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Ayman Mohamed Bedeir - Marketing Management


Under supervision
Dr.Amira SabeQ
Ayman Mohamed Bedeir - Marketing Management

Explanation of Marketing Myopia

Marketing myopia is the failure to see the bigger picture and market products
beyond their current use. Learn from Myspace and Xerox' mistakes and become
an agile company that adapts to changing markets and customer needs like
Sephora and Uber
Case 1 - Myspace
MySpace was a social network that was popular in the early
2000s, but it eventually lost its dominance to newer social
networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. MySpace suffered
from marketing myopia because it focused too much on short-
term goals and failed to adapt to changing trends and user needs.
Over-reliance on music: Myspace was primarily known for its
music-related features, but it failed to expand its offerings
beyond this niche. This resulted in limited growth potential and
made the platform less appealing to users who weren't
interested in music.
Focus on advertising: Myspace placed too much emphasis on
advertising, which resulted in a cluttered and overwhelming
user experience.
Failure to adapt to mobile: Myspace was slow to adapt to the
rise of mobile devices, which resulted in a poor mobile user
experience and made it less appealing to users who preferred
to access social networking sites on their smartphones.
Lack of innovation: Myspace failed to innovate and introduce
new features that could have attracted users and kept them
Case 2 - XEROX
XEROX is a well-known company that invented the modern
photocopier. However, the company suffered from marketing
myopia in the past, which refers to a narrow-minded approach
to marketing that focuses on a company's existing products
rather than identifying and satisfying customer needs. Here are
five reasons why XEROX had marketing myopia:
Overreliance on photocopier sales: XEROX was known for its photocopiers, and the company became too reliant
on their sales. This led to a lack of diversification and a failure to explore new markets and product lines.
Focus on hardware rather than solutions: XEROX focused on selling hardware, such as photocopiers and printers,
rather than offering solutions to customer problems. This approach failed to take into account the changing needs
of customers, who were increasingly looking for software and services to streamline their business operations.
Failure to anticipate digital technology: XEROX failed to anticipate the rise of digital technology and the impact it
would have on the office equipment market. The company was slow to adapt, and its focus on photocopiers made
it difficult to compete with newer digital technologies.
Inadequate market research: XEROX did not conduct adequate market research to identify changing customer
needs and preferences. This led to a lack of innovation and an inability to develop new products that would meet
emerging customer demands.
Insufficient customer focus: XEROX did not prioritize customer needs and preferences, focusing instead on its
own product lines and sales goals. This approach left the company vulnerable to competitors who were more
attentive to customer needs and preferences.
Ayman Mohamed Bedeir - Marketing Management

Importance of Agility
Marketing myopia occurs when companies focus on their products rather than
the needs of their customers. Agility is key to avoid this mistake.
Case 3 - SEPHORA
Sephora is a well-known beauty retailer that has
gained a reputation for its marketing agility, which
refers to the ability of a company to quickly adapt
to changes in the market and customer preferences.

Digital-first approach: Sephora embraced digital marketing early on, which allowed the company to
quickly adapt to changes in the digital landscape. Sephora has been able to leverage social media and
e-commerce to reach customers in new and innovative ways.
Customer-focused strategy: Sephora has a customer-focused strategy that emphasizes personalized
experiences and engagement. The company uses data analytics to understand customer behavior and
preferences, which allows it to tailor its marketing efforts to individual customers.
Collaborations and partnerships: Sephora has a history of collaborating with other brands and
influencers to create unique products and experiences. This approach allows the company to tap into
new customer segments and create a sense of exclusivity around its products.
Agile organizational structure: Sephora has an agile organizational structure that allows it to quickly
respond to changes in the market and customer preferences. The company has a culture of
experimentation and innovation, which allows it to test new ideas and pivot quickly if something isn't
Case Study 4 - UBER
Uber is a ride-hailing company that has been known for
its marketing agility, which refers to the ability of a
company to quickly adapt to changes in the market and
customer preferences. Here are three reasons why Uber
had marketing agility:
Data-driven approach: Uber uses data analytics to understand
customer behavior and preferences, which allows it to tailor its
marketing efforts to individual customers. The company also uses
data to optimize its operations and improve the customer
Customer-focused strategy: Uber has a customer-focused strategy that emphasizes convenience and
affordability. The company has been able to adapt to changing customer preferences by offering new
services, such as UberEATS and UberPool, that meet different customer needs.
Partnership and innovation: Uber have a history of partnering with other companies and experimenting
with new technologies to improve its services. For example, the company has partnered with Spotify to
allow customers to play music during their rides, and it has experimented with self-driving cars to
reduce costs and improve efficiency. This approach has allowed Uber to stay ahead of competitors and
offer new and innovative services to customers.
Ayman Mohamed Bedeir - Marketing Management

Focus on the customer's needs and wants.

Continuously gather and analyze market data.

Embrace new technologies and innovation for

competitive advantage.

Under supervision
Dr.Amira SabeQ

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