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A Method of Tree Expansion in Network Topology*


N the analysis and synthesis of an electric network,
topological consideration is very useful. Such treat- 0
ment, however, requires the finding of all possible
trees and/or multitrees in the network.le3 For this, the m2

author recently offered a new method of listing all possible

trees named “spread transformation” whose process is Da,,= / , (1)
very suitable for the use of a digital computer.4 In cast
of the very complicated network, however, computation
becomes difficult even with the author’s method because 0 . nk
of a large number of possible trees. With the view of
reducing computation time in using a digital computer,
several authors have discussed the methods based on the
decomposition of the network into several parts.5’e The
computational processes of these methods, however, are
rather complicated and not always systematic.
The purpose of this paper is to give a systematic method
for computation of the total sum of all possible tree
admittance products of a very complicated network in
terms of multitree admittance products of each simple
subnetwork of the network. This method is suitable for
the programming of a digital computer and will save
much of the computation time involved.


Let G be a connected nonseparable graph with m vertices Fig. l-An illustration for decomposition of the connected non-
and n elements and let Ci’s (j = 1,2 . . . Ic - 1) be (k - 1) separable graph G, i.e., G is partitioned into Gi’s and R by inde-
pendent cut sets, Ci’s.
independent cut sets of G which together include n,
elements. If we remove all the elements of Ci’s, then where submatrix Di (i = 1, 2, . . . k) in (1) is a matrix
the graph G becomes a set of k separated subgraph with ni columns and mi rows and means the incidence
Gi’s (i = 1, 2 . . . k) which are mutually exclusive and matrix of the subgraph G,. Since G is nonseparable, Gi
together include all the vertices of G, while Gi contains is also connected and nonseparable and the rank of Di
mi vertices as illustrated in Fig. 1. The incidence matrix is (mi - 1).
of the set of subgraphs thus obtained can be expressed as The graph obtained by adding the elements of Ci’s
follows: to the set of subgraph Gi’s is G: Therefore, the incidence
matrix D, of G can always be expressed as
* Receivedby the PGCT, September27,196O;revisedmanuscript
received, December 12, 1960. Da = [D,oRol
t Transmission Industry Div., Nippon Electric Co., Ltd.,
Kawasaki City, Japan.
1 W. S. Percival, “Solution of passive electrical network by means nl
of mathematical trees,” J. ZEE, vol. 100, pt. III, pp. 143-150;
May, 1953.
2 W. Mayeda and S. Seshu, “Topological Formulas for Network Dl ml
Functions,” University of Illinois, Urbana, Interim. Rept. No. 3, -i!k-- 0
Contract No. DA-ll-022-ORD-1983; 1956.
3 S. Seshu, .“Theory Iof Linear Graphs with Applications in ;D, m,
Electrical Engineering,” Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New =
York, 276 pp.; 1958.
4 H. Watanabe, “A computational method for network topology,”
IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY, vol. CT-7, pp. 296-303; Sep-
tember, 1960.
5 W. Mayeda, “Reducing computation time in the analysis of 0 ‘.nk
networks by digital computer,” IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY,
vol. CT-6, pp. 136-137; March, 1959.
B W. H. Kim, “Topological evaluation of network functions,”
J. Franklin Inst., vol. 267, pp. 283-293; April, 1959.

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1961 Watanabe: Method of Tree Expansion in Network Topology

Submatrix R, means an incidence matrix of the subgraph where

R, which consists of all the vertices of G and all the
elements belonging to the cut sets, Ci’s. Therefore, sub- k
m= Cm,
matrix R, in (2) can always be partitioned into k matrices i=1
each of which has (mi - ri) zero rows, y; nonzero rows, G
and n, columns: y = &.
Now, let us consider the extended incidence matrix
I--- 0 I/’ ‘m, 1 - Yl
with respect to D, in (2).

