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Earliest times 1 The foundation stones The island + Britain’s prehistory > The Celts + The Romans + Roman life The island However complicated the modern industrial state may be, land and climate affect life in every country. They affect social and economic life, population and even politics. Britain is no exception. It has a milder climate than much of the European mainland because it lies in the way of the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water and winds from the Gulf of Mexico. Within Britain there are differences of climate between north and south, cast and west, The north is on average 5°C cooler than the south. Annual rainfall in the east is on average about 600 mm, while in many parts of the west it is more than double that. The countryside is varied also. The north and west are mountainous or hilly. Much of the south and east is fairly flat, or low-lying. This means that the south and east on the whole have better agricultural conditions, and it is possible to harvest crops in early August, two months earlier than in the north, So it is not surprising that southeast Britain has always been the most populated part of the island. For this reason it has always had the most political power. Britain is an island, and Britain's history has been closely connected with the sea. Until modern times it was as easy to travel across water as it was across land, where roads were frequently unusable. At moments of great danger Britain has been saved from danger by its surrounding seas. Britain’s history and its strong national sense have been shaped by the sea. ‘Stonehenge isthe most powerful monsament of Brain's prehistory. les -pupose i stil not properly understod. Those who bue Stonehenge knew how to cut and move ver lng pices of stone, and place horizontal stone beams across the upright lars. They also had the authority to contol large rugmbers of workers, and to fetch some ofthe stone from distant parts of Wales. Britain’s prehistory Britain has not always been an island. It became one only after the end of the last ice age. The temperature rose and the ice cap melted, flooding the lower-lying land that is now under the North Sea and the English Channel. The Ice Age was not just one long equally cold period. There were warmer times when the ice cap retreated, and colder periods when the ice cap reached as far south as the River Thames. Our first evidence of human life isa few stone tools, dating from one of the warmer periods, about 250,000 nc These simple objects show that there were two different kinds of inhabitant. The earlier group made their tools from flakes of flint, similar in kind to stone tools found across the north European plain as far as Russia. The other group made tools from a central core of flint, probably the earliest method of human tool making, which spread from A hand axe, made from fin, fos ae Swanscombe in north Kent An Illustrated History of Britain Africa to Europe. Hand axes made in this way have been found widely, as far north as Yorkshire and as far west as Wales. However, the ice advanced again and Britain became hardly habitable until another milder period, probably around 50,000 nc. During this time a new type of human being seems to have arrived, who was the ancestor of the modem British. These people looked similar to the modern British, but were probably smaller and had a life span of only about thirty years. Around 10,000 sc, as the Ice Age drew to a close, Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters, gatherers and fishers. Few had settled homes, and they seemed to have followed herds of deer which provided them with food and clothing. By about 5000 nc Britain had finally become an island, and had also become heavily forested. For the wanderer—hunter culture this was a disaster, for the cold-loving deer and other animals on which they lived largely died out. About 3000 nc Neolithic (or New Stone Age) people crossed the narrow sea from Europe in small round boats of bent wood covered with animal skins. Each could carry one or two persons. These people kept animals and grew corn crops, and knew how to make pottery. They probably came from either the Iberian (Spanish) peninsula or even the North African coast. They were mall, dark, and long-headed people, and may be the forefathers of dark-haired inhabitants of Wales and Cornwall today. They settled in the western parts of Britain and Ireland, from Cornwall at the southwest end of Britain all the way to the far north These were the first of several waves of invaders before the first arrival of the Romans in 55 xc. It used to be thought that these waves of invaders marked fresh stages in British development. How- ever, although they must have brought new ideas and methods, it is now thought that the changing pattern of Britain’s prehistory was the result of local economic and social forces The great “public works” of this time, which needed a huge organisation of labour, tell us a little of how prehistoric Britain was developing. The earlier of these works were great “barrows”, or burial mounds, made of earth or stone. Most of these barrows are found on the chalk uplands of south Britain. Today these uplands have poor soil and few trees, but they were not like that then. They were airy woodlands that could easily be cleared for farming, and as a result were the most ‘There uere Stone Age sites from one end of Briain to the other This stone hut, at Slava Bro, Orkney, off the north coast of Scotland, was suddenly covered bby a sandstorm before 2000 vc Unlike southern sites, where wood was used whick has since rote, Shara Brae ial stone, and the stone fei is sil ihre. Behind the fireplace (bottom left) here are stnage Shelves agains the back wall. Oy the rights probably a stone sided bed, im which rushes or heather were placed for warmth 1 The foundation stones easily habitable part of the countryside. Eventually, and over a very long period, these areas became overfarmed, while by 1400 nc the climate became drier, and as a result this land could no longer support many people. It is difficult today to imagine these areas, particularly the uplands of Wilts and Dorset, as heavily peopled areas. Yet the monuments remain. After 3000 ne the chalkland people started building great circles of earth banks and ditches. Inside, they built wooden buildings and stone circles. These “henges”, as they are called, were centres of religious, political and economic power. By far the most spectacular, both then and now, was Stonehenge, which was built in separate stages over a period of more than a thousand years. The precise purposes of Stonehenge remain a mystery, but during the second phase of building, after about 2400 1c, huge bluestones were brought to the site from south Wales. This could only have been achieved because the political authority of the area surrounding Stonehenge was recognised over a very large area, indeed probably over the whole of the British Isles. The movement of these bluestones was an extremely important event, the story of which was passed on from generation to generation. Three thousand years later, these unwritten memories were recorded in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of Britain, written in 1136. Stonehenge was almost certainly a sort of capital, to which the chiefs of other groups came from all over