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Misbehavin’ Margaret (Marg2)

In reviewing the family history of Hugh Duggan b. around 1740 (Hugh1) and his wife Margaret
Wilson (Marg1), we try to place likely descendants in the family tree. There was a Margaret
Duggan who was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church of Sevier County, TN in the early 1800s,
and who seemed to give the church folk cause for distress from time to time. She is called “Sister”
Margaret, so we assume that she was at least a young adult. Even if church membership could
be obtained at a young age, she had not only been admitted to the Church, the behavior for
which she was called to account suggests some age of accountability.

Relevant Entries from the Transcription of Bethel Baptist Church (Sevier Co., TN) Mintues
Related to: Misbehavin’ Margaret Duggan1

Aug 1806: David Nichols, Mary Nichols, Margaret Duggan, Rachel Nichols applied to this church for letters
of dismission. The same was granted unto them.

Apr 1808: Sister Margaret Duggan, return from the Clear Fork of Cumberland. We gave her ----------- and
[she] confessed that she had led a disorderly life and was guilty of the sin of dancing for which she
gave full satisfaction and the church forgave her.

Nov 1808: Application made for a letter of dissmission for Margaret Duggan, the church refuse(s) to grant
it to her, the matter laid over till next meeting in course.

Dec 1808: The case of Margaret Duggan laid over until next meeting in course.

Jan 1809: The case of Margaret Duggan - referred till next meeting with appointing Br. James Oldham to
go and write Br. Hill to come to next meeting and make his "abligation" [allegation?] good against the
said Margaret Duggan.

Feb 1809: The case of Margaret Duggan - came on or under consideration the church refused to grant her
a letter dissmission on account of some allegations against, committee consisting of Br. Hill, Br. Wood,
Br. Duggan, Br. Sewell. [From the same meeting notes, included here just to show that Margaret was
not the only problem:] Br. Duggan and Br. Selvedge are to use labors to cite Nancy Ellege for singing
vain and ungodly songs and dancing. [At the next meeting Nancy refuses to "hear the church" and is

Mar 1809: The committee that was appointed to write a letter to sister Margaret Duggan, respecting the
course why the church refuses her a letter of dismission brought forward the letter according to
appointment and it was received.

Aug 1809: Sister Duggan came forward and cleared herself of the charges alleged against her by which
satisfaction was obtained.

Jan 1810: Application was made for a letter of dismission for Margaret Duggan and the same was granted
unto her.2

Special thanks to Linda Arnold, a descendant of Dan3-1793 (Dan2, Hugh1) and a wonderful researcher, for
working through the church minutes to isolate these excerpts, and for having the good sense of humor to appoint
our heroine her nickname.

Under Baptist doctrine, a Letter of Dismission is still used. Membership in a Baptist church may be obtained
by Experience and Baptism (the local church body accepts that the individual wishing to unite with the church has
Poor Margaret! It took more than a year to get back in good graces!! Looking at the significance
of these entries… It started when Margaret and the Nichols family moved.3 She seems relatively
young. Under what circumstances would her family let her move away, for almost two years?
The Nichols might have been related. Maybe Mary Nichols was an older sister, or a cousin to
Margaret. Although the church minutes have Margaret returning, there are no references to the
Nichols family coming back. Maybe Margaret was sent back because of her ‘misbehavior’ at Clear
Fork… was it more than the Nichols could handle? There was a Clear Fork Baptist Church in
Cumberland County, KY at that time. The location is now in Clinton County, KY. 4

So who was this Margaret Duggan? Hugh1 had a daughter Marg2, but she was presumably
married and having children by 1806. Were there other Margaret Duggans of an adult age at that
time who might be candidates to claim the title Misbehavin’ Margaret Duggan (MMD)? What
follows is a look at all known Margaret Duggans of that era and locales that might be of interest.5
Nee Married Born Died Marr. Spouse Lineage 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880
Margaret Wilson Duggan 1742 1798 1760 Hugh1 Hugh1's wife
Margaret Dunn Duggan 1771 1850 1792 Robt1 Robt2's wife
Margaret Duggan Martin 1788 1840 1804 William Martin Hugh1 40s
Margaret Duggan Phariss 1798 1868 1818 Wm W Phariss Robt2 20s-MO 30s-MO 49-Murray, GA 59-TX
Margaret Duggan Cook 1802 1879 1815 Wm Cook Hugh2 30s-McMinn 30s-Bradley 49-Bradley 65=Bradley 69-Bradley
Margaret Duggan Caldwell 1804 1891 1825 Andrus Caldwell Wm2 20s-Monroe 30s-McMinn 49-McMinn 55-McMinn 66-McMinn 7-McMinn
Margaret Duggan Rhodes 1805 1880 Alfred Rhodes John2 20s-Monroe 40-McMinn 55-McMinn 75-McMinn

had the appropriate conversion experience, and votes to recognize the person as a candidate for baptism, after
which all rights and privileges of church membership are held), or presenting a Letter of Dismission from a sister
church (confirming that the candidate for membership had already taken all requisites steps for membership
elsewhere, and that such person is of sufficient Christian character and standing that they should be accepted into
the sister church.)

Families often moved in groups, so their Church memberships moved in clusters. Daniel Duggan and John
Selvidge, and their wives, moved to Monroe County, TN at the same time, to start a new church. Ann Baughman
Duggan and some of her daughters left together when they later moved to Monroe Co. Here the Nichols family and
Margaret (presumably a single person or a widow) left Sevier County together. In theory Margaret could have been
a Widow, but DNA evidence (shown hereafter) suggests strongly that she was a Duggan. In that case, why would a
young single woman be moving with another family? Unless she was a domestic, the Nichols were likely related
(perhaps Mary was an older Duggan sister), or David or Mary may have been a cousin, or other kin. To date, no
further record of the Nichols has been confirmed.

4 Church minutes are available online, but I found no record of
Margaret or the Nichols during the 1806-1810 period.

Keep in mind that women lied about their ages If a daughter was unmarried too long, her mom would often
shave years off her age (at least to the census taker, and probably in her real life); Middle aged women tended to
get younger, with each census, then sometimes their age would be restored in later years (perhaps when others
were reporting for them, or maybe when it just didn’t matter so much or they became proud of their longevity). And
of course sometimes they just were not sure how old they were, and thus it was always an estimate. In any event,
when we try to reconstruct these families we do the best we can, using census data, marriage dates, DOB for first
born child…It is sometimes more art than science, and we can have different thoughts on ages of our ancestors.
Hugh1’s wife was Margaret. His son Robt2 married Margaret Dunn. Hugh1 and Marg1 had had a
daughter Margaret, and six sons of which four were known to have had a daughter Margaret.
The sons will be referred to by abbreviations with the ‘2’ suffix to show them as second
generation (e.g., Hugh2 is Hugh Duggan, son of Hugh1).

