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Quarter 2

Module 4

At the end of the module, the learner should be able to:
1. analyze the effects of applied social sciences processes on individuals, groups,
and society; and
2. evaluate the effects of certain programs or projects on knowledge, attitude,
the behavior of individuals, groups, and society.

Code: HUMSS DIASS_12-IIe-f-44, HUMSS DIASS_12-IIe-f-45

What’s UP?
Do you think applied social sciences processes have short term or long term effects on
individuals, groups, communities, and society? Put a check mark (/) on the column if you think if
it affects a certain group. Use the table to answer the question.

Applied Social Does it affect on…

Sciences Processes Individual? Group/Communities? Society?
Social Work

Let’s Navigate…
The importance of applied social sciences can be explained by understanding its effect on
the different sectors of society. Its processes have different effects on various sectors of society.
The benefits derived from the applied social sciences produce numerous effects on individual
members, communities, and groups and to society in general. The effects of applied social
sciences vary and they include increased awareness and knowledge of oneself, and others,
attitude and value change, behavioral changes, and structural changes.


Through the applied social sciences, people have developed ways to understand one’s
themselves and the other people around them. Counseling, for example, allows us to understand
one’s personality including various problems and issues that may affect an individual. The
applied social sciences also allow us to understand better and probe deeper into the different
problems and issues affecting an individual, group, and society through social work. It also
informs communities about the important political, social, and economic issues that are affecting
them. The applied social sciences, particularly communication helped people to become more
discerning about the problems of the country. Television, radio, and newspapers provide people
information on the different issues faced by the country. Through the media, people became more
aware of social realities.


The applied social sciences allow us to understand various social phenomena and because of
this, people can make significant changes in their attitudes and values to prevent the occurrence
of various natural and social problems. Applied social scientists can communicate to the people

the impact of social and environmental phenomena through their understanding of the
interaction of society, culture, and environment. Thus, people have developed a new perspective
and a change of attitudes and values about the effect of social and environmental conditions and

The applied social sciences also introduced us to the different problems and issues confronting
our country today. It also provided us solutions on how to address these political and social
problems. For example, broadcast communication can provide us information n the issues of
corruption and political problems that affect us today. Through effective communication
strategies and political and social mechanisms, the applied social sciences practitioners can help
in the peace talk process and in conflict resolutions and negotiations to achieve lasting peace in a
particular area of the country. Social workers play a vital role in peace negotiations and the
resolution of political tensions and violence through the application of peace-building processes
and conflict management mechanisms
The applied social sciences allowed us to understand the intricacies of the different structural
problems and how it can change through time. It helps us comprehend the different social
problems and their dynamics, and in the process, the applied social sciences provided us with the
necessary tools and skills to propose alternative solutions. Some of these problems that the
applied social sciences can address include various social and family-related problems like
gender issues, overseas migration of Filipinos, domestic violence, single parenting, criminality,
and substance abuse. This can be done through the help of social workers, community organizers,
and counselors who are willing to help individuals and group embers of society by providing them
with alternative solutions, advice, guidance, and information on what they should do and how
they should act to address the problems.

Let’s Knot It!

How do applied social sciences processes affect:

a) individuals;
b) groups; and
c) communities?

Do It!
PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ACTIVITY. Participate (or recall your participation in the past)
in a community-related development program/activity organized by your school, community,
religious organization, NGO’s, or private individual or companies. Interview people who
benefited from the program. Based on your interviews and direct observation, write a reflection
paper, that will explain how the program/activity changed or affected the lives of the people in
the community, the community itself, and the country in general.

Content (Accuracy of Facts, Relevance/Connection to the Lesson, Coverage) -50
Presentation of Ideas (Organization, Analysis/Evaluation of Problems) -40
Writing Mechanics - 10
100 points

Test Yourself!
IDENTIFICATION: Identify and explain which effect or effects of the applied social sciences are
expressed in the following situations. Put a checkmark on the column/s where you think it is
clearly expressed.

Awareness Attitude
Behavioral Structural
and and Value
Situation change Change
Knowledge Change
1. Increase understanding of oneself
during guidance and counseling
2. Understand the causes of broken
3. Change of attitude and value
perception due to media when
typhoons happen
4. Risk assessment behavior
5. People achieve peace due to the
application of peace process
mechanisms and conflict
management in war-torn areas.

Dela Cruz, AR., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, ML., & Valdez, V. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences, Padayon Series. Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.

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