Britain. Certainly, earth or stone henges were built in many parts of Britain, as far as the Orkney Islands north of Scotland, and as far south as Cornwall. They seem to have been copies of the great Stonehenge in the south. In Ireland the centre of prehistoric civilisation grew around the River Boyne and at Tara in Ulster. The importance of these places in folk memory far outlasted the builders of the monuments. After 2400 ne new groups of people arrived in southeast Britain from Europe. They were round- headed and strongly built, taller than Neolithic Britons. It is not known whether they invaded by armed force, or whether they were invited by The rave of one of the “Beaker” people, at Barack, Cambridgeshire, shout 1800 vc: It contains a finely decorated pottery beaker and a copper or bromze dagger. Both items distinguished the Beaker people from the eater abun Th os assem lace Feet one of «ro of crows”, or buna mounds Neolithic Britons because of their military or metal- working skills. Their influence was soon felt and, as a result, they became leaders of British society. ‘Their arrival is marked by the first individual graves, furnished with pottery beakers, from which these people get their name: the “Beaker” people. Why did people now decide to be buried separately and give up the old communal burial barrows? It is difficult to be certain, but ie is thought that the old barrows were built partly to please the gods of the soil, in the hope that this would stop the chalk upland soil getting poorer. The Beaker people brought with them from Europe a new cereal, barley, which could grow almost anywhere. Perhaps they felt it was no longer necessary to please the gods of the chalk upland soil An Illustrated History of Britain ‘Maiden Castle, Dorset, i one ofthe langest Celi il-foms ofthe early Inn Ae, Its seeneth can sll be clearly seen, but even these fortifications were no defence against disciplined Roman tops The Beaker people probably spoke an Indo- European language. They seem to have brought a single culture to the whole of Britain. They also brought skills to make bronze tools and these began to replace stone ones. But they accepted many of the old ways. Stonehenge remained the most important centre until 1300 nc. The Beaker people's richest graves were there, and they added a new circle of thirty stone columns, this time connected by stone lintels, or cross-pieces. British society continued to be centred on a number of henges across the countryside. However, from about 1300 ne onwards the henge civilisation seems to have become less important, and was overtaken by a new form of society in southern England, that of a settled farming class. At first this farming society developed in order to feed the people at the henges, but eventually it became more important and powerful as it grew richer. The new farmers grew wealthy because they learned to enrich the soil with natural waste materials so that it did not become poor and useless. This change probably happened at about the same time that the chalk uplands were becoming drier. Family villages and fortified enclosures appeared actoss the landscape, in lower- lying areas as well as on the chalk hills, and the old central control of Stonehenge and the other henges was lost. 6 ‘A reconstructed Ion Age farm. Farms like this wee established in southeast Britain fiom about 700 nc onwards. This may have been the main o even ony building; larg round us increasingly took the place of smaller ones. "Their houses are lage, round, boul of planks and wickerwork, the roof being a dome of thatch,” wrote the Greek Philosopher Strabo. In most of Calle Buzope huts were square From this time, too, power seems to have shifted to the Thames valley and southeast Britain. Except for short periods, political and economic power has remained in the southeast ever since. Hill-forts replaced henges as the centres of local power, and most of these were found in the southeast, suggesting that the land successfully supported more people here than elsewhere ‘There was another reason for the shift of power eastwards. A number of better-designed bronze swords have been found in the Thames valley, suggesting that the local people had more advanced metalworking skills, Many of these swords have been found in river beds, almost certainly thrown in for religious reasons. This custom may be the origin of the story of the legendary King Arthur's sword, which was given to him from out of the water and which was thrown back into the water when he died. The Celts Around 700 ne, another group of people began to arrive. Many of them were tall, and had fair or red hair and blue eyes. These were the Celts, who probably came from central Europe or further east, from southern Russia, and had moved slowly westwards in earlier centuries. The Celts were technically advanced. They knew how to work with 1 The foundation stones iron, and could make better weapons than the people who used bronze. It is possible that they drove many of the older inhabitants westwards into Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The Celts began to control all the lowland areas of Britain, and were joined by new arrivals from the European mainland. They continued to arrive in one wave after another over the next seven hundred yeats. The Celts are important in British history because they are the ancestors of many of the people in Highland Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Cornwall today. The Iberian people of Wales and Cornwall took on the new Celtic culture. Celtic languages, which have been continuously used in some areas since that time, are still spoken. The British today are often described as Anglo-Saxon. It would be hetter to call them Anglo-Cele Our knowledge of the Celts is slight. As with previous groups of settlers, we do not even know for certain whether the Celts invaded Brit peacefully as a result of the lively trade with Europe from about 750 wc onwards. At first most of Celtic Britain seems to have developed in a generally similar way. But from about 500 pc trade contact with Europe declined, and regional differences hetween northwest and southeast Britain increased, The Celts were organised into different tribes, and tribal chiefs were chosen from each family or tribe, sometimes as the result of fighting matches between individuals, and sometimes by election. n or came The last Celtic arrivals from Europe were the Belgic tribes. It was natural for them to settle in the southeast of Britain, probably pushing other Celtic tribes northwards as they did so. At any rate, when Julius Caesar briefly visited Britain in 55 ac he saw that the Belgic tribes were different from the older inhabitants. “The interior is inhabited”, he wrote, “by peoples who consider themselves indigenous, the coast by people who have crossed from Belgium. Nearly all of these still keep the names of the [European] tribes from which they came. The Celtic tribes continued the same kind of agriculture as the Bronze Age people before them. But their use of iron technology and thei The Stanick horse mask shows the fine anise work of Celtic m about an 50. The sinple ines ana lack of detail hive a very powerful introduction of more advanced ploughing methods made it possible for them to farm heavier soils However, they continued to use, and build, hill- forts. The increase of these, particularly in the