1-Margaret Wilson Duggan, born @ 1742. It is doubtful that it was Marg1 dancing her way across
the counties as late as 1808. She would have been close to 70 when MMD was getting herself in
trouble. I’m going to pass over grandma.

2-Margaret Dunn Duggan, born @ 1771. She married Robt2 in 1792, and by 1808 she had 5
children… There is no record that she or Robt2 ever attended this Baptist church, but MMD
sounds like a single gal.

3-Margaret Duggan Martin, b. @ 1785. She was the only known daughter of Hugh1. She is the
right age, and since both of her parents were likely deceased by the time of MMD’s travails, she
may be our best candidate, but her oldest child, Nancy Martin Shrader, was reportedly born in
1806, so it looks initially like she would have been Margaret Martin by about 1805. Let’s put her
on the shelf for the moment.

4-Margaret Duggan Phariss, b. 1798. She was the daughter of Robt2. She married Wm W Phariss
in 1818 in Sevierville, moved to Missouri before 1830. They returned to TN for a short while
around 1850, then moved to Texas where she died around 1868. This Margaret had been lost to
the family until the Project found evidence of her and tracked her history with William Phariss,
thus she had been presumed to have died young by earlier researchers. But having revived her,
and found her history, we can feel confident that she wasn’t MMD. Aside from the fact that her
parents never attended the subject church, and were still living and likely able to corral her, she
was simply too young in 1804 to have been traveling about with other church members.

5-Margaret Duggan Cook, b. @1800. Taking the census records as a whole, she was likely born
around 1800. In 1830 she would have been just 30; 1840 she could have been 39, thus still in her
30s. She was the daughter of Hugh2. She probably married William Cook around 1820. Even if
she was born as early as 1795, she seems too young to be MMD. Her parents, Hugh2 and Sarah
were living during this time, and there is no record that they ever attended this Baptist Church.

6-Margaret Duggan Caldwell, b. @1804. She was the daughter of Wm2. Her husband was born
around 1804. Assuming she was born any time near when he was, there just isn’t enough room
here to push her age back far enough to make her MMD.

7-Margaret Duggan Rhodes, b. @ 1805. She was John2’s daughter, and likely the youngest of the
Margarets on this list. There is no scenario that adds enough years to her age for this to be right.

The daughters of Robt2, John2, Wm2 and Hugh2 were all too young to have been MMD. We
don’t know whether Daniel had a daughter Margaret, but he was one of the youngest sons (oral
history says he was born over the Atlantic, on the way from Ireland). If he was born around 1775,
and had his first child around 1793, a lost daughter could have been born no earlier than 1794,
thus she would have been only 12 in 1806, 14 when she ‘cleared’ her name. And it was Dan2 that
was sent to talk to her. It seems awkward that the church would be sending her Daddy to talk to
her…. Wouldn’t she be in his home, and wouldn’t he have already been involved? It seems more
likely that MMD was a young Margaret whose father was not living, leaving the men of the church
– which likely included her brother -- to assume more of a community responsibility.

In the end we circle back to Marg2, daughter of Hugh2, as the only “Margaret” known to us who
seems to fit. The only impediment is the assumption that she married before 1806, because her
first child was born then. By the time of the 1830 census Marg2 was married to William Martin
and they had a houseful of children. The oldest, Nancy Martin Shrader was reportedly born in
1806, the year MMD was in Kentucky. There is a gap between Nancy and the next, born in 1811.
Was Nancy from a first marriage for William? No. The DNA comparisons confirm that Nancy was
Marg2’s child, because Nancy’s descendants have strong ties to the Duggan family. Most have
assumed that Marg2 married Wm Martin in 1805 or 1806 because of Nancy’s year of birth, not
because of a marriage record. But if MMD was Marg2, then they married no earlier than 1810 --
because she was still being referred to by her maiden name in the church records. If we consider
the possibility that Marg2 may have had Nancy before marrying Wm Martin, then she is most
likely MMD, marrying William Martin in 1810 and having her second child, Elizabeth, in 1811.

Nancy Martin Shrader b. 1806, wife of Joseph Shrader. What do we know about her? She is
consistently included as the oldest daughter of Marg2 -- Margaret Duggan Martin (1788-TN) and
William Martin (1780-TN). Wm Martin received a land grant in 1825 for 30 acres, adjacent to his
original tract, bordered in part by land owned by George Fox. William Martin was a farmer,
settled in Sevier County, and didn’t move around once he arrived, although the date that he
settled there is not certain. He was a few years older than Margaret, likely born around 1780.

1. Census Records
• 1830-TN-Sevier-117
o Wm Martin was listed in his 40s with a wife (Marg. Duggan Martin) in her
40s. Wm was probably almost 50 by then, and that Margaret was likely 42-
45. Nancy and Elizabeth, the oldest two daughters, were out of the house by
then. Remaining in the household were:
▪ two males 5-9 (Harold-1825, Carroll-1822),
▪ two males 10-14 (Robert and Wm, perhaps twins, both born around 1816),
▪ one female under 5 (Margaret Adeline)
▪ two females 15-19 (possibly Tempy-1815, and Ann-1814)
o Joseph Shrader appears on the same page (as do his parents and brother).
Joseph is then in his 20s, with a wife in her 20s (Nancy Martin Shrader), two
sons under 5 (Geo Carroll & Casper) and one daughter under 5 (Edna J). His
wife was therefore presumably born before 1810, and with three children,
likley she was at least 24 (born by 1806).
o As a point of reference, also on that page are families with surnames: Webb,
Bird, Layman, McMahan, Selvidge, Derrick. This appears to be near the
original Duggan land grants, where the Selvidge, Bird, and Layman families
were their neighbors as well.
o This is the last census record of Margaret Duggan Martin for her husband, so
both presumedly died by 1840.
• 1840-TN-Sevier-161A
o Joseph Shrader is listed, in his 30s with a wife in her 30s. In his home are
▪ 2 Males 10-14 (George Carroll-1828, Casper-1830)
▪ 1 Male under 5 (Samuel 1837)
▪ 1 Female 10-14 (Edna-1827)
▪ 2 Females 5-9 (Barbara-1832 and Marg. 1834)
▪ 1 Female under 5 (Elizabeth-1839)
Nancy’s place of birth is not listed here.
o They are surrounded by many of the same families/surnames as in 1830.
• 1850-TN-Sevier-Family 151 – Nancy is shown as born in TN, age 43
• 1860-TN-Sevier-Family 262 – Nancy is shown as born in KY, age 53
• 1870-TN-Sevier-Family 203 – Nancy is show again, born in KY, age 63
• 1880-Tn-Sevier-Family 88 – Again, Nancy says she was born in KY, age 73

Nancy Martin Shrader is consistent about her age, and consistent about her place of birth.
(Perhaps that first year her husband answered for her, simply not knowing, or perhaps Nancy
was enlightened about her birth story after 1830. Regardless, from 1860 on she was consistent
about time and place of her birth. Her family erected a tombstone for her, showing her date of
birth as 2 May 1806. Nancy was the third generation to live in Sevier County, TN, where all of her
siblings were born. Listing her own place of birth as Kentucky for three decades can’t be an error.

