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EYFS Progress Check at Age Two

Guidance for Practitioners

Completing the Progress Check at Age Two for a child attending any kind of setting is a statutory
requirement. It must be completed between the child’s second and third birthdays.

The aims are to: Practitioners must:

• Identify the child’s strengths, • Provide a short, written summary for parents/carers that describes
review their development and their child's development in the three prime Areas of Learning and
celebrate good progress Development (Communication and Language, Personal, Social and
Emotional Development, Physical Development)
• Identify any areas where
progress is less than expected • Highlight areas where the child is making good progress, areas
and extra help is needed where additional support might be needed, and areas where the
child may have a developmental delay
• Promote working in
partnership with parents/ • Discuss with parents/carers how their child’s learning and
carers inviting them to share development can be supported at home
their knowledge about their
child and suggesting ways • Identify strategies that will be used in the setting to address any
practitioners and parents/ issues or concerns
carers can work together • Have the consent of parents/carers to share information with other
to enhance the child’s professionals

It is essential that practitioners engage parents and carers fully with the Progress Check at Age Two.
Communication with parents needs to be respectful, considerate and sensitive.

The Progress Check at Age Two should be completed by a The non-statutory guidance Progress
practitioner who knows the child well. Check at Age Two, Development Matters
This practitioner should: 2020 (in particular the checkpoints) and
Birth to 5 Matters will all provide helpful
• Use their own observations and knowledge of the child
• Work closely with parents/carers and seek their views
Settings can decide on a suitable
• Seek input from other professionals who work with the child format for recording the
Progress Check at Age Two,
• Where possible, include the child’s voice such as EYFS Progress
Check at Age Two Form.

Once the Progress Check at Age Two is completed:

• A copy is shared with the child's parents/carers who should agree and sign it

• A copy is kept by the setting

• Agreed actions are put in place in the setting or at home

• Support is sought from other agencies if required

Ideally, the Progress Check at Age Two should form part of an integrated review along with the Health and
Development Review at Age Two, which is carried out by health visitors. This A Progress Check at Age Two Timeline
shows each child’s second birthday and the date of their Health and Development Review to help with planning.


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