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ip ginan ds say sy vo fnes NYOMI HLNON HL Mc 1 cnn nmin ey eon mon cane taro ons 41904 2Noaa yom o22yuor0 opsmaung fo Baworyy 2yoquty 291 eer (dada Joie esnomos eg) HOUVASIU TYIINOTOAOUHINV . 40 TYNNOf eo {JOURDAL OF AYTHROROLOOICAL RESTAREH a he oer ean cone oo Toes cis Sr renee tala vals erceel fot eent ere ea postion of tah a an Ere ee ae ha ag fan Lae Pe Rd er erg lo reeled Mera mane Wil soc cotropolfeal sheer may be jared {ht simoltaneous tansmission of four dima Kinds of musi, the Zinscantess eon adi {eat 12 kinds of prcunive wounds that relate to the various ceremonial gral tear Letaenrr pea ste fre ete ne ig ns ee et a notte nicer ees een fen ae eae sca in ae Sees nae ieeatasern See cs cee nage erregeie ereeeeiect cceaiae” a saiareces eerie ot, eee SErpeciae tc tee OLN, tad the dng Ct rch eiidaua Scie pea yor eter {easter cee Pat an eae amon salioel ceeheaedy eater Kepner te a he a aaa Sb miaerestc an Segre een ts Bee ra cera setae saris antactar Seer reel Sete ne cc pec tome ons ee eae ane a cel oer pd ee ee eee ee ee ie ce Sit tn ed poly me eel ee caer craters eas Sta a creme at re ee ae se ant ee ee eas Soe ee reece, f al | ¢ | | ( | | ‘mmacuraco rust 1 the acoute code, and they canbe subdivided into misc, oF melody, ap the one hand, and peruntan, onthe other. Since Haviland (1905) hes Atesribed the musi of Zinacantan, Tahal focus on the percsion, > Subject in which my curity hat been intened by Redney Nec ham's paper on "Percusion and Transition” (1967) and by pangs! bistro Hang dah (1973). ‘Needham begins hs anya by atking: “Why ie noise that i produced by siting shaking so widely uted in order to comrmuniae Sih the ether wid” (166105) He basin mind ie beng rn, oF the ute of gong, bell, eymbals, tambourine rattle, ad {arth by shamane in varion culver to erably contact witht spirits! Aa he Brosdens hit analy e somes to the conclsion that there ne uivenal connection Baws prion and rnaonn ‘Although Needham present an interesting hypothe, hei sore! in error when he wie the tem "nase” and’ "nine maker” Tor percusive sounds and instrument In communications theory. “aoe omsins of sounds that interfere with the meaning! messages being tare soe se ronmenage™ I Needhan's hype ore, the percumive wunds are tranamiting mean ‘nd should no be refered om "noie” (Lee and Vogt 1972301. ‘Other comments on his bypathns were published in Mer in 1908 Sturtevant suggests that the proposed Connection isan artifact ofthe ‘apologies being to broadly defined. and commends hat rather than ‘Tenig the vein, we row tory saman bet fon drums He calls attention toa paper by Neher (962) who press laboratory evidence that drumming. epealy when produced with 9 ‘hythn near the base spe breln-tave fequoney that seven onic {les per second, has «trong phylogia efect on the human br Sind. may "account forthe ring, Prychologeal ter noted in ‘Shamanic performance. lacking (1968) rote that Needhan' argument is marred by lack of understanding ofthe meaning of ound in estore. "Svking wl “shaking,” he argues, "are mot in themselves sigifean, except thatthe) Inay be the best methods of predating require timbre, What is of Drime importance isthe way in which the rking and ahaling = Smid int sound pattern” He add that the yin dromming of 2 pint media i fw ferent oder fom tat of fre-crachers which Putctunte the transition of Chine marrage siual On the she Tein, Halipike (1968), examining his tem the Kens of shores Ethiopin finds that ther only drome are thom besten aa sna! ‘umier of ritual occasions: athe coming he gret tins each yon {The ceremony tating the end ef One sera protean oi ™ JOURNAL OF ANFIMOFOLOICA RESEARCH death ofa print. He concludes that Needham’ taminaieg ieight lato what would otherwite be mere ethnographic Tn order to keep thee various ies straight, I shall consider Linacantan? The anower i clearly yee in the cae of the three mow {equemly sed freworks-al of which arse of a fixed ies raring [important transitions in the tual For example, they mark the ties when a procenion ot cargholders reaches and leaves an impotent rst {rnc when a vnting aint reaches and depart rom the churchyard in Zinncantan Center; nd when the MOLETIR (he higher ranking