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Kelas 18.1.2021 III.

the level of detail that includes in your

project (it needs to be sufficient but not
to detail)
Simulation methodology
c) Data collection.
The step that needs to follow when do a simulation i) Kene collect 40 set of data kalau nak
(a common-sense step) guna goodness of fit test (ni yang adi
buat untuk project aritu).
ii) Tak semua set data yang kita collect
kene pakai goodness of fit test, it
depends on the variation of the data.

Example nak
pakai goodness
ke tak

i) To verify model – things that u needs to

do when u verified the model
ii) To validate model – have a tactic that u
can used for validate model

a) Objective of simulation are normally to: iii) At automated machine normally the
- bila buat simulation jangan cakap to design cycle time will be constant because
(simulation not a design tools) or to increase everything is done by a machine and
plant blablabla (kita takt ahu macam mana already set up for it (been
product tub oleh increase) bende tu jadi salah programmed) so do need to do a
- ni objective yang betul dalam simulation: goodness fit test.
i) Evaluate iv) At manual work thus need a
ii) Analyze (analyze the problem of current goodness fit test because timing dia
system) takkan constant sbb dia manual
iii) Predict (predict the performance of the bukan da setup and everyperson have
product, run for ten years then tahu apa their own performance time
akan jadi next 10 years) v) Kalau range data kecik goodness fit
iv) Compare test tak penting sbb tak bagi effect
v) Choose the best alternatives pape pun tapi kalau range data besar
then kene pakai goodness fit test sbb
setiap bentuk graf akan bgi value yg
b) Scope and level of detail berbeza.
- scope vi) Kalau unntuk inter arrival time kene
I. boundary of your work pakai negative exponential takleh
II. be more specific with what u want to do pakai distribution punya data
for example when do at kfc and mcd so
tell which area that u will do it.
d) Structure the model f) Validate model
i) Try to do a conceptual model dulu
jangan straight buat simulation
ii) Conceptual model ini untuk tahu
macam mana model tu berjalan

g) Experimentation

e) Verify model
i) More to checking the model correct
or not

i) Replications – repeat the experiment.

ii) Incremental model (start with small

and build part by part of the model,
build and check, correct the baru
iii) Consistency test ni macam pseudo
random number je so tuker dekat situ
untuk check our data correct or not

ii) Warm up is for steady stated but

termination not have a warmup

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