This information throws new light on the review of Misbehavin’ Margaret, of the Bethel Baptist
Church, Sevier, TN. There is simply no reason for Nancy to have been born in KY, unless she was
the daughter of MMD, born while she was ‘away’ -- and if viewed in that light, the most logical
scenario is that Margaret found herself in the family way, and had this daughter while she was in
KY. Her mom was older, probably long deceased by then, which would leave the brothers to
watch over her. She would have been in old enough to have Nancy by 1806.

Nancy says she was born in KY in May 1806. This could have been 1807, based on census records.
MMD’s request for Letter of Dismission was made in August 1806. The group could have left for
Kentucky first, then later decided to stay, writing the church to ask for the dismission.

If Marg2 was not yet with Mr. Martin in 1806, then this theory makes sense. There was a five-
year gap between Nancy and Elizabeth, the second child. They could have lost a baby or two… or
they may simply have been married later—around 1810, after Marg2 straightened things out with
her family and the church. Since the Sevier Co. records burned, the first child’s birth date is
typically the best way to estimate a marriage date. But if their first child together was Elizabeth,
that changes everything…. William Martin may have married Margaret after her return, and little
Nancy may have simply taken his last name.

Nancy was not Mr. Martin’s child by a prior marriage. We don’t yet know whether Nancy’s
descendants have Martin segments of DNA, but we do know that Nancy’s descendants have very
strong DNA ties to the other desc. of Marg2 and to other Duggan-Wilson descendants. The DNA
evidence makes it clear that if Nancy was a half-sibling to the other Martin children, she was
Margaret’s child. Perhaps someone from Nancy’s descendants would like to take on the task of
isolating DNA Matches from Marg2 descendants with a focus on mapping Martin matches, to see
if Nancy’s descendants share those matches. We know they share the Duggan matches.

Some descendants of Marg2 with DNA tests are charted below. These participants match other
Duggan descendants. Those with a Yellow box below were uploaded to at the
time of this review. (If the name at the bottom of a column remained in a tan box, the kit was on
Ancestry, but on GedMatch at the time of the DNA review.)

Descendants of Ann Martin, who married Thomas Webb, and her brother, William Martin II:

Hugh Duggan 1740 (Hugh1) m. Margaret Wilson

Margaret Duggan 1788 (Marg2) m. Wm Martin

Ann Martin m. Thos Webb William Martin 1816 m. Rebecca Louisa Jenkins

Margaret Webb Martha Webb Nancy Webb 1847 m. Saml Shrader Wm Albert Martin m. Morgan Jeremiah 1843 Harrell Howard Martin m. Nancy Hurst
Martin Burnett Burl Burnett 1865 William L Chambers Wm Caswell Shrader 1866 Mary L Barbara Robt Caswell 1876 Wm Carroll Martin 1848 m. Gibbs
TK Burnett Cecil Lucille Chambers Eliz 1895 Garlin Cain 1903 Ora Peaden Lillian m. Leigh Grace Lilliam Martin Claud 1878
A574285 James D Burnett Marvin Eugene Patterson Sarah Hamilton 1916 Garlin Cain 1934 Barbara K.M. Geo Nace Dennis Fox Anna Mary m. Boyd
Mom Patterson Randee Johnson 1945 BabsieLou42 texasmockingbird 27foxyladypac19 lgBoyd
Meishela Molly Simmons 1973

Nancy’s descendants with matches to the Duggans.

The following are Carroll Martin’s descendants, along with the children of Wm Shrader (above) who
married Carroll’s daughter Mary Martin.
And here are kits that descend through Robert Martin:

Robert 1816 m. Martha/Hanna/Rowena

Robert E Lee Martin Luther Alex 1881 Margaret 1846 m. Stubblefield Luther A Martin 1881
Margie Alice Ruby m. Manning Elijah D Clayce
Herman Stacey Hawse Dad Edward G Jim Martin
Theresa Hawse Wegner Hallie Manning Dan Stubblefield
A846354 jimmartin359

The last grouping are descendants of Elizabeth, who married John Williams,
And finally Temperance Duggan Wadsworth (not fully proven as a daughter).

So, how does DNA help confirm whether Nancy was (or wasn’t) a Duggan? Look first at the extent of
matching between her descendants’ kits and those of the Duggans. Keep in mind other factors… first
cousin marriages exaggerate the expected matching. Being a generation closer roughly doubles the
expected matching. TK is three generations closer than Molly Simmons, so it makes sense that he should
have far more matches, and larger ones, than her. Finally, more participants from descendants of Dan2
and GWm3, compared to John2 and Hugh2, will mean there are more matches with those with more kits
in the pool, so focus more on the quality of the matches, and whether they appear to be triangulating,
rather than merely on the number of matches.

Start with some kits from Marg2 descendants other than through Nancy, a pattern is clear.

