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ΣFy = mac

mv 2
FN + mg =
mv 2
2mg + mg =
v = 3 gr
= 3(9.8 m/s 2 )(15 m)
v = 21m/s
The speed of the coaster at the top of the loop is 21 m/s.
(c) One force is gravity and the other is the tension in the accelerometer’s spring.
(d) At the top of the loop, the accelerometer is inverted (in Earth’s frame of reference), and the spring pulls downward on
the bob. If students draw an FBD of the bob, both the tension and gravity are downward. If the coaster is moving such
that the tension is zero, then the force on the bob would be 1mg, and the accelerometer would read 0g. However, the
coaster is moving at a speed that causes the net force on the bob to be 3mg, as discussed in (b) above. Thus, the tension
in the spring is 2mg and the reading on the accelerometer is 2g. (A shortcut answer can be stated by realizing that the
accelerometer is calibrated to indicate the same value felt by the rider due to the normal force, which in this case is 2mg
for force and 2g for acceleration.)
(e) There are several random sources of error in using a vertical accelerometer on a roller coaster:
• Coaster rides are fast and jerky, and the bob gets tossed around a lot.
• It is very difficult to judge when you, as an excited and sometimes frightened rider, reach a particular location in the
• It is almost impossible to remember readings for more than a small number of locations on the ride.
• It is difficult to hold the accelerometer so it is vertical relative to the ground.
• Values between the calibration marks must be estimated.
There are some sources of systematic error:
• The calibration markings may be inaccurate.
• The spring may be overstretched or tangled, causing the bob to be at the wrong position when at equilibrium.

Making Connections
10. Answers will vary. Examples in the home are a clothes washer during the spin cycle, a food processor, a weed whacker,
and an electric drill. In a car, the pulleys linked by fan belts rotate rapidly when the engine is running. Examples in the
workplace are a centrifuge, a meat slicer, electric fans, and all electric motors. The precautions are specific to the
examples. For instance, when operating a weed whacker, a person should wear goggles and protective shoes and gloves.
11. Numerous reference sites can be found on the Internet. Because there is so much information, students can share the
research by choosing one of the categories of uses suggested. For example, each small group can begin their research by
conducting a key word search using centrifuge and one of the following choices: blood analysis; DNA; proteins; dairy
products; geology. Some examples of sites are:


(Page 141)

Understanding Concepts
1. Both the third law of motion and the law of universal gravitation relate to two objects. If the action force is the force of
gravity of object 1 on object 2, then the reaction force is the force of gravity of object 2 on object 1. The forces are equal
in magnitude but opposite in direction, which is what the third law indicates.
2. The direction of the force of A on B is toward A.

Copyright © 2003 Nelson Chapter 3 Circular Motion 171

3. F1 = 36 N
m1′ = 2m1
r′ = 3r
Gm1′ m2
F2 2
= r′
F1 Gm 1 m2
F2  m1′   r 2 
=  
F1  r ′2   m1 
 
 2m   r 2 
F2 = F1  1 
 
 (3r )2   m1 
 
= 36 N  
F2 = 8.0 N
The magnitude of the force would be 8.0 N.
4. rM = 0.54rE
mM = 0.11mE
FE = 6.0 × 102 N
FM r 2
= M
rE 2
FM  mE  rE 2 
=  
FE  rM 2  m
 E 
 0.11m  r 2 
FM = FE  E  E 
 (0.54r )2  m
 E  E 
 0.11 
= 6.0 × 102 N  
 (0.54 )2 
 
FM = 2.3 × 10 2 N
Thus, the magnitude of the force of gravity on a body on Mars is 2.3 × 102 N.
5. F1 = 14 N
r1 = 8.5 m
F2 = 58 N
Gm1m2 Gm1m2
F1 = 2
and F2 =
r1 r2 2
F1 r2 2
F2 r12
r12 F1
r2 =

(8.5 m)2 (14 N)