southeast, suggests that the Celts were highly successful farmers, growing enough food for a much larger population The hill-fort remained the centre for local groups. The insides of these hill-forts were filled with houses, and they became the simple economic capitals and smaller “towns” of the different tribal areas into which Britain was now divided. Today the empty hill-forts stand on lonely hilltops. Yet they remained local economic centres long after the Romans came to Britain, and long after they went. 7 An Illustrated History of Britain Within living memory certain annual fairs were associated with hill-forts. For example, there was an annual September fair on the site of a Dorset hill- fort, which was used by the writer Thomas Hardy in his novel Far from the Madding Crowd, published in 1874. The Celis traded across tribal borders and trade was probably important for political and social contact hetween the tribes. Trade with Ireland went through the island of Anglesey. The two main trade outlets eastwards to Europe were the settlements along the Thames River in the south and on the Firth of Forth in the north, It is no accident that the present-day capitals of England and Scotland stand on or near these two ancient trade centres. Much trade, both inside and beyond Britain, was conducted by river and sea. For money the Celts used iron bars, until they began to copy the Roman. coins they saw used in Gaul (France). According to the Romans, the Celtic men wore shirts and breeches (knee-length trousers), and striped or checked cloaks fastened by a pin. It is possible that the Scottish tartan and dress developed from this “striped cloak”. The Celts were also “very careful about cleanliness and neatness”, as one Roman wrote. “Neither man nor woman,” he went on, "however poor, was seen either ragged or dirty.” The Celtic tribes were ruled over by a warrior class, of which the priests, or Druids, seem to have been particularly important members. These Druids could not read or write, but they memorised all the religious teachings, the tribal laws, history, medicine and other knowledge necessary in Celtic society. The Druids from different tribes all over Britain probably met once a year. They had no temples, but they met in sacred groves of trees, on certain hills, by rivers or by river sources. We know little of their kind of worship except that at times it included human sacrifice. During the Celtic period women may have had more independence than they had again for hundreds of years. When the Romans invaded Britain two of the largest tribes were ruled by women who fought from their chariots. The most 8 powerful Celt to stand up to the Romans was a woman, Boadicea. She had become queen of her tribe when her husband had died. She was tall, with long red hair, and had a frightening appearance. In ap 61 she led her tribe against the Romans. She nearly drove them from Britain, and she destroyed London, the Roman capital, before she was defeated and killed. Roman writers commented on the courage and strength of women in battle, and leave an impression of a measure of equality between the sexes among the richer Celts. The Romans The name “Britain” comes from the word “Pretani”, the Greco-Roman word for the inhabitants of Britain. The Romans mispronounced the word and called the island “Britannia”. ‘The Romans had invaded because the Celts of Britain were working with the Celts of Gaul against them. The British Celts were giving them food, and allowing them to hide in Britain. There was another reason. The Celts used cattle to pull their ploughs and this meant that richer, heavier land could be farmed. Under the Celts Britain had become an important food producer because of its mild climate. It now exported com and animals, as well as hunting dogs and slaves, to the European mainland. The Romans could make use of British food for their own army fighting the Gauls. ‘The Romans brought the skills of reading and writing to Britain. The written word was important for spreading ideas and also for establishing power. As early as ap 80, as one Roman at the time noted, the governor Agricola “trained the sons of chiefs in the liberal arts ... the result was that the people who used to reject Latin began to use it in speech and writing, Further the wearing of our national dress came to be valued and the toga [the Roman. cloak] came into fashion.” While the Celtic peasantry remained illiterate and only Celtic- speaking, a number of town dwellers spoke Latin and Greek with ease, and the richer landowners in the country almost certainly used Latin. But Latin completely disappeared both in its spoken and written forms when the Anglo-Saxons invaded 1 The foundation stones Britain in the fifth century ap. Britain was probably more literate under the Romans than it was to be again until the fifteenth century. Julius Caesar first came to Britain in 55 nc, but it ‘vas not until almost a century later, in aD 43, that a Roman army actually occupied Britain. The Romans were determined to conquer the whole island. They had little difficulty, apart from Boadicea's revolt, because they had a better trained army and because the Celtic tribes fought among themselves. The Romans considered the Celts as war-mad, “high spirited and quick for battle”, a description some would still give the Scots, Irish and Welsh today. The Romans established a Romano-British culture across the southern half of Britain, from the River Humber to the River Severn. This part of Britain ‘was inside the empire. Beyond were the upland areas, under Roman control but not developed These areas were watched from the towns of York, Chester and Caerleon in the western peninsula of Britain that later became known as Wales. Each of these towns was held by a Roman legion of about 7,000 men. The total Roman army in Britain was about 40,000 men. The Romans could not conquer “Caledonia”, as they called Scotland, although they spent over a century trying to do so. At last they built a strong, wall along the northern border, named after the Emperor Hadrian who planned it. At the time, Hadrian's wall was simply intended to keep out raiders from the north. But it also marked the border between the two later countries, England and Scotland. Eventually, the border was established a few miles further north. Efforts to change it in later centuries did not sueceed, mainly because on either side of the border an invading army found its supply line overstretched. A natural point of balance had been found. Roman control of Britain came to an end as the empire began to collapse. The first signs were the attacks by Celts of Caledonia in ap 367. The Roman legions found it more and more difficult to stop the raiders from crossing Hadrian’s wall. The same was happening on the European mainland as Germanic groups, Saxons and Franks, began to raid the coast of Gaul. In ap 409 Rome pulled its last soldiers out of Britain and the Romano-British, the Romanised Celts, were left to fight alone against the Scots, the Irish and Saxon raiders from Germany. The following year Rome itself fell to raiders, When Britain called to Rome for help against the raiders from Saxon Germany in the mid-fifth century, no answer came. Roman life The most obvious characteristic of Roman Britain was its towns, which were the basis of Roman administration and civilisation. Many grew out of Celtic settlements, military