D&nition 1
The extended incidence matrix 9, with respect to the
incidence matrix D, is such a matrix having (m + 7)
R, = (3)
rows and (n + y) columns as shown below in equation
(5), where U,, U, ... , U, are unit‘matrices with orders
71, 72, -.* , Ye, respectively, and U, is a unit matrix

-\ with order y. Di(i = 1, 2, . . . , k) is the same submatrix

as that for D,, and R is a matrix with y rows and n,

;pk - Yk columns obtained from R, of D, by eliminating zero rows.
The extended incidence matrix 9, has the useful
properties concerning the problem of finding tree admit-
tance products. These properties can be summarized as
follows in Theorem 1.


.-O---- 0 ,


D, mk

I---I n.
-___--__---------- ------ --L

I --I.uE R

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Theorem I In (7), there are two nonzero elements in the first
1) The rank of 9, is (m + y - 1). column, that is, in the (m, - y1 + 1)th row and in the
2) The determinant of any square submatrix of order (m + 1)th row, respectively. Let the (m + 1)th row be
(m + Y - 1) of Da,,,whose first y columns are the same added to the (m, - y1 + 1)th row to reduce the element
as the first y columns of a>,, is equal to the determinant at the (ml - y1 + 1, 1) position to zero. Next, let the
of a square submatrix of order (m - 1) of D, excepting (m + 2)th row be added to the other nonzero element
the sign, and vice versa. in column 2, to reduce it to zero. By repetition of this
nrocedure for the first (y - 1) columns, (7) is reduced to
Proof the form
l?or a nonsingular square matrix X of order (m + y), 1.2 . . . . . . . TiKlK2 . . . . . . . . . G-I
a>. can be transformed into the following without changing I I
I- I ----
the rank: I I
r- II I 1 0 I D” I R”
I -- I ---
X.6) II = ---mu---‘!--?:--I- / (6) I I

pq 0 IFi 1. ,2:t1, (a* = 0 0 . . .. 1 0 ... 0 63)

-__- ,-----,--_----
1 01 I ---
Because t,he matrices D, and U, have the ranks of I I
(m - 1) and y, respectively, matrix (6) has at least one -1-U; 1; 0 ; R’
.I I
nonsingular submatrix of order (m - 1 + r), and has -- 01 ; ----
no nonzero square submatrix of order (m + 7). Thus,
therankof a>,is(m+r - 1). = (- 1)’ .det (- 1. VA) edet (D”R”), (9)
Next, consider a determinant of a square submatrix of where det (D”R”) means the determinant of a square
order (m + y - 1) of Q,, which is denoted by det (Q* submatrix consisting of K~, ~2, . . . , and K,-lth columns
and consists of the first (m + y - 1) rows of 9, and the and (m - 1) rows of D,, that is, the determinant of a
first y columns and arbitrarily chosen K~, K2, . . - K,-lth submatrix of order (m - 1) of D.. By (9), we can conclude
columns of &. Then the det (Q,)* can be written det (zD,)* 1 = [ submatrix of order (m - 1) of D, 1
(m+y-I) (m++rl)
as in (7) below, where VA is a unit matrix- of. order (10)
(y - l), and D’ or R’ is a submatrix consisting of for all possible sets of (m - 1) columns (K~, K~, . . . , K,-,).

Kl, K2t . . . K,-,th columns of Dn,, or R. (Q.E.D.)

,2 . . . . . . . . . y

m :I
det (Q)*= ---- 4 ----
(m+7-1) m+l:
-1.u; I R’
.1 I
f I I
.I I
01 I-_

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1961 Watanabe: Method of Tree Expansion in Network Topology 7
TREE EXPANSION THEOREM Applying the aforesaid theorem to the above,
In the network topology, it is an important problem
to find tree admittance products, the total sum of all V(Y~> = C (Ye,, Y.,, . - - Y-J. I ( fye~l, (DJ* I. (13)
possible products of the branch admittances of trees in
the given network. Now, consider branch admittance yI Thus, we get V(yJ in terms of the sum of the products
corresponding to element E, of G, then the total sum of of the admittances corresponding to (m - 1) columns
all tree admittance products, denoted by V(yJ, is given of nonzero det (Q,)*.
byzP3 (m+y-1)
Now, examine the properties of nonzero det (3&J*.
= det (D.(yJ.D'),
V(yJ (11) cm+y-1)

