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Worshipping Community of Darlington-Bellevue St Cuthberts Church cnr Darlington and Hillsden Rd, Darlington


Sunday 9 October 2011 MISSION PLAN PRAYER: Thank you, God, for the gifts of prayer you give to small children. Show ageing congregations how to open hearts and habits to children in worship.

BISHOP DAVID AND MRS WINNIE TALANOA Sunday 13 November Visiting from Kokoda, Bishop David is the former bishop of Dogura (PNG) and his wife Winnie is a tireless worker in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Well known to many in the parish, David and Winnie would like to show their thanks for our support over many years. Bishop David will preach and preside at both Eucharists on Sunday 13 November.

CARAD VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Are you able to volunteer through CARAD to help these people, or do you know someone who might? Call CARAD on 08 9227 7322. *Two Afghan high school students living in Forrestfield, need homework support. Ref. 52An *Iraqi boy (has had very little schooling in his life), currently living in Ellenbrook needs homework support. Ref 69

THE DARLINGTON ARTS FESTIVAL SATURDAY 5 AND SUNDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2011 10am-4pm HOW YOU CAN SERVE: To serve on the book stall, please contact Sue Young on 08 9299 7354 or or to serve with the Festival of Flowers and Catering, please contact Gill Wood on 08 9299 6452 or

We pray for those sick and in need: Colleen, Ric, Damon, Bec, Rose, Lyn, Eigil, Noah, Ann, Keith, Shan, Scott, Shirley, Bill In the Diocese we pray for: Archbishop Roger Herft; Bishop Tom Wilmot; Bishop Kay Goldsworthy; Parish of Atwell-Success, Clive McCallum and people. The Synod of the Diocese of Perth, our representatives Britt, Ann-Marie and Chris, and all who contribute to Synod. In the Province we pray for: Parish of Kojonup, Diocese of Bunbury; Parish of Kununurra, Diocese of North West Australia. In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall; Diocese of The Murray, Bishop, clergy and people. In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Swaziland (South Africa), Bishop Meshack Boy Mabuza.

STORYTELLING WORKSHOP, Monday 17 October 7.30pm For the whole of Jewish and Christian history, the faith has been transmitted by storytelling. Long before bulky bibles and wordy websites, we passed the faith to the next generation by repeating stories until they were embedded in their spirit. At the 10am Eucharist, we are taking the time to tell bible stories to our children, and inviting them to respond to the story. This workshop will teach you how to tell a biblical story, publicly or privately. CLAIM THE DATES: THE GREATEST PRAYER Mondays 14,21,28 NOVEMBER @ 7.30pm notes change of dates) In the lead-up to Advent, Father Chris will be presenting three sessions of teaching and discussion based on The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lords Prayer. This short but intriguing book is by John Dominic Crossan, generally recognised as the worlds finest living biblical scholar. There is no cost for the program, however you are encouraged to purchase the book. It is available from any online bookstore - we recommend where it currently retails for $16.77 with free shipping. If you are unable to purchase the book online, please use a Special Purpose Envelope and one will be ordered for you. WORDS FOR TODAY 2012 Published by the International Bible Reading Association, Words for Today is an ecumenical bible study of one text per day, every day of the year. The contributors come from diverse nations, denominations and theological perspectives. 9 advance copies of the book are available for a donation of $25 each, from the table inside the door of the Parish Centre.

PARISH FAIR - ALL SAINTS, HENLEY BROOK - This Weekend, 8 & 9 October Historical Tours, Presentation from a Noongar Elder, Devonshire Tea, Crafts, Jams, Plants and much more. TOP NOTES - A CONCERT OF MUSICAL CONTRASTS - Saturday October 15 7.30pm Church of the Ascension, 8 Spring Park Road Midland Presented by A Cappella PRAISE Choir and the City of Perth Brass Band. $20/$15 THANK-YOU MORNING TEA FOR CHERYLE MARTIN - 16 October Cheryle has now concluded her work as Parish Administrative Assistant. On Sunday 16 October, we will give thanks to God for Cheryles work and ministry during the 10am Eucharist, followed by a special morning tea and the presentation of a gift. If you would like to contribute to Cheryles gift, please use a special purpose envelope.

ANTI-POVERTY WEEK ECUMENICAL SERVICE Tuesday 18 October, 1.00pm, St Marys Cathedral You are invited to attend the 2011 Ecumenical Anti Poverty Week This years service continues the 2011 Social Justice Sunday theme and will consider the forgotten families of offenders and victims of crime. Father Chris is driving into the city, would you like a lift? ALL SAINTS DAY All Saints Day is always on 1 November. It is a day to remember all the saints who have gone before us in faith, and to remember that, as Christian people, we are all saints. This year we will observe All Saints Day on 30 October. The Intercessions on All Saints Day are traditionally replaced with a litany of the saints. Anglicans do not pray to the saints, but we do ask the saints, living and dead, to pray for and with us. In the two weeks leading up to All Saints Day, you will be invited to write the name of saint whom you would like to be named in the litany.

NCLS - Sunday November 20 Every five years the Churches of Australia spend fifteen minutes completing a survey. From the results, each congregation receives a profile pack which can be used as a source of information to build on strengths and also outlines how a church may have changed since the last survey. The Diocese is able to compare NCLS data with Census data to help with long-range planning.

Liturgical Assistants Servers 9 October Ps 106: 1-24 Exodus 20:1-20 Phill: 4: 1-9 Matt 22: 1-14 16 October Ps 99 Exod 33:12-23 1 Thess: 1: 1-10 Matt:22: 15-33 23 October Ps 90 1-6,13-17 Deut 34: 1-12 1 Thess.2.1-13 Matt. 22:34-46 8am Trish Shirley 10am Charlotte David Bible Reader 8am Bernard 10am Helen Prayers 8am Ian 10am Rosie Children N/A Practical Tasks Morning Tea 8am Jill 10am Heather Door and Offertory 8am Sue 10am Fred TBA Cleaning Counting Rona & Brian

8am Sheena Britt 10am Martin Fred

8am Britt 10am Rosie

8am David H 10am Kerry


8am Pat 10am Anne-Marie

8am Pam 10am Ellie

Jill Gill Martin Fred

8am Britt Shirley 10am Rosie Krys

8am Shirley 10am Phillip

8am Jill 10am David


8am Gill & Ross 10am

8am Gill & Ross 10am TBA

Marea G Judy W


Office: T: 9299 7274 Mustard Seed: Rosie Zuiderduyn E: Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 E: Day off: Friday Emergency Contact: 0405 525 476 Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde

Hills Anglicans

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