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Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368,-volV)(0123456789().
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Study on supply chain strategy based on cost income model

and multi-access edge computing under the background
of the Internet of Things
Lu Sun1 • Yuanjun Zhao2,3 • Wenqi Sun4 • Zhengkai Liu5,6

Received: 12 November 2018 / Accepted: 26 February 2019 / Published online: 13 March 2019
Ó Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019

With the application of the Internet of Things, the cold-chain logistics efficiency of fresh agricultural product remarkably is
improved, but the operating costs inevitably rise. Thus, the main bodies of circulation at various levels need to decide
whether adopt the Internet of Things or not according to the cost–benefit situation. The significant boundary value closely
related to the revenue decision of cold-chain logistics of fresh agricultural product was figured out by particularly analyzing
the impact of the adoption of the Internet of Things on upstream and downstream wholesale prices, retail price, and order
quantity decision based on the costs and revenues of the upstream and downstream of the supply chain before and after the
adoption of the Internet of Things, and it was found that the overall profit boundary values of wholesaler, retailer, and
supply chain are the same; the increment of retail price and retailers’ revenues is larger than that of wholesalers’ revenues,
and the ascensional range of retail price is larger than that of wholesale price; the cost boundary value of order quantity in
supply chain has little to do with the quality of agricultural products, but is affected by the time of circulation, and
transportation and warehouse cost; the lower the cost of the Internet of Things is, the larger the impact on order quantity is.
The correctness of the research results was proved by means of illustrative example. This paper provides a scientific basis
for investment in the Internet of Things by enterprises engaged in cold-chain operation of fresh agricultural products.

Keywords Multi-access edge computing  Internet of Things  Fresh agricultural product  Cost effectiveness of cold-chain

& Yuanjun Zhao 3

Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
Lu Sun College of Economics and Management, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150040, China
Wenqi Sun College of Business, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901, USA
Zhengkai Liu 6
International College, Renmin University of China, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, China
School of Cultural Industries and Tourism, Xiamen
University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China
School of Business Administration, Shanghai Lixin
University of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai 201209,

15358 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368

1 Introduction the supply chain so that the rate of loss of agricultural

products can be controlled below 5% [6].
Mobile edge computing (MEC) technology combines IT Although the quantity of refrigeration house and
service environment with cloud computing technology on refrigerator car has been growing rapidly in China at an
the edge of the network, improves the computing and annual average growth rate higher than 30% in recent
storage capacity of the edge network, reduces the delay of years, and the level of refrigeration technique also has been
network operation and service delivery, and improves the significantly improved, no complete cold-chain system that
quality of service experience of users. Therefore, MEC can monitor the quality situation of agricultural products
technology has attracted wide attention and has been from producing area to dining table is established yet, and
incorporated into the 5G standard as a key technology [1] the Informationization degree of enterprises engaged in
(Fig. 1). cold-chain logistics is low [7]. Thus, it is difficult to realize
The development of cold-chain logistics of fresh agri- Informationization of the whole cold chain, and cold-chain
cultural products in China badly lags behind [2]. According interruption happens frequently, which becomes the bot-
to figures, about 400 million tons of fresh agricultural tleneck for the development of cold-chain logistics [8]. The
products enter the field of circulation in China every year, Internet of Things exactly is helpful to break through the
and about 90% meat, 80% aquatic products, and 95% fruits bottleneck in the cold-chain logistics process of fresh
and vegetables are transported and sold without cold chain agricultural products. The Internet of Things is helpful to
[3]. This results in large logistics loss of fresh agricultural realize position trailing and source tracing of fresh agri-
products. The logistics loss rate of meat is 12%, that of cultural products, electronic operation in the links of
aquatic products is 15%, and that of fruits and vegetables is transportation, warehouse, circulation and processing, and
20–30% [4]. The annual amount of loss of fruits and temperature and humidity monitoring throughout the cir-
vegetables is as high as above 100 billion yuan. The high culation process, enhance communication among the links
rate of logistics loss aggravates the quality security hazard of cold-chain logistics, reduce information asymmetry,
of agricultural products and pushes up the prices of agri- raise cold-chain efficiency, and prevent cold-chain inter-
cultural products [5]. In developed countries like the UK, ruption [9]. The adoption of the Internet of Things is bound
USA, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, cold-chain to result in increase in operation cost. Thus, the main
logistics of fresh agricultural products cover over 95% of bodies of circulation at various levels need to decide