where D is a matrix which is obtained from D, by elimi- Suppose that det (a>,)* is expressed as in equation
nating one row and D’ is the transposed matrix of D. (14) below, where U,, U2, . . . U, are unit matrices of
By the Binet-Cauchy theorem, (11) is developed as. order yl, y2, . . + Ykt respectively, and K,, K2, . . . Km-, are
UYJ = c (Y,, .Y#, ... Y.,,,-1). I ,d$ (Da) I, (12) (m - 1) arbitrarily chosen columns of &. If (14) is
expanded with respect to the first columns in accordance
where det (D,) is the determinant of a square submatrix with the Laplace’s expansion theorem, then
consisting of K~, K~, . . . , and K,-lth columns of D, and
det (a),)* = c A(V)*A’(V>, (15)
the summation is carried out over all such determinants. (m+y-1)

1 .................... Y /(I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K,-,

,.-I 0:

0 0

det (Q,)*=


------- --------____-------_---
-1.u; . I 0 R’
. 1
01 I

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where A(V)‘s are major determinants of the matrix con-
sisting of the first y columns of D, and (27 - 1) rows of
9, denoted as v,, v2, . . . , IJ~~-~,as shown below:

1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -),

Vl 7 VI r 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . (j
V2 0 0 1

:() ..
= .
0 Uk 0 1
IL! 87 -
_----------------- -1 0 ........... 0
vy+1 0
0 :
:o.. :

V2y- I _ 0 . . . . . . . . . -1 0

Further, in (15), A’(V) is a cofactor of A(V) with respect Thus, any binary code V designates corresponding non
to (14), and the summation is carried out over all possible zero A(V) and plays an important role in the expansior
nonzero major determinants of (16). formula of det (2&J*. Hence, hereafter V will be called
First, consider nonzero majors of (16). From matrix (m+y-1)
an “ Expansion Index;”
(16), we can easily understand that any major determi- The next to be considered is a cofactor A’(V). A’(V) is
nant A(V), which contains row vi of (16)) is nonzero if
a determinant of a square matrix that is reduced from
and only if it contains row vY of (16) and never contains
matrix ZD,,by deleting those rows designated by V ant
row v,+~ of (16) for any i 5 y - 1. Now, let V and V’
its complement V’, and also by deleting all columnt
be binary codes with y bits and be defined as excepting (m - l), arbitrarily chosen K,, K*, . . . , and
K,-lth CdUInnS.
(17) Here, let partition expansion index V into lc componentr
81, J/‘z, . . . , Vk in the following way:

where v = Ql, az, 0.0 , q--I),

1 . . . A(V) contains row vi VI = (a,, a, . . . ) my, 0%

ffi =
. A(V) does not contain row v;

a:= 1 *. . A(V) contains row v, +i .............. . . . . . . .

i 0 . . . A(V) does not contain row vY+<. Vk = (qk--l+l, a-f&,+27 . 7 %-I7 1).

Then we may restate the same result using V and V’ Hence, V and its complement V’ can be written as
as Lemma 1.
v = (V,V, --* VJ
Lemma 1 V’ = (v:v; --* v:>,
Major determinant of (16), denoted by A(V), is non-
zero if and only if it contains 7th row, and if V’, defined where Vi is the complement of Vi. Thus, an expansior
as (17), is the bitwise complement binary code of V for index V = (V,V, . . . V,) designates a cert.ain set of row5
any V. of D., or a certain set of vertices of G.

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1961 Watanabe: Method of Tree Expansion in Network Topology 9

A’(V) is given as components R,R, . . . R,. Hence, there exists a set of

nonzero det (R”) for such an index V’ that the set of
KIKZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K,-,
vertices designated by V’ contains at least one vertex
belonging to Rj for any j.