Enrgoholder) move frm the Church af San Laren to the Hermitage ‘st Eaquipolm Further, we have oted that the ing ofthese freworts teaches 8 peak of intensity when the most Important transitions are ‘Sxurring, for example, hen the outgoing Alltreces hand over the fags of eee to the incoming Aleecs or when the outgoing Alcalde Gade (the highest ranking cargohoider) hands over Uke tcred col [ection of articles of hit afi to the Incoming Alcalde Grande. on Jnounry 25: These are times when the din af reworks blot out al other 2Xinds tnd the atmosphere i blue with gunpowder emote, he ew fr conan Peoren eran and anion wena tem hein the fing of ter nd sis which wom sa have, int ‘itu ‘only the fancton of entraining the mame af spectator that ome to the fexex. However, the tar are ignited al noon and again ppronching midnight, soda cane could be made that they are marking terial tranaiions In ‘ime. Moreover, the cai, usally lanes, ring insted a almost dng ttanition print in tine Between the eve of the mnt in dition marking traniins in ritual epizdes or ceremonial ie here ae sore cofay functions of the use af Srewor hat are ‘print. rom the poe of ww of native exegaithe mon ‘portant uncton of lrewria ata aignaling device~each eplode of 1 itty. comple ceremony fa marked bythe Bring of Breworka hich Can te heard throughout the Valley of Zinacantam Center. Zinacanteeo ‘women, making tril st thelr Pearths, can follow the progres of 2 Tremony by the sound af the reworks without even lesvng ther Frames sors the ane of reworks dlingats the epindes of = ritual Sind permit all he Zanacantecn within nro to keep track ofan 8 wen two or more re ins we timltancouly performing a shrines or houses in difeent sane cg Ceremonial Center. Fireworks alo bave a partclay tego ton with the mown of tual prcaton thelr! estes choc Steen ai ital ephodes. The aril of « rocenan at frst thine where the tal wil nop to pry, to exchange nts oct quot and perhaps o dance, islwayn braided wth Rewer ss ihe ‘eatin ft presnion tom he srn. Whe marching ye Fine tothe next the procenion is secompanied by the meledy or hg ‘aldo and fen byte plying ta frag cree ee In my new book, Twill fr the Gade 1906) Thaw floned (1972) sggetion that procesion are cone slong the pth of Be aun and feu then reworks anc ‘soe, to punctuate” the plage sf nes bre SK'INAL, and “non ICIN" ceremonien Cargo, waters Fiuslsge led ICN aa bee not appt to hose Seinen Ss fe ria ceremonie, ike weddings ae cy oe claborate enough include sor NCE SRTNAL, ic eve the ICN ‘characters “on-K'IN" rite? “day of toe (atman 19611) hen al etn realy in ancient Maya tought, Migs Lae Ports Ge ‘ted the pontconurst ‘and wymbolizt the oneept of tink has cited withthe face of fos, nd was “carried by the ped un turned over oh nuceewor at the end ofthe period Kin these to primordial ely, divine ad without mit In td were ding innumerable moments of time, each having divine foes ca Imanifeed the auribtes of his patclar momen. What about te ‘elonship of time te nace In ancient Maya thoght® Here roe “Jun OF ANFHROFOLOCINL RESEARCH Ponilaconludes that "space, with ta color directions and it ayer Poni condo nage forthe ba conjunctions f varius eyeh Te mera forte Mays was thus the “eo atmosphere time Ae anid hemacves cyt, the spatial univer ing of ods who arg which te foreafdiiy were okt. entering nn iment oken er. Indeed, according to Lebn-Porila the Arent View mighe best be character ind of chrono Vion yemporary Zinacantan the concept of K'WN is significant cond” Somemeera occurrence of ceremonies that are replay won re a der end neon Seely Sree ee tegen viclly the Znaaness made abs ite ein” ceremonies Te non ia iva EIN” sul wth pins tne fe The coemonis to be Zina del i ee proviing eat, mol etal a ai ete ke sl ime Babe 75 she pero sine months afer conception, at ih cn tem apronay eh year andthe th unl mut flow seesaw fee ype gre up an emai nvr, Lee tnt ed dc aa gen nur Sud Ne der her oniqve isiegcal re Nor an spony ale tr oe slr elenda he des and ies inncaecos pr ohn wa and popes ensions il wen ioe wl oa ea falcon man be peormed Al of reach ain a Ph epee eit ere othe ie 7, ia ae ea sans mre wry cena cepa oe ena cecmenl elena unde, Hence

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