Thegreyparrot Poetries

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fuck, I slept off!

I am done with the sleep, wanna wake up.

I'm done dating shit,

wanna break up.

I must make history,

wanna make up.

Well well well...

People don't change.

You just did not get to see their other side on time.

Twenty six letters makes up the alphabet, you do not use them all when forming each words.

A secret

Only the bathroom has seen your nakedness many times more than your dresses, your parents, your
partner and yourself.

even your bedroom have not seen you a lot.

Giving from the little you own is loving.

I will shoot the sky and turn the ground upsidedown to show you little of my love for you.

I am a fact tagger,

truth proclaimer

and a honest caster.

It is best to let people you claim to love know what fault they have.

You tell people things and they ignore you like a useless dry leaf that dropped from the tree only to be
among the wasted ones on the flour right under its shades to be flooded away after fading away.

Do they not know that dry leafs too can ignite fire, fatalize plants or monch ridges?

Accept or ignore..

no contributed statements are useless.

I want you to know that I have been crushing on you and I don't mind taking things slowly with you.

My heart which beats faster for you is what I can not make slow.

I do try to let my green light be visible to you, believing you can see clearly.

I wish to be on a physically romantic state with you because I really like you. Your body, voice and
personalty is perfect. The bottom line is that I want to always hold your hands and move your body
closer to me.

You are undoubtedly captivating.

Condem sadness to life sentense.

Failing is natural, but not failing at all is imaginative.

Don't act up anyhow, it makes the approaching better days add up when you first think up.

lies are sweet and super beautiful than ugly truths. Reserved persons are dumb in the sights of lying

I will eat anything... Cook it all up, I eat well and do not purge.

No one tells the blind it is raining just as no one tells rain to stop. Neither do anyone tell air to seize,
nor convince the sun to hide in the noon.

A fish need not be told to not leave the river for the soil just as human normally needs not be told to use
his private part to pee.

You can move without being told, unless you are a vegetable.

No one tells birds to fly, unfortunately, not all birds can fly.

No one equals the the size of thumbs to the index finger, for not all fingers are equal.

oil could be oil, but palm oil isn't vegetable oil, and break oil isn't engine oil. You need not to be
informed about which to cook with and not meddle with.

We probably are humans characterized with differences in our enactments.

Being in the dark at times saves you because some things about you are better not known to others than
to be known to them.

knowledge is not scarce, our people are too lazy to do the seeking. They are sick of reading books and
having meaningful conversations but not tired of digging out your folies.

Another direction is that your ways differ when you are used to being in the dark while you act like you
don't know what is and what's not.

You need to envelope everyone excluding the darkness that knows you.

How perplexed will you be if your foes wish to see how you struggle to become successful and your pals
wait to see the result of your struggle to end far away below the height of their success?

livelihood is not easy and soft like boiled eggs.

It is this busy engagement not like picking, washing, grinding, stirring, packaging and boiling of sweet
moi moi.

Freeze your head and glue your intuition to what has been noted above.

No one will notice unless you do things without having to take a break.

If you are a quiet desirous person that keeps doing things and sees no one giving you deserved
recognition but degradation, do keep what you do up and add good numbers of disturbing noises
without excluding shots of hefty strategies.

Your efforts may be undermined while glory may be accorded to those who did little which you could
easily handle.

Your gentility may be misconstrued for sluggishness and being reserved mistaken for dumbness.

Take no offense for you have the strong foundation to build yourself into a strong mansion no matter
the heavy rain and storm.

Why do you lie like my exies?, Why do you hide things?. Meaning that you like someone who
is not me.

My exies have lied and tricked me in the past, how sure am I that you would not do the same to me?

The truth is that I am timidly afraid of you, my trust in you no longer trust the trust instrycting me to
trust you on.

If you respected everyone in the old days; you would be called respectful.

If you do such now our days; you would be refered to as a kid.


Tomorrow Is a stranger we may meet without knowing what it has in stock, wether we like it or not.

We have plans for ourselves swinging back and forth in our everyday thought.

There are heights we wish to attain most likely not like anyone but than anyone else.

We therefore begin to hasten our struggles, efforts and decisions without thinking of the outcomes

We feel unsafe, afraid of what may happen tomorrow with the believe in the saying that a stitch in time
saves nine, kinly glued on our foreheads.