camps or market centres. Broadly, there were three different kinds of town in Roman Britain, two of which were towns established by Roman charter. These were the coloniae, towns peopled by Roman settlers, and the ‘municipia, large cities in which the whole population was given Roman citizenship. The third kind, the civitas, included the old Celtic tribal capitals, through which the Romans administered the Celtic population in the countryside. At first these towns had no walls. Then, probably from the end of the second century to the end of the third century ab, almost every town was given walls. At first many of these were no more than earthworks, but by ab 300 all towns had thick stone walls. The Romans left about twenty large towns of about 5,000 inhabitants, and almost one hundred smaller ones. Many of these towns were at first army camps, and the Latin word for camp, castra, has remained part of many town names to this day (with the ending chester, caster or cester): Gloucester, Lei- cester, Doncaster, Winchester, Chester, Lancaster and many others besides, These towns were built with stone as well as wood, and had planned streets, markets and shops. Some buildings had central heating. They were connected by roads which were so well built that they survived when later roads broke up. These roads continued to be used long after the Romans left, and became the main roads of modem Britain. Six of these Roman roads met in London, a capital city of about 20,000 9 An Illustrated History of Britain people. London was twice the size of Paris, and possibly the most important trading centre of northern Europe, because southeast Britain produced so much com for export. Outside the towns, the biggest change during the Roman occupation was the growth of large farms, called “villas”. These belonged to the richer Britons who were, like the townspeople, more Roman than Cele in their manners. Each villa had many workers, The villas were usually close to towns so that the crops could be sold easily. There growing difference between the rich and those who did the actual work on the land. These, and most people, still lived in the same kind of round huts and villages which the Celts had been living in four hundred years earlier, when the Romans arrived In some ways life in Roman Britain seems very civilised, but it was also hard for all except the richest. The bodies buried in a Roman graveyard at York show that life expectancy was low. Half the entire population died between the ages of twenty and forty, while 15 per cent died before reaching, the age of twenty 10 The reconstruction of « Roman atchen about ay 100 sons ps cana equipment. The tall pos, or amphorac, were for wine or ol The Romans produced wine in Briain, but they also imported i frum southern Europe It is very difficult to be sure how many people were living in Britain when the Romans left. Probably it was as many as five million, partly because of the peace and the increased economic life which the Romans had brought to the country. The new wave of invaders changed all that. 2 The Saxon invasion The invaders * Government and society + Christianity: the partnership of Church and state + The Vikings + Who should be king? The invaders The wealth of Britain by the fourth century, the result of its mild climare and centuries of peace, was a temptation to the greedy. At first the Germanic tribes only raided Britain, but after ap 430 they began to settle. The newcomers were warlike and illiterate. We owe our knowledge of this period mainly to an English monk named Bede, who lived three hundred years later. His story of events in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People has been proved generally correct by archaeological evidence. Bede tells us that the invaders came from three powerful Germanic tribes, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes. The Jutes settled mainly in Kent and along the south coast, and were soon considered no dif- ferent from the Angles and Saxons, The Angles settled in the east, and also in the north Midlands, while the Saxons settled between the Jutes and the Angles in a band of land from the Thames Estuary westwards. The Anglo-Saxon migrations gave the larger part of Britain its new name, England, “the land of the Angles’ The British Celts fought the raiders and settlers from Germany as well as they could. However, during the next hundred years they were slowly pushed westwards until by 570 they were forced west of Gloucester. Finally most were driven into the mountains in the far west, which the Saxons called “Weallas”, or “Wales”, meaning “the land of the foreigners”. Some Celts were driven into Cornwall, where they later accepted the rule of Saxon lords. In the north, other Celts were driven into the lowlands of the country which became || | The Anglo-Saxon invasions and the kingdoms they established known as Scotland. Some Celts stayed behind, and many became slaves of the Saxons. Hardly anything is left of Celtic language or culture in England, except for the names of some rivers, Thames, Mersey, Severn and Avon, and two large cities, London and Leeds. The strength of Anglo-Saxon culture is obvious even today. Days of the week were named after Germanic gods: Tig (Tuesday), Wodin (Wednesday), Thor (Thursday), Frei (Friday). New place-names appeared on the map. The first of u An Illustrated History of Britain these show that the earliest Saxon villages, like the Celtic ones, were family villages. The ending -ing meant folk or family, thus “Reading” is the place of the family of Rada, “Hastings” of the family of Hasta. Ham means farm, ton means settlement. Birmingham, Nottingham or Southampton, for example, are Saxon place-names, Because the Anglo-Saxon kings often established settlements, Kingston is a frequent place-name. The Anglo-Saxons established a number of kingdoms, some of which still exist in county or regional names to this day: Essex (East Saxons), Sussex (South Saxons), Wessex (West Saxons), Middlesex (probably a kingdom of Middle Saxons), East Anglia (East Angles). By the middle of the seventh century the three largest kingdoms, those of Northumbria, Mercia and Wessex, were the ‘most powerful. Left: A silver penny showing Offa, king of Mercia (an 757-896). Offa ‘wus more powerful than any ofthe other ArlSaxon king of his time or before him. His coins were ofa higher quality than any coins used since the deparce ofthe Romans four hundred years eal. Right: A gold coin of King Off, a dnece copy of an Arab dinar ofthe year ‘AD 774. Most of iis in Arabi, but on one side i als has “OFFA REX", Tetells us thatthe Anglo-Saxons of Brain were well aware of a more ‘advanced economic system in the distant Arab empire, and also that even as faraway as Britain and northern Europe, Arab-type gol coin were mare trusted than arty others. Te shows how great were the distances covered by international trade at Hs time Te was not until a century later that one of these kings, King Offa of Mercia (757-96), claimed “kingship of the English”. He had good reason to do so. He was powerful enough to employ thou- sands of men to build a huge dyke, or earth wall, the length of the Welsh border to keep out the troublesome Celts. But although he was the most powerful king of his time, he did not control all of England. The power of Mercia did not survive after Offa’s death. At that time, a king’s power depended on