I I 0:’
Consequently, we can state lemma 2.

Lemma 2
! I If an expansion index, V = (V, V, . . . V,), satisfies
the conditions,
A’(V) = 7 cm 1) Vi = 0 for any i,
2) For V’, the complement of V, there is at least one

nonzero det (R”),
_---. then, there exists the set of nonzero det (Q)*‘s, each
0 __- (m+y-1)
of which is expressed as
__- det (D,)* = A(V). h det (D:‘) .det CR”), cm
(m+y-1) i-1
1 1 1. where det (Di’) (or det (R”)) is any one of multitree
0:’ = submatrix obtained from DC in (5) by aeietmg determinants of Gi (or R) with respect to the carrier-
those rows determined by Vi and all columns vertices determined by Vi (or V’).
but those corresponding to the set of elements By substituting (21) into (13), we have
(E,JL .+. E,m-1).
R” = submatrix obtained from R in (5) by deleting
those rows determined by V’ and all columns
but those corresponding to the set of elements . A(V). fi det (D:‘) .det (R”) , e-59
(Ex,E,, . . . Km-1).
where the summation is carried out over all possible non-
By repeating the application of Laplace’s expansion
zero det (Q,)*‘s.
theorem to (20), we readily see that the necessary and Ol+y--l
sufficient conditions for (20) to be nonzero are as follows: In (22), the product of branch admittances
1) All submatrix DI”s and R” are square matrices, (YK1.YI. . . . Yw-J
2) All submatrix D:“s and R” are nonsingular.
can always be partitioned as
According to these conditions, det (D:‘) must be a
nonzero major determinant of a submatrix obtained from (Yxl .Y<% . YKi,-,>
Di by deleting those rows determined by the expansion k
index V,. From a graphical point of view, det (D:‘) must *my--1) ,
= rJ (y:, ... yI,,_,).(2/e~ ... yR (23)
be a tree determinant or a multitree determinant with
respect to such a tree or multitree of Gi that has those where
vertices determined by the expansion index V, as their
carrier-vertices.7 Since Gi is a connected subgraph, there cyt,. . . yl,,-J = the product of branch admittances of Gi,
exists a set of nonzero det (D:‘) for an arbitrary but <YE * . . Y~m7-~) = the product of branch admittances of R.
nonzero Vi, and we get
From (22), (23) and Lemma 2, we get
det (D:‘) = 0 for Vi = 0.

Next, consider the subgraph R which has submatrix

R of Q, as the incidence matrix, for then det (R”) can be
interpreted as a tree or a multitree determinant with where
respect to such a tree or a multitree of R that has those
vertices designated by the expansion index V’ as their &(Vi) = .I,,,&,?, (yf, . . . &,,-,)~I det (IX’) I, (25)
carrier-vertices. In general, R may consist of r separated
X,(V) = c (yz ... ~f~“,,-,).ldet.(R”) I. (26)
all detCR”)
7 Carrier-vertices of an r-tree are T vertices each of which is in
the separated component of the r-tree and no two of which are Si(Vi), defined in (25),. is the sum of pi-tree admittance
connected. See T. Fujisawa, “A Theory of Multi-trees and Multi-
Cotrees,‘! Inst. Elec. Commun. Engrgs., Japan, Technical Group products of Gi with respect to a binary code Vi having
on Circuit Theory Rept.; January, 1959. pi nonzero bits.

