Life Only in Christ-Extra No. 20

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Life Only in Christ—Extra No.


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Vol. 93 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 39

When Life and Immortality language of inspiration throughout. The pa-

Life Only in Christ are to be Bestowed
Christ said, "I am the resurrection, and the
triarch Job said : —
"Man dieth, and wasteth away:yea, man
giveth up the ghost, arid where is he'? As the
MAN'S NATURE AND HIS STATE IN DEATH life: he that believeth in me, though he were waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth
dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25. and drieth up: so man lieth down, and riseth
By W. A. Spicer He has turned death — that would have been not: till the heavens be no more (the heavens
God Only Bath Immortality of man before the great enemy. Centuries be- eternal— into a little time of sleep, from which are rolled back as a scroll at Christ's coming],
fore Christ, Sophocles, the Athenian, wrote:— he will awaken the believer to immortality. they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their
A WIDE-OPEN door for Spiritualism is afforded It is in the resurrection of the last day that sleep." Job 14:10-12.
by the teaching that man has life in himself,— "Wonders are many! and none is there greater immortality is bestowed: — This hope of the resurrection at the last day
immortality by nature,— and that death is not than man, who "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, was no indistinct hope to the believer in God's
really death, but another form of life. Steers his ship over the sea, driven on by the at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, promises. The patriarch continued: —
The Scriptures close this door of peril, teach- south wind, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and "If a man die, shall he live again? all the
ing us that man is mortal, that death is really Cleaving the threatening swell of the waters we shall be changed. For this corruptible must days of my appointed time will I wait, till my
death, and that immortality is the gift of God around him. put on incorruption, and this mortal must put change come. Thou shalt call, and I will an-
through Christ by the resurrection from the "He captures the gay-hearted birds; he en- on immortality. So when this corruptible swer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work
dead. tangles adroitly shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal of thine hands." Verses 14, 15.
Clearly and definitely the Bible teaches that Creatures that live on the land and the brood shall have put on immortality, then shall be Job tells us of the place of his waiting for the
God only has immortality : — of the ocean, brought to pass the saying that is written, Life-giver's call: "If I wait, the grave is mine
The blessed and only Potentate, the King house." Job 17:13. There is where Christ
of kings, and Lord of lords; who only hath will call for his own when he comes. "The hour
immortality," I Tim. 6: 15, 16. is coming," he said, "in the which all that are
This scripture disposes of every idea that in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come
man is immortal by nature, am! opens the way forth.' John 5:28, 29.
for a consideration of the Scripture teaching
concerning man's nature, his state in death, An Unconscious Sleep Until
and the promise of life and immortality in the Resurrection
Death is an unconscious sleep. It must of
Man by Nature Mortal necessity be so; for death is the opposite of life.
The word "mortal" as used in that ancient Therefore there is no consciousness of the pass-
question by Eliphaz describes man's nature: — ing of time to those who sleep in death. It is
"Shall mortal man be more just than God?" as if the eyes closed in death one instant, and
Job 4:17. the next instant, to the believer's consciousness,
In the creation, life was conditional upon is the awakening of the last day, the glorious
voice of Jesus calling to glad immortality, the
the creature's relation to Christ the Creator,
in whom all things consist: — angels catching up the loved ones to meet Jesus
in the air.
"All things were made by him; and without
him was not anything made that was made. A few scriptures, out of many, suffice to show
In him was life." John 1:3, 4. that man is not conscious in death:—
He was, as the psalmist says, "the fountain "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his
earth: in that very day his thoughts perish."
of life." Cut off from vital connection with Ps. 146:4,
him, there could be no continuance of life. "The living know that they shall die: but the
The Lord warned Adam that his life teas con- dead know not anything. . . . Also their love,
ditional upon obedience. "In the day that
thou eatest thereof," he said of the forbidden and their hatred, and their envy, is now per-
ished; neither have they any more a portion
tree, "thou shalt surely die." Gen, 2:17. It forever in anything that is done under the sun."
was a declaration that man was not immortal, Eccl. 9: 5, 6.
but was dependent for life upon God. Death is a sleep until the resurrection. Then
When man rejected God by unbelief and sin, the Lord will bring forth from the dust the same
the sentence must have been executed — death person who was laid away in death.
eternal—had not the plan of salvation inter-
vened. But as the stroke of divine justice was A Cheering Doctrine and
fallin upon the sinner, the Son of God inter- a " Blessed Hope"
himself and received the blow. "He was
raised for our iniquities." In the divine plan, Some have said that this Bible doctrine of
the great sacrifice for man was as sure then as the sleep of the dead until the resurrection is a
later on at Calvary. Christ was "the Lamb gloomy one. Popular tradition thinks of the
slain from the foundation of the world." blessed dead as going at once to heaven, which,
And there, Adam, the sinner, with fallen say some, is a beautiful thought. But they
human nature now, was granted an extension forget that the same teaching consigns their un-
of life, every moment of which, for him and for believing friends to immediate torment and
his posterity, was the purchase of Christ by his that, too, while awaiting the judgment of the
own death, in order that in this time of pro- last day.
bation man might find the forgiveness of sin No; the Bible teaching is the cheering doc-
and assurance of life to come. Originally Adam trine, the "blessed hope." All the faithful of
was placed on probation, and had he continued all the ages are going into the kingdom together.
faithful, the Oft of immortality must have been This blessed truth appeals to the spirit that
given him at some later time, after he had loves to wait and share joys and good thing;
passed the test; for, as the original plan is with loved ones. Of the faithful of past ages,
carried out through Christ, "the Second Adam," the apostle says:—
the gift of immortality is bestowed upon all "These all, having obtained a good report
who pass the test of thejudgnaent and are through faith, received not the promise: God
found in Christ, in whom alone is life. having provided some better thing for us, that
Having fallen, Adam, possessed of a sinful THE REEMERECT/ON OIF LAZAR178 they without us should not be made perfect." i
nature, must die. "The wages of run is death." Heb. 11:39, 40.