the personal loyalty of his followers. After his death, the next king had to work hard to rebuild these personal feelings of loyalty. Most people still believed, as the Celts had done, that a man's first 2 duty was to his own family. However, things were changing. The Saxon kings began to replace loyalty to family with loyalty to lord and king. Government and society The Saxons created institutions which made the English state strong for the next 500 years. One of these institutions was the King’s Council, called the Witan. The Witan probably grew out of informal groups of senior warriors and churchmen to whom kings like Offa had turned for advice or support on difficult matters. By the tenth century the Witan was a formal body, issuing laws and charters. It was not at all democratic, and the king could decide to ignore the Witan’s advice. But he knew that it might be dangerous to do so. For the Witan's authority was based on its right to choose kings, and to agree the use of the king's laws. Without its support the king’s own authority was in danger. The Witan established a system which remained an important part of the king's method of government. Even today, the king or queen has a Privy Council, a group of advisers on the affairs of state. The Saxons divided the land into new adminis- trative areas, based on shires, or counties. These shires, established by the end of the tenth century, remained almost exactly the same for a thousand yeats. “Shite” is the Saxon word, “county” the Norman one, but both are still used. (In 1974 the counties were reorganised, but the new system is very like the old one.) Over each shire was ap- pointed a shire reeve, the king's local administrator. In time his name became shortened to “sheriff”. ‘Anglo-Saxon technology changed the shape of English agriculture. The Celts had kept small, square fields which were well suited to the light plough they used, drawn either by an animal or two people. This plough could turn corners easily. The ‘Anglo-Saxons introduced a far heavier plough which was better able to plough in long straight lines across the field. It was particularly useful for cultivating heavier soils. But it required six or eight oxen to pull it, and it was difficult to turn, This heavier plough led to changes in land ownership and organisation. In order to make the best use of 2. The Saxon invasion Reconsruction of an Anglo-Saxon village. Each house had probably only (me room, with a wooden fioor with «pt beneath it. The pit rey have been sed for storage, but more probably to hep the howe ofthe damp groural Each wile ais rd “lord” means “loaf ward" or “bead keeper”, while lad af kneader” or “bread maker a reminder that the basis of Saxon soceey was farming, The duty ofthe village hea, or lord, wus to rote the farm and its produce village land, it was divided into two or three very large fields. These were then divided again into long thin strips. Each family had a number of strips in each of these fields, amounting probably toa family “holding” of twenty or so acres. Ploughing these long thin strips was easier because it avoided the problem of turning. Few individual families could afford to keep a team of oxen, and these had to he shared on a co-operative basis. One of these fields would be used for planting spring crops, and another for autumn crops. The third area would be left to rest for a year, and with the other areas after harvest, would be used as common land for animals to feed on. This Anglo- Saxon pattern, which became more and more common, was the basis of English agriculture for a thousand years, until the eighteenth century. It needs only a moment’s thought to recognise that the fair division of land and of teams of oxen, and the sensible management of village land shared out between families, meant that villagers had to work more closely together than they had ever done before. The Saxons settled previously unfarmed areas. They cut down many forested areas in valleys to farm the richer lowland soil, and they began to drain the wet land, Asa result, almost all the villages which appear on eighteenth-century maps already existed by the eleventh century. In each district was a “manor” or large house. This was a simple building where local villagers came to pay taxes, where justice was administered, and where men met together to join the Anglo-Saxon army, the fyrd. The lord of the manor had to organise all this, and make sure village land was properly shared. It was the beginning of the manorial system which teached its fullest development under the Normans. At first the lords, or aldermen, were simply local officials. But by the beginning of the eleventh century they were warlords, and were often called bya new Danish name, earl, Both words, alderman and earl, remain with us today: aldermen are elected officers in local government, and earls are high ranking nobles. It was the beginning of a class system, made up of king, lords, soldiers and workers on the land. One other important class developed luring the Saxon period, the men of learning, These came from the Christian Church. Christianity: the partnership of Church and state We cannot know how or when Christianity first reached Britain, but it was certainly well before Christianity was accepted by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early fourth century ap. In the last hundred years of Roman government Christianity became firmly established across Britain, both in Roman-controlled areas and beyond. However, the Anglo-Saxons belonged to an older Germanic religion, and they drove the Celts into the west and north. In the Celtic areas Christianity continued to spread, bringing paganism toan end. The map of Wales shows a number of place-names beginning or ending with llan, meaning the site of a small Celtic monastery around which a village or town grew In 597 Pope Gregory the Great sent a monk, Augustine, to re-establish Christianity in England. He went to Canterbury, the capital of the king of Kent. He did so because the king's wife came from 1B An Illustrated History of Britain FE Flues traits - qhoprtencuzetinn, “The opening page of St Luke's Gospel, made atthe Northmbian island of Lindisfarne, about ar 698. In his History, Bede wrote how one man told the pagans Northumbrian king, “when you ae siting in winter with your lori the fasting all, with «good fire to warm and light it, a sparow flies in from the stom of rain and srw outside. I fies in atone door, across the lighted room and cut though th other door ina the darkness and storms ‘outside, In the same way man comes ino the ight fr short ime, but of ‘what came before, or what isto follow, man is gronant If this new teaching tells us something more certain, it seems womh following,” Christianity agave the Anglo-Saxon work new certainty. Europe and was already Christian. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 601. He was very successful. Several ruling families in England accepted Christianity. But Augustine and his group of monks made little progress with the ordinary people. This was partly because Augustine was interested in establishing Christian authority, and that meant bringing rulers to the new faith. It was the Celtic Church which brought Christianity to the ordinary people of Britain. The Celtic bishops went out from their monasteries of Wales, Ireland and Scotland, walking from village 4 to village teaching Christianity. In spite of the differences between Anglo-Saxons and Celts, these bishops seem to have been readily accepted in Anglo-Saxon areas. The bishops from the Roman Church lived at the courts of the kings, which they made centres of Church power across England. The two Christian Churches, Celtic and Roman, could hardly have been more different in character. One ‘was most interested in the hearts of ordinary people, the other was interested in authority and, organisation. The competition between the Celtic and Roman Churches reached a crisis because they disagreed over the date of Easter. In 663 at the Synod (meeting) of Whithy the king of Northumbria decided to support the Roman Church. The Celtic Church retreated as Rome extended its authority over all Christians, even in Celtic parts of the island. England had become Christian very quickly. By 660 only Sussex and the Isle of Wight had not accepted the new faith. Twenty years larer, English teachers returned to the lands from which the Anglo-Saxons had come, bringing Christianity to much of Germany. Saxon kings helped the Church to grow, but the Church also increased the power of kings. Bishops gave kings their support, which made it harder for royal power to be questioned. Kings had "God's approval”. The value of Church approval was all the greater because of the uncertainty of the royal succession. An eldest son did not automatically become king, as kings were chosen from among the members of the royal family, and any member who had enough soldiers might try for the throne. In addition, ata time when one king might try to conquer a neighbouring kingdom, he would probably have a son to whom he would wish to pass this enlarged kingdom when he died. And so when King Offa arranged for his son to be crowned as his successor, he made sure that this was done at a Christian ceremony led by a bishop. It was good political propaganda, because it suggested that kings were chosen not only by people but also by God. There were other ways in which the Church increased the power of the English state. It established monasteries, or minsters, for example 2 The Saxon invasion —— __ _ Westminster, which were places of learning and education. These monasteries trained the men who could read and write, so that they had the necessary skills for the growth of royal and Church authority. The king who made most use of the Church was, Alfred, the great king who ruled Wessex from 871— 899, He used the literate men of the Church to help establish a system of law, to educate the people and to write down important matters, He started the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the most important source, together with Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, for understanding the period. During the next hundred years, laws were made on a large number of matters. By the eleventh century royal authority probably went wider and deeper in England than in any other European country. This process gave power into the hands of those who could read and write, and in this way class divisions were increased. The power of landlords, who had been given land by the king, was increased because their names were written down. Peasants, who could neither read nor write, could lose their traditional rights ro their land, because their rights were not registered The Anglo-Saxon kings also preferred the Roman Church to the Celtic Church for economic reasons. Villages and towns grew around the monasteries and increased local trade. Many bishops and monks in England were from the Frankish lands (France and Germany) and elsewhere. They were invited by English rulers who wished to benefit from closer Church and economic contact with Europe. Most of these bishops and monks seem to have come from churches or monasteries along Europe's vital trade routes. In this way close contact with many parts of Europe was encouraged. In addition they all used Latin, the written language of Rome, and this encouraged English trade with the continent. Increased literacy itself helped trade. Anglo England became well known in Europe for its exports of woollen goods, cheese, hunting dogs, portery and metal goods. It imported wine, fish, pepper, jewellery and wheel-made pottery The Vikings Towards the end of the eighth century new raiders were tempted by Britain’s wealth. These were the Vikings, a word which probably means either “pirates” or “the people of the sea inlets”, and they came from Norway and Denmark. Like the Anglo- Saxons they only raided at first. They burnt churches and monasteries along the east, north and ‘west coasts of Britain and Ireland. London was itself raided in 842. In 865 the Vikings invaded Britain once it was clear that the quarrelling Anglo-Saxon kingdoms could not keep them out. This time they came to conquer and to settle. The Vikings quickly accepted Christianity and did not disturb the local population. By 875 only King Alfred in the west of Wessex held out against the Vikings, who had already taken most of England. After some serious defeats Alfred won a decisive battle in 878, and eight years later he captured London. He was strong enough to make a treaty with the Vikings. Gps a Viking contro! ‘The Viking invasions and the areas they brought under their contro. 15 An Illustrated History of Britain ee Viking rule was recognised in the east and north of England. It was called the Danelaw, the land where the law of the Danes ruled. In the rest of the country Alfred was recognised as king. During his struggle against the Danes, he had built walled settlements to keep them out. These were called burghs. They became prosperous market towns, and the word, now usually spelt borough, is one of the commonest endings to place names, as well as the name of the unit of municipal or town administration today. Who should be king? By 950 England seemed rich and peaceful after the troubles of the Viking invasion. But soon. afterwards the Danish Vikings started raiding westwards. The Saxon king, Ethelred, decided to pay the Vikings to stay away. To find the money he set a tax on all his people, called Danegeld, or “Danish money”. It was the beginning of a regular tax system of the people which would provicle the money for armies. The effects of this tax were most heavily felt by the ordinary villagers, because they had to provide enough money for their village landlord to pay Danegeld 16 The sory ofthe bale of Hastings and th ‘Norman conquest of Saxon England is told inthe Bayews tapestry carton, "Horo the king is led says the Latin writing, and beneath it stands a ‘man with an arrow in his eye, beleced to be King Harold. Inthe pictur sip below the main scene, men are seen stealing the clothing fom the dead and ‘woud, a common practice on Datlfelds through the centuries, The Oseberg Viking hip, made in about ab 800, was 21 metres long and camied about 35 men. Although this particular ship was probably only sed along the coast, ships of similar ce were used to invade Britain. Their design wus brant. When an exact copy of similar ship was used to cross the Alani to Amenca in 1893, ts putin aoee, "the finest merchant ships of ur day. have practically the same type of bottom asthe Viking ships, When Ethelred died Cnut (or Canute), the leader of the Danish Vikings, controlled much of England. He became king for the simple reason that the royal council, the Witan, and