A574285 Thomas K Burnett A144338 *shadowfox38506 12 61,880 6,307,650 17.4

A574285 Thomas K Burnett A144338 *shadowfox38506 5 11,433,161 16,617,901 7.1
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A138376 *KT65 14 22,151,368 32,097,721 17.8
A574285 Thomas K Burnett M446403 *Senora Loca 1 54,409,277 63,396,161 13.7
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A959839 Barbara Smythe 11 69,513,004 82,179,030 13.8
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A138376 *KT65 11 88,551,382 110,459,412 17.4
A574285 Thomas K Burnett M446403 *Senora Loca 12 96,297,216 102,705,002 7.8
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A817678 *mollyanne 11 112,072,985 117,213,835 8.7
A574285 Thomas K Burnett M335740 Nancy 12 127,661,025 129,296,225 8.1
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A817678 *mollyanne 6 130,295,071 148,355,688 20.3
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A336191 Helen Allen 10 130,478,405 132,415,171 7.1
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A817678 *mollyanne 5 171,070,342 180,623,543 21.8
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A309873 *TCT 12 61,880 6,190,647 17.1
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A638877 Betty Ann Thurlkill 12 3,371,522 6,190,647 8.5
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A467987 Timothy R. Dugan 1 36,412,366 41,082,046 7.9
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A638877 Betty Ann Thurlkill 1 54,515,699 63,352,635 13.4
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A531548 *geneobug 1 58,065,209 63,871,498 8.6
A574285 Thomas K Burnett T011818 *Ron 12 1,289,679 5,000,818 11.7
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A016735 *Helen 1 54,409,277 63,891,503 14.4
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A038412 vickie cline 1 54,515,699 63,352,635 13.4
A574285 Thomas K Burnett T011818 *Ron 15 66,568,394 72,287,291 7.3
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A038412 vickie cline 3 141,518,724 161,316,744 20.1
A574285 Thomas K Burnett H739818 Leslie Ann Gaddy 3 142,485,331 168,639,652 21.5
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A341774 Terry Vaughn 1 54,450,374 63,399,499 13.6
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A613601 Roy D. Miller 1 54,452,646 63,359,056 13.6
A574285 Thomas K Burnett A973442 THOMAS LENHART, II 11 82,086,679 115,936,731 30.2
A574285 Thomas K Burnett T732410 Margret Ann Woods 11 92,671,503 117,221,361 26.0
A574285 Thomas K Burnett T734471 *DavBro Bgo 5 80,288,810 122,710,053 35.3
A574285 Thomas K Burnett T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 3 119,085,285 131,176,027 10.4
Thomas K. Burnett is a descendant of Ann Martin Webb. It makes sense that he would match Margaret’s
descendants well (pink), for they would be more closely related than descendants of Marg2’s siblings, but
he also has nice matches, several triangulating, with various descendants of GWm3 (dark green), Hugh3-
MJ3 (orange), Dan2 (light Blue), Hugh2 (dark Blue) and Wm2 (light green). The Chr-12 match, running
from segments 1-6 (1,000,000 to 6,000,000) maps out to Duggan-Wilson in origin — for Hugh1 and wife
are the most recent common ancestors (MRCA) shared by all of these groups. There is a Chr-1 match, a
Chr-11 match also crossing through the lines of multiple sons of Hugh1. The matches may be Duggan or
Wilson in origin, but those that flow through multiple lines offer the most convincing evidence of the
Duggan-Wilson origin.

A817678 *mollyanne A138376 *KT65 14 51,719,331 65,445,818 14.3

A817678 *mollyanne M335740 Nancy 14 54,113,270 63,469,309 9.7
A817678 *mollyanne A574285 Thomas K Burnett 11 112,072,985 117,213,835 8.7
A817678 *mollyanne A574285 Thomas K Burnett 6 130,295,071 148,355,688 20.3
A817678 *mollyanne A574285 Thomas K Burnett 5 171,070,342 180,623,543 21.8
A817678 *mollyanne H739818 Leslie Ann Gaddy 13 42,808,691 72,871,543 22.1
A817678 *mollyanne A071430 *azelieasAunt 16 55,898,649 73,438,021 16.3
A817678 *mollyanne A689753 *AzelieasMom 16 55,898,649 73,438,021 16.3
A817678 *mollyanne T732410 Margret Ann Woods 11 112,063,408 128,156,429 27.6
A817678 *mollyanne A852914 Wilfred J Dion 22 41,145,302 43,897,640 7.4
A817678 *mollyanne A265796 Saundra Hall 11 115,547,369 128,074,153 22.0
The chart above lists matches that Mollyanne (also a descendant of Ann Martin) had with other Duggans.
She was a 9th generation descendant (from Hugh1), more remotely tied than ThomasK, so it would be
expected that her matches would be fewer. Still, she had some nice matches to other Duggan lines that
TK didn’t have!

This often happens. On any given segment, one child may receive DNA (from the parent who was a Duggan
descendant) from that parent’s “Duggan”side strand, and another child may receive – for that same
segment – DNA from that parent’s other strand – from the non-Duggan side.

A more careful review of these matches (for Mollyanne) is needed to confirm that she and her matches
are not matching on other shared “collateral” lines, but this offers a feel for what to look for. Here Molly
matches descendants of Dan2, Hugh2 and the Hugh3 (Wm2)-MJ3(Robt2) union. This indicates the MRCA
as Duggan-Wilson.

Next were some kits from Elizabeth Martin Webb descendants.

Note that the kit for KT is disproportionately packed with matches to Dan2 descendants… this
suggests one or more collateral line matches. KT’s family tree confirms two McMahan lines,
which explains the extra matching to descendants of Dan3 (son of Dan2, who first married a
McMahan). KT also has large matches to descendants of Dan2’s second wife, a Selvidge, including
a shared Chr-16 segment, which is known to be a Medlock/Matlock segment that binds the
Selvidge-Duggan group and other Medlock/Matlocks, suggesting upline Medlock ties for Eunice
Selvedge, second wife of Dan2, and her sister Jean Selvedge, who married Frank2 Duggan and
who has several descendants through GW3-1810 matching here. This suggests a collateral line
match that intersects with Medlock. That is the art of the work… parsing out what is a Duggan
match, and what is something else.
A138376 *KT65 M446403 *Senora Loca 2 2,206,901 9,823,922 19.6
A138376 *KT65 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 14 22,151,368 32,097,721 17.8
A138376 *KT65 A959839 Barbara Smythe 20 37,361,889 49,147,671 18.9
A138376 *KT65 A817678 *mollyanne 14 51,719,331 65,445,818 14.3
A138376 *KT65 M335740 Nancy 14 53,248,686 63,336,652 10.9
A138376 *KT65 M335740 Nancy 16 54,457,868 58,964,075 7.2
A138376 *KT65 M446403 *Senora Loca 10 68,296,385 86,984,549 22.1
A138376 *KT65 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 11 88,551,382 110,459,412 17.4
A138376 *KT65 M335740 Nancy 7 98,110,979 109,726,681 11.1
A138376 *KT65 M335740 Nancy 7 130,267,489 139,607,099 15.0
A138376 *KT65 A144338 *shadowfox38506 5 149,629,946 165,356,935 17.1
A138376 *KT65 A818124 Ben Dugan 16 26,548,476 52,677,393 15.4
A138376 *KT65 A309873 *TCT 16 26,580,307 52,677,393 15.3
A138376 *KT65 A638877 Betty Ann Thurlkill 16 26,580,307 52,677,393 15.3
A138376 *KT65 A623841 Carolyn Neeley 20 28,174,264 42,835,955 12.9
A138376 *KT65 T545426 Donald E Baker 8 98,194,772 103,879,171 8.2
A138376 *KT65 T011818 *Ron 20 29,974,465 41,154,580 9.4
A138376 *KT65 A016735 *Helen 4 133,817,103 146,406,045 12.4
A138376 *KT65 A509372 David Smith jr 4 133,822,746 145,476,718 11.7
A138376 *KT65 A494418 *TC Hixson 19 2,320,415 38,757,673 51.2
A138376 *KT65 A830454 Richard Dugan 16 10,731,981 26,893,781 27.8
A138376 *KT65 A494418 *TC Hixson 21 22,239,278 35,850,895 21.0
A138376 *KT65 A494418 *TC Hixson 15 24,507,152 27,216,380 8.4
A138376 *KT65 A689753 *AzelieasMom 14 33,563,981 45,098,897 8.9
A138376 *KT65 A071430 *azelieasAunt 14 33,624,700 45,110,909 8.7
A138376 *KT65 T958909 *DavBro Dav 19 43,629,190 55,975,603 21.5
A138376 *KT65 A181379 Allen Harrison 20 49,902,951 54,739,514 10.6
A138376 *KT65 A494418 *TC Hixson 19 50,053,064 55,630,197 11.3
A138376 *KT65 A973442 THOMAS LENHART, II 11 89,001,844 110,933,305 17.8
A138376 *KT65 T732410 Margret Ann Woods 11 92,939,369 110,933,305 16.1
A138376 *KT65 A071430 *azelieasAunt 3 99,925,391 127,703,229 23.5
A138376 *KT65 A689753 *AzelieasMom 3 100,514,829 127,703,229 23.3
A138376 *KT65 A700880 *Nina Thomas 13 103,974,427 107,516,512 10.8
A138376 *KT65 A700880 *Nina Thomas 3 188,452,845 194,172,070 13.7
A138376 *KT65 A689753 *AzelieasMom 3 188,467,212 192,525,824 10.2
A138376 *KT65 A885863 Helen Salkeld 16 10,723,110 19,371,546 15.1
A138376 *KT65 A810984 Barbara French 16 10,731,981 26,879,906 27.7
A138376 *KT65 A972034 Anne Wiggins Carmon 4 133,817,103 140,913,803 7.2
Generally a person’s own line will have better matches – both in number and quality—assuming an equal
pool of kits to match with. That makes sense… for the MRCA is a generation closer to both kits.
Descendants of Ann3 (dau of Marg2) and Eliz3 (dau of Marg2) are most closely related at the Martin-
Duggan generation… one generation closer than matches with whom the most recent common ancestor
is at the Duggan-Wilson level – descendants of Marg2 (whether Ann3, Eliz3, Nancy3…etc) and descendants
of Dan2, or Hugh2, or John2, etc. Thus, the quality and quantity of matches with Dan2 descendants in KT’s
match list suggested strongly that there were collateral line matches.
One last kit from Elizabeth’s descendants—Nancy Baker matches Marg2’s descendants best, as expected,
but she still shows strong ties to Dan2and Wm2 clans as well.

