Whitefish Minutes 6-28-23

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9-Hole League Meeting Notes 6/28/2023

Meeting started at approx. 11:45, Bogey’s

Topics for discussion:
1. Handbook, League Constitution and Bylaws
Cathie Leiendecker-Foster led the discussion/explanation of the League
Handbook: Equitable Stroke Control changed in 2020, so this section has been
removed. If a member is entering their score from a non-league round into
GHIN, it should be entered hole-by-hole, so that the rules can be properly
applied by the system. Basically, the maximum score per hole is double bogey
plus your ‘dots’; under Rules of Play, Hole #12 was discussed, as well as rule #4
regarding balls landing on rocks and cart paths.
Constitution: Change regarding start of new Officers responsibilities, now new
officers will start at end of league play in September, approved by
membership vote.
Bylaws: Changes in Article III - Duties of the Officers: Section 1, President will
be added as signer on League’s bank account; Section 3, Secretary will send
minutes of League meetings and other pertinent information to all members
via email. Secretary will forward weekly results to all members via email;
Treasurer will provide a written report on finances of the League at each
meeting of the Executive Committee and at General Meetings. Changes
approved by membership vote.
Changes in Article IV – Standing Committees: Tournament committee and
Cause Day committee removed. Changes approved by membership vote.
Changes in Article VI – Handicaps: Section 2 b: remove reference to GHIN card
(cards are not issued). Section 2 d: recommend to make this item
informational, as it describes how GHIN ‘operates’. Section 3, remove wording
‘For all League events’.
Changes approved by membership vote.
2. 2023 Budget
a. Review budget: The budget was presented, including expected payouts
for league championship.
b. Payouts Year-to-date $590.00 has been paid out so far. A question was
asked about paying out to all tied, rather than breaking ties. It was
explained that doing so would significantly increase the amounts paid
out, and therefore require an increase in dues.
c. Discuss changes to payouts, if any: it was agreed that low putts would
be moved back up to less than 15, rather than less than 14
d. Announce birdies, low putts and chip-ins: Treasurer Marilynn
summarized the number of pay-outs for birdies and chip-ins so far this
3. Golf Friendly Tips: Sharon reviewed a number of questions, update of our bag-
tag, including our out-of-bound rule, which isn’t consistent with USGA rules,
(this will be discussed with Steve to resolve). Other tip: 3 minutes is the
maximum search time for lost ball.
4. League website: in the past, maintained with photos, recipes, league schedule
and Handbook. If no one volunteers to take this over, it will be abandoned.
5. Guest Day, August 2nd. The event will be a 4-person scramble, but no
scheduled lunch afterwards. (It would be an opportunity to use one of the
coupons that many of us receive with our cabin cards.) Members are also
welcome to sign up for golf without a guest.
6. WOW Committee: one more person is needed to help this year. WOW is a
joint event with ladies from the 18-hole league, and this year it is their
responsibility to organize it, we are ‘supporting staff’. Responsibility
alternates, so the 9-hole league will be responsible for organizing the event
next year. Please contact Sharon Jacobsen if interested.
7. Board term lengths of service: minimum 1 year, preferred 2 years to provide
a. Recruit Secretary and Treasurer for 2024, Anita Boldt will be stepping
down after 3 years as Secretary, and Marilynn Koehler will be stepping
down after 2 years as Treasurer. Anyone interested or having questions
about either position can talk to Anita Boldt or Marilynn Koehler. Please
consider signing up for one of these positions!
Adjourn, approx. 12:30pm

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