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1, ABEL MULATU 0305/12

2, BEKALU ATTO 0232/12



Table of contents pages

1, Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………1

2, Scope……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

3, Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

4, Features………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

5, Application of the system……………………………………………………………………………….5

6, system development tools……………………………………………………………………………..6

7, Entity relationship diagram…………………………………………………………………………….7

8,Logocal relationship………………………………………………………………………………………..7

9,physical relationship………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Online Teachers evaluation system is evaluating the Teachers performance and
skills using some criteria, by using web based online technology we can evaluate
the performance of the teachers .

Online teacher’s evaluation system is based on evaluating the teachers with a pre-
specified evaluation criteria and display evaluation result in a report format.

Almost all activities are going on manually, which leads to wastage of time, labor,
accuracy, and speed.

This project solves the problem by developing web based application for Teachers
Evaluation System is manual which evaluates the performance of teaching and
learning process each teacher in the school.

The purpose of this evaluation is to managing teaching learning process and to

reward those Teachers who were dedicated and work hard in the teaching
learning process and increase their performance.

Our new system enables both teachers and the students to efficiently use their
time and resources. The systems we are developing will be more efficient and
This study focuses on studying the current system of teaching evaluation adopted by the faculty
and developed an online web application that covers the major concept and objectives of
teaching evaluation system.

The project will cover for only four module(students, administrative, head of unit, head of

The administrative module will enable a valid administrator to login and perform the function
of creating, and updating needed information.

The student module on the other hand will allow a valid user to use his/her username and
password to login and handle the evaluation.

The head of department login and view the result of evaluation made by students, the scope,
entail developing a dynamic web application/site using php, css,
javascript,jquery,bootstrap,wamp and mysql that will be used to store information about
students, staff and the entire administrative activities, and other tools that will be needed to
make the work look nice

Can be:-

A, General objectives
-The general objective of this project is to develop a OTES(Online Teachers Evaluation

B, specific objectives
- Specifically OTES will perform the following things:-
-To design Teachers evaluation based on the university standard question or criteria.
- To develop real time web based Teachers evaluation system by HTML,CSS ,Java-
script ,php programming and MySQL data base management system, by using them
at front end tool and back end tool .

-Portable application (it can access from any were. Whether the evaluator found in
university or not)

- To prepare accurate result of evaluated instructor.

- To solve school of computing evaluator problems.

-besides having these objectives our project aims at giving recommendations for
planning,designing,and implementation a good web-based (online) teaching evaluation
system Using the up to date new technology.
The automated system is a web based application overcome existing challenges by providing
the following features.

- It allows evaluate Teachers performance.

- It allows to update users profile

-Generating conclusive report to give the evaluation result for Teachers.

- It allows viewing evaluation result.

Application of the system

The proposed system has many applications and advantages compared to the existing system.
It solves the problems of the existing system and increase the performance of the evaluation. In
our proposed system we develop a web based application Teachers evaluation system that is
capable of controlling the evaluation form.

-The application of proposed system are:-

- Replace the manual to automated system.

- The proposed system enables to calculate the evaluation result and store evaluation
information in the database.

-The application composes different forms to store data to the database and retrieve required
information from the database.

- Create accounts for different users.

- Deactivate created personal accounts if needed.

System development tool

A, Front-end Technologies

We use the front-end of the software systems developed using HTML, php, JavaScript,
CSS markup language and style sheet

B, Back-end Technologies
One of the most important technologies in the implementation, and deployment of the
software system is the back-end or database technology. We decide to use MYSQL.

MySQL server compared to others:

-MySQL Advantage is a suite of for web based application, and well-supported ones–that
work together to run interactive, dynamic Internet sites.

-MySQL is characterized as a free, fast, reliable open source relational database. It does
lack some sophistication and facilities, but it has an active development team and, as it
goes from release to release, more capabilities are added. At certain times there will be
a trade-off between speed and capabilities, and the MySQL team intends to keep their
database engine fast and reliable.

- Because of its unique storage engine architecture MySQL performance is very high.

-Supports large number of embedded applications which makes MySQL very flexible.

- Use of Triggers, Stored procedures and views which allows the developer to give a
higher productivity.

- Allows transactions to be rolled back, commit and crash recovery.

-It's secure: MySQL includes solid data security layers that protect sensitive data from
intruders. Rights can be set to allow some or all privileges to individuals. Passwords are

-It's inexpensive: MySQL is included for free with NetWare® 6.5 and available by free
download from MySQL Web site.
-Entity relationship diagram

Logical relationship
Physical relationship

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