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Were gonna talk about the Peace Walls there situate for the most of them in Belfast their

were built to sepparete the catholic from the protestan because the hate between the two
community is enormous and at first were gonna explain why.

The United Kingdom colonized Irland in 1485 and the Irish people never really accept that
they resist until the biggest part of their country were liberated from the UK and even a little after for
a minority of community like the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the difference between the two
community were a lot more than just a origin difference. The difference were religious, origin and
cultur so when the UK start to plan the complete anihilation of the cultur and difference of the Irish
the Irish start a revolution. And because of a lot of event were not gonna describe because itr very
very long the hate between the Irish and the people who came from the UK and a part of the plan
work some of the Irish became protestant and it increase the hate between the two religious
community at some point that we need to build wall between the two neigborhood. Those wall were
built to decrease the tension and try to stop the altercation between the two community by the
force if they don’t calm down by themself. Those wall were built for the peace but just increase the
hate between the community because for each part of them it was the fault of the other. The Peace
wall were transform into wall of hate.

People hate those walls and an artist see those wall and probably think it can make a great
surface to paint. These guy probably dedn’t know that he gonna start an artistic movement that
propably continue until the wall are gonna get all destroy in 2023. (The wall are probably gonna
stand a little longuer than they says because of the covid)the wall were decorated by a lot of person
famous or not even by your humble servant (it was four years ago so i don’t releber what i wrote on
it propably a proverb).

It was on this one I think.

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