everyone eke, feared disorder. Rule by a Danish king was far better than rule by no one at all. Cnut died in 1035, and his son died shortly after, in 1040. The Witan chose Edward, one of Saxon Ethelred'’s sons, tobe king. Edward, known as “the Confessor”, was more interested in the Church than in kingship. Church building had been going on for over a century, and he encouraged it. By the time Edward died there was a church in almost every village, The pattern of the English village, with its manor house and church, dates from this time. Edward started a new church fic for a king at Westminster, just outside the city of London. In fact Westminster Abbey was a Norman, not a Saxon building, because he had spent almost all his life in Normandy, and his mother was a daughter of the duke of Normandy. As their name suggests, the Normans were people from the north. They were the children and grandchildren of Vikings who had captured, and settled in, northern France. They had soon become 2. The Saxon invasion French in their language and Christian in their religion, But they were still well known for their fighting skills. Edward only lived until 1066, when he died without an obvious heir. The question of who should follow him as king was one of the most important in English history. Edward had brought many Normans to his English court from France These Normans were not liked by the more powerfull Saxon nobles, particularly by the most powerful family of Wessex, the Godwinsons. It was a Godwinson, Harold, whom the Witan chose to be the next king of England. Harold had already shown his bravery and ability. He had no royal blood, but he seemed a good choice for the throne Harold's right to the English throne was challenged by Duke William of Normandy. William had two claims to the English throne. His first claim was. that King Edward had promised it to him. The second claim was that Harold, who had visited. William in 1064 or 1065, had promised William that he, Harold, would not try to take the throne for himself. Harold did not deny this second claim, but said that he had been forced to make the promise, and that because it was made unwillingly not tied by it Harold was faced by two dangers, one in the south and one in the north. The Danish Vikings had not given up their claim to the English throne. In 1066 Harold had to march north into Yorkshire to defeat the Danes. No sooner had he defeated them than he learne that William had landed in England with an army. His men were tired, but they had no time to rest. They marched south as fast as possible. Harold decided not to wait for the whole y, the fyrd, to gather because William’s army was small. He thought he could beat them with the men who had done so well against the Dan However, the Norman soldiers were better arme better organised, and were mounted on horses. If he had waited, Harold might have won. But he was defeated and killed in battle near Hastings. axon’ William marched to London, which quickly gave in when he began to burn villages outside the city. He was crowned king of England in Edward's new church of Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066. A new period had begun. 3. The Celtic kingdoms Wales + Ireland + Scotland England has always played the most powerful part in the history of the British Isles. However, the other three countries, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, have a different history. Until recently few historians looked at British history except from an English point of view. But the stories of Wales, Ireland and Scotland are also important, because their people still feel different from the Anglo Saxon English. The experience of the Welsh, Irish and Scots helps to explain the feeling they have today. Wales By the eighth century most of the Celts had been driven into the Welsh peninsula. They were kept out of England by Offa's Dyke, the huge earth wall built in ap 779. These Celts, called Welsh by the ‘Anglo-Saxons, called themselves cymry, “fellow countrymen”. Because Wales is a mountainous country, the cymry could only live in the crowded valleys. The rest of the land was rocky and too poor for anything except keeping animals. For this reason the population remained small. It only grew to over half a million in the eighteenth century. Life was hard and so was the behaviour of the people. Slavery was common, as it had been all through Celtic Britain Society was based on family groupings, each of which owned one or more village or farm settlement. One by one in each group a strong leader made himself king. These men must have been tribal chiefs to begin with, who later managed to become overlords over neighbouring family groups. Each of these kings tried to conquer the others, and the idea of a high, or senior, king developed. 18 Wales and it Peli kingdoms The early kings travelled around their kingdoms to remind the people of their control. They travelled with their hungry followers and soldiers. The ordinary people ran away into the hills and woods when the king's men approached their village. Life was dangerous, treacherous and bloody. In 1043 the king of Glamorgan died of old age. It was aan unusual event, because between 949 and 1066 no less than thirty-five Welsh rulers died violently, usually killed by a cymry, a fellow countryman. In 1039 Gruffydd ap (son of ) Llewelyn was the first Welsh high king strong enough to rule over all Wales. He was also the last, and in order to remain in control he spent almost the whole of his reign fighting his enemies. Like many other Welsh rulers, Gruffydd was killed by a cymry while defending Wales against the Saxons. Welsh kings after him were able to rule only after they had promised loyalty to Edward the Confessor, king of England. ‘The story of an independent and united Wales was over almost as soon as it had begun 3. The Celtic kingdoms Ireland Ireland was never invaded by either the Romans or the Anglo-Saxons. It was a land of monasteries and had a flourishing Celtic culture. As in Wales, people were known by the family grouping they belonged to. Outside their tribe they had no protection and no name of their own. They had only the name of their tribe. The kings in this tribal society were chosen by election. The idea was that the strongest man should lead. In fact the system led to continuous challenges. Five kingdoms grew up in Ireland: Ulster in the north, Munster in the southwest, Leinster in the southeast, Connaught in the west, with Tara as the seat of the high kings of Ireland. Christianity came to Ireland in about an 430. The beginning of Irelands history dates from that time, because for the first time there were people who could write down events. The message of Christianity was spread in Ireland by a British slave, Patrick, who became the “patron saint” of Ireland. Christianity brought writing, which weakened the position of the Druids, who depended on memory and the spoken word. Christian monasteries grew up, frequently along the coast. This period is often called Ireland's “golden age” Invaders were unknown and culture flowered. But it is also true that the five kingdoms were often at war, each trying to gain advantage over the other, often with great cruelty. Ireland's Cee kingdoms TARA (seat ofthe igh Kings oftreland) A page from the Book of Kel, the finest surviving lsh Celie manuscripe ‘The round touer of Devenish is one of only wo