M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 3 2,051,062 12,063,379 26.2

M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 17 3,498,787 7,847,211 10.7
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 17 7,860,032 10,494,416 9.9
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 3 12,398,266 37,010,079 30.0
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 3 37,067,047 57,946,563 15.5
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 17 52,244,077 62,254,073 11.4
M335740 Nancy Baker A138376 *KT65 14 53,248,686 63,336,652 10.9
M335740 Nancy Baker A817678 *mollyanne 14 54,113,270 63,469,309 9.7
M335740 Nancy Baker A138376 *KT65 16 54,457,868 58,964,075 7.2
M335740 Nancy Baker A138376 *KT65 7 98,110,979 109,726,681 11.1
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 5 103,055,904 134,613,815 26.9
M335740 Nancy Baker A574285 Thomas K Burnett 12 127,661,025 129,296,225 8.1
M335740 Nancy Baker A138376 *KT65 7 130,267,489 139,607,099 15.0
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 10 131,050,856 135,192,024 9.7
M335740 Nancy Baker M446403 *Senora Loca 5 149,220,960 165,029,223 17.4
M335740 Nancy Baker A623841 Carolyn Neeley 6 25,059,178 42,616,415 16.8
M335740 Nancy Baker T011818 *Ron 5 126,960,374 139,502,512 8.0
M335740 Nancy Baker T011818 *Ron 5 174,535,044 178,820,088 7.9
M335740 Nancy Baker A509372 David Smith jr 3 184,362,805 192,915,509 20.1
M335740 Nancy Baker T011818 *Ron 3 189,926,230 193,057,934 7.3
M335740 Nancy Baker A613601 Roy D. Miller 8 154,984 12,761,935 25.2
M335740 Nancy Baker A181379 Allen Harrison 4 6,399,092 10,540,819 11.8
M335740 Nancy Baker T164123 *DavBro Gab 8 6,930,491 12,817,672 9.0
M335740 Nancy Baker T958909 *DavBro Dav 15 28,085,029 31,779,512 8.0
M335740 Nancy Baker A157728 D Cantrell 15 88,573,204 91,501,211 8.4
M335740 Nancy Baker A344737 *Dennis 3 191,797,414 199,318,155 16.6
M335740 Nancy Baker A613601 Roy D. Miller 3 192,859,898 199,318,155 14.1
M335740 Nancy Baker T734471 *DavBro Bgo 11 59,608,654 69,598,977 9.7
M335740 Nancy Baker T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 5 113,534,694 139,711,416 21.7
M335740 Nancy Baker T447213 Judy Cobble Sylvester 5 113,799,710 160,427,693 45.9
M335740 Nancy Baker T447213 Judy Cobble Sylvester 3 192,478,045 198,537,370 13.6
M335740 Nancy Baker T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 3 192,859,898 196,019,848 8.1

So, we know from this that Marg2 was a Duggan because of the strong ties her descendants have to
several Duggan lines. But let’s go back to Nancy. We have not yet looked at kits for her descendants. Was
Nancy Martin Shrader even a child of Marg2 – was she a Duggan descendant?