It was impossible that sin should be immortal- Spreading his well-woven nets. Man full of Death is swallowed up in victory." 1 Cor. They are waiting, that all together the saved
ized. in God's universe. So, inasmuch as the devices 15: 52-54. may enter in; and the time of waiting is not an
tree of life in Eden had been made the channel Not until the resurrection, "at the last instant to those who "sleep in Jesus.'
of continuance of life to man, the Lord said:—
said: "Speech and swift thought free as wind, the David was a man of God, but the apostle
building of cities; trump," is immortality conferred upon the
"Now, lest he put forth his hand, and take Peter, speaking by the Spirit on the day of
also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: Shelters to ward off the arrows of rain, and redeemed. Note that it is not something im- Pentecost, declared to the people of the city of
to temper mortal putting on immortality; but "this
therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the David: "He is both dead and buried, and his
garden of Eden." Gen. 3:22, 23. Sharbiting frost—all these hath he taught mortal" puts on immortality. Mortal man, sepulcher is with us unto this day. . . . For
himself. Surely raised to life, is given the overcomer's reward —
This negatives the idea that there could ever David is not ascended into the heavens." Acts
be an immortal sinner marring God's creation Stratagem hath he for all that comes! Never everlasting life. 2: 29-34. They without us have not been.made
the future Mark this: there is no life after death save
forever. Sin works out nothing but death. perfect. They are all awaiting that glad day
"Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Finds him resourcelesst Deftly be combats by the resurrection. toward which the apostle Paul turned the last
grievous diseases, 'If there he no resurrection of the dead . . .
James 1: 15. Fallen himself, Adam could be- look of mortal vision:—
queath to his posterity only a fallen, mortal Oft from their grip doth he free himself. then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ " I have fought a good fight I have finished
Death alone vainly— are perished." 1 Cor. 15: 13-18.
nature. So began the sad history summed up This resurrection, as stated by the apostle my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth
in the text:— Vainly he seeks to escape; 'gainst death he there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
• is helpless."— Chorus from Antigone. Paul, is not at death, but in the last day, when
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into Christ shall come, and all his children that are which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give
the world, and death by sin; and so death passed What unspeakable pathos in the. cry of in their graves shall hear his voice. Jesus me in that day: and not to me only, but unto
upon all men, for that all have sinned." Rom. humanity's helplessness before death, the great says: — all them also that love his appearing." 2 Tim.
5: 12. enemy! But when Adam went out of Eden, 4: 7, 8.
"This is the will of him that sent me, that
it was with the assurance of life from the dead, every What joy in that day to march in through
Against Death Man is Helpless one which seeth the Son, and believeth
if faithful, through the promised Seed. It is on him, may have everlasting life: and I will the gates into the eternal city, with Adam, and
Mortality is written upon all creation. Ages the message of the one gospel for all time — raise him up at the last day." John 6:40. Abel, and Noah, and Abraham, and Paul, and
ago the wise man wrote, "There is one event life, everlasting life in Christ Jesus:— all the faithful, and the loved ones of our own
That is why the coming of Christ has been home circles, and dear comrades in service,
unto all: . . . after that they go to the dead." "God so loved the world, that he gave his the "blessed hope" of all the ages.
Eccl. 9: 3. Human hearts everywhere and in only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth every one clothed with immortality, the gift of
all time have cried out against the remorse- in him should not perish: but have everlasting Man's State in Death God in Christ Jesus our Redeemer.
lessness of the great enemy, "Do people die life." John 3: 16. . , In a word, the Scripture teaches that God
with you?" was the question met by Living- As there is none other name under heaven by Between death and the resurrection, the dead alone bath immortality, that man is mortal,
stone in the untraveled wilds of Africa. "Have which men can be saved, so there is no other sleep. Jesus declares that death is a sleep. that death is a sleep, that life after death comes
you no charm against death?" The Greek as way of everlasting life, or-inainortality,.save in Lazarus was dead, but Jesus said, "Our friend only by the resurrection of the last day, that the
well as the barbarian confessed the helplessness Christ Jesus our Lord, •. • ' . Lazarus sleepeth." John 11: 11. It is the righteous then are given immortality. Fur-
ther, the Scriptures teach that later there will be of the sacred text, and puts the Saviour's prom- upon the earth. The wicked are raised in the Some Questions Briefly Considered
a resurrection of the unjust, not unto life, but ise in contradiction with the facts of the whole second resurrection. Under Satan's leadership
unto death, the second death, from which there narrative and the teaching of Scripture. they march up to attack the city of God. How The doctrine of the immortality, the inde-
is no release. naturally, we infer, may Satan persuade the structibility, of the soul, is responsible for the
Every doctrine of Scripture and of the gospel The Rich Man and Lazarus traditional view that the wicked are kept alive
lost that after all he was right when he declared
is in accord with this Bible teaching as to man's "Then there is the parable of the rich roan to Adam, "Ye shall not surely die." Here are in unending misery through all eternity. How
nature and his state in death. But the tradi- and Lazarus," one says, "where Lazarus and all the lost of all the ages living. Why may different this picture from that which Holy Scrip-
tional view of the natural immortality of the Dives are talking, though dead—Lazarus in they not be immortal, beyond the power of God ture gives of the second death, terrible and aw-
soul and of life in death, nullifies the Bible doc- Abraham's bosom and the rich man in torment." to destroy? The old battle that began in ful, but resulting in the utter destruction of
trines of life only in Christ, and the resurrec- But that is a parable; and no one can set the heaven is on again. Satan, the archrebel, mar- sin and sinners, leaving a clean universe. The
tion, and the judgment, and the giving of the figures of a parable against the facts of positive shals his hosts of fallen angels, and the myriads doctrine of the immortality of the soul came
rewards at Christ's coining, and the final judg- Scripture. In parables, lessons are often taught of fallen men, his legions stretching wide over in from pagan philosophy. Herodotus, "the
ment upon the wicked and its execution. by figurative language and imaginary scenes the earth. father of history," said: —
which could never be real, though the lesson is "The Egyptians . . . were also the first to
The " Living Soul" emphasized the more forcefully. In the par- "They went up on the breadth of the earth, broach the opinion that the soul of man is im-
"But," says one, "did not the Lordput into able of Judges 9, the trees are represented as and compassed the camp of the saints about, mortal"— Book 2, par. 123.