We want to run, but first, it is best to know that people overrun like reckless drivers overspeed and die
in accidents.

Do you think you are happy?

You think you are snappy how you blend your

The most unfortunate things happen to the most amazing persons.

Those who could do everything...... Who could give up everything for love have lost things
bigger than love.

They offered more than what they thought they were offering.

Sometimes, you will have so much in your mind to spill out, but would want to keep quiet, feeling like no
one would do anything about it.

When you have the chance to make a choice at a time.

Take the available chance to make the choice right on time.

Some days we want to be happy, sometimes we are happy, in same day we may be sad.

somedays we want to cry sometimes we cry same day we may be happy.

Boy Alone

Doing your things alone

is the best way

to be alone.

only you knows your struggles

The sky is spacious and uncrowded.

It was not made for only birds and dragons to fly.

You should be a superhero.


Some people are like history who do not forget events.

They make your doings go down the lane.

Don't play hard to get with me, I can see what's in the glass in front of me, it looks like a mirror but it is

I see you, I see me, I see us, I see you and I.

You are looking in the same glass now... when I put my hand, you see yourself, when I put my hand
back, you see me. You see the two of us in the mirror named affection.

You can not see beneth your nose unless you look Into the mirror.

Look before you leap.

Humans see generosity as show off and show off as benevolence.

Confused beings.

There is rain downpour for the soils to absorb.

there is sun

to dry up wet clothes

There are nails

to penetrate woods

There is a cause

to aid our winning.

What we all need is the right thing to do

to make things work out.


It's biblical to count numbers of our days on earth, I am grateful to God that another year has been
added to mine today. However, I believe that achievements are better celebrated than birthdays. I
therefore pray to God for long year span spent with booming grace, unique blessings and greatest
achievements on earth.

they have spoilt the ground,

our soils, with their crude selfishness

and some of the little growing folks

are not able to grow well.

The rest of the world can see

how bigger the most of our folks grow.

It is greed that fatalize us.

Hmm, have you experienced this?

You tried to elope from the street but, every route plied,

you ended up in the street.

Don't you think you are part and passle of the street,

and the street can not be taken away from the streets?

He is loving, caring

and considerate,

he does not break people's heart.

He would guard

a mirror from breaking

other than someones heart,

because he doesn't vandalize.

Someone's heart can be mended

if it breaks

but if the mirror breaks

it is not fixable.

Dear creator,

help my poor genders to focus

on the way forward

and not on what is in front

and behind of the other persons

created from their ribs.

The fire can cook food

and not touch it,

but the fire may roast

the food and touch it in rare times.

The fire would touch the back of the pot

and not the inside,

but will heat it both.

Not all sowers rip,

you do some things

to help others,

especially strangers.

help our body to not go after what's not lost, amen.


I'm not comfortable

with relaxing by the river bank,

not because I am afraid of the marmaid

but the fear to not be swept off

by love even though I care for

attention from the fishlike creature.

Strengthen persons who have fallen

to rise again as weathered trees grow again.

I am a young man

who wants to be there

for everyone, for everything inclusive.

I was jealous of the rain

that quenches the thirst

of the soils, until it failed to quench the thirst of death.

I was envious of the earth

that allows anything to motion

on it but I changed my mind

when it could not plea to the air.

I wished to be like the air

that keeps everyone living

but that stopped when I learnt it refused to save

my granny from death

that made away with her soul untimely

before I was born.

growing up, I had a mentor

alas, I stopped trusting

the day I learnt the first human on earth

braught death upon us all.

I'm sorry for not keeping to my promises...

We make promises, thinking we could

make certain things work out.

They were presumed thoughts which may shamefully work us out of our expectations.

You will constipate

If you eat sweet things too much.


the opposite folks are like candies, cookies, chips and chocolates;

they are sweet but be desciplined

to take them in not too much.

your body is not a machine,

your components are not like

that of robots. Robots run down if not charged well.

be careful

from not being careful

and don't finish yourself.

You will start thinking

if everything is happening to you

because of your transgressions

to almighty God.
You will mention each of it

not out but within your thoughts,

the way people will not hear

but how the God you believe

you are talking to.

You will ask for forgiveness

of all your sins because

you have lost counts

of the trespasses.

