Teks MC B.inggris Majelis Bulanan

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Teks MC B.

Inggris majelis bulanan

‫الّسالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬، ‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا الَّرْح َمِن الَّر ِح ْيِم‬

‫ اَّلِذ ْي َقْد َأْو َج َد ِم ْن ُّنْو ِر ِه ُنْو ًرا ِبِه َع َّم‬، ‫ َح ْم ًدا َك ِثْيًرا َطِّيًبا ُمَباَر ًك ا ِفْيِه َع َلى ُك ِّل َح اٍل‬، ‫الَحْم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن‬
‫ َأْش َهُد َأْن الِإلَه ِإال ُهللا َو ْح َد ُه اَل‬.‫ َس ِّيِد َنا ُمَح َّمٍد َو َع َلى َء اِلِه َو َأْص َح اِبِه‬،‫ َو الَّص اَل ُة َو الَّس اَل ُم َع َلى َر ُسْو ِل ِهللا‬.‫اْلُهَدى‬
‫ أما بعد‬..‫َأْش َهُد َأَّن َس ِّيَدَنا ُمَحَّم ًدا َع ْبُد ُه َو َر ُسْو ُلُه اَل َنِبَّي َبْع َد ُه‬, ‫َش ِر ْيَك َلُهَو‬

First and foremost, let us extend our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed all
his blessings and gifts. So that we can gather together in good health. And can attend the routine
event "monthly assembly of Al Islamic Nurul Anwar Islamic Boarding School "

Sholawat and greetings should always be conveyed to our great Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because
he is our role model in morality. And we always wait for his intercession until the end of the day.

And do not forget that we respect Abuya KH Muhammah Abdul Muhith and Ummah Nur Laila
Qodariah as the leaders and caretakers of the Al-Islami Nurul Anwar Islamic boarding school and the
invited guests of the habaib, the religious scholars, ustadz and ustadzah, village elders and parents of
students who We cannot mention their names one by one, all of them but that does not reduce our
respect, as well as the students who, God willing, will become residents of heaven, Aamiin...

Next, allow us to read out the agenda this morning, namely:


recitation of the holy verses of the Koran

Tausiyah and advice that will be conveyed by Abuya KH Muhammad Abdul Muhith

Tahlil as well as prayer


To shorten the time we immediately start the program this morning by reading the basmalah

Entering the first event, namely the opening, let us open this event with the recitation of Al Fatihah
which will be led by Abuya KH Muhammad Abdul Muhith, to him the time and place we invite


Hopefully with the recitation of Al-Fatihah earlier our program will be launched by Allah Ta'ala

Followed by the second event, namely the recitation of the holy verses of the Koran, which will be
read by students, to Ananda the time and place we invite

Followed by the third event, namely Tausiyah and advice that will be conveyed by Abuya KH
Muhammad Abdul Muhith, to him the time and place we invite

Hopefully what he conveyed can be useful for all of us. Aamiin….

Followed by the fourth event, namely Tahlil as well as prayer which will be led by Abuya KH
Muhammad Abdul Muhith, to him the time and place we invite


Let's together we close this event by reading Hamdalah (alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin)

That's all, if there are mistakes or wrong words, please forgive me because in fact perfection only
belongs to Allah, wabillahitaufiq wal guidanceah tsummasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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