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 Because of / On account of / Owing

 But / yet …
to / Due to …
The book is short but / yet interesting.
Because of / on account of / owing to /
due to the weather, we stayed at home.
 In spite of / Despite …
- He arrived on time despite / in spite of
getting up late.
 In order to / So as to …
- We had a great time in spite of/
She studied a lot in order to / so as to / to
despite the rain. get good grades.
 Although / (Even) though/ In spite of
the fact that…
 Consequently / As a consequence / As a
Although / though / even though / in
result / Therefore
spite of the fact that students didn’t
study, they all passed their exams.
I didn’t study. As a consequence, I’m
going to fail the course.
 However / Nevertheless / Even so / On
the contrary / In contrast.
 So
I already knew a lot about the subject;
however, his presentation was still You helped me, so I will help you right
interesting. now.

 On the one hand ... On the other hand. ADDITION

On the one hand I love the freedom of  Moreover / Furthermore / In

being single, but on the other hand the addition / Besides / What's more …
idea of being married and having a
family is very attractive. Texting while driving is against the
rules and, moreover/what’s more,
 While/Whereas… it's dangerous.

This movie is very interesting,  As well / In addition to / Besides …

while/whereas the other one is quite
boring We look forward very much to seeing you
again and to meeting your wife as well.

 Because / As / Since / Seeing that …

Because / as / since / seeing that it’s late,

we should go home.
 I am under the impression that ...
 I think…  My own feeling on the subject is that ...
 In my opinion …  My impression is that ...
 To my mind, …  I have the feeling that ...
 From my point of view…  I have no doubt that ...
 I am sure / I am certain that ...  I think / consider / find / feel / believe /
 In my eyes, ... suppose / presume / assume that ...
 My view / opinion / belief / impression /  I hold the opinion that ...
conviction is that ...  I guess that ...
 I would say that ...  As far as I am concerned, ...
 It seems to me that ...  As for me / As to me, ...
 Personally speaking, …  I hold the view that ...
 I gather that ...
 I dare say that ...
 I am of the opinion that ...

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