man an immortal soul? "— No; the Scripture holding a council and talking with one another. and the beloved city: and fire came down from Evidently, they passed on the doctrine to the
says: — No one mistakes the lesson of the parable, or God out of heaven, and devoured them." Rev. Greeks. Its origin was in the words of Satan
supposes that the trees actually talked. So in 20:9. in Eden, "Ye shall not surely die." The pa-
The Lord God formed man of the dust of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the gans had their teaching of purgatory, and of
the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the "This is the second death," says the scrip-
lesson is taught that uprightness in this life, ture. Verse 14. The great day has then come the ceaseless round of the soul apart from the
breath of life; and man became a living soul" even though with deepest poverty, will be re- when sin is visited and destroyed. body. From these sources, and not from the
Gen. 2: 7 Word of God, the traditional view has come
The soul was not put into the man, but when into Christendom—representing the Lord as
the life-giving breath was breathed into his nos- unable or unwilling to end sin, but keeping the
trils, the man himself became a living soul, a sinner alive throughout eternity to suffer tor-
living being. The ordinary version (King ture that can bring no remedy. The Scripture
James) gives "a living soul" in the margin of teaching is far otherwise. However, there are
Gen. 1: 30, as showing the Caine. expression used certain Scripture phrases that emphasize the
of all the animal creation in the inspired Hebrew severity of the punishment of sin, which are
text. The famous Methodist commentator, often taken as supporting the doctrine of never-
Dr. Adam Clarke, says on this phrase, "living ending conscious torment.
soul:" —
"A general term to express all creatures en- "Forever and Ever "
dued with animal life, in any of its infinitely In Rev. 20: 10 it is said that the nevil and his
varied gradations." chief agencies "shall be tormented day and night
forever and ever." The pnrase emphasizes the
Are "Soul" and "Spirit" Deathless ? surety of their utter destruction. "Forever"
"But are not the soul and spirit said to be means age-lasting, or life-lasting — so long as
deathless?" questions another. No. One writer a thing exists by its nature. Thus, in Ex.
says of the Scriptural use of the words "soul" 21:6 the servant who loved his master and did
and "spirit:" — not wish to leave his service, was to have his
"The Hebrew and Greek words from which ear pierced, "and he shall serve him forever,"
they are translated, occur in the Bible, as we — that is, without release as long as he lives.
have seen, -seventeen hundred times. Surely, So the fiery judgment of that last day holds the
once at least in that long list we shall be told wicked until life ends; there is no release until
that the soul is immortal, if this is its high pre- life is consumed.
rogative. Seventeen hundred times we inquire "Everlasting Punishment"
if the soul, is once said to be immortal, or the
spirit deathless, And the invariable and over- "These shall go away into everlasting punish-
whelming response we meet is, Not once!"— ment." Matt. 25:4-6, It is everlasting pun-
"Here and Hereafter," by U. Smith, p. 65. ishment, not everlasting punishing. The pun-
On the contrary, the Lord declares, "Tied soul ishment is everlasting death —" who shall be
that sinneth, it shall die." Eze. 18: 20. It punished with everlasting destruction." 2
means that the person that sins shall die; for Thess. 1: 9. The truth of the utter destruction
soul, mind, heart, spirit, are used to express life of sinners is awful enough, but it commends
or the seat of the affections or of the intellect. itself to every thought of justice and mercy; for
One may coinmend his soul to God, or his spirit sin must be cleansed from a perfect universe.
to God (really his life to the keeping of God), But the unscriptural view of everlasting con-
until the great day of the resurrection. The scious torment that never reaches the point of
word "soul" is used for all animal life in New full punishment is unthinkable. Yet it i.e urged
Testament usage as well as in the Old; as, as a doctrine, and contended for as vital. The
"Every living soul died in the sea." Rev: 16:3. following description is taken from a book
written for children, entitled "The Sight of
The Thief on the Cross Hell." It is printed in Dublin — for children: —
But did not Christ promise the thief on the "Little child, if you go to hell, there will be
cross that he would be with him that day in a devil at your side to strike you. He will go
Paradise? — No; for Paradise is where God's on striking you every day, forever and ever,
throne is, and the tree of life, and the city of without ever stopping. The first stroke will
God, the capital of Christ's kingdom, and three make your body an bad as Job's, covered from
days later Christ had not yet ascended to the head to foot with sores and ulcers. The second
Father. "Touch me not," he said to Mary stroke will make your body twice as bad as the
THE OPEN GRAVE AT HANOVER, GERMANY body of Job. . . . How then will your body be
after his resurrection; "for I am not yet as- after the devil has been striking it every mo-
cended to my Father." John 20: 17. The The infidel princess buried here had these words inscribed upon her tomb: "This grave, ment for a hundred million of years without
dying thief, therefore, was not with him in Par- purchased for eternity, must never be opened." But the life power of a tiny
adise three days before. Nor did the thief's • seed burst the iron bands. and the seed became a tree. stopping?"— Quoted in the London "Present
question suggest such a thought. His faith Truth," April SO, 1914.