58 N
r2 = 4.2 m
The centres of the masses are 4.2 m apart.

172 Unit 1 Forces and Motion: Dynamics Copyright © 2003 Nelson

Applying Inquiry Skills

Making Connections
7. Pluto is very small and extremely far away from Earth, making its discovery more than 70 years ago all that more
amazing. At the beginning of the twentieth century, some astronomers who had observed very slight perturbations in the
orbits of Neptune and Uranus, began searching for the cause of the perturbations. Percival Lowell, an American
astronomer, searched for the unknown planet from 1906 until his death in 1916. By 1929, his brother donated newer
instruments to continue the search. Each photograph of the search portion of the sky had about 300 000 stars, so a device
called a blink microscope was used to compare photos taken several days or even weeks apart. Finally in February 1930,
Clyde Tombaugh, comparing photos made on January 23 and 29 of that year, discovered the planet. It was named after
Pluto, the god of the underworld.
Toward, the end of the twentieth century, astronomers began discovering other bodies orbiting the Sun beyond Pluto,
causing some astronomers to question whether these newly observed bodies should be called planets, or perhaps Pluto
should be downgraded to something less than a planet. Some of the reasons for the controversy are:
• Pluto is small than several solar system moons.
• Pluto’s own moon is larger in proportion to the size of the planet than any other moon–planet example in the solar
• Pluto’s orbit is unusual when compared to the orbits of the other planets.
• All the other planets far from the Sun are gas giants.
• There are more than 100 objects discovered beyond Pluto that have properties that resemble Pluto’s, yet they are not
classified as planets.

Despite the controversy, Pluto remains a sentimental favourite of many astronomers and others, so its classification is
unlikely to change, at least for now. For more information, refer to the Internet. One suitable Web site is

(Page 143)

Understanding Concepts
8. m = 1.8 × 108 kg
r = 94 m
Gm 2
FG =
(6.67 × 10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(1.8 × 108 kg) 2
(94 m)2
FG = 2.4 × 102 N
The magnitude of the force of gravitational attraction is 2.4 × 102 N.
9. r = 6.38 × 106 m
m = 50.0 kg
mE = 5.98 × 1024 kg

Copyright © 2003 Nelson Chapter 3 Circular Motion 173

FG =
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(50.0 kg)(5.98 × 1024 kg)
(6.38 × 106 m)2
FG = 4.90 × 102 N
The magnitude of the force of gravity on the student is 4.90 × 102 N.
10. mJ = 1.90 × 1027 kg
r = 7.15 × 107 m
mg =
g = 2J
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(1.90 × 1027 kg)
(7.15 ×107 m) 2
g = 24.8 m/s 2
The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter is 24.8 m/s2.
11. (a) FG = 255 N
m = 555 kg
mE = 5.98 × 1024 kg
FG =

(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(555 kg)(5.98 × 1024 kg)

255 N
r = 2.95 × 107 m
The vehicle is 2.95 × 107 m from the centre of Earth.
(b) h = r − rE
= 2.95 ×107 m − 6.38 × 106 m
h = 2.31× 107 m
The vehicle is 2.31 × 107 m above the surface of Earth.
12. m1 = 3.0 kg
m2 = m4 = 1.0 kg
m3 = 4.0 kg
FG2 =
r12 2
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(3.0 kg)(1.0 kg)
(1.0 m)2
FG2 = 2.0 ×10 −10 N

FG3 =
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(3.0 kg)(4.0 kg)
( 2 m)2
FG3 = 4.0 × 10−10 N

174 Unit 1 Forces and Motion: Dynamics Copyright © 2003 Nelson

Considering the horizontal components of the force on m1, with +x to the right:
ΣFGx ,1 = ΣFGx,2 + ΣFGx,3 + ΣFGx ,4

( )
= 2.0 ×10−10 N + 4.0 × 10−10 N (cos 45° ) + 0.0 N
ΣFGx ,1 = 4.83 N

ΣFGy ,1 = ΣFGy ,2 + ΣFGy ,3 + ΣFGy ,4

( )
= 0.0 N + 4.0 × 10−10 N (sin 45° ) + 2.0 × 10 −10 N
ΣFGy ,1 = 4.83 N

( FGx,1 ) + ( FGy,1 )
2 2
FG1 =

( 4.83 N ) + ( 4.83 N )
2 2
FG1 = 6.8 N
The magnitude of the net gravitational force on m1 is 6.8 N.