Fig. 1 Applications of multi-access edge computing

Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368 15359

whether adopt the technology and the range of application To sum up, there are a lot of research achievements of
of the technology according to their budget cost [10]. cold-chain logistics of agricultural products, and the
Before cold-chain logistics system exerts a scale econo- meaning of introducing the Internet of Things into cold-
mies effect, enterprises’ input–output performance is dif- chain logistics is recognized in some researches [24]. But
ficult to reach an ideal condition, so there tends to lack the few researchers comprehensively compare the cost and
motivation for cold-chain enterprises to apply the Internet profit of adoption of the Internet of Things, which exactly
of Things [11]. Even though some enterprises apply the decides whether the main body of cold-chain logistics can
Internet of Things, they will try to pass on the added cost to truly adopt the Internet of Things [25]. This paper, from the
consumers [12]. Finally, the purchase price of agricultural aspect of cold-chain logistics, emphatically discusses that
products rises. Considering these problems above, this the main body of supply chain dynamically adjusts
paper covers cost, benefit, changing situation of wholesale wholesale price, retail price, and optimal order quantity to
price, retail price and order quantity of upstream and realize cost minimization based on consideration of the
downstream of supply chain, and performance changes of perishability of fresh agricultural products and the change
supply chain enterprises before and after the application of of time of circulation and analyzing the cost and profit of
the Internet of Things, with a view to provide an important supply chain before and after the adoption of the Internet of
theoretical basis for investment decision making of enter- Things, to provide a basis for decision making on adoption
prises of the Internet of Things. Bendaya et al. [9] dis- of the Internet of Things to cold-chain enterprises.
cussed the development situation, problems, and The contributions of the paper are as follows: (1) Studies
development tendency of cold-chain logistics of vegeta- are made on the changes in wholesale price before and after
bles and aquatic products in China. Kortuem et al. [13] adopting the Internet of Things, to figure out the cost
emphasized that measures should be taken to improve the boundary value allowing all main bodies of supply chain at
standard, strengthen supervision, and upgrade and techni- different levels to earn profit; (2) after adopting the Internet
cally transform traditional refrigeration house for the of Things, the increment of retailer profit is larger than that
development of cold-chain logistics. Al-Fuqaha et al. [14] of wholesaler profit, and the growth rate of retail price is
discussed optimization of distribution routes of cold-chain larger than that of wholesale price; (3) the cost of adopting
logistics by means of improving genetic algorithm. Huang the Internet of Things that decides order quantity in supply
et al. [15] studied the coordinating function of benefit- chain has little to do with product quality, but is affected by
sharing contract in the three-level supply chain of fresh the time of circulation, and transportation and warehouse
agricultural products covering producer, distributor, and costs.
retailer based on consideration of the impact of loss in The paper is divided into six parts: The first part is
transportation process and freshness on demand. Kaur et al. introduction, the second part is problem description and
[16] discussed the effort level of preservation on earnings assumption, the third part is system model, the fourth part
of retailer and logistics provider and established a cost and is performance analysis, the fifth part is illustrative exam-
revenue sharing contract that can form an effective intrinsic ple, and the sixth part is conclusion.
incentive mechanism, push logistics provider to raise the
effort level of preservation of fresh agricultural products,
and finally realize profit maximization of cold-chain 2 Problem description and assumption
logistics system. Hamedani figured out the factors for
evaluating the quality of fresh agricultural products in cold For purpose of this paper, the one-way supply process from
chain from the aspect of economic value with linear pro- producing area to wholesaler to retailer and finally to
gramming method [17]. Batalla and Gonciarz [18] dis- consumers is mainly discussed. Before the sales season
cussed the cold-chain logistics temperature control, cold- approaches, retailer plans the order quantity q according to
chain performance optimization, and cold-chain transport the wholesale price w offered by wholesaler, and whole-
vehicles scheduling of fresh agricultural products by means saler determines an optimal wholesale price and order
of mathematical analysis. Some researchers also took quantity with which cost minimization can be realized
notice of the application of the Internet of Things in cold- based on retailer’s demand and in consideration of cost and
chain logistics [19–22]. For example, Wit introduced loss related to circulation throughout the whole supply
information acquisition technology of the Internet of process. Retailer, after receiving agricultural products from
Things into the process of life cycle management of the wholesaler, determines the final retail price P based on
products, built a PLM cost consumption model, and proved product quality and market demand and in consideration of
that the introduction of information acquisition technology its own cold-chain logistics cost [26].
of the Internet of Things is helpful for cost saving by means Specific description and assumed conditions are as
of mathematical reasoning [23]. follows:

15360 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368

1. Transportation cost. It is assumed that wholesaler bears bears the warehouse costs of cold-chain logistics b1 ðtÞ
the transportation cost of cold-chain logistics a1 ðtÞ of the from the producing area to wholesaler, and retailer
link from producing area to wholesaler, and retailer bears the warehouse costs of cold-chain logistics b2 ðtÞ
bears the transportation cost of cold-chain logistics a2 ðtÞ from wholesaler to retailer. As the cold storage time
of the link from wholesaler to retailer. The transportation lapses, the cold energy consumption rises, and the
cost function should be positively correlated with the warehouse costs rise. If the time of circulation exceeds
drive distance in the process of circulation and trans- a certain value, warehouse costs will exceed budget,
portation. The longer the distance is, the longer the time bringing about undesired burden to supply chain.
of circulation is, the larger the cold energy consumption Suppose warehouse cost function is with time as an
is, and the higher the cost is . If the time of circulation independent variable, T is time limit [30].
exceeds a certain value, the cost of cold-chain trans- 4. Technical costs of the Internet of Things
portation will be excessively high, and cold-chain The cost of adopting the Internet of Things is
transportation will be of no value. Thus, it is assumed Cr ðCr ¼ Cr þ Ct Þ. As for the application of the
that the function is a cost function in which time is the Internet of Things, the following costs are to be born.
independent variable and T is the time limit value. Then, The first is fixed cost Ct of technology hardware (radio
the function has the following characteristics: frequency identification, video surveillance, sensor,
oa1 ðtÞ=ot  0, o2 a1 ðtÞ=ot2 [ 0, o2 a2 ðtÞ=ot2 [ 0, etc.). The second is variable label cost Cr for technol-
0  t  T [27]. ogy application. The goods in cold-chain logistics of
2. Cost depletions of agricultural products fresh agricultural products are of a great variety and
large quantity, so the label cost Cr related to the change
1. In the circulation process of logistics supply chain at
of supply chain is more important to decision making.
normal temperature, fresh agricultural products are The cost of adoption of the Internet of Things is
liable to waste, and part of fresh agricultural products reflected in several links including wholesaling and
also will rot in the case of long distance transportation
retailing and is born jointly by wholesaler and retailer.
at low temperature via cold-chain logistics. If the life Notwithstanding the high cost, the reduction of time of
cycle Y expires, all agricultural products will rot. To
circulation, acceleration, decline of product loss rate,
facilitate research and analysis, a product preserva-
and improvement of product quality thanks to tech-
tion ratio function uðtÞð0  t  YÞ closely related to nology application together improve the efficiency in
the time of circulation was established to discuss the
the circulation process of supply chain [31].
change rule of the quantity of physical products. If
5. Product cost
t ¼ Y, uðtÞ ¼ 0; if t ¼ 0, uðtÞ ¼ 1. During storage, Product cost at the producing area is C0 , and the
fresh agricultural products rot slowly at the beginning
residual value at the end of season is 0. For purpose of
and will rot at an increasing rate with the passage of
this paper, product cost excludes cost depletions. All
time. Considering this characteristic, ouðtÞ=ot  decision makers are risk-indifferent and totally rational
0; o2 uðtÞ=ot2 \0 is satisfied. If the order quantity is [32].
q, wholesale market, in order to predict the effective 6 Market demand function
value of order quantity excluding the loss, needs to The market demand function d ¼ APk cðtÞ is a func-
transport q=uðtÞ products [28]. tion about retail price and product quality. At the same
2. Based on the knowledge of fresh agricultural products, price, consumers’ demand is in positive correlation
product quality declines as the time of circulation with the quality of fresh agricultural products (includ-
increases due to bump, lack of water, locally rotting, ing appearance, nutrition, water, etc.). A is market size
etc. Suppose product quality function is coefficient, and k is price elastic coefficient (k [ 1)
cðtÞð0  t  YÞ, Y is life cycle of agricultural products. [33].
If t ¼ Y, cðtÞ ¼ 0; if t ¼ 0, cðtÞ ¼ 1. Suppose the 7. Cost function and profit function
quality function is a monotone continuous decreasing Suppose the expression symbol of cost function is Cxy ,
function about circulation time t, and decreases the expressive symbol of profit function is pyx . y 2
progressively at an increasing rate with the extension fB; Dg stands for profits before and after adopting the
of circulation time. The function has the characteristics Internet of Things, respectively, and x 2 fU; S; Rg
as below: ocðtÞ=ot  0; o2 cðtÞ=ot2 \0 [29]. stands for the whole cold-chain logistics supply chain,
3. Warehouse costs wholesaler and retailer before and after adopting the
Suppose the unit processing cost of agricultural Internet of Things, respectively [34].
products of circulation enterprise is L, wholesaler

Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368 15361

3 System model quantity excluding product loss. Under these constraint

conditions, wholesaler’s cost and revenue are [37]:
The decision-making conditions for adopting the Internet CSB ¼ ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 ÞðqB =uðt1 ÞÞ ð6Þ
of Things were figured out by building cost and profit
model of cold-chain logistics of fresh agricultural products pBS ðwB Þ B B
¼ w q  ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ
before and after applying the Internet of Things and com- þ C0 ÞðqB =uðt1 ÞÞ ð7Þ
paring the cost and profit of the main bodies of circulation
Equating the first derivation of the equation above to
at various levels [35].
zero, it can be deduced from (2) that
R ½ k=ðw þ b 2 ðt1 Þ þ a 2 ðt 1 Þ þ a 2 ðt 1 Þ þ LÞ . Wholesaler’s
3.1 Decision-making model before adopting
optimal wholesale price is:
the Internet of Things
wB ¼ ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ=uðt1 Þ þ ða2 ðt1 Þ
Before adopting the Internet of Things, the residual value þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ=kk=ðk  1Þ
of product at the end of season is zero, and the time of
circulation of fresh agricultural products is t1 . In the case of According to the equation above, wholesale price
wholesale price of wB , retailer’s revenue is directly influences retailer’s order quantity, and wholesale
pBR ðpB ; qB Þ ¼ ðpB  wB  b2 ðt1 Þ  a2 ðt1 Þ  LÞqB . Suppose price is affected by several factors, including product cost,
retailer is entirely rational and will set appropriate retail transportation and warehouse costs of wholesaler and
prices according to the actual market demand to seek the retailer, product loss rate, simple processing cost during
maximum revenue, and market demand function is circulation, and so on. To comprehend the influence of
wholesale price on the whole circulation process of supply
d ¼ APk cðt1 Þ, then PB ¼ ðAcðt1 Þ=qB Þ1=k . Obviously,
chain clearly, Eq. (8) is substituted into Eqs. (2) and (3) as:
retailer’s revenue is [36]: 
h i C a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0
pBR ðqB Þ ¼ ðAcðt1 Þ=qB Þ1=k  wB  b2 ðt1 Þ  a2 ðt1 Þ  L qB qR ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ
uðt1 Þ
k   ð9Þ
ð1Þ k  1 2k
þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L
B k
The derivation of q is solved. Obviously, the second