grasped Christ's resurrection the resurrection warded in the future life; while uncharitable The Punishment Everlasting What a relief to turn from this to the Bible
selfishness will surely bring one to ruin and de- doctrine of the "everlasting destruction," of
of his children, and the coming kingdom; and "The wages of sin is death." And the sec- the second death, terrible though it bet
that day on the cross, in the moment of the deep- struction. In the face of the Bible teaching, no ond death is everlasting. There is no resurrec-
est humiliation of the Son of God, the repentant one can turn this parable into actual narrative, tion from this death. The Scriptures describe "Everlasting Fire," "Eternal Fire,"
sinner cried, "Lord, remember me when thou representing that the saved in glory are now it in terms that affirm utter destruction, non- "Unquenchable Fire"
comest into thy kingdom." And the Saviour looking over the battlements of heaven and existence.
replied, "Verily I say unto thee today"— this talking with the lost writhing before their eyes "Who shall be punished with everlasting de- All these expressions are used in describing
day, when the world scoffs and the darkness in unending agony amid the flames. This is struction from the presence of the Lord, and the fiery judgment upon sin and sinners. The
presses upon me, this day I say it—"shalt thou not the picture that the Scriptures give us of from the glory of his power." 2 Thess. 1: 9. effect of the fire is everlasting and eternal, and
be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:42, 43. heaven, nor of the state of the dead, nor of the "Behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as by a common usage in language the adjective
The punctuation that makes it read, "Today time and circumstances of the final rewards or an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do that describes the effect is applied to the agent
shalt thou be with me in Paradise," is not a part punishments. wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that by which the effect is wrought. A specific ex-
cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of ample of everlasting fire in the punishment of
hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor evil is given in Scripture. Sodom and Go-
The End of the Wicked branch." Mal. 4: I. morrah, the wicked "cities of the plain," were
"They shall be ashes," the third verse of this destroyed by a rain of fire from heaven. These
cities, Inspiration says, "are set forth for an
chapter says. Every expression that is possible
Sin to be Blotted Out his own life, and the use he has made of the to nguage is employed to denote utter de- example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
light given him of God. struction, everlasting death. That means non- Jude 7. The fire was everlasting, eternal, in
So soon as ever Lucifer introduced sin into
heaven, it was assured, in the righteousness and existence. Sin and sinners are blotted out. its effect. The cities of theplain were everlast-
The Two Resurrections The prophet Obadiah, speaking of the visitation ingly consumed. But the fire went out when
omnipotence of God, that the day would come
when sin would be blotted out of his perfect cre- The Scriptures emphasize the two resurrec- upon the heathen, the unbelieving, in "the day the destruction was complete. It is not smok-
tions. Paul, before Felix, declared his belief of the Lord," says: — ing still. Unquenchable fire is fire that cannot
ation. Inspiration tells us that a time of final
reckoning with sin was assured when Satan and the same as that of all the prophets,— "They shall drink, and they shall swallow be quenched. It consumes utterly, until noth-
a host of the angels with him lifted up the "That there shall be a resurrection Of the down, and they shall be as though they had not ing is left; then it goes out of its own accord.
standard of mysterious rebellion against the dead, both of the just and unjust." Acts 24:15. been." Verse 16, " Where Their WorM Dieth Not "
law and harmony of heaven: — Jesus declared it in these words: — This is the utter end of sin and all sinners, and
"The hour is coming, in the which all that of the author of sin. Root and branch they Jesus warned of the certain destruction of
"The angels which kept not their first estate,
but left their own habitation, he bath reserved are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall are gone, "as though they had not been." All sin and sinners in the fire of Gehenna; for this
in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
come forth; they that have done good, unto the this is in the description of the last judgment, is the word translated "hell" in Mark 9:43.