Making Connections
13. (a) r = 6.38 × 106 m
mg =
gr 2
mE =
(9.80 m/s 2 )(6.38 × 106 m)2
(6.67 × 10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )
mE = 5.98 × 10 24 kg
(b) The first relatively accurate calculation of Earth’s mass could not have been made until after 1798 when Henry
Cavendish determined a fairly accurate value of the universal gravitation constant.
(c) Knowing Earth’s mass accurately helps scientists determine the density and thus the composition of Earth’s interior. It
helps in determining factors that influence the launching and orbits of space vehicles. It also helps scientists understand
more about our place in the solar system.

Section 3.3 Questions

(Page 144)

Understanding Concepts
1. Considering the fact that FG ∝ where r is the distance between the centres of any two distant objects in the universe, it
is evident that although FG might approach zero as r approaches infinity, it never reaches zero. Thus, the statement is true.
2. F1 = 26 N
r′ = r
m2′ = 3m 2

Copyright © 2003 Nelson Chapter 3 Circular Motion 175

Let F2 represent the force of attraction when m2 is tripled and the distance between m2 and m1 is halved.
F2 2
= r′
F1 Gm1m2
F2  m2′   r 2 
=  
F1  r ′2   m2 
 
 
 
 3m2   r 2 
F2 = F1
 1 2   m 
  r    2 
 2 
  
= (26 N)(12)
F2 = 3.1 × 10 2 N
The magnitude of the force of attraction is 3.1 × 102 N.
F2 1
3. Let F1 represent your weight on Earth’s surface (i.e., at rE) and F2 represent your weight at an altitude r where = .
F1 2
 GmmE 
 2 
F2  (r + rE )  1
= =
F1  GmmE  2
 r 2 
 E 
rE 2 1
(r + rE ) 2
(r + rE )2 = 2rE 2
r 2 + 2rE r − rE 2 = 0
−b ± b 2 − 4ac
This is a quadratic equation with solution r = where only the positive root applies.
−2rE ± 4rE 2 + 4rE 2
= −rE ± rE
2 2 
= − 1  rE
 2 
 
r= ( 2 − 1 rE )
At an altitude of ( 2 − 1)rE , your weight is half of your weight on the surface.
4. mp = 1.67 × 10−27 kg
me = 9.11 × 10−31 kg
r = 5.0 × 10−11 m
Gme mp
FG =
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(9.11× 10−31 kg)(1.67 × 10−27 kg)
(5.0 × 10 −11 m)2
FG = 4.06 × 10 −47 N
The magnitude of the force of gravitational attraction is 4.1 × 10−47 N.

176 Unit 1 Forces and Motion: Dynamics Copyright © 2003 Nelson

5. mA = 55 kg
mB = 75 kg
mC = 95 kg
rAB = 0.68 m
rBC = 0.95 m.
(a) Let +x be west.
GmA mB
FABx =
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(55 kg)(75 kg)
(0.68 m)2
FABx = 5.95 × 10−7 N

−GmC mB
FCBx =
rCB 2
−(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(95 kg)(75 kg)
(0.95 m)2
FCBx = −5.27 ×10−7 N

ΣFx = FABx + FCBx

= 5.95 × 10 −7 N − 5.27 × 10−7 N
ΣFx = 6.8 × 10−8 N
Thus, the net force acting on B is 6.8 × 10−8 N [W].
(b) Let +x be west and +y be south.
FAB = 5.95 × 10−7 N [W]
FCB = 5.27 × 10−7 N [W]
ΣFx = FABx + FCBx ΣFy = FABy + FCBy
= 5.95 × 10 −7 N − 0.0 N = 0.0 N + 5.27 × 10−7 N
ΣFx = 5.95 × 10 −7 N ΣFy = 5.27 × 10−7 N

