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Question 1 Complete Marked out of 35.00 Flag question {Time timit: 30 minutes) 1) (20%) A tank contains 1 kg of liquid water and 0.6 kg of water vapor at 220°C. Determine the following properties: a) The quality of the water b) The total volume of the container €) The volume occupied by the liquid 4) The pressure of the water. 2) (15%) An oil-transfer pump uses 2 kW of power in transferring 6 ke/s of oil through meter pipe. The changes in kinetic and potential energies are essentially zero, and the process Is adiabatic. Additionally, there is no appreciable ‘temperature change In the ol, which has a density of 1500 ke/m?. Determine the ‘change in pressure from inlet to exit. Finish review — INSTRUCTIONS © O18% £ 19:39 a Cte SC 3} Question 1 Complete Marked out of 25.00 7 Flag question (Tie tit: 30 mites) 3) (10%) A container witha volume of 4 mis filed with water at a pressure of 0.60 [MPa and a temperature of SOO'C. Determine the mass of the water Ia the container. 42) (15%) A low of 3ke/s of superheated steam at 300 kPa and 350°C is mined with liquid water at 300 kPa and 100°C so that the output sa flow of saturated steam 23¢ 300 APa. Assume the miking chamber i insulated, find the flow rate of ligid water needed forthe process. Finish review + PROBLEM SET 1 Submission Here gUM © lime taken 21 mins 9 Secs Grade Not yet graded Question 1 Complete Marked out of 25.00 Y Flag question {Tinme timit: 30 minutes) 5) (10%) Steam enters an lzothermal compressor at 330°C and 100 KPa. The exit presure is 10MPa, Determine the change of enthalpy. {6) (45%) Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 400°C and 400 kPa, It exits as @ saturated vapor at 40 kPa, Determine a) the change of enthalpy, b) the work, and €)the change of internal energy. Finish review « PROBLEM SET 2 Submission Here GB O17% 0 19:43 oO CUS Ea euler sere} ® Finished Completed on Friday, March 18, 2022, 5:11 PM Time taken 11 mins 45 secs Grade Not yet graded Question 1 Complete Marked out of 15.00 ¥” Flag question (ime leit: 20 minutes) 7) (15%) A condenser (heat exchanger) brings 1 ke/s water flow at 10 KPa, quality 90%, to saturated lquid at 10 kPa, The cooling is done by lake water at 20°C that tothe ake 2t 30°. For an insulated condenser, findthe flowrate cooling ® @ —- |-—- © or Late water [we] oir 2022_1STSEM-2NDTERM Started on Friday, November 19, 2021, 3:30 PM State Finished Completed on Friday, November 19, 2021, 4:20 PM Timetaken 49 mins 41 secs Grade 0.00 out of 40.00 (0%) Question 1 Not answered Marked out of 40.00 ” Flag question °> ALWAYS indicate the basic equation tthe start of each ston. > Write your solutions clearly and orderly, {ime timit: 50 minutes) 4) (10%) A nitrogen gas goes through a poltropic process with n= 1.3 na pstoneyinder. In starts eu at SOO", 500 kPa and ends st 800%. ls the work postive, negate, or 2er0? 2} (15%) A goes through 3 polropl proces rom 125 kPa and 325°K10 300 kPa and SOOK Find the specific work nthe process. 3) (15%) oi, wth specie gravity of 0, enters a pump with a volumetric flow rate of 0 ‘m/min through 2 0- ALWAYS indicate the basic equation at the start of each solution. > Write your solutions clearly and orderly. > Use Table 3.1 of Guidebook for gases constants. (Time 50 minutes) 1) (15%) A diffuser, shown in figure below, has air entering at 100 kPa and 300 K with a velocity of 200 m/s. The inlet cross-sectional area of the diffuser is 100 mmi, At the exit the area Is 860 mm?, and the exit velocity Is 20 m/s. Determine the exit pressure and temperature of the air. 2) (155) A small expander (a turbine with heat transfer) has 0.05 kg/s helium entering at 1000 kPa, 550 K and leaving at 250 kPa, 300 K. The power output on the shaft measures 55 kW. Find the rate of heat transfer, neglecting kinetic energies. 3) (15%) A factory generates compressed air from 100 kPa, 17°C by compression to 1000 kPe, 600 K, after which It cools in a constant pressure cooler to 300 K. Find the specific compressor work and the specific heat transfer in the cooler. io Loe) F lOve Tae) PO Mi ur ulcusureue CO } Completedon Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 5:00 PM Time taken 29 mins 56 secs Grade 0.00 out of 25.00 (0%) Question 1 Not answered Marked out of 25.00 Y” Flag question (ioe tet: 30 minutes) '5) (10%) Steam enters an iothermal compressor at 330°C and 100 kPa, The exit pressure is 1OMPa, Determine the change of enthalpy. 6) (13%) Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 300°C and 400 APs. texts as a ‘saturated vapor at 30 kPa. Determine 2 the change of enthalpy, b the work, and {the change of internal energy. omplete Marked out of 25.00 \° Flag question (Time limit: 30 minutes) 3) (10%) A container with a volume of 4 m? is filled with water at a pressure of 0.40 MPa and a temperature of 500°C. Determine the mass of the water in the container. 4) (15%) A flow of 3 kg/s of superheated steam at 300 kPa and 300°C is mixed with liquid water at 300 kPa and 90°C so that the output is a flow of saturated steam at 300 kPa. Assume the mixing chamber is insulated, find the flow rate of liquid water needed for the process. (Time limit: 30 minutes) 1) (20%) A tank contains 1 kg of liquid water and 0.4 kg of water vapor at 200°C. Determine the following properties: a) The quality of the water b) The total volume of the container ¢) The volume occupied by the liquid d) The pressure of the water. 2) (15%) An oil-transfer pump uses 1 kW of power in transferring 5 ke/s of oll through a 3-cm-diameter pipe. The changes in kinetic and potential energies are essentially zero, and the process is adiabatic. Additionally, there is no appreciable temperature change in the oil, which has a density of 1500 ke/m?. Determine the change in pressure from inlet to exit.

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