CHN Project

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Criteria 3 2 1 Points
Content All information are presented thoroughly, and Almost all topics and arguments clearly and Some topics and arguments clearly and
accurately complements the purpose of the accurately complements the purpose of the accurately complements the purpose of the
infomercial Successive parts of the infomercial infomercial. Almost all successive parts of the infomercial. Successive parts of the infomercial
/3 x 100x .3 =
evidently and enthusiastically lead the viewer to infomercial evidently and enthusiastically limits the viewer’s understanding on the topic.
understand the topic. lead the viewer to understand the topic.

Organization/Volume and Clarity Material exhibits logical and visually appealing Almost all material exhibits logical and Does not exhibit logical and visually
information; Infomercial presents a clear voice visually appealing information; Infomercial appealing information; Infomercial presents
and precise pronunciation of terms. Viewing presents somewhat clear voice and most a low voice and incorrect pronunciation of
/3 x 100x .2 =
audience can hear without effort. words correctly. Viewing audience can hear terms. Viewing audience have difficulty
with little effort. hearing.
Creativity and Originality Information is systematically and neatly Almost all information is systematically and Some information is systematically and
organized. The visual elements (selection, shape, neatly organized. Most visual elements neatly organized. Some visual elements
size and arrangement) of graphics and visuals, (selection, shape, size and arrangement) of (selection, shape, size and arrangement) of
/3 x 100x .2 =
charts and diagrams clearly demonstrates graphics and visuals, charts and diagrams graphics and visuals, charts and diagrams
connection to the content and originality. All parts clearly demonstrates connection to the clearly demonstrates connection to the content
of the design supports and creates visual flow. content and originality. Most parts of the and originality. Some parts of the design
design supports and creates visual supports and creates visual flow
Technical Structure All font and its size are consistent, readable and Almost all fonts and its size are consistent, Some to all fonts and its size are non-
appropriate. Spelling, capitalizations, grammar readable and appropriate. One(1) to two consistent, non-readable and non-
and vocabulary are correct all throughout. All (2) errors in capitalizations, grammar and appropriate. There are more than two(2)
/3 x 100x .1 =
terminologies used are appropriate. vocabulary. Most terminologies used are errors in capitalizations, grammar and
Length of informercial is two(2) to five(5) appropriate. Length of informercial is vocabulary. Terminologies used are
minutes. two(2) minutes. inappropriate. Length of informercial is less
than two(2) minutes.
References All facts in the infographics were supported with Almost all facts in the infographics were Two or more than two facts in the
reliable sources. Full bibliographical citations for supported with sources. Most infographics were not supported with
all sources used are included. bibliographical citations for all sources used sources. Some to no bibliographical citations
are included. for all sources used are included. /3 x 100x .1 =
Timeliness Turned in on time Turned in hours to 1 day after deadline Turned in 1-2 days after deadline /3 x 100x .1 =
Final Score Note: Please use the Ateneo Transmutation table for the final grade.

1. Group yourselves into 4 with 9-10 members each group and make a presentation on each of the following DOH PROGRAMS given. You will report this to class by
group after MODULE 5 presentation.
2. You are going to create Infographics and Infomercials based in the DOH Programs. This is to be done by groups and is due on the Prefinal Examination.
Module 6

DOH Programs

1. National Immunization Program ( formerly Expanded Program on Immunization)
2. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses

3. Newborn Screening Program
4. Garantisadong Pambata

5. Family Planning Program
6. HIV/AIDS Prevention Program

7. Lifestyle Related Diseases Program

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