You will feel repentant

in dieing bed.

ahh sickness !!

he celebrates pain

she celebrates joy

you celebrate luck

they celebrate failure

I celebrate success, shuffling these.


you are MAD





I am a bad boy

but I'm not rotten.

I am handsome

but not handfull

of hen's chicks.

I am born of a woman

but rarely womanize,

I am innocent.


As who wooed her

She says men are scum,

very tricky and cony.

Men are sugarcoated,

vary lengths and sizes

of green snakes

under green grasses.

Men are proud,

always claiming


Now she fails to acknowledge

What they always say

that: "what a man can do,

a woman can do better."


The story of a player

goes narratively as

love is kind,

love is tender such that

it makes you flexible

while your heart stays heavy

than you can carry.

You will be above trouble

but your heavy heart

will land you in it.


"Time will tell.."

"time will tell..."

but no traces of time is seen.

Time has never spoken,

so, how does it tell?

ever since 1960

when my father and mother

had not been conceived,

things have been messy

and none of the authorities

have shown mercy.

the rain, the wind and the sun

are more confused than myself.

we have voices but we are voiceless,

this is what the nation has made us.

our world revolve around making sure

we become influential just because

it has been made to stand that if you have no fortune, you have no life.
ruling is unruly,

the drivers have the drive

for convetiousness

that drives the nation

into same habit.

education and industrialisation is great,

but to students; education is a better legacy while illicit enactment is the best legacy; an advancement of
our leaders footstep. legal or illegal, people wants to have a big cut of anything wealth.

we are indeed giant in Africa but our problems our giant than our continent.

you may not accept the complement

that you are pretending to be innocent.


I have fallen in love with the fictions

far from the main events.

my ears are used to the tales

and they are no longer new to me.

The love for the speeches from

my fellow negritude pals

have fueled my burning hatred for trust.

We can not see beyond our nostrils

unless we look in the mirror.

we can not see

our clean or dirty asshole

unless we snapshot

and look in the picture.

whenever you are in a though situation

and nothing seems to be the solution,

reason well, there is always a way out.

Dear mind, note that

relations may not but bring

disappointment as much as

the owner may fail to fulfil self

made promises.

You are at the top

not talking to me

but I hope you can hear me

speaking up from here.

don't ignore please

because I have spoken

to greater height

but received no response.

tell him you saw my pale eyes.

the less privilege praying

to feed his many children

while the privilege prays

to have if just a child.

you are reading this line

while some are yet to read the first line.

life happens to us in daiverse ways.



You have fished with fishermen, drank from the worm spring in Ikogosi Ekiti, Ekiti State, prayed at okun
and osa, and bathed in river Niger and river benue not when down were young.

You have lavished, have proved your philanthropic gesture and contributed to the community drastically.

You have canvassed, dashed out in exchange for his and her conscience.

you won..

congratulations to the one who didn't loose to the losers who were fooled.

you have hit jackpot.

when I look down

I don't look down on people,

I look down on my limitations.

to catch fishes,

you want to drain the river.

what are you ?

You certainly don't know

you don't know me,

for real you don't know

you know nothing.

You are careless

if your expectation

is of others but yourself

caring more about you.


Finding the possible ways to survive, many never could get a way,

many got lost and found themselves

on the wrong ways.

Many found ways but never reached their destinations.

Those who reached their destinations;

some lasted in the destination

and some, not so long

respected the call of death.

Those who lost their ways;

Some, not so long found their ways while some lasted in the wrong destinations but found their ways
later on.

Some who later found their ways lasted in their destination and some other got silenced by the one who
ends breathing.

know that whatever happens to anyone in the struggle is someone's once upon a time history.

What we need to guide our quest

is the prayer to be fulfilled

before we bow to the abstract

collector of life.

It is true you are my true friend.

You are now my blood,

my dear friendly friend.

I would be lying to myself

If I said I know you are my very true self.


They say love is sweet, a lot of sugar.

I hate to have diarrhea.

it is true that your soul is shivering,

shaking like the edge of a walking woman's not tight skirt.

It is sad that you can not

see right in front of you

how fragile or heavy it is.

We are able to see and feel usually

but we can not see.....

we can feel in this sense.