derivation is less than zero. Equating the first derivation to a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0
R ¼ þ a2 ðt1 Þ
zero uðt1 Þ
 k  2 ð10Þ
qBR ¼ Acðt1 Þ ðk  1Þ=kðwB þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ ð2Þ k
þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L
Substituting it into the known function
Equation (8) is substituted into Eqs. (4) and (5), and
PBR ¼ kðwB þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ=ðk  1Þ ð3Þ
retailer’s cost and revenue are:
Thus, retailer’s cost and revenue under the optimal 
B a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0
decision with the wholesale price offered by wholesaler CR ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ
uðt1 Þ
are: 1k   ð11Þ
k  1 2k1
CRB ¼ Acðt1 ÞðL þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðu1 Þ þ wB Þ þb2 ðt1 Þ þ L
ð4Þ k
 ðk  1Þ=kðL þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ wB Þ a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0
R ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ
pBR ¼ Acðt1 Þ ðwB þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ=ðk  1Þ uðt1 Þ
 k ð5Þ 1k   ð12Þ
 ðk  1Þ=kðwB þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ k  1 2k1 1
þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L
k k1
Besides, if retailer’s order quantity is qB , wholesaler’s
supply quantity should be larger than qB because the actual Retailer’s optimal order quantity (2) and wholesaler’s
coefficient of losses of agricultural products in the process optimal wholesale price (8) are substituted into Eqs. (6)
of circulation of cold-chain logistics must be considered. A and (7), and wholesaler’s minimum cost and optimal rev-
product preservation ratio function uðtÞð0  t  YÞ closely enue are:
related to the time of circulation has been established as
above. According to the function, if the order quantity is
qB , the wholesale market needs to transport qB =uðtÞ
products to pre-calculate the effective value of order

15362 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368

a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 bear transportation and warehouse costs, they both should
CSB ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ bear certain technical cost theoretically.
uðt1 Þ
k   Suppose wholesaler and retailer bear the technical cost
a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 k  1 2k
þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L of adopting the Internet of Things payable by themselves
uðt1 Þ k
separately, wholesaler’s wholesale price after adopting the
ð13Þ Internet of Things is:

a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 wD
U ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ  
uðt1 Þ a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
1k   ð14Þ ¼ þ
k  1 2k 1 uðt2 Þ k
þb2 ðt1 Þ þ L
k k1 k
To sum up, the total circulation cost of cold-chain k1
logistics of single cycle is: ð17Þ
 k Retailer’s optimal order quantity and retail price are:
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0
CUB ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L 
uðt1 Þ a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
R ¼ Acðt 2 Þ þ a2 ðt2 Þ
ð2k  1Þa1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 uðt2 Þ
 þ a1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ LK k  
uðt1 Þ
k  1 2k
ð15Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
k1 2k1
K¼ k is simplified into a constant, and the total ð18Þ
revenue is: 
 a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 PD
R ¼ þ a2 ðt2 Þ
pB ¼ Acðt1 Þ þ a2 ðt1 Þ uðt2 Þ
uðt1 Þ  2 # ð19Þ
1k ð16Þ k
þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ L H k1

2k1 k1 2k1 According to the equation above, the expression of
wherein H ¼ kðk1Þ k .
wholesaler and retailer’s minimum cost is:
Calculation of the model shows that both wholesale 
price and retail price are influenced by product loss rate and a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
CUD ¼ Acðt2 Þ
transportation and warehouse costs in circulation process. uðt2 Þ
Retailer’s order quantity is related to product loss rate and
product quality and influenced by transportation and þa2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L ð20Þ
warehouse costs in circulation process. To sum up, in the  
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct k  1 2k
circulation process of cold-chain logistics, besides the
influence of product loss rate and product quality on supply uðt2 Þ k

chain decision making, the influence of transportation and a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
warehouse costs also cannot be ignored. CSD ¼ Acðt2 Þ þ a2 ðt2 Þ
uðt2 Þ
k  1 2k1
3.2 Decision-making model after adopting þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
the Internet of Things
After applying the Internet of Things in cold-chain logistics The expression of the total cost of supply chain is:
supply chain of fresh agricultural products, the time of 
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
circulation is largely shortened (from t1 to t2 ), the circu- CUD ¼ Acðt2 Þ
lation efficiency is remarkably improved, and product loss uðt2 Þ
rate is reduced so that wholesale can reduce supply quan-
þ a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
tity without prejudice to the satisfaction of the order
quantity of retailer, and the cost of product losses. Mean- a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct 2k  1
while, product quality is improved so that retailer can 
uðt2 Þ k
adjust retail price of products to obtain a greater return. The 
shortening of time of circulation reduces transportation and þ a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L K
warehouse costs. Since both wholesaler and retailer will

Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368 15363

The expression of wholesaler and retailer’s maximum 0  Cr  CrT , the revenues of both wholesaler and retailer
revenue and the total revenue is: increase after adopting the Internet of Things.
 CrT ¼ ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k1 ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
S ¼ Acðt 2 Þ þ uðt1 Þða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ
uðt2 Þ
1k   ð23Þ  uðt2 Þða2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ:
k  1 2k1 1
þ a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L
k k1 Proof Take the example of wholesaler. According to the
 expressions (14) and (23) of revenue of wholesaler before
a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
U ¼ Acðt2 Þ and after adopting the Internet of Things, and the decision-
uðt2 Þ 
1k   making condition of pD B
S  pS , then: Cr  ðcðt2 Þ=
k  1 2k1 1
þ a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L cðt1 ÞÞ1=k1 ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þþ uðt1 Þða2
k k1 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ  uðt2 Þða2
ð24Þ ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ:Suppose the term at the right side of the
The expression of the total revenue is: equation above is CrT , then the boundary value allowing
 both wholesaler and retailer to earn profit is consistent with
D a1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 þ Cr þ Ct
pU ¼ Acðt2 Þ the boundary value of the whole supply chain.
uðt2 Þ
1k ð25Þ Deduction 2 If the cost of applying the Internet of Things
þ a2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ L H satisfies 0  Cr  CrT , the revenues of the whole supply chain,
wholesaler, and retailer all increase; if Cr [ CrT , the cost of
To ensure the principle that the revenue of the main technology application is excessively high, where both
body of circulation at various levels after adopting the wholesaler and retailer are unwilling to pay the high cost.
Internet of Things should not be less that before adopting
To sum up, if wholesaler and retailer adopt a dynamic
the Internet of Things, it is obvious that:
ordering and pricing mechanism in the process of circulation of
Proposition 1 After adopting the Internet of Things, the cold-chain logistics, a boundary value of technology applica-
total revenue of cold-chain logistics supply chain of fresh tion cost allowing both sides to earn profit can be obtained. In
agricultural products increases. The cost of adopting the other words, as long as the cost of technology application
Internet of Things is Cr ¼ Cr þ Ct . If 0  Cr  CrT , CrT ¼ remains in this interval, the whole supply chain can benefit from
ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k1 ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þþ C0 Þ þ the Internet of Things without extra adjustment.
uðt1 Þða2 ðt1 Þþ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ 
uðt2 Þða2 ðt2 Þþ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ.
4 Performance analysis
Proof According to the total revenue expression (16) and
Eq. (25) before and after adopting the Internet of Things, and In the process of product circulation, wholesaler and

the decision-making condition of pD U  pU , then: Cr retailer will be influenced by several factors, which will
 ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k1 ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þþ influence wholesale price, retail price, order quantity, and
uðt1 Þða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ  u the technical cost that wholesaler and retailer are willing to
ðt2 Þða2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ. Suppose the term at the right side of bear. This paper is mainly to analyze the decision making
the inequation is CrT . Obviously, its value is the boundary value and benefits of wholesaler and retailer before and after
deciding whether larger revenue is obtained after applying the adopting the Internet of Things.
Internet of Things to cold-chain logistics supply chain. Proposition 3 In the event that the cost of technology
Deduction 1 If the cost of applying the Internet of Things application satisfies 0  Cr  CrS , wholesaler reduces the
satisfies 0  Cr  CrT , the total revenue of cold-chain wholesale price; if Cr [ CrS , wholesaler will raise the
logistics supply chain of fresh agricultural products wholesale price.
increases; if Cr [ CrT , the cost of applying the Internet of CrS ¼ ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ þ ½uðt2 Þða2 ðt1 Þ
Things is excessively high, and it is not appropriate to
þ b2 ðt1 Þ  a2 ðt2 Þ  b2 ðt2 ÞÞ=k  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ
introduce this technology.
Proposition 2 In cold-chain logistics supply chain, the Proof Analyzing the expressions (8) and (17) of whole-
boundary value that allows both wholesaler and retailer to sale price before and after adopting the Internet of Things,
earn profit is the same and complies with the boundary suppose wD  wB and k=k  1 [ 0, Cr ¼ ðuðt2 Þ=
value allowing the whole supply chain to earn profit. If uðt1 ÞÞða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ and uðt2 Þ [ uðt1 Þ; a2 ðt1 Þ þ