If Nancy was a Martin but NOT a Duggan (if she was William’s child from a prior marriage), then her
descendants would have Pink matches (she would match descendants of her half-siblings), but she
would match virtually none of the other lines Duggan lines, absent a collateral line match. But that isn’t
the case. She has some very nice matches with her Duggan cousins. In fact, the one oddity about the
matches for Nancy’s descendants is that there is less matching to other Marg2 descendants – it is
somewhat proportionate to the other lines. This may support the possibility that Nancy was a half-sister
of the other children, and not actually a child of Wm Martin—so they have their ‘Martin’ matches
showing up in the pink area, but she may not.
Here are match lists for some descendants of Nancy Martin Shrader that have uploaded to GedMatch:
Kit Name Match M-Name chr Start End cM SNPs
A841072 Helen Allen A630437 Samantha Chang 1 947,034 3,236,041 7.6 289 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A689753 *AzelieasMom 1 59,110,167 81,155,350 21.6 4824 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A092519 Elaine Thompson 1 65,176,982 81,213,348 13.2 3275 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A689753 *AzelieasMom 4 179,872,123 185,162,040 14.1 1627 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A071430 *azelieasAunt 4 179,894,901 185,173,385 14.2 1620 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A689753 *AzelieasMom 11 95,088,413 107,542,394 10.7 3063 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A071430 *azelieasAunt 11 95,101,147 107,542,394 10.6 3038 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A689753 *AzelieasMom 11 113,118,856 121,430,872 13.4 2408 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A071430 *azelieasAunt 11 113,118,856 121,430,872 13.4 2395 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A092519 Elaine Thompson 13 62,919,415 92,065,093 24.9 6228 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A092519 Elaine Thompson 15 66,420,014 72,006,057 10.3 1356 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A549781 *rmb0828 17 49,796,792 64,800,552 18 1865 Dan2
A841072 Helen Allen A293516 *BWolfenberger 16 396,264 3,165,051 7.3 423 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen A605759 Andrew Weyler 18 6,632,485 8,356,972 8.2 436 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen A464450 Scott Lovingood 18 8,450,613 13,471,199 13.3 1148 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen M180466 *Chris 1 216,927,091 226,149,325 7.1 962 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen A606492 Jeff Cobble 3 104,973,471 114,012,274 7.1 1134 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen A606492 Jeff Cobble 3 125,128,677 133,674,895 9 1104 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen A036360 Charlotte espinoza 6 99,531,774 106,953,704 7 1013 Wm2
A841072 Helen Allen DJ3340642 Amanda Williams Robinson
14 21,126,406 22,702,193 8 407 Marg2
A841072 Helen Allen DW1270047 Joyce Williams 18 51,183,679 61,860,068 15.9 1831 Marg2
A841072 Helen Allen A226367 *AEB0401 19 2,559,841 4,287,377 7.8 401 Marg2
A841072 Helen Allen A623841 Carolyn Neeley 19 48,764,857 51,529,119 8.8 709 GW3-1810
A841072 Helen Allen A065840 B Lovejoy 2 120,418,222 127,503,457 8 784 GW3-1810
A841072 Helen Allen M829358 Tom Cloud 19 2,505,737 4,320,218 8.1 256 And3-1818
A841072 Helen Allen A072732 *justPeyton 7 87,836,113 103,201,263 12.9 1755 And3-1818
A841072 Helen Allen A984886 Jill DeMoss 10 30,286,263 39,097,912 7.1 1692 And3-1818
A841072 Helen Allen M893406 Susan King Kishk 17 60,485,723 66,991,003 8.1 617 And3-1818
A841072 Helen Allen A263590 Judie Wirtz 5 112,930,565 120,954,676 7.5 1776 Hugh2
A841072 Helen Allen A016735 *Helen 20 57,878,080 59,619,555 7.6 565 Wm2 & Robt2
A841072 Helen Allen A859523 *P.DeWitt 22 17,075,353 18,520,582 8.7 306 Dan3-1806
A841072 Helen Allen A088019 E. Tynan 58 1 768,448 3,009,969 7.3 245 Robt2
Kit Name Match M-Name chr Start End cM SNPs
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A959839 Barbara Smythe 5 9,218,895 43,199,867 41.9 6912
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 5 11,381,138 16,556,601 7.1 960
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A138376 *KT65 5 149,650,925 165,295,952 16.8 3477
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A959839 Barbara Smythe 20 59,178,587 62,912,463 12 1144
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 12 193,818 6,421,495 17.4 1999
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A959839 Barbara Smythe 14 26,851,809 35,871,407 16.9 2080
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A959839 Barbara Smythe 17 12,265,099 22,242,355 16.6 2074
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A959839 Barbara Smythe 17 48,034,029 55,793,478 11.9 1851
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A138376 *KT65 23 141,153,965 146,791,627 13.1 919
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A098945 Thomas A Ward Jr 16 21,063,947 25,779,229 7.6 660
A144338 *shadowfox38506 T066737 Holcombe 7 4,476,950 9,400,774 10.7 1365
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A348745 Naomi King 19 2,028,985 3,590,334 7.7 309
A144338 *shadowfox38506 T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 20 57,787,105 59,535,741 7.3 570
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A348745 Naomi King 2 71,058,226 87,322,042 17.8 2147
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A862803 Shari Wandell 3 154,819,781 173,469,241 14.7 1953
A144338 *shadowfox38506 T333908 James Cecil 5 159,076,347 165,422,195 7.5 1392
A144338 *shadowfox38506 QP5082143John Ronald Goode 12 1,490,313 5,008,009 11.2 1189
A144338 *shadowfox38506 EJ9800050 Ed Burke 12 197,841 3,250,797 7.7 766
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A015715 Jade Colwell 21 14,670,124 17,301,757 7.8 367
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A729570 *CDY 19 55,138,036 59,094,136 10 1194
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A170417 Jon Pearson 12 197,841 5,168,849 14.5 1195
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A095980 *scb1231 2 210,382,709 217,550,529 8.5 1002
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A094477 Linda Cantrell Randolph 3 14,591,346 21,427,018 7.9 894
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A094477 Linda Cantrell Randolph 20 59,986,168 62,900,717 7.7 569
A144338 *shadowfox38506 T035761 *Tmauro 22 20,967,450 24,639,069 8.4 583
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A689753 *AzelieasMom 18 3,556,234 10,832,851 28.3 2560
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A869626 Linda Arnold 17 13,678,792 15,510,011 8.5 744
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A193152 Alma F. Emert 15 85,388,376 90,234,005 7.3 1385
A144338 *shadowfox38506 YG4356843mGARET HARVEY 15 85,405,369 90,452,882 7.5 926
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A676794 *RBP 12 197,841 6,030,301 16.4 1431
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A309873 *TCT 12 197,841 9,205,030 24.1 2615
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A547006 *Laura McDonald 22 20,293,625 23,587,894 7.4 325
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A638877 Betty Ann Thurlkill 12 3,501,261 9,205,030 15.5 1705
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A370250 *Julie L Morrison 12 126,956,980 128,758,519 7.3 658
A144338 *shadowfox38506 M829358 Tom Cloud 22 19,594,436 23,742,105 9.2 403
A144338 *shadowfox38506 A810984 Barbara French 16 77,968,108 79,475,017 7.1 774
Kit Name M-Kit M-Name chr Start End cM SNPs
A587435 *Dena-1962 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 5 96,411,890 117,690,833 18 2526 Marg2
A587435 *Dena-1962 A574285 Thomas K Burnett 15 87,595,305 92,511,515 9.2 930
A587435 *Dena-1962 A549781 *rmb0828 16 101,263 2,637,283 7.5 430
A587435 *Dena-1962 M446403 *Senora Loca 20 6,747,607 9,591,204 7.1 408
A587435 *Dena-1962 T734471 *DavBro Bgo 5 96,179,346 117,690,833 18.2 2567 Dan2
A587435 *Dena-1962 FV961951C1
*DavBro SBGO 5 96,179,346 117,690,833 18.2 2774
