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Nama :Nadia Rahma Islamia

Nim :2114313450032
Prodi :D3 TLM
Tanggal :Selasa, 8 Maret 2022

1. Contoh dialog imperative 3 orang:

Situation: This dialog between a mother and her two daughters Ann and Joy. They are in the
kitchen, suddenly the Mom remembers that she runs out some ingredients that she needs
to go to the shop nearby. The bold sentences are imperative sentences.

Mother: Ann, can you come to the kitchen for a moment?

Ann: Yes, sure Mom! (while she's walking to the kitchen)

Mother: Can you help me stir this soup? I need to check the bread in the oven.

Ann: Sure Mom! I'll help you.

Mother: Ooh...I forgot! I run out of some ingredients, I'll go to the shop across the road. And
Ann, don't forget to keep stirring!

Suddenly, Joy is coming to the kitchen

Joy: Mom, I heard that you are going to the shop, Can I come too? I need to buy some
crayons for my drawing.

Mother: Yes, but first get me my wallet, please. It's on the cupboard near the TV.

Joy: Here your wallet, Mom!

Mother: Put on your sandals, Joy! Ann, I won't be long!

Ann: No problem, don't forget to close the door!

2. Contoh dialog diskusi

Ms. Hanna: Hello, excuse me. May I ask you where the nearest shopping center is?

Lucas: Hello, ma’am. The nearest shopping center? You just need to go straight on until you
come to the crossroad, you can turn left and the shopping center would be on your right.
It’s called The Emporium.

Ms. Hanna: Thank you very much, I will try to remember it all.

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