15364 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368

b2 ðt1 Þ a2 ðt2 Þ  b2 ðt2 Þ [ 0, the value range of the equa- to increase order quantity. If the cost of technology
tion above is of practical significance. Denote the right application is high, retailer may reduce order quantity to
term of the equation above as CrS . Similarly, if Cr \CrS , keep certain revenue as wholesaler adjusts the wholesale
wD [ wB . price. The boundary value of cost has little to do with
product quality, but is influenced by the time of circulation,
According to the expression of CrS , the greater the and transportation and warehouse costs.
change of loss rate of fresh agricultural products is, the
earnings brought by technical improvement is larger, and Proposition 6 The comparison expression of boundary
the cost of technology application affordable by wholesaler value is CrQ  CrT .
is higher; meanwhile, the more the time of circulation is Proof Comparative observation shows that k [ 1 is
shortened due to technology application, the lower the cost known, then 1=ðk  1Þ [ 1=k obviously is satisfied, and
of transportation and warehouse wholesaler and retailer
because cðt2 Þ=cðt1 Þ [ 1, CrQ  CrT is proved to be true.
spend, and higher cost of technology application the supply
chain can afford. In the event that the cost of technology Proposition 7 The comparison expression of boundary
application is low, wholesaler is willing to bear more cost value is CrS  CrR .
to obtain more orders and even will reduce wholesale price
Proof Comparison of boundary value between wholesale
to promote order quantity to rise to realize small profits and
price and retail price shows that because k [ 1, then
quick returns when necessary, but if the cost of technology
Muðt2 Þ=k\Muðt2 Þ is satisfied, and because M ¼
application is excessively high, wholesaler may pass on
part of cost to retailer by raising wholesale price, or refuse ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ  a2 ðt2 Þ  b2 ðt2 ÞÞ, CrS  CrR is proved to
to adopt the Internet of Things due to unwillingness to bear be true.
high cost. Deduction 3 If the cost of applying the Internet of Things
Proposition 4 In the event that the cost of technology is less than CrS , wholesaler will lower the wholesale price
application satisfies 0  Cr  CrR , retailer reduces the with an expectation to obtain more order quantity; if the
retail price; if Cr [ CrR , retailer raises the retail price, cost satisfies CrS  Cr  CrR , wholesaler will raise the
wherein: wholesale price, and pass on a part of cost to retailer, but
the retail price of retailer is still lower than that before
CrR ¼ ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ technology application; if the cost of technology applica-
þ ½uðt2 Þða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ  a2 ðt2 Þ  b2 ðt2 ÞÞ tion satisfies Cr [ CrR , retailer will raise the retail price to
 ða1 ðt2 ÞÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ: ensure revenue.

Proposition 5 In the event that the cost of technology Proposition 8 CrS \CrR ; CrQ \CrT .
application relative to order quantity of retailer satisfies
Proof CrS \CrR , CrQ \CrT are proved in Propositions 6 and
0  Cr  CrQ , retailer will increase order quantity; on the
7. This part will discuss whether CrR  CrQ is satisfied. Its
contrary, if Cr [ CrQ , retailer will reduce order quantity.
simplified form is: ða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ  ða2 ðt2 Þ  b2 ðt2 Þ 
The boundary value is:
ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k ða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þþ
CrQ  ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ
LÞ; A=uðt1 Þ  ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k ðA=uðt1 ÞÞ; ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k
þ uðt1 Þða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ
[ 1, k [ 1, and then the conclusion of CrR  CrQ is
 uðt2 Þða2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ: established.
Proof According to the expressions (9) and (18) of opti- Deduction 4 If the cost of applying the Internet of Things
mal order quantity before and after technology application, is less than CrS , both the wholesale price and retail price of
qB D
R  qR , and then: supply chain are lower, and the main bodies of circulation
Cr  ðcðt2 Þ=cðt1 ÞÞ1=k ðuðt2 Þ=uðt1 ÞÞ½ða1 ðt1 Þ þ b1 ðt1 Þ þ C0 Þ at various levels all earn profit; if the cost satisfies
þ uðt1 Þða2 ðt1 Þ þ b2 ðt1 Þ þ LÞ  ða1 ðt2 Þ þ b1 ðt2 Þ þ C0 Þ CrS  Cr  CrR , the wholesale price of supply chain rises,
 uðt2 Þða2 ðt2 Þ þ b2 ðt2 Þ þ LÞ: wholesaler cannot bear the cost solely and pass on a part of
cost to retailer, retailer obtains large profit due to tech-
nology application, and retailer’s retail price still is
According to the equation above, the cost of technology retained lower than that before technology application to
application deciding retailer’s order quantity is influenced stimulate market demand; if the cost of technology appli-
by the circulation loss rate of fresh agricultural products. If cation satisfies CrR  Cr  CrQ , both wholesaler and retailer
the cost of technology application is low, retailer is bound continue to raise their prices, increase order quantity, and

Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368 15365

try to maximization profit by passing on cost to consumers; yuan/kg is born by retailer), and the cost of adopting the
if the cost of technology application satisfies Internet of Things is Cr ¼ 1:001. The parameter relation-
CrQ  Cr  CrT , wholesaler and retailer continue to raise ship can be obtained by substituting the figures above into
their prices, consumers lower their demand due to high the model built in this paper, as shown in Table 2.
price, order quantity of the supply chain lowers, but there is According to Table 2, if the cost of adopting the Internet
still a room for profit. Lastly, if the cost of technology of Things is Cr ¼ 1:001, the wholesale price of cold-chain
application satisfies Cr [ CrT , the profit of both wholesaler logistics supply chain decreases by 1.93%, the retail price
and retailer declines, and the circulation improvement decreases by 5.52%, the order quantity increases by
brought by technology cannot offset technical cost, so the 26.04%, and wholesaler revenue and retailer revenue
main bodies of cold-chain logistics will abandon this increase by 19.078% and 19.077%, respectively. Based on
technology (Table 1). the conclusions of Table 1, it is clear that the cost of
adopting the Internet of Things is Cr ¼ 1:001 that falls into
0  Cr  CrS . It can be calculated based on the theoretical
5 Illustrative example model that the important boundary values influencing
decision making and efficiency parameter of cold-chain
The model and propositions built for this paper were ver- logistics of fresh agricultural products are CrS ¼ 1:0605,
ified by referring to example parameters from related CrR ¼ 1:2031, CrQ ¼ 1:4249, and CrT ¼ 1:6603, respec-
studies [21]. tively, which complies with the relational expression of
The cost of litchi products is C0 ¼ 0:8 yuan/kg, the boundary values proposed in Proposition 8,
demand size is A = 900,000, demand elasticity is k ¼ 2, CrS  CrR  CrQ  CrT . Apparently, the cost of technology
and logistics transportation cost is aðt1 Þ¼1:4 yuan/kg application Cr ¼ 1:001 indeed falls into the interval of [0,
(consisting of the transportation cost of a1 ðt1 Þ¼1:0 yuan/kg CrS ], namely [0,1.0605].
born by wholesaler and the transportation cost of To further verify the model, Fig. 2 is obtained by
a2 ðt1 Þ¼ 0:4 yuan/kg born by retailer). In initial circulation, equating Cr 2 ½0; 2 with other parameters remaining
the product preservation rate function is uðt1 Þ¼0:83, pro-
unchanged. The vertical axis stands for changing value of
duct quality function is cðt1 Þ¼0:8, and logistics warehouse
revenue of main bodies of circulation at different levels,
cost is bðt1 Þ¼ 1:0 yuan/kg (among which b1 ðt1 Þ¼ 0:4
and horizontal axis for technical cost of the Internet of
yuan/kg is born by wholesaler, and b2 ðt1 Þ¼ 0:6 yuan/kg is
Things. Obviously, if the cost of adopting the Internet of
born by retailer). The quality of litchi is highly sensitive to
Things is less than 1.6603 (CrT ), the revenues of main
transport time. To improve litchi quality and preservation
bodies of circulation of cold-chain logistics at different
rate, it is needed to adopt the Internet of Things, so cir-
levels increase, and the revenue change is positive. With
culation enterprises need to bear an extra processing cost of
the increase in the cost of technology application, the
L = 0.2 yuan/kg for each product.
growth rate of wholesaler revenue, retailer revenue, and the
After adopting the Internet of Things, the logistics
whole revenue of supply chain keep declining until the cost
transportation cost is aðt2 Þ¼ 0:9 yuan/kg, among which
of technology application is larger than the boundary value
a1 ðt2 Þ¼ 0:6 yuan/kg is born by wholesaler, and
of 1.6603, where the revenues of all parties of supply chain
a2 ðt2 Þ¼ 0:3 yuan/kg is born by retailer. The product
decline, the changing value of revenue becomes negative,
preservation rate function in initial circulation is
and the main bodies of circulation of supply chain at dif-
uðt2 Þ¼0:95, product quality function is cðt2 Þ¼0:9, logistics
ferent levels will abandon the Internet of Things.
warehouse cost is bðt2 Þ¼ 0:6 yuan/kg (among which
In the case that the Internet of Things is adopted,
b1 ðt2 Þ¼ 0:2 yuan/kg is born by wholesaler, and b2 ðt2 Þ¼ 0:4 
Cr 2 ½0; 1:6603. Figure 3 shows the changing situation of

Table 1 Correlation between

Parameter variation Value range of the cost Cr of adopting the Internet of Things
cost of applying the Internet of
Things and wholesale and retail 0  Cr  CrS CrS  Cr  CrR CrR  Cr  CrQ CrQ  Cr  CrT Cr  CrT
prices, order quantity, and profit
of main bodies of logistics Order quantity Increase Increase Increase Decrease –
Wholesale price Decrease Rise Rise Rise –
Retail price Decrease Decrease Rise Rise –
Wholesaler’s profit Increase Increase Increase Increase Decrease
Retailer’s profit Increase Increase Increase Increase Decrease
Total profit of supply chain Increase Increase Increase Increase Decrease