judgment of the great day." Jude 6. resurrection of life; and they that have done so fully set forth in the twentieth of Revelation. Hades, often translated "hell," is the grave,
evil, unto the relurrection of damnation." "Death and hell [Wes, the gravel were cast not the place of punishment. Gehenna, here
The visitation of sin is assured. By listening John 5:28, 29. into the lake of fire. This is the second death." used of the place of punishment, was the name
to Satan's temptation, man became involved in The first resurrection is that of the just, at Rev. 20: 14. Death and the prison house of of the valley where the refuse of Jerusalem was
sin. Then a divine Saviour was provided, Christ's second coming. It is written of this:— death are gone forever. Sin is wiped out of a cast for burning. The map of Jerusalem, in any
through whom every soul might escape from "Blessed and holy is he that bath part in the perfect universe, and not even a trace will remain ordinary Bible with maps, shows just outside
the kingdom of darkness and find salvation and first resurrection: on such the second death bath of the place of the fiery judgment. the southern wall a gorge marked "Valley of
life. But it is inevitable that those who refuse no power, but they shall be priests of God and "Yet a little while, and the wicked shall not Hinnorn (Gehenna)." It was here that the
the way of life, and reject the salvation of God, of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, people, in the olden times, had sacrificed chil-
must finally be involved with Satan and sin in years." Rev. 20:6. and it shall not be." Ps. 37:10. dren to Moloch. "In order to put an end to
the day when sin is visited. At Christ's coming, the righteous return with The fires of the last day purify the earth, these abominations, Josiah polluted it with hu-
By Adam's sin, all his posterity inherited a him to heaven, for the thousand years. The which is renewed in Eden-like beauty. In the man bones and other corruptions. 2 Kings
sinful, dying nature. "hi Adam all die," says wicked living at the time of his coming are whole universe of God, there is no sin, no sin- 23:10, 13, 14."— Hastings' Dictionary of the
the scripture. But not a soul in the last day slain by the consuming glory of his presence; ner, but all is harmonious again, as before sin Bible. It was regarded as a place accursed, and
can plead Adam's sin and the inheritance of a and they, with all the unjust of all the ages, entered. The prophet was given a view of the smoldering fires became symbolical of the
fallen nature. By Christ's gift of his life for await in the grave the second resurrection, at this glorious consummation, and the triumph fires of the judgment. Here the fires consumed
us, the sinner, with all his weaknesses, may be- the end of the thousand years: — of the Son of God over sin:— the refuse, and the worms and the fire utterly
come a partaker of the divine nature, and escape "The rest of the dead lived not again until "Every creature which is in heaven, and on destroyed the carcasses of beasts flung into the
the power of the fleshly nature. By Christ's the thousand years were finished." Rev. 20: 5. the earth, and under the earth, and such as are place of destruction. The use of this illustra-
death for all, all recover from the death they in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I say- tion, instead of arguing that the wicked are
die in Adam, the first death. All have a resur- The Second Death ing, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power never destroyed but always live, conveys the
rection, the unjust as well as the just; and then At the end of the thousand years, the city of be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and opposite idea. What went into the fires of
every one gives account to God according to God, with the saved, comes down out of heaven unto the Lamb forever and ever." Rev. 5: 13. Gehenna was utterly consumed, and nothing

left. This was used by Christ as a figure illus- universe again when the great controversy be- was full of horses and chariots of fire round Dr. Adam Clarke says: "A general term to
trative of the utter destruction of the unrepent- tween Christ and Satan is ended. Death itself about Elisha." 2 Kings 6: 17. express all creatures endued with animal life,
ant sinner in the day of visitation. and the grave are cast into the lake of fire (Rev. Angels shut the mouths of the lions when in any of its infinitely varied gradations, from
This must suffice. The positive teaching of 21:14), symbol of the removal of every mark Daniel was cast into their den. Daniel 6. the half-reasoning elephant down to the stupid
Holy Scripture is that sin and sinners will be of the curse. "And there shall be no more An angel smote off Peter's irons in the prison potto, or still lower, to the polyp, which seems
blotted out of existence. There will be a clean curse." at Jerusalem, opened the doors, and led him equally to share the vegetable and animal life."
forth. Acts 12. Amid the dashing spray 6. Are other creatures besides man called
sweeping over the foundering ship in the Ad-
Angels: Th eir Ministry riatic, Paul the apostle bade the despairing
crew be of good courage, "for there stood by
"living souls"?
"The second angel poured out his vial upon
the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead
A Higher Order Than Man So close is the communication between me this night the angel of God, whose I am, man: and every living soul died in the sea."
heaven and earth. and whom I serve, saying, Fear not." Acts Rev. 16:3. See also Gen. 1:30, margin.
THE one verse of Scripture which, perhaps, 27:23, 24.
most comprehensively sums up the ministry of The gladdest tidings ever brought from The Breath of Life
the angels of God, is this: - heaven to earth since the promise of the De- All through the ages, the angels of God have
liverer to Adam in Eden, were brought by been standing by. Daniel, and Peter, and 7. Do others besides man have the "breath
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent Paul are dead; but the angels still live. "Are
forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem. One of life"?
angel appeared first, saving: - they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to "All flesh died that moved upon the earth,
salvation?" Heb. 1:14. minister for them who shall be heirs of sal-
This scripture shows us how truly all heaven I bring you good tidings of great joy. . . . both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of
For untoyou is born this day in the city of vation?" Heb. 1:14. every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
is engaged in working for the salvation of this
poor world, which has wandered from the fold of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord," Guardian Angels earth, and every man: all in whose nostrils was
God's universe. It will surely be a time of re- Such tidings to earth could never be the the breath of life." Gen. 7: 21, 22.
mission of one sole angel, when all heaven That means that every child of God is under 8. Is their breath the same as man's?
joicing among all the angelic host when Christ, the guardianship of the angels. "The angel of
the Good Shepherd, brings back this lost world, longed to cry the news to a lost world. "As the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea,
"Suddenly there was with the angel a multi- the Lord encampeth round about them that they have all one breath; so that a man bath no
cleansed from sin, once more to the fold of God's fear him, and delivereth them." Ps. 34: 7. preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity."
perfect creation. tude of the heavenly host praising God, and
saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on Thank God, we are never left alone. Every Eccl. 3: 19.
