju: 12 Li 37 (MK) 8 Sc 45 (PK) 14 Cn 60 (BK)
19 Ta 31 (PiK) Ke: 19 Sc 31 12 Cn 34 9 Vi 02

1) His Asc is Aq which is number n so to get Bhrighu Asc you go to the

11H of the chart which becomes the Bhrighu Asc, which is the 3rd house of
writing from 9H of Higher Knowledge and also from Guru and his
writings, made him a popular Guru of Spirituality.
2) The lord of his Bhrigu Asc is Jup placed in the 9H of Guru and Higher
Knowledge where Sun is placed in the sign of Venus. So one can
presume that dasa of Jup, Sun or Ven can give what he is ordained from
the past to give
3) His Jup MD Ven AD and Jup MD Sun AD ran from 1991 to 1995,
Chopra produced the following titles which were runaway success and
made him an international guru of spirituality especially the 1994 title. It

is important to note that his Sun1 is debilitated in the 9H of bhagya but
still he achieved Bhagya (Fame Fortune).

1991 Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide

1993 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
1993 Creating Affluence: Wealth Consciousness in the Field of All Possibilities
1994 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment
of Your Dreams

Bhrighu Pending Karma Technique

In Last Issues Editorial/Publitorial a Pending Karma Technique was

revealed which is observe the 6H, its planets and its lord and the story of life
will reveal. See in the case of Deepak Chopra, the Eternal Immortal Yogi
Saturn is sitting there who is BK (writer in Jaimini) in the 6H of Disease and
being the i^L of spirituality, note disease and spirituality and Saturn's deep
thinking attitude. Its lord Moon is GK (disease) in the 8H of Chronic
Disease. So the clues you would get is something to do with diseases and
healing and writing. Incidentally, Chopra had an illustrious medical career,
also did Ayurveda and has authored more than 45 best seller books (Saturn is
BK) with 20 million sales worldwide translated into 35 languages and his first
book was on health (6H Saturn and 6L in 8H of chronic disease, which most
importantly is the 3rd of writing from the 6th house - mark this) which was
titled, Creating Health, and is credited with helping to create initial,
international recognition for Chopra.

Divisional Charts & Bhrighu Astrology

Sel Si_ Ra
Jia Ms 3a
HL F^a 3L_
L>eepaK Chopra(ADB) nchC-4 -
Kg octoDarzz, -19-46
15:45:00 (5:30 asiGt)
v~r e 1 zr ze r-j 36

24 Aa 22 3u 5 Li IS (DK) 5 Vi 39 (GK) 25 Li 60 (AmK)

ifle: 27 Li 23 CAK.) Ju: 12 Li 37 (MK) B SC 45 (PK) 14 Gn BO (BK)
ISTSSI IRiK.> KG IS 5C 31 12 Gn 34 9 Vi 02

Sun is swagrahi (own house) in D 60

Reference: Wikipedia Chopra

Dasamsa shows the Karma for which one is born. Now, although Astro Data
Bank gives only an A rating for the 15.45 time it also says another time of
'Linda Clark quotes him (Rose Marcus, assistant to Susan Miller, has 3:51 PM
from the Chopra Centre. They sent his vedic chart out in one of the mailers
last year)'

Even this new time does not change his D-10 divisional, now see Dasamsa
Asc is Number 7 so the Bhrighu Asc in Dio comes as to the 7H of Aries
which is the house of public limelight/public platform and the sign Aries
denotes the body/health of an individual and 'Everything Else'. Its lord is
Mars in the 9H of higher knowledge & publishing and Mars denotes Ink,
Mars is conjoined with Moon the mind and emotions who is the 10L of karma,
no doubt he wrote books on health and spirituality (Moon disposits Saturn
Mer Rahu) and all this happening in the 9H of Guru made him one.

The Pending Karma technique is clear here, the 6L is in the 5H of authorship

and the planet is Guru/Jupiter, he became a Guru by writing, period.

Tiger Woods
Ke (Ma) Md

Tiger Woods(JG)

December 30, 1975

22:50:49 (8:00 west)
118 W 11, 33 N 46
\/2 tMa
yV\ al
X GL \

1 Vi 04 Su: 15 Sq 27 (MK) Mo: 28 Sc 52 (AK) Ma (R): 24 Ta 02 (AmK)

2 Co 55 (GK) Ju: 21 Pi 58 (BK) Ve: 5 Sc 01 (PK) Sa (R): 7 Cn 35 (PiK)
27 Li 24 (DK) Ke: 27 Ar24 HL: 9 Ar20 GL: 1Ar10

Y 6H and its lord shows pending karma, use Bhrighu Asc - his normal Asc
is Virgo, which is 6 number sign and so see 6H of sports, 10th from it
contains Moon Venus combo in 3h of hands, 6L is Saturn and its co lord
is Rahu, both Saturn Rahus dispositor conjoins in the 3H of hands where

debilitated Moon with Venus (lot of money) is involved, he made his
mark in Golf.