15366 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368

Table 2 Changes of decision parameters of supply chain before and after adopting the Internet of Things
Wholesale price Retail price Order quantity Wholesaler revenue Retailer revenue Total revenue of supply chain
(yuan) (yuan) (kg) (yuan) (yuan) (yuan)

wB ¼ 6:5012 PB

R ¼ 15:4024 qB
R ¼ 3034:97 pB
R ¼ 23372:9 pB
S ¼ 11686:5 pB
U ¼ 35059:4
w ¼ 6:3758 PD
R ¼ 14:5516 qD
R ¼ 3825:29 pD
R ¼ 27832:03 pD
S ¼ 13916:01 pD
U ¼ 41748:0

the Internet of Things is higher than that before, but retail

price is still lower than that before, and wholesaler passes
on part of technical cost to retailer; in the event the cost of
technology application is larger than 1.2031, both whole-
sale price and retail price after adopting the Internet of
Things are higher than those before adopting the Internet of
Things. According to Fig. 4, Cr = 1.4249 is a key value
deciding that the changing trend of order quantity after
adopting the Internet of Things becomes from increasing to
decreasing; if Cr \ 1.4249, the growth rate of order
quantity decreases progressively; if Cr [ 1.4249, the
decrease rate of order quantity is slow in the beginning, and
then becomes fast, and the reduction range of order
quantity increases with the increase in technical cost.
Further discussions were made on changes in cost of all
Fig. 2 Chart of changing trend of revenues of main bodies of cold- parties of supply chain before and after technology appli-
chain logistics at different levels before and after adopting the Internet cation, and the changes in transportation and warehouse
of Things
costs payable by supply chain were reckoned on this basis,
as shown in Table 3. Apparently, if the cost of adopting the
wholesale price and retail price before and after adopting
Internet of Things is Cr ¼ 1:001, the transportation cost of
the Internet of Things. In the event that the cost of tech-
cold-chain logistics supply chain decreases by 18.97%,
nology application is less than 1.0605 (CrS ), both wholesale
warehouse cost decreases by 24.37%, wholesaler cost
price and retail price after adopting the Internet of Things increases by 30.19%, and retailer cost increases by 10.21%.
are lower than those before adopting the Internet of Things; This indicates that the reduction in transportation and
in the event that the cost of technology application satisfies
warehouse courses brought about by technology
Cr 2 [1.0605, 1.2031], the wholesale price after adopting

Fig. 3 Changing situation of

wholesale price and retail price
before and after adopting the
Internet of Things

Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:15357–15368 15367

Fig. 4 Comparison of optimal

order quantity before and after
adopting the Internet of Things

Table 3 Cost changes of main bodies of supply chain at different levels before and after adopting the Internet of Things
Transportation cost (yuan) Warehouse cost (yuan) Wholesaler cost (yuan) Retailer cost (yuan) Total cost of supply chain (yuan)

aðt1 Þ ¼ 4248:96 bðt1 Þ ¼ 3034:97 CSB ¼ 8044:51 CRB ¼ 25253:5 CUB ¼ 33298:01
aðt2 Þ ¼ 3442:76 bðt2 Þ ¼ 2295:17 CSD ¼ 10473:2 CRD ¼ 27832:0 CUD ¼ 38315:4

application offsets the increase in wholesaler cost and allowing all main bodies of supply chain at different levels
retailer cost to a certain extent. to earn profit.
After adopting the Internet of Things, the increment of
retailer profit is larger than that of wholesaler profit, and
6 Conclusion the growth rate of retail price is larger than that of
wholesale price. In the event that the cost of technology
In this paper, analysis is mainly made on the impact of application is less than CrS , both wholesale price and retail
reduction in the time of circulation of cold-chain logistics price after adopting the Internet of Things are lower than
supply chain on product preservation rate, product quality, those before adopting the Internet of Things. In other
and transportation cost by building a cost-profit model words, if the cost of adopting the Internet of Things is low,
before and after adopting the Internet of Things, providing wholesaler chooses to solely bear the technical cost to win
a theoretical basis for cold-chain enterprises to decide more orders. If the cost of technology application satisfies
whether put investment in the Internet of Things or not. Cr 2 CrS ; CrR , wholesaler will pass on part of cost of
The boundary values for wholesaler, retailer, and the whole adopting the Internet of Things to retailer. This behavior of
supply chain to earn profit are same. If the cost of adopting wholesaler fully reflects the importance of the cost of
the Internet of Things is less than the boundary value of adopting the Internet of Things to strategic plan design of
CrT , the main bodies of circulation at different levels all can supply chain enterprises. The more obvious the improve-
earn profit. This conclusion is largely different from the ment of the application of the Internet of Things over
boundary value calculated out by assuming that wholesaler product preservation rate function of fresh agricultural
and retailer bear the cost of adopting the Internet of Things products is, the cost affordable to main bodies of supply
separately in previous literature. This is because it is chain is higher.
assumed that the wholesale price of wholesaler remains
constant and wholesaler solely bears the related technical Acknowledgements The authors thank Project supported by Fujian
cost in most of the previous literature; in this paper, it is Provincial Social Science Research Base Major Project (Grant No.
2016JDZ037); Xiamen University of Technology high level talent
decided by dynamic variables, and studies are made on the project(Grant No. YSK16009R). Ministry of Education, Humanities
changes in wholesale price before and after adopting the and Social Sciences project ‘Research on the evolution of global
Internet of Things, to figure out the cost boundary value value chain of digital creative industry based on complex system’.

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