Deciding before choosing...

choosing before deciding...

we may get things right or wrong,

but the rain that fell has fallen

to quench the thirst of the soil.

it is one thing

to have the chance to make a choice

and another

to have the choice to take a chance.

what can be done when you fall off

from the back of a flying dragon

into the ocean, where sharks dwell

and you can not swim well?

would you not try to save your life first?

would your weak soul not find its way

anyway whether you are dead or not?

You should keep struggling to get out making use of your whole body

and be strong enough

to strengthen your weakness.


Help the weak ones to be strong

and fools with wisdom.

Through Christ our lord.

his story is not your history,

know when to leave...

I forgave you

but my mind brings to my thought

the amazing wrongs you did

such that it makes me feel

I have not forgiven you.

I'm entrapped in guilt

of not being able to handle

this situation in my mind.

I feel like a fugitive

in my own body.

dear frien-emy,

pray to God for me,

to let everything out

of my memory

because I'm tired of having you

in there.

a man who is not rich

is not fit to own a woman.

money speaks clearly

than the mouth.

Love was natural

and seeable

Love is artificial

but abstract.

I'm on a long journey.....

this is a short story.

we all have a past,

so, stop ranting about it

and work on now.


Forget about everything that has happened.

what matter is making the most from what is going on.

don't be jealous,

Just do more than your usual

since you are up to the task.

You are empty!

You feel that way

because you have set

your foot that way.

Let go

and let God.

Love is sweet....

Love is sweet....

Yen yen yen.....

yen yen yen.....

Keep hyping.

Teaseing the innocence of love has become order of the day.


Most of the time,

falling in love is like placing water on fire,

when it starts to steam,

people would say your love is hot.

We all make mistakes, right?

Apparently, when the water pours on you,

your flesh will pill off, get swollen

and hurt you than the pain that

those two thieves felt

on the cross at skull.

When this happens, you will say that

love hurts.

how could you boil a cold water!


falling not in love is like

placing cool / cold water

on your table, doing away with the

excessive and extreme heating of it.

If it mistakenly pours on you,

you can rub and clean off

without the trace of any gush

left on your flesh.

when this happens, you would see that

being a loner is peaceful and not hurting.


Don't be surprised

when anyone acts strange,

you are the only version of yourself.

On and off

is applicable to the ways

of many persons'.

When anyone failed you,

do not be disappointed

but have your maturity appointed

as the director of your emotion.

I don't believe we both get honey!,

most of these wimin

act like they don't care.

Wimin, don't be so fake

just as jacking myself

is so fake.

Our struggles begun

in the womb.

no such thing as Yoruba demon

as long as each person has

his or her own demon.

I know Debby who saw a good guy flaunting green signals before her

but her own demon decided

to help her stay blind

to a good soul.

Unconsciously, ignorantly, commonly,

we sort what is not meant for us.

myopia is real.

The constant ignore.....

The shades thrown at you...

The damning they made

against your words and efforts.

It is painful to make you weep,

but Ignore them, shade them, damn them and keep showing off the best you got.

You have got the gut to get going.

The right man standing

You had two options;

the one on the right

and the other on the left.

I was the right one

but you chose him,

the one on the left.

It is funny how you are back

to make things right

because he finally left.


what many could not see coming

I had seen it coming,

It was so painful when I set my eyes

on it.

I was devastated and vindictive,

but my anger calmed me down.

I though it might kill me,

fortunately, what doesn't kill a man

makes him stronger.

In a long while after april,

early on this rainy Monday morning in the month of May

she texts to say

she wants to move on with another man;

saying it like they newly met few days ago.

well...I had known already,

I saw it coming.

This electricity of hers touch me wet and naked but do not electrocute or shock me.

It rather supplys me the power to illuminate the world to see well

in the darkness that love and romance

is entrapping everyone.

Adulthood is not a scam, it's an eye-opener to what life truly is.

If you want the best

you must be able to fight against every obstacle.

The gift is a virtue

It is yours to protect

and not let spite of men

take it away from your life.

Colonialism begot colo

This place is no place

but a place misplaced

after the abolishment of colonialism.

nothing is pure..

even pure water is not pure.

the government ruling rule so well;

good ruler that is better at being the ruling political party and best at ruling out the law.

The masses would go out in mass

to cast vote but first cast their need to get paid before deciding which party to vote in.

we echo "war against indiscipline"

but we have no discipline.

