Statue Maker & Wink Murderer

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In this version of the game ‘Statue,’ players find a partner. One person is the
sculptor and the other person molds the clay into a statue, moving his
partner’s arms, legs, facial expression any way he wishes.

When all of the sculptors are done, all statue makers wander through the
statue garden and admire each other’s work.

Next, they trade places. The sculptor becomes the clay and the model
becomes the sculptor.

Have all players sit in a circle with their eyes closed. Choose one person to be
the Murderer by tapping him lightly on the head as you go around the circle.

Next, announce that the space has been transformed into a ballroom and
everyone is at a big party. Tell everyone that there is a killer in their midst!

Tell players that they should mingle and make small-talk, but if the killer
winks at them, they are to die. However, they must wait ten seconds before
dying a very dramatic death.

If someone thinks they know who the murderer is, they may raise their hand
and make a guess. If they are wrong, they are out of the game. If they are
right, they get to choose the next murderer and the theme of the party!

Variation: instead of winking, the murderer can shake hands with a person
and tickle the inside of their palm. In this version of the game, all of the party
guests move about shaking hands with each other.

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