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1The Bastille, Paris There are ten mistakes in this account. Underline them and correct them.

It was a cool autumn night in 1660. Aramis went to the Bastille prison and told the guard

of the prison that he had to talk to one of the prisoners. When Aramis went into the
cell, he saw an old man having a plate of food. The man said he had seen Aramis before.

When Aramis asked him if he wanted to be free, the man was confused. Aramis

confirmed that they had met before, when the man was fifteen years old. That day
Aramis had visited him with a lady in a purple cloak. The prisoner remembered her and

said she used to visit him in his cell but her visits had stopped eight years ago. He told

Aramis that, as a child, he used to live with a nurse and a teacher because his parents
were dead. Aramis told him that his mother was alive.

2The Prisoner Answer these questions.

1. How old was the prisoner?

2. Why was his teacher worried one day?
3. Who was the lady that used to visit the young man?
4. What was the young man’s name?
5. Who took him to the Bastille?
6. What did they do to his nurse and teacher?
7. When was Philippe born?
8. Who were King Louis XIII and Queen Anne?
9. How was Philippe related to King Louis XIV?
10. Did Louis XIV know about this?
11. Who decided to hide Philippe in the country and why?
12. Why did Aramis tell this secret?
13. Why did Aramis want Philippe to replace the king?
14. What did he promise Philippe before he left?

3The Louvre, Paris Mark these sentences as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements.

1. The Musketeers were the royal guards.

2. Porthos was the leader of the King’s Musketeers.
3. The Louvre was a museum in Paris.
4. Monsieur Fouquet had a new house at Vaux.
5. He was going to give a party for the Musketeers.
6. Monsieur Fouquet was having money problems.
7. Aramis promised to help him.
8. In return, he wanted an arrest order written by the Minister.
9. Aramis said the criminal’s name was Seldon.
10. Aramis said Seldon had insulted the bishops of France.

4’You Will Be a Great King’

’You Complete the blanks.

Aramis dressed as a 1.________ and went to the 2.________. He was 3.________

________ with the prison governor when a messenger arrived with a release order from
4.________. While Baisemeaux was calling the 5.________, Aramis 6.________ the
order with another for the release of a prisoner called 7.________ instead of Seldon.
Baisemeaux was confused because of all the 8._______ he had had, but he released the
prisoner - in fact, he released 9.________. Aramis and Philippe left for Vaux. On the
way, they discussed their plan. Aramis made sure that Philippe knew all about his
10.________ and his 11.________ ; for example, that Colbert and Fouquet were
12.________ and that 13._________ must not discover their plan. Philippe asked
Aramis what he wanted in return for his help and Aramis said that he wanted to become
the 14.________ ___ ________.
5The Great House at Vaux
Vaux Match the two parts of each sentence.

1. The day of the feast was ........ a. a present and went to their bedrooms.
2. Before the royal family arrived, ........ b. to arrest Fouquet.
3. There were a lot of ........ c. the King and learn his movements.
4. After the meal, the guests ........ d. reconsider Fouquet’s arrest.
5. At the end of the evening everybody got ........ e. a lovely 15th August.
6. D’Artagnan suspected Aramis ........ f. had taken money from the treasury.
7. Aramis told Philippe to watch ........ g. for a written order.
8. Colbert told the King that Fouquet ........ h. listened to music and watched fireworks.
9. The King ordered D’Artagnan ........ i. Aramis talked to Fouquet about the King and Colbert.
10. D’Artagnan asked the King ........ j. was making a plot against the King.
11. The King promised to ........ k. important people at the party.

6’I Am the King of France !’

France Complete this summary with words from the boxes.

Prepositions Verbs (use the past form)

against along drive lock order

back except pull push put
into off receive say speak
out of (x2) through take tell

Two masked men 0. took the King 1.________ his bedroom and 2.________ him 3.________ a secret door. They
4.________ him 5.________ an underground passage, 6.________ the house and 7.________ a carriage. Then they
8.________ away to the Bastille. Outside the prison, one of the men 9.________ a gun 10.________ the King’s head
and 11.________ him to keep quiet. The other man 12.________ 13._______ his mask and 14.________ to the prison
governor. This man was Aramis; he 15.________ there was a mistake with the prisoner’s name and so he had brought
Marchiali 16.________. He told the governor that the prisoner was mad and must talk to nobody 17.________ him, his
guard and the King. Then Louis was 18.________ in Philippe’s prison cell. At Vaux D’Artagnan 19.________ Fouquet
that he had to watch him until he 20.________ the King’s orders for his arrest.