ΣF = ΣFx 2 + ΣFy 2

= (5.95 × 10−7 N) 2 + (5.27 × 10−7 N) 2

ΣF = 7.9 × 10−7 N

tanθ =
 5.27 × 10−7 N 
θ = tan −1  −7 
 5.95 × 10 N 
θ = 42°
Thus, the net force acting on B is 7.9 × 10−7 N [42° S of W].
6. (a) rEM = 3.84 × 105 km
mM = 0.012mE

Let r be the distance between the object and Earth’s centre. Then the distance of the object from the Moon’s centre is
( rEM − r ) .

Copyright © 2003 Nelson Chapter 3 Circular Motion 177

FE =
FM =
(rEM − r ) 2
GmmE GmmM
r2 ( rEM − r )2
mE 0.012mE
r (rEM − r ) 2
0.012r 2 = (rEM − r )2
0.012r 2 = rEM 2 − 2rEM r + r 2
0.988r 2 − 2rEM r + rEM 2 = 0
−b ± b 2 − 4ac
This is a quadratic equation with solution r = .
2rEM ± 4rEM 2 − 4(0.988)rEM 2
2r ± 0.219rEM
= EM
r = 1.12rEM or 0.90rEM
Since the distance must be less than the Earth–Moon distance (rEM = 3.84 × 105 km):
r = 0.90rEM
= 0.90(3.84 × 105 m)
r = 3.5 × 105 m
At a distance of 3.5 × 105 m from Earth’s centre the net gravitational force exerted on an object by Earth and the Moon
is zero. There is no other such point located between Earth and the Moon. (The location represented by the other root
of the equation lies beyond the Moon.)
(b) There is a location beyond the Moon, at r = 1.12rEM , where the magnitudes of the two forces are equal. However, these
forces are in the same direction, which can be shown on an FBD of the object.

Applying Inquiry Skills

7. The values on the graph depend on the student’s mass.

178 Unit 1 Forces and Motion: Dynamics Copyright © 2003 Nelson

For the sample graph, the mass used is 82 kg. At rE, the force is:
GmS mE
FG =
rE 2

(6.67 ×10 −11
) (
N ⋅ m 2 /(kg) 2 (82 kg ) 5.98 × 1024 kg )
(6.38 × 10 m )

FG = 8.0 × 102 N

The data for the remaining points on the graph are:

rE 3rE 5rE 7rE

8.0 × 10
2 89 32 16
FG (N)

Making Connections
8. (a) A geosynchronous satellite must have the same period as Earth to remain at the same location above Earth’s equator:
T = 1 day = 8.64 × 104 s.
(b) FG = Fc

GmmE 4π 2 mr
r T2
GmET 2
r3 =
4π 2
GmET 2
r= 3
4π 2
(c) mE = 5.98 × 10 kg
T = 8.64 × 104 s
GmET 2
r= 3
4π 2
(6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(5.98 × 1024 kg)(8.64 × 104 s) 2
= 3
4π 2
r = 4.23 × 107 m
The satellite is 4.23 × 107 m above Earth’s centre.
(d) The satellite dishes on Earth’s surface that receive the electromagnetic signals from a satellite must remain aimed at
that satellite. If the satellite moved across the sky (relative to the dishes), then the dishes would have to continually
track it. That would be impractical, and would be impossible once the satellite “set” below the horizon.
(e) The spacing of satellites in a geosynchronous orbit directly above the equator is limited to 0.5° per satellite. This means
that in a full circle of 360°, the maximum number of such satellites is 720. If the spacing decreases too much, the
signals from the adjacent satellites can interfere with each other. If students research these types of satellites on the
Internet, inform them that some sites distinguish geostationary and geosynchronous satellites. Both types take 24 h to
travel once around Earth, but a geostationary satellite is in an orbit directly above the equator. Some of the sites are:∼cs4514/b98/week2-physical.html

Copyright © 2003 Nelson Chapter 3 Circular Motion 179

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