A587435 *Dena-1962 T905292 *DavBro Ara 5 96,199,493 117,951,540 18.3 2581
A587435 *Dena-1962 LM1451176*DavBro Ann 5 96,199,493 117,951,540 18.3 2581
A587435 *Dena-1962 A630437 Samantha Chang 5 96,411,890 117,690,833 18 2784
A587435 *Dena-1962 A487715 Zack Taylor 5 106,846,342 117,695,003 11.3 1554
A587435 *Dena-1962 T732410 Margret Ann Woods 7 86,863,060 111,785,993 22.6 3098
A587435 *Dena-1962 T734471 *DavBro Bgo 7 93,023,568 112,086,893 18 2420
A587435 *Dena-1962 FV961951C1
*DavBro SBGO 7 93,023,568 111,759,584 17.8 2523
A587435 *Dena-1962 A822962 *DavBro Jan 7 93,039,164 112,261,226 18 2441
A587435 *Dena-1962 TQ1192639*DavBro Dan 7 93,039,164 112,261,226 18 2458
A587435 *Dena-1962 A676794 *RBP 7 93,072,671 111,809,195 17.7 2548
A587435 *Dena-1962 T905292 *DavBro Ara 7 93,078,245 102,496,594 7.9 1098
A587435 *Dena-1962 LM1451176*DavBro Ann 7 93,078,245 102,496,594 7.9 1098
A587435 *Dena-1962 A869626 Linda Arnold 13 106,151,854 114,007,887 23 1956
A587435 *Dena-1962 A963885 *Barbara Barnes 13 106,193,135 114,007,887 22.9 2063
A587435 *Dena-1962 ZD1749530*Milly 13 106,278,606 114,053,884 22.7 1923
A587435 *Dena-1962 A341774 Terry Vaughn 13 110,171,731 114,053,884 12.3 921
A587435 *Dena-1962 A065840 *BL 5 29,978,110 34,676,565 9.2 935
A587435 *Dena-1962 A370250 *Julie L Morrison 7 103,891,085 111,785,993 8.7 1082
A587435 *Dena-1962 T779628 *LM 9 91,359,502 107,842,490 16.4 2293 GW3-1810
A587435 *Dena-1962 A222498 Thomas James Dugan 13 106,402,820 114,053,884 22.4 1984
A587435 *Dena-1962 A518532 *Curt 13 106,402,820 111,485,002 15.1 1467
A587435 *Dena-1962 A838195 *Monica Nichols Hill 13 106,411,319 111,089,573 13.8 1331
A587435 *Dena-1962 T482006 T. Hall 7 88,809,649 111,785,993 21.5 2817
A587435 *Dena-1962 A103765 Allen Wilson 7 103,871,529 111,785,993 8.8 1150 Dan2
A587435 *Dena-1962 Z774953 Ron Kelley 9 84,399,614 90,383,163 8.8 1032
A587435 *Dena-1962 A423090 Nancy I Brakke 9 85,960,840 90,760,805 7.6 872
A587435 *Dena-1962 T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 13 107,885,801 115,090,019 20 1587
A587435 *Dena-1962 A090736 Todd Shull 13 110,196,776 114,007,887 12.2 950
A587435 *Dena-1962 A896567 *narvel34 5 96,411,890 117,690,833 18 2514
A587435 *Dena-1962 A043329 *jack_burnett75 2 102,194,026 124,797,837 19.8 2669 Robt2
A587435 *Dena-1962 A568670 charlene acuff meadows12 37,961,768 52,230,194 9.7 1503
A587435 *Dena-1962 A272445 Margaret Adams 15 27,393,731 29,730,996 7.3 366
A587435 *Dena-1962 A460422 *Brittany 10 67,103,240 81,189,551 17.9 2260 Wm2-Robt2
A587435 *Dena-1962 A087631 *Michael 10 72,483,358 80,896,251 9.4 1285
A587435 *Dena-1962 A064359 *MichaelD 15 27,126,284 29,493,154 7.9 418
A587435 *Dena-1962 M813171 Danielle Runyon 5 96,255,017 117,706,786 18.1 1842
A587435 *Dena-1962 WD8121317*RuthM 7 75,101,065 88,933,320 13.6 1941
A587435 *Dena-1962 A465681 Jonathan Bell 7 78,093,859 88,830,659 10.4 1389
A587435 *Dena-1962 RP4062669Monte Griffey 5 96,199,493 115,954,404 15.9 2335
A587435 *Dena-1962 A614879 *D.S. 15 27,311,111 29,733,674 7.7 425
A587435 *Dena-1962 A885221 *CD DeWitt 15 93,614,127 97,497,521 13.7 1151
A587435 *Dena-1962 A293516 *BWolfenberger 5 96,411,890 117,568,527 17.9 2773
A587435 *Dena-1962 A170417 Jon Pearson 13 106,402,820 108,935,723 7.2 732
A587435 *Dena-1962 A520952 *TBM 14 44,319,623 62,518,744 16.9 2665
Kit Name Match M-Name chr Start End cM SNPs
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 5 9,218,895 43,199,867 41.9 6912
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 5 9,218,895 43,199,867 41.9 6912
A959839 Barbara Smythe A574285 Thomas K Burnett 11 69,835,356 82,400,243 13.7 2856
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 14 26,851,809 35,871,407 16.9 2080
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 14 26,851,809 35,871,407 16.9 2080
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 17 12,265,099 22,242,355 16.6 2074
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 17 12,265,099 22,242,355 16.6 2074
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 17 48,034,029 55,793,478 11.9 1851
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 17 48,034,029 55,793,478 11.9 1851
A959839 Barbara Smythe A138376 *KT65 20 37,928,899 49,594,955 18.6 3119
A959839 Barbara Smythe MW2939043 Debra Gregory 20 37,933,673 49,609,199 18.6 2262
A959839 Barbara Smythe DJ3340642 Amanda Williams Robinson
20 37,933,673 49,708,973 18.9 2290
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 20 59,178,587 62,912,463 12 1144
A959839 Barbara Smythe A144338 *shadowfox38506 20 59,178,587 62,912,463 12 1144
A959839 Barbara Smythe M335740 *DD NAAB 22 20,765,021 23,815,760 7.1 470
A959839 Barbara Smythe T227237 Carlton Hood 1 1,087,683 3,333,595 7.5 452
A959839 Barbara Smythe M012503 Roger Stewart Kirkland 2 194,353,714 205,732,246 7.7 787
A959839 Barbara Smythe A753830 Rachel Rodriguez 20 37,906,360 50,104,864 19.8 2370
A959839 Barbara Smythe A036360 Charlotte espinoza 20 45,695,518 49,745,701 7.6 801
A959839 Barbara Smythe A559480 *Connie Ward 20 52,142,808 58,811,443 19 2129
A959839 Barbara Smythe A098945 Thomas A Ward Jr 20 52,151,185 58,809,513 18.9 1632
A959839 Barbara Smythe T828227 Vitula Lungren 16 8,577,337 14,464,538 12.2 1805
A959839 Barbara Smythe A090918 Amber Rena Stanfield Staton
1 894,573 3,086,496 7.4 260
A959839 Barbara Smythe A195633 *J. M. Winn 1 90,640,945 107,931,160 15.4 2060
A959839 Barbara Smythe A460422 *Brittany 1 155,033,572 167,785,262 21.2 3387
A959839 Barbara Smythe A506263 Courtney Ashby 1 205,318,983 216,738,788 14.9 1755
A959839 Barbara Smythe A460422 *Brittany 1 205,428,066 216,741,314 14.8 2616
A959839 Barbara Smythe A087631 *Michael 1 205,428,066 216,738,788 14.8 1821
A959839 Barbara Smythe A016735 *Helen 2 195,366,084 206,057,649 8 1848
A959839 Barbara Smythe RP4062669Monte Griffey 16 103,423 3,140,616 8.3 495
A959839 Barbara Smythe A524389 Terry Grogan 20 44,757,213 49,698,104 9.6 956
A959839 Barbara Smythe A623841 Carolyn Neeley 1 200,150,738 206,278,745 10.8 1723
A959839 Barbara Smythe A493773 *Debra Kay 15 68,881,524 77,314,031 8.5 1503
A959839 Barbara Smythe A623841 Carolyn Neeley 20 37,297,126 43,485,941 8.4 1529
A959839 Barbara Smythe A547006 *Laura McDonald 21 38,978,615 41,918,958 7.2 721
A959839 Barbara Smythe A963885 *Barbara Barnes 11 64,333,296 82,540,789 18.8 2347
A959839 Barbara Smythe A487715 Zack Taylor 15 27,291,206 29,410,238 7.1 396
A959839 Barbara Smythe A272445 Margaret Adams 15 27,292,753 29,426,782 7.1 405
A959839 Barbara Smythe T828227 Vitula Lungren 16 101,263 8,055,738 20.6 2577
A959839 Barbara Smythe T482006 T. Hall 16 101,263 14,464,538 34.6 4596
A959839 Barbara Smythe A464450 Scott Lovingood 16 103,423 6,651,542 17.5 1246
A959839 Barbara Smythe A653746 Rachel Choate 21 44,487,404 48,077,812 7.1 568
A959839 Barbara Smythe A689753 *AzelieasMom 22 17,722,885 19,594,775 7.5 451
A959839 Barbara Smythe A869626 Linda Arnold 4 187,011,126 190,872,778 9.3 979
A959839 Barbara Smythe A676794 *RBP 6 890,831 5,159,225 12.5 1078
A959839 Barbara Smythe A963885 *Barbara Barnes 1 99,802,789 107,931,160 7.4 884
A959839 Barbara Smythe A072732 *justPeyton 2 217,661,788 221,676,683 7.9 621
A959839 Barbara Smythe A072732 *justPeyton 15 27,050,542 29,426,782 8.1 369
A959839 Barbara Smythe JJ3684832 Allen Bush 20 49,496,768 57,198,838 19.1 2374
A959839 Barbara Smythe A265796 Saundra Hall 1 190,548,529 205,457,566 15.6 1917
A959839 Barbara Smythe A265796 Saundra Hall 7 62,047,108 74,489,889 8.6 1009
A959839 Barbara Smythe T301189 David Brown 20 37,771,578 45,470,048 10.8 2015
A959839 Barbara Smythe A976140 Diana Elliott 20 37,933,673 50,147,071 19.9 2213
A959839 Barbara Smythe A170417 Jon Pearson 1 199,931,323 206,278,745 11 1187
A959839 Barbara Smythe A671304 *LRaeWard 2 7,566,026 9,764,687 7.1 497
A959839 Barbara Smythe A094477 Linda Cantrell Randolph 20 59,988,176 62,900,717 7.7 561
A959839 Barbara Smythe A830454 Richard Dugan 16 101,263 8,762,366 22.9 2850
A959839 Barbara Smythe A885221 *CD DeWitt 22 17,814,811 19,785,006 7.3 371
A959839 Barbara Smythe A810984 Barbara French 16 4,270,021 9,090,615 13.5 1975
A959839 Barbara Smythe A336162 Cynthia Byxbee 9 89,188,290 92,892,015 7.3 665