The angels rejoiced when this world was cre- child of God has a guardian angel commis-
ated. The Lord said to Job:- earth peace, good will toward men." Luke NorE.-That is, here men, as well as beasts,
2:13, 14. sioned by the loving Father to watch over him. die. This present life, with them, as with the
"Where west thou when I laid the foundations Christ said: -
of the earth? . . . when the morning stars sang rest of the animal creation, is dependent upon
Unseen in Halls of Governments "Take heed that ye despise not one of these their breath. When this is gone, they, the
together, and all the sons of God shouted for little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven same as beasts, die. In this respect they have
joy?" Job 38:4, 7. One incident related in the book of Daniel their angels do always behold the face of my no preeminence over beasts. But men have a
Before ever this world was created or man draws aside the curtain, and shows how angels Father which is in heaven." hIatt. 18:10. future unending life held out before them, and
upon it, the angels had been created by the doubtless often have worked unseen in kingly This does not mean that trials never will may if they will, die in hope of eternal life, which
eternal Son, in whom all things consist. For courts or halls of legislation. Daniel had come, or troubles. In the midst of the trial, is a very great preeminence over the rest of the
angels are not redeemed men, neither do the prayed for three weeks for light in certain the angel of the Lord will stand by to strengthen animal creation.
redeemed in the world to come ever become matters that the angel Gabriel had begun to and to bring help from the God of all comfort. 9. What does Job call that which God
angels. Angels are a different order of beings unfold to him. When at last the angel came, It was in the midst of the fiery furnace that the breathed into man's nostrils?
from men, of a higher order in creation. The overpowering the prophet with the glory of his "form of the Fourth" appeared, walking with "All the while my breath is in me, and the
psalmist says:- spirit of God is in my
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? nostrils." Job 27:2.
and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 10. When man gives
For thou host made him a little lower than the up this spirit, what be-
angels, and host crowned him with glory and comes of it?
honor." Ps. 8:4, 5.
In the life to come, by the wondrous power "Then shall the dust
of Christ's transforming grace, redeemed men return to the earth as it
was: and the spirit shall
are to be made equal to the angels, as Christ
stated,- return unto God who gave
it." Eccl. 12:7.
"Neither can they die any more: for they are
equal unto the angels; and the children of God, NorE.- That is, the
being the children of the resurrection." Luke spirit of life by which
20:36. man lives, and which is
This lifting of sinful man to an equality only lent him of God, at
with the angels, at least in the possession of death goes back to the
life and immortality, is an illustration of the great Author of life .
gospel principle, "Where sin abounded, grace Having come from him, it
did much more abound." Rom. 5:20. But belongs to God, a n d
the declaration of equality with angels is a man can have it eternally
denial of identity with angels. Angels existed only as a gift from God,
before man, and redeemed man will still be man, through Jesus Christ.
distinct from the angelic order, though the Rona. 0:23, When the
associate of angels in the service of God. spirit goes back to God,
the dust, from which man
Attendants at the Throne of God was made a "living soul"
When the prophet Isaiah,was given a view in the beginning, goes
of the heavenly temple, he saw different orders back as it was, to the
of angels attending the throne of God: - earth, and the individual
"I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, no longer exists as a liv-
high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. ing, conscious, thinking
Above it stood the seraphim: each one had six being except as he exists,
wings; with twain lie covered his face, and in the mmd, plan, and
with twain he covered his feet, and with twain purpose of God through
he did fly. And one cried unto another, and Christ and the resurrec-
said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts." tion. In this sense "all
live unto him" (Luke
Isa. 6: 1-3. 20: 38), for all are to be
Ezekiel beheld them in glory, attending the GUARDIAN ANGELS WATCHING OVER THE INFANT MOSES
raised from the dead.
moving throne of the Almighty. "And the presence, it was nevertheless with a statement the three Hebrew children-Jesus himself See John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15; Rom. 4: 17.
living creatures ran and returned as the ap- of the reason for the delay in responding to his treading the fiery way with them. And when
pearance of a flash of lightning." Eze. 1: 14. prayer. The angel said:- Eternal Life Through Christ
Jesus, in the days of his flesh, was sinking
Daniel beheld the angelic host gathered in "From the first day that thou didst set thine under the crushing burden in Gethsemane, 11. What is the wages of sin?
the most holy of the temple above, as the time heart to understand, and to chasten thyself "The wages of sin is death." Rom. 6: 23.
"there appeared an angel unto him from heaven,
came for the opening of the work of the inves- before thy God, thy words were heard, and I strengthening him." 12. Through whom only is there salvation
tigative judgment, the cleansing of the sanctu- am come for thy words. But the prince of the from sin?
ary. As the throne of God was set for this final Our Saviour, who knows the comforting
kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty power of angel ministry, is the Captain of the "Neither is there salvation in any other: for
work of Christ's ministry, the prophet says:- days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, there is none other name under heaven given
"Thousand thousands ministered unto him, heavenly host, and has commissioned them all
came to help me; and I remained there with the as ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation. among men, whereby we must be saved."
and ten thousand times ten thousand stood kings of Persia. Now I am come to make thee Acts 4: 12.
before him: the judgment was set, and the When he comes in glory for his people, he
understand what shall befall thy people in the will have "all the holy angels with him." As Nome.-If men do not die, why should
books were opened." Dan. 7:10. latter days." Dan. 10: 12-14. Christ die to save them from death? And
Appropriately enough, the angels are asso- the voice of Jesus awakens his sleeping saints,
and they rise immortal from the opened graves, what need of the resurrection and the second
ciated with the opening of the books of judg- Messengers of Deliverance advent?
ment; for they have been the scribes recording "he shall send his angels, . . . and they shall
gather together his elect from the four winds, 13. Why did God send his only begotten Son
the words and deeds and lives of men in the The story of deliverance wrought by angels to this world?
books above. is too long to tell. One need only think of the from one end of heaven to the other." Matt.