We claim morality

Whereas, our claim has no fatality.

It could be safe to finally embark

on the journey to faithfulness

but my fear is if some of us did,

we might be waylaid

and get kidnapped by bandits.


It's good to let go

but bad to give up.

when you reach a high level,

do not look down on those

below you.

look up and focus on reaching the top.

dripping lotion from the areola..

dripping lotion from the forehead.

he wishes to be consoled

but everyone is busy

treating themselves.

You are born and you thrive,

while some were born but are rotten.

As you tussle to outshine your folks

in your hood, you achieve

but sometimes you lose.

You study hard to have best grades.


amidst pass and fail.....


your struggle yields good result.

You now have a manageable job

after trekking the routs

in Lagos many times.

Some of your mates are unlucky,

He is neither self employed nor an employee.

He is out there battling

in the war this world started right from the beginning of creation.

what about you?

You too think you are not in the war!

You have the job but it bossies you,

something that is not enough for you to cater your needs.

You are steadfast and relentless

in your religion

and not everything you ask for is being granted but few.

The ones you do not ask for comes to you easily.

You begin to juxtapose if it's God's doing or luck.

You fall in love and the red roses, the violet purple, the smiling sun become less of beauty to your senses
which stays as subject to the hegemony of what human named love.

Romance romances you everytime to believe that love is in the heart of your love who loves you enough
to remain lovable.

At the long run of about six years, Your love leaves you heartbroken.

You now see in literature that romance can rather be hyperbolical than the one you knew.

While dealing with disappointments from every angle, your people, your friends calls to ask for financial
help, but you do not have.

Some understands but others say you are stingy; some to your face, others at your back.

You finally wish to give up the ghost

because you think this life is cruel.

Are you not being cruel to yourself right now?

You did not know all that has happened could happen....

same goes for what might happen after death.

our body sleeps forever,

but no one knows what the soul would continue to face.

The soul is another part of you.

Remember it belongs to you.

my heart is broken

and weak.

it's shedding blood,

shaking nonstop.

it is speaking to you

with its last strength

Dear God, listen to my heart.

let's take it one step at a time,

do you use to take to steps at a time

while moving?

No one has to be told that.

I took a step at a time till I reached you

it was a long journey, but I was patient.

I finally am here telling you

how much you mean to me

and all I could get was to let take it one step at a time.
I have already sacrificed my moves, gal.


My days as an infant was full of splendors of mama's agape

that had beautiful colors of no negligence, like a rainbow

which is not a false phenomenon

but a natural treasure in the sky.

A tree made my forest!

I had the consecutive touch of my woman's ravishing hands

and I never knew there was supposed to be a man's touch

but how she felt every moment circulated in me,

thus, I wished and wish that one person could feel it too.

If only he could tell me the folklores of the wise tortoise for once...

Fried eggs and the boiled ones

were delicious and soft in the mouth truly,

I wish he who did shoot his shot at my gold like a hunter

was there to share in my excitement,

but he missed several taste of the best consumption ever.

My mind meticulously marginalize the temptations

that impends tremendous connection between my Gold and I.

What is the rain without the cloud? what becomes of the cloud

without the wide aesthetic sky that the birds fly beneth?

I am used to her who inculcated the norms I enact, right from crawling days till now.

I am Mary, I am dark, I am bold

and my woman is beautiful, she is gold.

It is lucid that the space of a mother

can never be replaced, her place can not be misplaced

like Esau's birthright.

once autonomous!

We were famous,

We knew how to put egg in our mouths,

we were provided everything we needed

and felt like the world would be so sweet to taste like dódó;

fried plantain.

In the days of total unawareness,

we loved to play all day with our friends

in the hood and would fight one another

over age difference in the neighborhood,

What a ravishing "absurdity!"

We raged based because we were not

of the same age group,

but continued with our friendship,

played till down when Mummy most times,

came for me angrily to leave the little fella's home.

I was made to pill yam for pounded yam,

and when the pounded yam was done

I would consume with Okra soup

Within a short time, then lick my fingers,

starting from the left fingers to the right.

All these flowed away like a river

and memories from those times

serve as a lecture on the consistence

of change in once life has she ages.

who will force us now to do the needful?

