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Chapter 3


Claude immediately parked in front of our house and told me to go on ahead. He didn’t want to
talk about it outside and wanted me to listen to him carefully the moment we get inside the
house. I nodded and immediately walked out of the car with my bag. I paused halfway and
looked back at Claude who was still in the car staring at me intently waiting for me to get inside
the door. My brother seems to be in a rush about something today. The moment I shut the
door close behind me, I decided to go to the kitchen before heading to my room.

“Better start heating the food up before changing,” I whispered sighing right after.

But then, the moment I took a step forward, I felt that surge of adrenaline inside me again. This
time I could feel it properly. It was like a bolt of energy that ran all the way from the tips of my
fingers to my head channeling to my spine dispersing under my feet. A shockwave of energy
just came out of my body. I looked around me to see if something got destroyed. Thankfully,
there wasn’t even a single crack. However, the second I caught a glimpse of myself at the mirror
at the wall of our foyer, my eyes almost fell out. I thought my senses were playing tricks with
me, but it wasn’t.

“Is that..” I touch the strands of my ponytail, “MY HAIR?” I exclaimed. My perfect brunette just
turned into glittering purple tresses. Okay, weird incident number three for the day. This is just
getting spookier.

“For your hair to actually change color, I guess the spell has completely been broken.” Said
Claude who was just entering the door. He looks at me and he pouts, “You look like you’re
about to cry, my dear sweet sister.” I scowl at his statement.
“Claude, what is happening to me? Am I broken? Am I turning into a witch? What the hell do
you mean spell? Am I cursed?” I shouted whimpering. I start checking other parts of my body in
case I started to grow a tail too.

“A witch isn’t exactly what I’d call you. Before I start explaining, an audience for it would be the
most appropriate.” He put his keys down on the decorative plate walking to my side patting my
shoulder, “Come, sister, follow me.” How the hell is this man so calm? His sister is turning into…
SOMETHING and he acts as if this is normal. He escorts me to the fireplace and tells me to stand
beside him. Claude suddenly walks towards the wall and swiftly pulls down the left antler of the
decorative deer head hanging.

“What are you doing?” I said.

“Just wait.” He said.

The ground started shaking a bit then it suddenly stopped. An earthquake? The fireplace’s
railings went down and brick frame suddenly divided revealing a lift on the other side. “What
the..?” I looked at Claude who was looking straight at the path opening to the lift. He nods at
me telling me to go ahead and go inside. “Trust me.” He says. I walk towards the dusty floor
where the fireplace was earlier entering the lift’s tiny room which had a rusty old lamp hanging
from its ceiling. Claude followed after and the bars of the lift skids in front of us to a close. As
we gradually went down, the brick frame slowly closed us in as well going back to its original
state. There was barely anything to see since it was cramped and only the lamp’s light was
illuminating the space. I look at my brother who was looking serious but calm beside me. Again,
HOW could this person be so calm at a time like this? And where could he be taking me?

“Judging by your expression, I bet you’re thinking how I could be calm at a time like this.” He
said. I immediately look away. “You’re also wondering where I could be taking you.” He added

I groan in defeat. “Were you expecting this?” I said.

“More or less. The spell’s expiration has come to realize in an unexpected way. To think what
it’s been suppressing has been this strong, I should have prepared an extra spell to contain it.”
He said.

That absolutely made no sense to me. I know my brother is ridiculously smart for his age, but
that just sounded gibberish. Our ride came to a stop and the gate of the lift slid open before us.
We ended up in a lobby of some sort like those of really expensive hotels (minus the long
stairways) with red velvet carpets leading towards a hall. There was a huge gold chandelier
hanging above an expensive looking center table. From the lift was just an open well-lit hall up
ahead with four rooms on each side before reaching the end. At the end of the hall adjacent to
the lift, had an entrance that had a symbol of a lion on its wooden ingress.

Claude steps out of the lift then looks back at me gesticulating to follow him. I look around the
place as we walk towards the hall. Claude stops at the second door to the left.

“Are you just going to keep gawking around?” he says sounding amazed at my behavior.

“What is this place? Did we always had this under the house?”

He smiles at me, “I promise to tell you everything, but first, we must enter.” He takes a step
backward showing me the doorknob. “Be my guest.” He says with a grin on his face.

I take a step forward reaching for the knob, “I swear Claude if there are snakes behind this
door, I am going to end you.”

