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Class Rules:

1. Confiscation of phones during class hours

Exemption: when needed in activities/review/emergency
-confiscated phones will be given to mam Carlyn if not to the class president/class officers

2. No transferring of seats during class hours

Punishment/s: rule breakers will write on a pad paper with the ff phrase “Hindi na mauulit”
back-to-back, and must not have any erasures whatsoever. The pad paper must be full and if not
it shall not be accepted.
-this will be submitted after class if not punishment will be doubled

3. Do not use shoes inside the classroom

Punishment/s: rule breakers will write on a pad paper with the ff phrase “Hindi na mauulit”
back-to-back, and must not have any erasures whatsoever. The pad paper must be full and if not
it shall not be accepted.
-this will be submitted after class if not punishment will be doubled

4. Do not speak if the teacher is speaking unless called.

-not just teachers but classmates also

5. Shouting while in the middle of lessons

Ex: calling out names of students to be forced for recitation
-repeating words
-loud unnecessary noises

-may it be physical, mental, or cyberbullying


-one must not make a joke that could offend others, neither should they make a joke about a dead person.
think before you act. you'll never know what those words can do to the other person

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