Apanbepore, the daughter of Idowu,

Idowu the devil who stays strong
As the backbone of Twins.
I, Asingbanle, the son of Idowu,
Idowu the devil who stays strong
As the backbone of Twins,
finds it difficult to stop thinking
About you every time.

How do I hold your two hands

And pull you closer to myself?,
How do I swallow your breath directly
And drag in your saliva to mix with mine,
How do we roll in same bed ?

This is not my first time of saying this,

We have been on it for long
And still, you have not shown me the way
To succeed the throne of your life,
where I belong.

I know that you know that

You are beautiful than the word beautiful,
You may not be as long as the word
But you remain pretty as short as you are.
I mean not to condemn you,
I only mean to commend you.

It is sinful to write against an angel,

Doing so, If you do not prejudice me
Other angels in heaven may
Captivate and charge me for libel.

Apanbepore,today is the day….

there is no tomorrow
As it is, you have refused me too much
From tying my life to yours,
refusal hurts than being cut off from contact or
steady conversation.

I will leave but I wont leave,

I will be on standby,
Watching your back, back to back.
I will never allow that guy
Whom you claim to be
The rightful owner
of your beautiful city of love to trespass.

Sadness is strong
It makes you belong where you don’t belong
Look into the loopholes and come up with a way to fix it.

Only when the cause of the problems are known, such causes may be rid off.

Ideas can be developed to get going smoothly. If the cause is not painstakingly noted, the real solution
to it might not be possible.

Dogs eat dogs.

You and I are in need of one thing or the other which prumpts us into hunting them, either small or

As it is, any patient dog waiting to eat the fattest bone would be hunted down
before it nears the craved bone if care is not taken.

Ask around... Inpatient dogs have been eating up patient dogs and nothing has been
done to rid them till now.

Patience was said to be a virtue, meanwhile everything has changed overtime.

You had better be woke!

You don't want to spend the rest of your life

being a protagonist to your better half.

You know right!

What you sight after knotting the tie

is more than the beauty of that same day.

It is not funny

how those who were as inseparable

as tortoise and shell

resolve to breaking apart on tasting

the honey they wished for.

In this epoch;

what is happening to love is kind ?,

what is abolishing love is tolerant ?,

what is absconding love is understanding ?.

What sort of rain fades away the moon when the night comes !
What kind of darkness hides the visibility of shining stars that used to be use to darkness this days?

Filty rich people,

they have big heart

that swallow poor people.


Find healthy ways to manage stress,

such as meditation,

practicing tai chi,

listening to music, going for a walk, getting plenty of sleep

and staying physically active.

love is wonderful..

despite the breakfast you served me

got my belly too full

I can't believe I'm still asking for more

like a fool.

How sweet is this form of heartbreak!

success is a padlock

consistency is the key.

I'm on the edge of this part of the earth where breasted humans are hijacking the sanity of the other

One thing is that my eyes have seen what my oral cavity can fully not utter. Another is that I thought the
land was green before I relaxed on my once lover.

The remaining in a nut shell is that the smell of roses are aesthetic and being caring is dashing, while the
pains of wasted sacrifices are poisonous than venum of scorpions. ah!, I nearly gave up the ghost.

Have you used your strength and spent cash as poor as you are on her for years only for her to make
away with another lad?
Ah! brother Benard! I taught it would be breathtaking after he made me perceive that men were difficult
and women had soft minds. He said everything about them was soft and it indeed almost took away my
breath for life.

Brother Benard was more than a brother to me, he was my mentor until he became a blind man gifted
with sight.

He was enchanted with duplicity from another man's wife

-unconscious of the war ravaging the heart of the meek ones like us.

He lost all he had at length to her and now he satisfies her coitus whenever she wants it.
He is as humble as a dog is to its owner.

my bestfriend died in an accident while heading to the abode of a lass he has been asking out for years.
He over the years tried everything possible to win her over but the war of boobs against dicks forced his
legs to kick the bucket.

Today, when I went to my landlord's place to sort for advice, I caught a teenager who I have been
avoiding and her sister with my landlord while making out.

I'm out of here, Good bye to the rest of you.

lose your mind, don't lose your head in a lost city of lust where everyone is possessed with infatuation.

when a man beats his chest in front of a woman, people shall speak that he is sure of what he says but
when a lady beats her chest, the vibration of her soft tissues abides in the memory of each man.

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