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Dear HR Manager,

I am wri0ng to express my strong interest in applying for the posi0on of IT Product Manager
at Toyota Astra Motor. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and
exper0se in IT product management to such a pres0gious and well-respected organiza0on.

I have a strong background in IT product management, with [men0on the number of years]
years of experience in leading and delivering successful soHware and technology projects.
Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a track record of driving innova0on, developing
customer-centric products, and collabora0ng effec0vely with cross-func0onal teams to
achieve business goals.

In my current role as an IT Product Manager at PT Jelajah Inovasi Teknologi, I have been

responsible for overseeing the en0re product development lifecycle. This includes
conduc0ng market research, defining product strategies, crea0ng roadmaps, and managing
product launches. I have successfully led the development and launch of marketplace and

I am highly skilled in gathering and analyzing customer feedback to iden0fy opportuni0es for
product improvement and new feature development. I also excel in priori0zing product
features based on market demands and business objec0ves. With my strong technical
background and business acumen, I am confident in my ability to translate complex
technical concepts into clear, ac0onable plans for development teams.

I am deeply impressed by Toyota Astra Motor's commitment to innova0on, quality, and

customer sa0sfac0on. Your company's reputa0on for delivering excep0onal products and
services aligns perfectly with my own values as an IT Product Manager. I am eager to
contribute my exper0se to further enhance Toyota Astra Motor's offerings and drive the
company's success in the digital age.

I have aQached my resume, which provides further details about my qualifica0ons and
accomplishments. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my applica0on further in an
interview. I am confident that my skills and experiences would make me a valuable addi0on
to the Toyota Astra Motor team.

Thank you for considering my applica0on. I look forward to the possibility of contribu0ng to
the success of Toyota Astra Motor as an IT Product Manager.


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