* Ag ain use here Bhrighu Asc and Pending Karma Technique. Now see
his 6H its lord is Saturn in the nH of wife and children, he owes
something to them. Moon, the dispositor of this Saturn goes in the 3H of
hands (golf is played with hands) and this Moon is with Venus, a
combination for cheating in the sign of Scorpio which is the 8H of the
natural zodiac of sex. He had some sexual affairs while married and this
caused shame to his wife. The other co-lord of 6H is Rahu placed in the
second house of one's name and family. As soon as it became apparent
that what he did was true, he immediately released a press statement
that he had lead down his family (zH), some pending karma here
towards his name and family which he had to pay back.

P From London & Usage of BCP

This call came from a family members close friend saying that one of
her students is in trouble and he is based in London and without our
permission, she passed on our mobile number to her student in
London. She said he is in deep depression and for a student to call up her
teacher after so many years and ask for help it must be something important.
Within 15 minutes the call came saying that he is facing lot of mental agony
due to his parents & family members. He said he is not sure of his birth time
but it must be around 11.30 pm. He was instantly asked the status of his
marriage life for which he replied that his marriage was over long back and
the child is also not with him, but his immediate problem is his family back in
India. He was asked if he went abroad before 1990 or after for which he replied
that 'Gone Abroad to UK - 10th Sept 1988.

Ra ivicf
[VI o Ra "
- Wlcl
P from London 11 G k IVIo
August 26, "1339 SL ^
23:30:00 <3:30 eset)
72 E= S-4, 1 8 ISli S

3 Ta 37 9 l_e 53- MK O Aq 23- DK Maz 22 Sc 17- AK:

5 Vi 55- RiK 13 Vi 44- BK 3 Cn 47- RK So <"«)= 15 AT 29- AmK
27 Aa 42- GK 27 Ls 42 13 Cp 11 <3L: 4 Pi 10

1. Very traumatic period right now (26th Apr 2010)
2. Father is a chronic alcoholic, he hit his father as his father had destroyed the
entire family due to his drinking and tortured his mother, now his mother is
depressive in nature, this is from last 12 years. Not sure when he beat his
father but heard that around 11-12 years back he did it. Note Rahu with Moon
in 10H of father, afflicting Mother (moon), rahu denotes drinking and his
father was an alcoholic which is further ratified due to Sun being in the 4H
with Ketu. We asked him if he is also drinking he said he started since 2
3. See his Saturn dasa is running along with Ashtam Saturn.

Vimsottari Dasa:

Sat MD: 2006--12--14 - 2025--12--14

Merc AD: 2oo9'i2-'i7 - 2012--08--26

Now see 5H in all the 3 notes

a) He is running Ashtam Shani - Saturn is in the 5th house, 8th from natal
moon (called Ashtam Shani) so 5H of mind is affected
b) He is running Saturn MD and Mer AD and Mer is placed in the 5H (note)
even though exalted but conjoined with 8L Jup. Note Mer is the 2L of family
and he is facing troubles due to them for which he called from London
c) Most important he is running 41st year now, which means 5H is activated
(36+5=41) via Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi.

In our very first article we had mentioned that in order to effectively use BCP
when coupled with dasas and transits, its most most effective and the above is
an example of how BCP combined with Dasa combined with Gochar has
given the above result wherein he is too depressed and is calling from London
at length due to family problems (2L of family in the 5H of BCP focus year).
His family problem is the focus of the year.

Mentor & This Chart

Apart from many remedies he was advised to feed Moong (for
Mercury) to pigeons on a Wednesday and to go and serve old people
(for Saturn) on Saturdays for the next 19 years. Two of our writers
U.K.Jha & Babban Singh have been constantly behind us to make mentor
write articles and why mentor does not practice astrology, our reply to them

regards this is mentor has done the mistake of reading Gita, the Holy Book
Of Indians and he considers even one incorrect article, one wrong prediction a
great sin for the astrologer. He knows that current level of astrological
knowledge is not even 10 o/o so it is not correct to misguide others by free or
paid predictions or any sort of article. He constantly professes in the most
humble manner that he does not know astrology and after speaking to him
daily for minimum i hour for the last 5 years we know for sure that even we
do not know astrology.
After the above chart reading after z hours we had our daily chat with
Mentor to whom we started describing the Rasi chart details on the phone
house, first we said Ta lagna Venus in the 3H, mentor said without knowing
the whole chart that he must be in a good position (he was born in India and
moved to London). Then we said Jupiter Mercury in the 5H, he said bad
combination there (note his Mer AD has given him problems), then we
described the whole rasi chart only, no degrees no divisionals. Mentor said
'Yeh Admi Apne Baap Ko Bhi Maarega' (this man would heat his own father).
The carpet was removed from our feet since just z hours hack the man had told us that
he has heaten his own father and this phenomenon is not even 0.5 0/0 in a society
like India so the prediction from mentor gains more weight age. We
immediately asked mentor the reasoning behind his prediction he joking said
that we should employ him with a job in Saptarishis Astrology. Later he gave
some logic of Rahu Moon in 10H and Sun in 4H with Ketu and Saturn
retrograde but to make such a kind of prediction is too much, the logic given
by him is not graspable by us.

r/ ^.WA
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