24: 31. "That whosoever believeth in him should
God's Messengers angels taking slow-moving Lot by the arms not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16.
and setting him out of Sodom (Genesis 19): of The angels who have watched over the heirs
The word "angel" means messenger. To of salvation through all the ages, know where 14. What does Christ declare himself to be?
the angel finding Elijah under a bush in the "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
and fro these angelic messengers have gone in desert, and first baking a cake for the hungry they are, and they know how to gather them,
the service of their Creator. A view of their man before speaking the word to his discouraged with their loved ones, to meet the Lord. John 14:6.
ever-watchful service is given in the words of The angels who rejoiced when the Lord laid 15. Upon what is the possession of this life
heart (1 Kings 19); of Elisha praying that the conditioned?
the psalmist: - young man's eyes might be opened to see that the foundations of the earth, who mourned
'Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in when man fell, who have all along been working "Except ye eat the flesh of the Sen of man, and
there were more angels round about them than drink his blood, ye have no life in you." John
strength, that do his commandments, hearken- all the Syrians encamped against them:- with Christ, their leader, to rescue the lost,
ing unto the voice of his word." Ps. 103:20. will yet rejoice when the Lord brings home his 6 : 53.
"And the Lord opened the eyes of the young 16. In whom is the life eternal?
man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain own. What a day will that be in heaven!
Bearers of Tidings "This is the record, that God bath given to
They visited Abraham's tent with warning us eternal life, and this life is in his don."
of Sodom's overthrow. Genesis 18. 1 John 5: 11.
They visited Lot in the city, and urged him 17. With whom is the Christian's future life
to get his family out. Genesis 19.
As Jacob, in fear but repentance, was about
Conditional Immortality hid?
"Ye are dead [to sin[, and your life is hid with
Christ in God." Col. 3: 3.
to meet Esau, whom he had wronged, "the BIBLE STUDIES
angels of God met him." Genesis 32. "This is 18. Who only have this life?
God's host," he said, and he knew that the God "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that
The Nature of Man "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the bath not the Son of God hath not life." 1 John
of Abraham and Isaac, and his God also, had ground." Gen. 2: 7.
not forsaken him. 1. How is man's nature defined? 5: 12. "He that heareth my word, and believeth
At a discouraging time in the history of "Shall mortal man be more just than God?" A Living Soul on hint that sent me, hath everlasting life, and
Israel, an angel appeared to Gideon, bringing Job 4: 17. shall not come into condemnation; but is passed
the message, "The Lord is with thee," and Mortal: "Subject to death."-Webster. 5. What act made him a living soul? from life unto death." John 5:24.
calling him to the work of delivering his people. 2. Mat is God's nature? "And [God) breathed into his nostrils the Brought to Light Through the Gospel
Judges 6, "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, in- breath of life; and man became a living soul."
As Daniel's prayer reached heaven, even visible, the only wise God, be honor and glory Same verse, last part. 19. Through whom has immortality been
while he still prayed, the angel Gabriel, "being forever and ever. Amen." 1 Tim. 1:17. NOTES.-The living soul was not put into the brought to light?
caused to fly swiftly," touched him, and said: - I mmortal: "Exempt from liability to die." man; but the breath of life which was put into "But is now made manifest by the appearing
"0 Darnel, I am now come forth to give -Webster. man, made him- the man, made of the of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished
thee skill and understanding. At the begin- 3. In what condition was man created? earth - a living soul, or creature. death, and hath brought life and immortality to
ning of thy supplications the commandment "Thou madest him a little lower than the The original for "living soul" in this text is light through the gospel." 2 Tim. 1:10.
came forth, and I run come to show thee." angels." Ps. 8: 5. whale chaiyah. On the use of this expression 20. To whom is eternal life promised?
4. Of what was man formed in the beginning? in Gen. 1:24, translated "living creature," "To them who by patient continuance
Dan. 9: 21-23.
well-doing seek for glory and honor and immor- 5:26;10:10, 27, 28; Rom. 6:23; 1 John 5:11.
tality, eternal life." Rom. 2: 7.
Nam.- One does not need to seek for a
The word "immortal" occurs but once in the The End of the Wicked
English Bible•(1 Tim. 1:17), and is there ap-
thing which he already possesses. plied to God.
21. Who only possesses inherent immortality? 23. When will the faithful be changed to Eternal Death works that are therein shall be burned up."
"Who is the blessed and only potentate, the immortality? 1. WHAT question does Peter ask regarding 2 Peter 3: 12, 10.
King of kings, and Lord of lords; who only bath "Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall the wicked? 13. Whence will come the fire that Will
immortality." 1 Tim. 6: 15, 16. not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a "The time is come that judgment must begin destroy them?
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, "They went up on the breadth of the earth,
Immortality Bestowed upon the Chil- and compassed the camp of the saints about,
trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the what shall the end be of them that obey not the
dren of God at the Resurrection dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4: 17. and the beloved city: and fire came down from
22. When will this life be bestowed upon the be changed." 1 Cor. 15:51, 52. 2. What does the Bible say is the wages of sin? God out of heaven, and devoured them." Rev.
believer? 24. What is then to be swallowed up? "The wages of sin is death," Horn. 6:23. 20: 9.
"When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, "So when this corruptible shall have put on "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Eze. 18: 4. NOTE.-This is called God's "strange act"
then shall ye also appear with him in glory." incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on Die: "To pass from physical life; to suffer a and his "strange work,"- the work of de-
Col. 3: 4. immortality, then shall be brought to pass the total and irreparable loss of action of the vital struction. Isa. 28:21. But by this means God
NOTE.- God is the only being who possesses saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in functions; to become dead; to expire; perish." will once and forever cleanse the universe of
original life or immortality in himself. John victory." Verse 54. See verse 57. sin and all its sad results. Death itself will
3. What will be the character of this death? then be at an end cast into the lake of fire.
"Who shall be punished with everlasting Rev. 20: 14.
destruction from the presence of the Lord, and This is the Second Death
from the glory of his power." 2 These. 1:9.