Nancy Martin Shrader was born in KY, the same year MMD left for KY, and since Marg2 is the
ONLY Margaret Duggan who is really the right age, to be MMD, it looks like Marg2 is our
Misbehavin’ Margaret Duggan after all.

The matches between descendants of Marg2 and various Duggan lines makes it clear that Marg2
was a Duggan – Marg2 was not a Duggan widow. The matches between descendants of her
daughter Nancy and the Duggans make it clear that Nancy was a Duggan as well – not a child
from Wm Martin’s first marriage, or a first marriage of Margaret to a Duggan.

It looks like Marg2 became pregnant, before or after leaving for KY with the Nichols family6 and
had Nancy before she married William Martin. She was still known as Margaret Duggan after her
return, as late as January 1810, which suggests that Marg2 did not marry William Martin until
1810, which would explain the gap between Nancy and Elizabeth, who was born in 1811.

The time gap between the first two children and the fact that Nancy’s descendants match other
Marg2 descendants at a lesser rate than we would expect if they were full siblings, suggests that
Nancy was a half sibling to the other children of Marg2. Since all other Marg2 descendants have
the benefit of both shared maternal and shared paternal segments—they should match about
twice as much—and the lesser matches supports the notion that MMD had Nancy before she
married William Martin.

A more thorough study, yet to be done, should test the Martin matches in the other children of Marg2,
locate and map those matches, and see whether any of them show up in descendants of Nancy Martin

Credit to Linda Arnold for noting the references to Margaret in the church minutes, ‘naming’ her, and
contributing to the research on this Duggan descendant.

The Duggan DNA Project combines traditional research and DNA evidence to work out the mysteries
and dead ends on the family tree of Hugh Duggan b. 1740, of Sevier Co. TN. The more descendants who
participate, more data we have and the more segments we can map over time for our Duggan ancestors
and maternal lines. There are different levels of participation. Contact US for more information on how
your DNA kit can be used in these comparisons!

Karen Caton
Duggan DNA Project
Facebook Group: Ancestor Project: Duggan DNA Project

I have long wondered why her brothers would let Marg2 simply leave Tennessee with another family.
Perhaps she was acting as a domestic for them. Another possibility was that Mrs. Nichols was an older
sister, or that she (or her husband) was a cousin. I was not able to find the Nichols family after they left
Sevier Co. Perhaps they will find us at some point.

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