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What is the role of the implementation of the USR (University Social

Responsibility) in universities?
The role of the implementation of the USR (University Social Responsibility) in
universities is important according to the "Review of empirical research on university
social responsibility". Some roles are listed below.
Social responsibility: The implementation of the USR allows academic institutions to
assume social responsibility and act as a representative in a social change. It is a duty
to produce morally upright professionals concerned about the population.
Links with the community: The USR promotes the interaction and collaboration of the
universities with the community in which they are inserted. As well as identifying needs
and making collaborative plans that benefit the community, it implies strengthening ties
with various representatives, including local governments, non-governmental
organizations, companies and citizens.
Relevant cognitive generation: Universities research and generate relevant knowledge
in order to address societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development.
Research projects focus on issues of social interest, scarcity, education, the
environment, gender equality, among others.
The USR promotes a comprehensive student education, which goes from the students,
beyond the academic appearance. It seeks to foster their social commitment, their
ethical awareness and their ability to contribute to the community in a positive way.
This is achieved through extracurricular activities, a volunteer plan, professional tests in
social organizations, among others.
Improvement of the institutional reputation: The successful implementation of the USR
achieves the improvement of the university reputation and its social positioning.
Educational institutions that demonstrate a genuine commitment to social responsibility
earn recognition and respect locally and internationally.
USR in universities is essential to promote social responsibility, public relations,
generate relevant knowledge, comprehensively prepare students and improve the
reputation of the university. The university houses play an active and positive social
role, addressing social challenges and working towards sustainable and equitable
development. (Lucena,2017).
2.-What are the main priorities of universities in Social Responsibility?
The main priorities may vary depending on the institution and its context, but there are
some key areas that tend to be high on the social responsibility agenda of universities.
Among them we have
Education and training: university houses give a high priority to education when it
comes to SR. As a result, it is necessary to ensure the caliber of the instruction
provided, promote inclusion and equality within it, supporting the integral formation of
the student and creating academic programs that meet social needs and promote
sustainable growth.
Linking with the community: by influencing with a positive spectrum within the social
growth in the universities, strong ties must be established with that area. To do this,
you must complete tasks and projects in conjunction with the community that address
social issues and promote community well-being.
Research and cognitive generation: Universities should promote research that
addresses social challenges and contributes to sustainable development.
Environmental sustainability: Another of the main priorities of many universities is the
environment and how to promote sustainable practices. This implies taking measures
to reduce the negative effects and thus create initiatives and research projects that
help safeguard the environment.
Engagement and dialogue with social actors: Universities must facilitate interaction and
dialogue with various social actors, such as government agencies, NGOs, companies,
and the general public. This implies establishing alliances and collaborations to
address social problems, share knowledge and experiences, and promote the
exchange of ideas and solutions.
These are some of the main priorities in Social Responsibility for universities. However,
it is important to highlight that each institution may have specific approaches and
priorities, according to its mission, vision and particular context. (Garzón, Montoya &
Muñoz ,2020).
3.-Explain What is University Social Responsibility, importance and what are the
roles and activities that are carried out?
The RSU extends beyond a central university work and its responsibility of the student
body in society and its environment. It consists of integrating an ethical, social and
environmental perspective in all the activities and decisions of the institution to have a
positive social impact and thus contribute to sustainable growth.
USR is also related to the generation of relevant knowledge to address social
challenges and promote sustainable growth. Universities have a fundamental task of
researching and producing understanding and thus the RSU is involved in ensuring
that knowledge is transferred and applied for the benefit of society. This implies
collaboration with different social factors, as well as research results that generate a
positive aspect.
University Social Responsibility implies a university commitment to society and actively
contributes to sustainable development. It is sought that educational institutions not
only train competent professionals, but also responsible, ethical citizens committed to
social welfare. The RSU involves the incorporation of ethical values, the link with the
community and the generation of relevant knowledge to address social challenges.
When talking about (RSU) we know that it is important for several reasons:
The RSU seeks to train students holistically, not only in terms of technical and
academic knowledge, but also in ethical values, social skills, and civic awareness.
The RSU fosters links and collaboration between universities and the community in
which they are located. This allows universities to understand the needs and problems
of the community, and work together to develop projects and actions that address
these challenges.
It also transfers the knowledge and technology that society needs. Universities
generate research and specialized knowledge that is applied to solve real problems
and has a positive impact on the image and reputation of universities. Commitment to
this responsibility shows the community and potential students, professors, and
researchers that the institution cares about social welfare and is committed to ethical
values and principles of sustainability.
USR implies a wide range of roles and activities that universities can carry out to
contribute to sustainable development and produce a positive effect. Common roles
and activities in RSU include:
Training of ethical professionals, university extension, research oriented to society,
links with the public and private sector, volunteering and social action, promotion of
inclusion and equity, sustainable management.
These are just some examples of the roles and activities that universities can develop
within the RSU. Each institution can adapt its actions according to its strengths, areas
of knowledge and the specific needs of its environment. The main objective is to
generate a positive impact on society and train professionals committed to social
For what reasons do university students do Social Responsibility work?
According to the review of empirical research on University Social Responsibility
(USR), there are several reasons why university students get involved in social
responsibility work. Some of these reasons are as follows:
Commitment to the community: Many university students feel a personal and ethical
commitment to their community, wanting to contribute significantly to its development
and well-being. This social responsibility job can be a rewarding experience on a
personal and professional level, which can lead to personal and professional growth. At
university, students can develop crucial skills and traits that will be useful both in their
academic life and in their future professional lives. These skills and characteristics
include group cooperation, leadership, rapport, and problem solving.
Practical learning: Participating in social responsibility projects provides university
students with applicable opportunities by applying knowledge within the theory that is
acquired in the classroom in a real context. This enables them to understand the
complexities and challenges of the real world, and strengthen their understanding of
the interrelationship between theory and practice.
Social Awareness Development: Participation in social responsibility activities can help
college students develop a greater awareness of the social, economic, and
environmental issues facing their community and the world at large. This can spark
their civic engagement and motivation to actively address these challenges.
Networking and relationship building: Social responsibility work gives college students
the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds and make valuable
Sense of satisfaction and purpose: Participation in social responsibility activities can
generate a sense of satisfaction and purpose in university students. Seeing the positive
impact they can have on people's lives and their environment gives them a sense of
accomplishment and emotional well-being.
These reasons reflect the importance that university students attach to social
responsibility and how this experience can enrich their personal, professional, and
ethical development.
Criticism about social responsibility
RSU has been the subject of various criticisms and debates in the academic and social
fields. Here are some common criticisms related to this topic:
Superficiality and lack of real commitment: Some people argue that RSU manages to
be perceived in a strategic public relations way, without a genuine commitment towards
social change. Sometimes, the actions carried out by universities can be considered
insufficient or insignificant, which leads to questioning the true intention behind these
Disconnection with social reality: It has been argued that universities may be
disconnected from the problems and needs of society. Social responsibility activities
may not address the most pressing issues or may be remote from the specific
communities and contexts in which they operate.
Absence of standards and evaluation: There is a debate about the standards and
criteria to evaluate and measure USR. Some criticisms focus on the lack of a clear
methodology to determine the effectiveness of the actions undertaken and to measure
the real impact on society.
Selective priorities: It has been pointed out that universities can focus on certain
aspects of social responsibility that are more convenient or beneficial from an
institutional image perspective, leaving aside other relevant areas or problems.
Lack of integration in education: Some critics point out that university social
responsibility is not adequately integrated into the curriculum and academic training of
students. It is argued that greater emphasis should be placed within the educational
field on values and formation of responsible citizenship.
It is important to bear in mind that these criticisms do not invalidate the importance of
university social responsibility, but rather highlight aspects that must be considered and
addressed to ensure that the actions of universities are significant, sustainable, and
truly committed to social change. (Villarreal, Bastidas & Mucha 2022).