The Condition of Man in Death Destroy: "To unbuild; to break up the struc- 14. To what will this fire reduce the wicked?
ture and organic existence of: to demolish; to "Ye shall tread down the wicked; for they
" Asleep in Jesus " will avail nothing unless rightly and beneficently spoil utterly; to bring to naught; to put an end shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the
1. By what figure does the Bible represent Used, and that poverty will not keep one out of to; to annihdate."-Webster, day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
death? heaven. 4. How complete will be the destruction of Mal. 4: 3.
"I would not have you to be ignorant breth- 11. But are not the righteous dead in heaven? the wicked? Norx.-The wicked are to be utterly de-
ren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye "David is not ascended into the heavens." "Fear him which is able to destroy both soul stroyed - consumed away into smoke, brought
sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." Acts 2:34. and body in hell." Matt. 10:28. to ashes, Having inseparably allied themselves
1 Thess. 4: 13. See also 1 Cor. 15:18, 20; Awake from Sleep at the Resurrection with sin, they have forfeited the right to life
John 11: 11-14. Compared to All That is Perishable and an immortal existence, and chosen the way
Nora.-In sound sleep one is wholly lost to 12. What must take place before the dead and Worthless of death and destruction. By their choice they
consciousness; time goes by unmeasured; and can praise God? 5. To what are the wicked in their punish- have proved themselves worthleas. For this
the mental functions which are active during "Thy dead men shall live, together with my ment compared? reason they are compared to chaff, briers,
consciousness are suspended for the time being, dead body shall they arise, Awake and sing, ye "The wicked shall perish, and the enemies thorns, etc. Their destruction will consequently
2. Where do the dead sleep? that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the dew of of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall be no real loss. They themselves will have
"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead." consume; into smoke shall they consume away." lost their opportunity to obtain eternal life;
earth shall awake." Dan. 12:2. See also Isa. 26: 19. Ps. 37:20. but by the way in which they used their pro-
Eccl. 3:20' 9: 10. 13. When did David say he would be satisfied? Consume: "To destroy; as by decomposition, bationary time they proved themselves un-
3. How tong will they sleep there? "As for me, I will behold 'thy face in right- dissipation, waste, or fire."-?Webster. worthy of it. Their destruction will, in fact,
"So man lieth down, be an act of love and mercy on the part of God;
and riseth not: till the for to perpetuate their lives would be only to
heavens be no snore, they perpetuate sin, sorrow, suffering, and misery.
shall not awake, nor he Terrible, therefore, as this judgment will be,
raised out of their sleep." there will, in consequence of it, be nothing of
.lob 14: 12. value lost,- nothing worth saving. The ex-
4. For what did Job periment of sin will be over, and God's original
plan of peopling the earth with a race of holy,
say he would wait after happy beings will be carried out. 2 Peter 3:13.
death? 15. What is this final destruction of the
"If a man die, shall he wilted called?
live again? all the days of "This is the second death," Rev. 20:14.
my apnointed time will I IS. After the burning day, what will appear?
wait, till my changecome." 'Nevertheless we, according to his promise,
Verse 14. look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein
5. Where did he say dwelleth righteousness." 2 Peter 3:13.
he woul I wait?
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mine house: I have made
my bed in the darkness," The World's Crisis in the Light
Job 17:13.
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judgment does not take place at death, but men of time. To those who sleep in Jesus, their NcnE,-It would be difficult to keep the address is given below
go to their reward at death, then their rewards sleep, whether long or short, whether one year, wicked in eternal torment without any place
precede their awards, and there would arise the one thousand years, or six thousand years, will for them, even, in which to exist.
possibility that some have at death gone to be but as if the moment of sad parting were 10. Where are both the righteous and the
the wrong place, and must needs be sent to followed instantly by the glad reunion in the wicked to be recompensed?
the other, after having been in bliss or torment presence of Jesus at his glorious appearing and "Belfold, the righteous shall be recompensed The Advent Review
for ages, perhaps. the resurrection of the just. in the earth: much more the wicked and the
10. How much does one know of God when
It ought also to be a comforting thought to
those whose lives have been filled with anxiety
sinner." Prov. 11:31. and Sabbath Herald
"In death there is no remembrance of thee." and grief for deceased loved ones who persisted Destroyed at the Final Judgment
in sin, to know that they are not now suffering August 7, 1916
Ps. 6: 5.
NOTE.-There is not even a remembrance of in torments, but, with all the rest of the dead, 11. Do the wicked go directly to their punish-
are quietly sleeping in their graves. Job 3: 17. ment at death, or wait till the day of judgment? ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE
God. As already seen, the Bible everywhere
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heaven or hell, would it be fitting to represent enjoyment in heaven could he look upon the out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust
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them thus? Was Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, earth and see his friends and relatives suffering
in heaven when the Saviour said, "Our friend from persecution, want, cold, or hunger or Peter 2: 9. Terms: in Advance
Lazarus sleepeth"? John 11: 11. If so, calling sorrowing for the dead. God's way is best,- 12. What will be the result of the fires of One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00
him to life was really robbing him of the bliss that all sentient life, animation, activity, thought the last day? Three Months .50
of heaven that rightly belonged to him. The and consciousness should cease at death, and "Looping for and hosting unto the coming of
parable of the rich man and Lazarus, recorded that all should wait till the resurrection for their the day of God, wherein the heavens being on (Entered as second-c1ass matter, Aug. 14, t9.1, at the
in Luke 16, was given to teach, not conscious- future life and eternal reward. See Heb. fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt post office at Washington, D. C., under the act of Con.
ness in death, but that in the judgment riches 11:39, 40. with fervent heat." "The earth also, and the VOSS Of March 3. Ig79•

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