S1-Lecture 2 - Soft Skills & Presentation Skills

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means of communication should therefore be clear enough to stimulate action.

Soft Skills & Communication Barriers communication will only result in poor response.

Communication is employed extensively in the process of all types of interactions—

S1 - Soft Skill & Presentation Skills 2 Prof. Ahmed JADIR social, educational, and official. According to a Linguist, ‘Communication is a two-
way sharing process, not a movement along a one-way track. To communicate is to
SKILLS CLASSIFICATION make an idea common to two or more persons.’ The analysis of the statement from
The Skills can be divided into five categories. They include the technical or hard skills the point of view of teaching will mean that (1) the communicator himself should be
we discussed earlier, and then four categories of ‘soft skills’. According to the Experts, thoroughly acquainted with what he is going to teach, (2) the receivers—audience—
soft skills encompass the following: should pay attention and interest to what is going to be taught to them, and (3) the
process of stimulation should be heavily relied upon by the communicator.
Essential Skills
Each and every student must possess the essential skills in order to strive and to PRESENTATION SKILLS

survive in the competitive world. It is needless to mention that reading and writing Presentations are a way of communicating information and ideas to a group of
are the most essential and fundamental soft skills through which all the students people. It is a potentially effective means of bringing people together to plan, raise
acquire competence. The students should develop their potential for thinking, issues, present problems, monitor, and review the progress of any project on hand. A
analyzing and developing problem-solving skills. Exercises and practice situations presentation has a logical beginning, middle and end that are well sequenced and
that address these essential soft skills in addition to regular curriculum will be structured so that there is absolute clarity in communication to the audience. In an
instrumental in developing the personality of the students. oral presentation the audience is completely at the mercy of the presenter. We can say

Management Skills that one of the major components of any presentation is the speaker himself who is

Managerial skills include the ability to manage people, capital, and budgets as well as the source of the message. Therefore, the speaker’s motivation, credibility as a

the ability to undertake organizational activities such as planning, marketing, and speaker and style of delivery matter a great deal to make a good presentation.

evaluation. Managerial skills are essential for teachers and academic administrators. If the audience too is motivated and inspired, it is much easier to influence, prevail

For an administrator or a school principal whose responsibility lies in managing the over and convince them. It also encourages them to ask questions and initiate a

rest of the staff, the managerial skill is immensely important. discussion. In such a situation the audience could also help to provide valuable input
to your decision-making at the end of the presentation.
Leadership Skills
The ability to motivate and assist others to achieve their full potential, to take risks
and to formulate a vision comes under the purview of leadership skills. These skills
1- The text below contains several recommendations for giving effective
are essential for teachers, managers, Boss and students...
presentations. Scan the text to match the seven points below to the paragraphs, a-f
1- Choose visuals to support the presentation.
Expression is the basic tenet of human communication. It is generally achieved either 2- Have a simple, clear structure.
3- Show enthusiasm.
through signs or speech or by the method of writing. In order to express what we
4- Use Power Point.
need, our signs, speech or writing should be meaningful. In other words, our 5- Consider the audience.
6- Dealing with nerves.
communication should be effective; otherwise we fail to receive what we want. All

1 2
What advice from Gatsby do you think is the most important?

a- The key to a successful oral presentation is to keep things simple. I try to stick to
three points. I give an overview of the points, present them to the audience, and
summarize them at the end.

b- My purpose or desired outcome, the type of audience, and the message dictate the
formality of the presentation, the kind of visuals, the number of anecdotes and
examples that I use. Most of my presentations are designed to sell, to explain, or to
motivate. When I plan the presentation, I think about the audience. Are they
professionals or non-professionals? Purchasers or sellers? Providers or users?
Internal or external? My purpose and the audience mix determine the tone and focus
of the presentation.

c- When I make a presentation, I use the visuals as the outline. I will not use notes, I
like to select the kind of visual that not only best supports the message but also best
fits the audience: PowerPoint and slides

d- PowerPoint and slide presentations work well when I am selling a product or an

idea to large groups. In this format, I like to use examples and graphs and tables to
support my message in a general way.

e- I get very, very nervous when I speak in public. I handle my nervousness by just
trying to look as if, instead of talking to so many people, fin walking in and talking to
a single person. I don't like to speak behind lecterns. Instead, I like to get out and just
be open and portray that openness: "I'm here to tell you a story."

f- I try very hard for people to enjoy my presentations by showing enthusiasm on the
subject and by being sincere. I try not to use a hard sell - I just try to report or to
explain - and I think that comes across. In addition, it helps that I am speaking about
something that I very strongly believe in and something that I really, really enjoy

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