7Louis and Philippe Finish these sentences.

1. In his cell, Louis ..................................................................................................................................

2. The guard was surprised because ..................................................................................................
3. Louis demanded to tell the governor ............................................................................................
4. The guard ............................................................................................................................................
5. At Vaux Aramis told Philippe ..........................................................................................................
6. Aramis laughed when Philippe said .................................................................................................
7. D’Artagnan was surprised to see ...................................................................................................
8. He insisted that the King ................................................................................................................
9. From his room Philippe told him to ................................................................................................
10. D’Artagnan couldn´t understand ..................................................................................................
11. Aramis explained that .....................................................................................................................

8Fouquet Learns the Secret Answer these questions.

1. What did D’Artagnan tell Fouquet?

2. What did Fouquet tell Aramis about the missing money?

3. What did Aramis reply?

4. How did Fouquet first react when he learnt Aramis’ secret?

5. Why did he change his mind?

6. What did he say he would do instead?

7. What did he tell Aramis to do?

8. What did Aramis decide to do?
9The Bishop’
Bishop’ss Plot Number the events.

a. Baisemeaux showed Fouquet to the prisoner’s cell. ____

b. Louis ordered the capture of Belle-Isle. ____
c. Fouquet drove to the Bastille. ____
d. Louis gave orders for the traitors to die. ____
e. Baisemeaux asked for the King’s order to take Fouquet to the prisoner. ____
f. Louis learnt about Aramis and Porthos’ escape. ____
g. The prison guards did not recognise Fouquet. ____
h. Louis learnt about his twin brother. ____
i. Fouquet accused Baisemeaux of helping Aramis with the crime. ____
j. Fouquet threatened to bring the King’s soldiers. ____

The Brothers Answer these questions.

1. Who was in the King’s room at Vaux when Fouquet arrived?

2. Why was Queen Anne confused?
3. How did Louis prove that he was the real King?
4. What did he order D’Artagnan to do?
5. Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Athos’ house?
6. Why did Athos refuse to go to Belle-Isle?
7. How did he help Aramis?
8. What did he think King Louis planned to do?

The Meetings at Nantes Use the cues to write a summary.

Musketeers / search / beat / arrest

D’Artagnan / F
’Art ouquet / Bastille / escape / release
King L ouis / D
Louis ’Ar
D’Arta gnan / Belle-Isle / for
’Art t / tr
fort aitors

Belle-Isle Mark these sentences as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements.

1. Aramis and Porthos were walking along the beach when they saw the King’s Musketeers.
2. Aramis asked Porthos to give the alarm and get the islanders ready to fight.
3. D’Artagnan wanted Aramis and Porthos to stay on the island.
4. In the end, D’Artagnan arrested his friends.
5. Aramis and Porthos stayed at Belle-Isle after D’Artagnan went back to his boat.
6. D’Artagnan told his men that the islanders planned to defend the fort.
7. He told them he planned to negotiate with the officers from the fort.
8. The musketeers obeyed the orders from their captain.
9. D’Artagnan tried to escape from the musketeers.
10. The musketeers shot D’Artagnan.
Escape Number these events.

a. Aramis and Porthos ran to Locmaria cave. ____

b. The islanders fought against the King’s men. ____
c. Porthos killed the soldiers with a rock. ____
d. The King’s ships sailed to the mainland. ____
e. The explosion made some rocks fall from the roof. ____
f. They planned to use a boat that was inside a cave. ____
g. The King’s soldiers walked along a passage into the cave. ____
h. Porthos died under the falling rocks. ____
i. Aramis and Porthos found a barrel of gunpowder and lit the fuse. ____
j. Aramis sailed towards Spain. ____
k. Aramis said they had to escape before the ships returned. ____
l. Three men helped Aramis and Porthos move the boat out of the cave. ____
m. Aramis and Porthos heard gunshots on the other side of the island. ____
n. The King’s soldiers sailed to the island in small boats. ____
o. Aramis told the islanders to stop fighting and go back home. ____

The Last Musketeer Finish these sentences.

1. The King got a message about .............................................................................................

2. He wanted D’Artagnan to ....................................................................................................
3. In return, he agreed to .......................................................................................................
4. In Paris D’Artagnan learnt about ......................................................................................
5. The King already knew because ..........................................................................................
6. He promised D’Artagnan to let Aramis ............................................................................
7. In 1665 D’Artagnan ..............................................................................................................

Follow-up Choose one of these tasks.

1. Write Aramis’ letter to D’Artagnan telling him about

the battle, Porthos’ death and how he escaped to Spain.
Write 100-120 words.