that stil stand at Celie ‘monastic sites n Uiter, Ireland. This one was bul che rwelth centery ap. The entrance is about three metres ahoxe ground level, rat ha ladder ‘that could fe pulled in so tha enemies eon noe enter. This design may well have been introduced fier the Viking raids bgan inthe ninth century iT An Illustrated History of Britain This “golden age” suddenly ended with the arrival of Viking raiders, who stole all that the monasteries had. Very little was left except the stone memorials that the Vikings could not carry away. The Vikings, who traded with Constantinople (now Istanbul), Iraly, and with central Russia, brought fresh economic and political action into Irish life. Viking raids forced the Irish to unite, In 859 Ireland chose its first high king, but it was not an effective solution because of the quarrels that took place each time a new high king was chosen. Viking trade led to the first towns and ports. For the Celts, who had always lived in small settlements, these were revolutionary. Dublin, Ireland’ future capital, was founded by the Vikings. ‘As an effective method of rule the high kingship of Ireland lasted only twelve years, from 1002 to 1014, while Ireland was ruled by Brian Boru. He is still looked back on as Ireland’s greatest ruler. He tried to create one single Ireland, and encouraged the growth of organisation ~ in the Church, in administration, and in learning Brian Boru died in battle against the Vikings. One of the five Irish kings, the king of Leinster, fought on the Vikings’ side, Just over a century later another king of Leinster invited the Normans of England to help him against his high king. This gave the Normans the excuse they wanted to enlarge their kingdom. Scotland Asa result of its geography, Scotland has two different societies. In the centre of Scotland mountains stretch to the far north and across to the west, beyond which lie many islands. To the east and to the south the lowland hills are gentler, and much of the countryside is like England, rich, welcoming and easy to farm. North of the “Highland Line”, as the division between highland and lowland is called, people stayed tied to their ‘own family groups. South and east of this line society was more easily influenced by the changes taking place in England. 20 Toma, the wester Scottish isan on which St Columb established his abbey {nv AD 563 when he came Ireland, From Tona Columba sen his missionaries to bring Christianity tothe Scots. The present cathedral was bul in about 1500. Scotland was populated by four separate groups of people. The main group, the Picts, lived mostly in the north and northeast. They spoke Celtic as well as another, probably older, language completely unconnected with any known language today, and they seem to have been the earliest inhabitants of the land. The Picts were different from the Celts because they inherited their rights, their names and property from their mothers, not from their fathers The non-Pictish inhabitants were mainly Scots. The Scots were Celtic settlers who had started to move into the western Highlands from Ireland in the fourth century. In 843 the Pictish and Scottish kingdoms were united under a Scortish king, who could also probably claim the Pictish throne through his mother, in this way obeying both Scottish and Pictish rules of kingship. The third group were the Britons, who inhabited the Lowlands, and had been part of the Romano- British world, (The name of their kingdom, Strathelyde, was used again in the county reorganisation of 1974.) They had probably given up their old tribal way of life by the sixth century. Finally, there were Angles from Northumbria who. had pushed northwards into the Scottish Lowlands. Unity between Picts, Scots and Britons was achieved for several reasons. They all shared a 3 The Celtic kingdoms TaEASDe ; Scotland its any poops. yo onkney eye \ sae J common Celtic culture, language and background. Their economy mainly depended on keeping animals. These animals were owned by the tribe as awhole, and for this reason land was also held by tribes, not by individual people. The common. economic system increased their feeling of belonging to the same kind of society and the feeling of difference from the agricultural Lowlands. The sense of common culture may have been increased by marriage alliances between tribes. This idea of common landholding remained strong until the tribes of Scotland, called “clans”, collapsed in the eighteenth century. ‘The spread of Celtic Christianity also helped to unite the people. The first Christian mission to Scotland had come to southwest Scotland in about ap 400. Later, in 563, Columba, known as the “Dove of the Church”, came from Ireland. Through his work both Highland Scots and Picts were brought to Christianity. He even, so it is said, defeated a monster in Loch Ness, the first mention of this famous creature. By the time of the Synod of Whitby in 663, the Picts, Scots and Britons had all been brought closer together by Christianity. The Angles were very different from the Celts. ‘They had arrived in Britain in family groups, but they soon began to accept authority from people outside their own family. This was partly due to their way of life. Although they kept some animals, they spent more time growing crops. This meant that land was held by individual people, each man working in his own field. Land was distributed for farming by the local lord. This system encouraged the Angles of Scotland to develop a non-tribal system of control, as the people of England further south were doing. This increased their feeling of difference from the Celtic tribal Highlanders further north. Finally, as in Ireland and in Wales, foreign invaders increased the speed of political change. Vikings attacked the coastal areas of Scotland, and they settled on-many of the islands, Shetland, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, and the Isle of Man southwest of Scotland. In order to resist them, Picts and Scots fought together against the enemy raiders and settlers. When they could not push them out of. the islands and coastal areas, they had to deal with them politically. At first the Vikings, or “Norsemen”, still served the king of Norway. But communications with Norway were difficult. Slowly the earls of Orkney and other areas found it easier to accept the king of Scots as their overlord, rather than the more distant king of Norway. However, as the Welsh had also discovered, the English were a greater danger than the Vikings. In 934 the Scots were seriously defeated by a Wessex army pushing northwards. The Scots decided to seek the friendship of the English, because of the likely losses from war. England was obviously stronger than Scotland but, luckily for the Scots, both the north of England and Scotland were difficult to control from London. The Scots hoped that if they were reasonably peaceful the Sassenachs, as they called the Saxons (and still call the English), would leave them alone. Scotland remained a difficult country to rule even from its capital, Edinburgh. Anyone looking at a map of Scotland can immediately see that control of the Highlands and islands was a great problem. Travel was often impossible in winter, and slow and difficult in summer. It was easy for a clan chief or noble to throw off the rule of the king. a

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