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If I had a superpower it would be…

First of all the very basics. History is the best subject I ever had, learning it it’s great but
living it or seeing it would be another experience, being able to see how the Eiffel Tower
was made, being part of the revolutions that change the way of thinking, seeing the evolution
of art and its masterpieces. All of the things that affected and changed humanity. I personally
would like to see (not live) the Second World War. It’s been one of my many interests since
7th grade. I always loved seeing movies, watching documentaries, reading books and all in
between, since there are many things that by fact are not known by humanity like for
example, Is Adolf Hitler really dead? The allies never found his body or evidence of his
possible escape. Or The Jewish people whose names are now forgotten and whose story’s
never got to be told. Who wouldn’t be interested to know what happened to all those people?
seeing the development of the nazis and how it got to change people so much to the point
we’re all of they could think of was the”greatness of Germany and the ariaraze'' not h
Muy ul lo I’mnlul caring or thinking for what could happen to their Jewish neighbors or their
friends. And how the resistance made their code language and how they were able to
communicate with the allies.
History has been avoided by many grown ups in my life so I had to investigate on my own to
learn things about the past. Yet maybe it's just me who wants to know all that, or maybe it's
the other people who are too ignorant towards the past. If I could go back to the past I would
learn all the things special forces been trying to hide i could come back as a wise teenager

So If I had a superpower it would be time traveling

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