2. Queen Anne visits Philippe in his new prison. Write a

conversation between mother and son.
Write 8-12 exchanges.

The Man in the Iron Mask

General questions

1 Who was Aramis? Who did he visit at the Bastille? What did he tell him?
2 Who was Philippe? Why was he in the Bastille? How did he get out of prison?
3 Who was Fouquet? What happened at his house at Vaux? What did he do when Aramis told him about his plot?
4 Who was Louis? Why was he sent to the Bastille? Who released him? What did he do then?
5 Who was D’Artagnan? Why did the king order him to arrest Fouquet? Why was he sent to Belle-Isle? What did he
do there?
6 What was Aramis’ plot? How did he carry it out? What did he do after the plot failed?
7 Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Belle-Isle? What happened there? What happened to them in the end?
8 What happened at Belle-Isle? What happened after the battle? How did the story end?
9 Who were the different people in the story? What can you say about each of them?
10 The most important places in the story are the Bastille, Vaux and Belle-Isle. What happened in each?
The Man in the Iron Mask
General questions

1 Who was Aramis? Who did he visit at the Bastille? What did he tell him?
2 Who was Philippe? Why was he in the Bastille? How did he get out of prison?
3 Who was Fouquet? What happened at his house at Vaux? What did he do when Aramis told him about his plot?
4 Who was Louis? Why was he sent to the Bastille? Who released him? What did he do then?
5 Who was D’Artagnan? Why did the king order him to arrest Fouquet? Why was he sent to Belle-Isle? What did he
do there?
6 What was Aramis’ plot? How did he carry it out? What did he do after the plot failed?
7 Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Belle-Isle? What happened there? What happened to them in the end?
8 What happened at Belle-Isle? What happened after the battle? How did the story end?
9 Who were the different people in the story? What can you say about each of them?
10 The most important places in the story are the Bastille, Vaux and Belle-Isle. What happened in each?

The Man in the Iron Mask

General questions

1 Who was Aramis? Who did he visit at the Bastille? What did he tell him?
2 Who was Philippe? Why was he in the Bastille? How did he get out of prison?
3 Who was Fouquet? What happened at his house at Vaux? What did he do when Aramis told him about his plot?
4 Who was Louis? Why was he sent to the Bastille? Who released him? What did he do then?
5 Who was D’Artagnan? Why did the king order him to arrest Fouquet? Why was he sent to Belle-Isle? What did he
do there?
6 What was Aramis’ plot? How did he carry it out? What did he do after the plot failed?
7 Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Belle-Isle? What happened there? What happened to them in the end?
8 What happened at Belle-Isle? What happened after the battle? How did the story end?
9 Who were the different people in the story? What can you say about each of them?
10 The most important places in the story are the Bastille, Vaux and Belle-Isle. What happened in each?

The Man in the Iron Mask

General questions

1 Who was Aramis? Who did he visit at the Bastille? What did he tell him?
2 Who was Philippe? Why was he in the Bastille? How did he get out of prison?
3 Who was Fouquet? What happened at his house at Vaux? What did he do when Aramis told him about his plot?
4 Who was Louis? Why was he sent to the Bastille? Who released him? What did he do then?
5 Who was D’Artagnan? Why did the king order him to arrest Fouquet? Why was he sent to Belle-Isle? What did he
do there?
6 What was Aramis’ plot? How did he carry it out? What did he do after the plot failed?
7 Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Belle-Isle? What happened there? What happened to them in the end?
8 What happened at Belle-Isle? What happened after the battle? How did the story end?
9 Who were the different people in the story? What can you say about each of them?
10 The most important places in the story are the Bastille, Vaux and Belle-Isle. What happened in each?

The Man in the Iron Mask

General questions

1 Who was Aramis? Who did he visit at the Bastille? What did he tell him?
2 Who was Philippe? Why was he in the Bastille? How did he get out of prison?
3 Who was Fouquet? What happened at his house at Vaux? What did he do when Aramis told him about his plot?
4 Who was Louis? Why was he sent to the Bastille? Who released him? What did he do then?
5 Who was D’Artagnan? Why did the king order him to arrest Fouquet? Why was he sent to Belle-Isle? What did he
do there?
6 What was Aramis’ plot? How did he carry it out? What did he do after the plot failed?
7 Why did Aramis and Porthos go to Belle-Isle? What happened there? What happened to them in the end?
8 What happened at Belle-Isle? What happened after the battle? How did the story end?
9 Who were the different people in the story? What can you say about each of them?
10 The most important places in the story are the Bastille, Vaux and Belle-Isle. What happened in each?

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