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Activity No.

2 Levels of Management
Student Name _____________________________________________ ID ______________

A.3 Work with a partner. Choose from the titles in the box and complete the conversation

Department Manager
Project Leader
Division Manager
Store Manager
Regional Manager
Executive Vice-President

1. Tomas: Hi Mary! How are you?

Mary: I’m fine thank you! I have been in a meeting a few minutes ago. I’m working on a
project. I and all the members must have results on December 25 th . My boss is a

2. Julian is in charge of a grocery store. Only one store. Julian is ________________

3. Betty is in charge of 40 people in the operation department. She is in charge to see the
production’s line, machines, inventory, etc. Betty is _________________________

4. James is in charge of a gentleman clothes department at a big department store. James

is ___________________

5. Richard reports to the Company’s President. He organizes all the financial reports from
his directors, and he also sees the best way to invest the capital in different countries.
Richard is _______________________

6. Lulu: Hi Mónica! You really work hard.

Mónica: Oh, yes!! I think I more tired than everybody
Lulu: Why!
Mónica: I have a new title at the company. I must see results about 5 different enterprises
all of them related to textile areas. Monica is ___________________________

7. Pete: Hello Margaret!! Are you busy?

Margaret: Yes, I’m. I must pack my clothes. My fly is in four hours.
Pete: Gee! Where are you going?
Margaret: Near, but one of the stores I’m in charge of is in the North of the state and I
must see some difficulties and problems my staff have. Fortunately, it is in this state and it
will be a short visit. Margaret is ______________________

A.4 According to your answers above choose from the levels of management in the next

Top Manager Middle Manager First line (Frontline) Manager


1. Mary’s boss ______________Middle Management____________

2. Julian ___________________________________________

3. Betty ___________________________________________

4. James ___________________________________________

5. Richard ___________________________________________

6. Mónica ___________________________________________

7. Margaret ___________________________________________

Activities elaborated by Eloísa Treviño, PhD.

Universidad de Monterrey
Total or partial re-production of the activity is not allowed

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