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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Advanced Level Exercise 12

5. Providing structures, facilities and services, and

1. .............. population growth in less developed coping with unemployment, pollution, congestion,
countries is widely regarded as a major obstacle to crime and social alienation are formidable ______.
their material progress and a major global economic
and political problem. A) treasures
B) triumphs
A) Timely
C) festivities
B) Hasty
D) challenges
C) Leisurely
E) satisfactions
D) Rapid
E) Retarded

6. The Ministry of Agriculture experts cannot ..............

when the new technology will arrive or how it will
2. The recent rapid increase in population in less affect international commerce in foodstuffs.
developed countries reflects a .............. fall in
mortality. A) predict
B) combat
A) steep
C) delay
B) superficial
D) admit
C) shrewd
E) offend
D) tight
E) tame

7. In the last 40 years alone, modern farming methods

have .............. or even tripled yields per land unit for
3. Thomas Malthus predicted in the late 18th century major food grains such as wheat, rice and corn.
that world population would inevitably rise above the
ability of the land to nourish it, and that the result A) aroused
would be mass .............. and war. B) multiplied
A) controversy C) quadrupled
B) avoidance D) doubled
C) starvation E) saluted
D) pollution
E) sarcasm

8. To many people in industrialized countries, with their

incomparably more .............. populations, food is
something that comes from the supermarket;
4. The population problem has global .............. , but agriculture is a dusty and mysterious process of
action to cope with it is mainly a national interest only to a group of people known as farmers.
A) affluent
A) penalties B) impoverished
B) attitudes C) imperfect
C) diameters D) inferior
D) legends E) modest
E) dimensions

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Advanced Level Exercise 12

9. In some cases, the more prosperous groups have 13. To shy back in .............. from knowledge when we are
been relatively recent immigrants, who mostly came at the threshold of knowing so much more would, in
in empty-handed but were ______, ambitious, my view, be tragic.
energetic, and resourceful.
A) fear
A) tangible B) toil
B) industrious C) sweat
C) exaggerated D) joy
D) talkative E) temper
E) feeble

14. Evolution, along with other theories and discoveries

10. Another development has been the scientific- in biology, seems to .............. the materialist position.
technological industrial revolution which has since
World War II changed social and environmental A) humiliate
.............. so rapidly that many persons have lost their B) accumulate
traditional role in society.
C) degrade
A) settlements D) reinforce
B) impressions E) suffocate
C) penetrations
D) prayers
E) conditions
15. The building blocks of living molecules have been
produced in the laboratory by subjecting ..............
materials to the simulated conditions presumed to
have existed in the earth's early atmosphere.
11. Biology has much to tell us about our nature and our
origins -- though, admittedly, not too much about the A) shabby
reasons for our ______. B) inanimate
A) occurence C) false
B) guaranties D) convertible
C) existence E) ventilated
D) contentment
E) unwillingness

16. Chemical companies are speculating that the next

.............. of chemicals will come, not from petroleum,
but from genetically engineered plants.
12. This is legitimate investigation of reproductive
biology, indispensible for birth control on the one A) contractions
hand and treatment of infertility on the other, with a B) contamination
more .............. possibility that it can contribute to
efforts to prevent genetic defects. C) generation
D) confrontation
A) ancestral E) shortage
B) insane
C) exhaustible
D) remote
E) hysterical

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Advanced Level Exercise 12

17. The days when the farmer produced almost

everything the farm needed from potatoes to pork,
kept what was .............. and sold the rest, are long
gone. 19. Developing countries are becoming increasingly
.............. on food imports from two countries - the
A) necessary United States and Canada.
B) necessarily
A) negligible
C) needy
B) conventional
D) necessity
C) impartial
E) needless
D) dependent
E) near-sighted

18. Even with the recent succession of better-than-

average harvests, world food reserves today
.............. only 19 percent of annual world 20. Present and foreseeable increases in world
consumption. population will call for increases in materials and
energy unlikely to be .............. if present practices,
A) mediate policies and lifestyles persist.
B) purchase
A) conceived
C) frustrate
B) concealed
D) cancel
C) met
E) equal
D) trusted
E) convinced

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Advanced Level Exercise 12

Answer Key:

1: D 11: C
2: A 12: D
3: C 13: A
4: E 14: D
5: D 15: B
6: A 16: C
7: D 17: A
8: A 18: E
9: B 19: D
10: E 20: C

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