“Don’t worry it won’t be like that.” He chuckles.

I slowly twist the door then gently push it inward. “Hello?” I mumble as I try to make out the
very dark room. When suddenly, BAM. POOF. SWOOSH. SWISH. Bundles of confetti and
poppers came for me the moment I took a step in.

“Surprise!” yelled familiar and unfamiliar voices. My eyes slowly adjust to the light of the room
and there I saw Sammy and my Dad holding the opened party poppers with huge smiles on
their faces so close to me. I also see a huge six-seater table with ravished seats in the middle of
the room filled with food platters and a cake. I giggle at the sight of it. The room looked like an
old mansion’s dining filled with paintings on the walls and a fireplace at the far end of the
chamber. There was a similar chandelier hanging from the ceiling but this time there were
three occupying the area above. I have also come to realize there were other people in the
room. Beside the table near the front were two familiar figures which I am sure I’ve seen

Claude came up beside me closing the door from behind. “They did want to surprise you.” He

“Is that my world history teacher?” I hesitantly point out, “And the grumpy guy I bumped to this
morning?” I glance at the tall red-head standing opposite to my professor. The red-head grunts.

Sammy laughs loudly and wraps her arm around me, “Trust me, Brie, I was surprised too. Who
knew your brother could pull this off on you.” She glances at Claude and winks at me. I giggle
along with Sammy but then I realized something important, “Hold up!” I said, “This is truly nice
and overwhelming but I do need an explanation.” I look at my brother who looked at me with
the expression of understanding.

“Everyone please escort yourselves to your seats and we shall begin the meal,” he said. Claude
escorts me to my seat which was the center seat at the edge, adjacent to his on the other side.
To my right was my father with Mr. Hoffkins at his right. To my left was Samantha who was
sitting beside the tall red-head. I just call him red-head since I do not know his name. Claude
clears his throat and stands up. Everyone relaxed on their seats and directed their attention at
him. This is the first time I’ll be seeing my brother talk in front of a crowd. I get slightly excited
despite all the confusion building up in me.

“We all know why we are gathered here today. Of course, only Brielle doesn’t,” he glances at
me. I roll my eyes and grinned.

“As the eldest of this household, I, Claude Michael Gulde would like to announce that Brielle’s
protective spell has been lifted today.”

“You mean, our mother’s indestructible magic has been lifted? I thought that was going to last
forever.” says the red-head.
“Blaze you were too young to understand the case before, so only Claude and I knew of this.
Mother also wanted to keep both of you safe.” Said Mr. Hoffkins.

So his name is Blaze. A name fit for his flaming attitude.

“We were all not safe, to begin with so stop saying that she was trying to protect me too. If I
remember clearly, mother wanted to suppress my powers as well.” He said angrily, “And may I
remind you, Reid, that it was because of this girl,” Blaze points at me, “that we all had to be
separated from mother.”

“And that girl you're talking about is your sister. Have some tact, Blaze.” Mr. Hoffkins retorts

“Blaze and Reid, please keep your cool. You both know that is not the point of this discussion.”
Claude cuts them both.

Wait, my brain doesn’t understand what they are all talking about. Everyone is talking none
sense again and here I am sitting here left-out of the conversation. Why are they calling me
their sister? I thought Claude was my only brother? And Blaze is blaming me for something I do
not understand. Why do they keep on talking about mother? I thought Mother died giving birth
to me? Am I really that not trustworthy for being the one left on the dark? I glance at the other
two beside me who were keeping silent and looking at the plate in front of them. They were
not even flinching. Judging by Sammy and Dad’s faces, I guess they understand what these
three are saying. I shut my eyes trying not to hear any of their words anymore.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

Then suddenly, I felt a warm touch. I see Dad holding my hand which was shaking on my lap
underneath the table. He smiles at me and nods to tell me that everything is going to be alright.

“Claude, son,” Dad cuts their discussion, “We have to explain to Brielle first. Your sister is here
now. You don’t have to carry the burden on your own anymore.” He said and the room falls
I glance at Sammy who was also looking at me with comforting eyes. The shaking stops. I feel
calmer now thanks to my father. If he hadn’t said something, I might have lost it. I took a breath
in and out to clear my head. I chant in my head, “To whatever I might discover today in this
room, may this enlighten me of who I truly am.” I stood up and faced Claude head-on.

“Please, tell me what I really am,” I said.

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