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For pLi = 0, i.e., Vi = 0, Xi(Vi) becomes zero, while ) F Vi 1 = minimum, (2%
when pi = 1.
Xi(Vi) is the sum of tree products of Gi. where ce means modulo 2 sum of [m/2] vertices Vi!
Similarly, SR(V’) in (26) is the sum of pa-tree admit- and absolute value of & Vi means number of nonzera
tance products of R with respect to a binary code V’ elements of graph & Vi. As is well known, there exists
having PRnonzero bits. Suppose R to consist of r separated a cut or a set of cut sets Ci such that
components, then ’
F Vi = C Cj (C : bitwise logical sum). (20)
#O *** if V’ contains at least T nonzero bits,
each of which corresponds to a vertex By removing such Ci, G is partitioned into two connected
sR(v’> in each separated component of R, or sets of connected graphs, G, and G,, where G, consists
respectively. of the set of vertices ( Vi) and all possible elements con-
I =o . . . otherwise. nected between them; on the other hand, G, contains
none of {Vi}.
Since A(V) is always ZIZ1, we can summarize the result
Therefore, we get
in the following theorem.
G = G, + G, + R (bitwise logical sum)
Theorem 2 (30)
If a connected nonseparable graph G is partitioned into i 0= G,*G,*R (bitwise logical product),
k separated components Gi (i = ,1.2 . * - k) and a set of where R = c Ci = & Vi. Since G, and G, have at
(7G- 1) independent cut sets R, then the total sum of most [(m + 1)/2] vertices while G has m vertices, we can
all possible tree admittance products of G can be expanded conclude that
by means of an expansion index V = (V,, V,, . . . V,) =
1) the complexity of G, E 4 the complexity of G,
( Ql, ffz, * * * ffy-1, 1) , defined in (17) and (18)) and given as 2) the complexity of G, g + the complexity of G,
3) the complexity of R E minimum for bisections of G
By applying the same proGedure for decomposing the
(27) graph to G, and GI, we can obtain minimum 1 R 1 and
where four subgraphs, each of which has about one fourth oj
the complexity of G. Repeating this procedure v times
VB = (binary expression of V) = c (yy-j .2’.
i=l we get 2’ subgraphs Gi whose complexities are reduced
‘&+l(vk+l) = sR(v’). to l/2” of that of G, and also a subgraph R with minimun
V’ = bitwise complement of V. number of elements.
Si(Vi) = (the sum of pi-tree admittance products of This method of decomposition, although not the best
each subgraph of G with respect to expansion index is very powerful in the application of tree expansior
Vi). theorem.


By the theorem discussed in the previous section, the This paper presented a new theorem which shows the
computation time which is necessary to obtain the total relationship between trees or tree admittance product:
sum of tree admittance products of the network can be of a very complicated network G and multitrees or multi.
greatly reduced. This computation time, however, depends tree admittance products of each rather simple subnet
upon the method used to partition the graph G into k work of G. According to this theorem, the total sum oj
separated components, Gi’s, and graph R by (k - 1) tree admittance products V(yJ of this large network if
independent cut sets, C,‘s. Therefore, these cut sets must easily found in terms of the multitree admittance product:
be chosen in such a way that the maximum of the com- of subnetworks by mean of expansion index 8. An effective
plexities of Gi’s and R, the disjoint union of these cut method for decomposing the network into simple subnet
sets, Ci’s, becomes minimum. Practically, as a measure works is also discussed. The methods described in thic
of the complexity of a graph, we can consider the number paper are suitable for the use of an automatic digita
of vertices or elements of the graph. From this view point, computer, which saves computing time and makes calcu
one simple but useful partitioning method can be obtained lating possible with less memories and rather simple com-
as stated below. puter programming.
First, find a set of [m/2] vertices, denoted by (Vi) ,*
which satisfies
The author wishes to express his thanks to Dr. T
8 According to Watanabe,’ it is supposed that any subgraph Kurokawa H. Tomonari and other engineers of Nippor
is expressed as a subset of n elements of G. and is renresented Electric Co. for their generous support. His sincere
by a-n bits binary code. For these subgraphs: various b~&~%~~~~ gratitude is also due to Dr. T. Fujisawa of Osaka Uni-
rules, such as logical sum +, logical product. * and modulo 2 sum 0,
are applicable. versity for valuable advice and comments.
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