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Topic 5 – Combustion Processes

A Combustion Process

Chemical Reactions Associated with Combustion Processes

C + O2 ========> CO2

C + 0.5O2 ========> CO

2H + 0.5O2 ========> H2O

S + O2 ========> SO2

Terms Associated with Combustion Processes

Orsat Analysis

Refers to the type of gas analysis which eliminates water as a component (dry-free basis). If water is
included in the report, it is termed wet-basis analysis.

Theoretical Air

The amount of air required for complete combustion of C, H, and S. It does not depend on how much
material is actually but what can be burned.

Excess Air

The amount of air in excess of that required for complete combustion. The % excess air is the same as %
excess O2.

Example 1. Theoretical and Stoichiometric Air

In a given process, 100 kmol of carbon is burned in a furnace. It has been found that 20% of the carbon
undergoes incomplete combustion resulting to CO production.

The rest of the carbon undergoes complete combustion. Determine the amount of air required (in kmol)
if 50% excess O2 must be satisfied.
Relevant Reactions:

C + O2 ========> CO2

C + 0.5O2 ========> CO

Calculate for theoretical O2 needed:

Assume that all the carbon is burned completely to CO2.

100 kmol C (1/1) = 100 kmol O2

It is not correct to do the following:

C ==>CO2: 100 kmol C (0.80)(1/1) = 80 kmol O2

C ==>CO: 100 kmol C (0.20)(0.5/1) = 10 kmol O2

Total O2 required stoichiometrically based on the actual process:

Stoichiometric O2 = (80 + 10) kmol = 90 kmol

Theoretical O2 is based not on what is stoichiometrically needed according to what is actually burned.

Theoretical Air = (100 kmol)(1/0.21) = 476.2 kmol

And the actual air supplied:

Actual Air = 476.2 kmol (1.5) = 714.3 kmol

Example 2. Combustion of Propane (C3H8)

Fuels for motor vehicles other than gasoline are being eyed because they generate lower levels of
pollutants than does gasoline. Compressed propane (C3H8) has been suggested as a source of economic
power for vehicles. Suppose that in a test, 20 kg of C3H8 is burned with 400 kg of air to produce 44 kg of
CO2 and 12 kg of CO. Calculate the percent excess air.

Write the overall combustion reaction for the fuel assuming it is burned completely:

C3H8 + 5O2 ========> 3CO2 + 4H2O

For 20 kg of C3H8, the theoretical O2 required is:

The actual O2 supplied is

The percent excess air (or O2) is

Example 3. Combustion of Methane (CH4)

Generation of methane-rich biogas is a way to avoid high waste-disposal costs, and burning it can meet
up to 60% of the operating costs for such waste-to-energy plants. Consider the complete combustion of
16.0 kg of methane (CH4) in biogas with 300 kg of air. Determine the % excess of air, and the total moles
and composition of the flue gas.
Degrees of Freedom Analysis: Atomic Balance

Write the atomic species balances (mole basis):

Simplifying the equations

If composition of flue gas is expressed in terms of actual number of moles (n’s) instead of mole fractions
Example 4. Combustion of Coal

Moisture in the fuel was 3.90% and the air on the average contained 0.0048 lbm H2O/lbm dry air. The
refuse showed 14.0% combined elements as in the coal (i.e. C, H, O, N, S) and the remainder being ash. It
may be assumed that these combined elements occur in the same proportions as they do in the coal.
Estimate the amount of amount of flue-gas (dry basis), amount of water coming out of the process, and
the %excess air.

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