What is the final reflection?

The initiative is crucial in the current context, which brings us to our final observation on
this responsibility that we have read. The RSU is viewed in a timely manner so that
higher education centers contribute significantly to the sustainable growth of the
community. Universities play a crucial role within university education in order to
generate more knowledge in them, go beyond their traditional academic function and
assume a commitment to the community and the environment in which they are
located. This implies integrating ethical, social and environmental principles in all
activities and institutional decisions.
By implementing USR, institutions can generate a positive impact at various levels
such as the formation of responsible citizens, universities must establish close links
with the local community and promote collaboration in projects that address the needs
and challenges of said community, research academic that can focus on issues related
to sustainable development, promoting innovative and sustainable solutions to social,
economic and environmental problems; adopt responsible management practices,
incorporating ethical, social and environmental criteria into policies and internal
The final reflection is that university social responsibility not only benefits society in
general, but also the educational institutions themselves. They acquire greater
relevance and prestige, attract committed students and faculty, and strengthen their
impact locally and internationally.

Villarreal, J. L. Reyes Bastidas, C. & Mucha Paitán, Á. J. (2022). Percepciones sobre

responsabilidad social universitaria en programas de contaduría. 1. Editorial Unimar -
Universidad Unimariana.

Risco de Bocanegra, D. D. & Pepe Humberto, B. Q. (Dir.). (2021). Estrategia de

extensión universitaria sustentada en un modelo integral responsable para la
proyección social.. D - Universidad Señor de Sipán.

Garzón-Pascagaza, É. J. Montoya-Montoya, L. G. & Muñoz-Buitrago, D. A. (2020).

Universidad, responsabilidad y humanismo.. Universidad Católica de Colombia.

Lucena-Muñoz, J. J. (2017). Experiencias en la dimensión social y cultural de la

responsabilidad social universitaria en América Latina.. Servicio de Publicaciones de la
Universidad de Cádiz.

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