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Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

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A novel method for determination of lethal radius for high-explosive

artillery projectiles
Alan Catovic a, *, Elvedin Kljuno b
Mechanical Engineering Faculty (Defense Technology Department), University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new model has been defined that enables the estimation of the lethal radius (radius of efficiency) of HE
Received 11 January 2020 (High Explosive) artillery projectiles against human targets. The model is made of several modules: CAD
Received in revised form (Computer Aided Design) modeling, fragment mass distribution estimation, fragment initial velocity
9 June 2020
prediction, fragment trajectory calculation, effective fragment density estimation, and high explosive
Accepted 17 June 2020
Available online 30 June 2020
projectile lethal radius estimation. The results were compared with the experimental results obtained
based on tests in the arena used in our country, and the agreement of the results was good. This model
can be used in any terminal-ballistics scenario for high explosive projectiles since it is general, para-
High explosive projectiles
metric, fast and relatively easy to implement.
Lethal radius © 2020 China Ordnance Society. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications
Fragments Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Modeling licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction incapacitation due to shockwave and probability due to fragments.

Zecevic et al. [2,3] were also developing a terminal-ballistics model
High explosive projectile lethal radius is an important terminal- for high explosive projectiles, where a lethal zone of naturally
ballistics parameter. When the projectile has a larger lethal radius, fragmenting high explosive warheads was determined using the
fewer artillery projectiles are necessary to eliminate the targets. coupled numerical-CAD (Computer Aided Design) technique. These
From a tactical point of view, this can be significant since it reduces models and several other models mentioned in the literature [4e6]
logistical burden. There are many factors influencing projectile ef- depend primarily on experimental data from the arena fragmen-
ficiency and because of the complexity of these parameters, there is tation test. These tests are very expensive, time consuming and
currently no comprehensive model for estimation of its terminal- labor intensive.
ballistics parameters. Our approach was to develop a new analytical model for pre-
In the literature, one can find different models for prediction of diction of high explosive projectiles lethal radius, where there is no
high explosive projectile efficiency, and one of the notable is need for experimental tests in inital phase of design. This way an
american model [1], which defines a lethal area as a measure of the ammunition designer is provided with preliminary projectile effi-
fragment casualty producing potential of an exploding projectile ciency data before conducting large scale experimental fragmen-
when employed against soldiers. Lethal area in this model is the tation tests (pit and arena), which saves both money and time.
expected number of incapacitations, after the detonation of a single Some of the major contributions in the paper are related to the
projectile, using the certain level of density of enemy soldiers. calculation of the movement of fragments: 1) using aerodynamic
Incapacitation refers to a debilitating injury (ie, hit into a vital body forces and moments rather than the force coefficient(s), and 2)
area after which the soldier is inacapable of fighting). This american using complete 6DOF (Six Degrees of Freedom) equations for
model is a probability model, where a probability that the person fragment trajectory estimation.
will be incapacitated is calculated using the probability of The model, presented in this work, is in some ways similar to
fragment hazard method (DDESB; Department of Defense Explo-
sives Safety Board) adopted by US DoD (United States Department
* Corresponding author. of Defense) and other similar organizations years ago which is
E-mail addresses: (A. Catovic),
detailed in many technical reports (ie reference [8]). The major
(E. Kljuno).
Peer review under responsibility of China Ordnance Society
difference between the method described herein and the widely
2214-9147/© 2020 China Ordnance Society. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
1218 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

accepted method is the trajectory module in our model, whereby several munitions. Comparisons have been made for both the
the kinetic energy of fragment is calculated accurately during the Hazardous Fragment Distance and the Maximum fragment
ballistic travel of fragment, by solving all necessary dynamic Range. In all cases where the data allow the comparisons to be
equations (fully coupled 6DOF/Six Degrees of Freedom equations), made, the DDESB (Department of Defense Explosives Safety
whereas the DDESB (Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board) model produces conservative results, i.e., ranges greater
Board) methods employ an analytic expression of kinetic energy as than the measured range. For example, for 105 mm M1 artillery
a function of distance and some other approximations which can projectile relative difference for maximum fragment range be-
lead to errors. tween DDESB model and literature data is around 90%, and for
In that regard, we observed following possible deficiencies in 81 mm M56 mortar projectile this difference is 110% [8].
the currently accepted DDESB/Department of Defense Explosives
Safety Board fragment hazard model:

 It considers only the drag force and the force of gravity. Since 2. Physical model
this is a 2-dimensional model it cannot resolve the spatial mo-
tion of fragments (ie it cannot model side drift of the body). The lethal radius of a high explosive projectile against human
 The aerodynamic moment is not calculated, so the equation of targets in the model is defined as a distance from the explosion at
change of angular momentum is not taken into account. This which there is an efficient fragment (with a kinetic energy of at
means that the model does not address body rotation; and even least 80 J) density of 1 frag/m2. It is assumed that the human target
if it is to take the moment into account, with the 2D model - exposed area (to the projectile) is 1 m2. This area can be reduced (ie
spatial rotation cannot be solved, but only rotation about an axis when it is assumed the soldier is in prone or some other position on
perpendicular to the plane of motion. the ground). Incapacitation in the model is related to a hit into a
 The drag force coefficient (CD) is taken as a constant value (ie a human target with a fragment of 80 J kinetic energy (adopted NATO
rather small value of 0.8) which can introduce large errors in the inacapacitation criterium). The model does not take into account
estimation of aerodynamic force, especially in the calculation of the condition and age of the human target, its protection, and the
entire trajectories (where the CD (Mach) curve varies consider- location of the impact of the fragment into the human body.
ably, especially in a transonic zone). It is known that the CD It is assumed that the position of a projectile upon detonation is
changes due to a change in the shape of the exposed surface of vertical to the ground. That means lethal radius represents a radius
the body in the current direction of movement due to its rota- of a circular lethal zone - a maximal possible lethal zone of pro-
tion and due to a change in the speed of the body. jectile on the ground (real artillery projectiles have smaller impact
 DDESB/Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board model angles). This parameter (lethal radius) can be used in an initial
uses fragment form factor k with values from 2609 kg/m3 phase of design to compare the efficiency of different high explo-
(forged projectiles) to 4740 kg/m3 (steel spheres). This means sive projectiles.
that for the lower boundary of the shape factor it takes into Our model for evaluating the fragmentation efficiency is based
account the type and method of processing the body material, on analytical, numerical and CAD/Computer Aided Design methods,
and for the upper boundary it takes the shape of the fragment, and consists of several modules:
which means that it is not a unique parameter taken for com-
parison. This factor is also taken as a constant value, and these 1. CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling module (high explosive
approximations can lead to further calculation errors. projectile).
 DDESB (Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board) model 2. A module for estimation of mass distribution of fragments.
is applicable only for the high-order detonation of a cylindrical 3. A module for predicting the initial velocity of fragments.
casing with evenly distributed explosives. The more an item 4. Fragment trajectory calculation module.
deviates from this ideal, the less reliable this methodology be- 5. Module for estimating the density of efficient fragments, and
comes [8]. 6. Module for estimating the lethal radius of high explosive
 This model does not consider the fragment hazard presented by projectiles.
base plates, nose plugs, boattails, or other fragments from the
non-cylindrical portions of the case. These unique fragments
can travel to significantly greater distances (distances greater
than 3050 m). These special fragments should be considered on 2.1. Module for CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling
a case-by-case, site-specific analysis [8].
 To determine the maximum fragment range, the range of the Within this module, in some of the CAD (Computer Aided
maximum mass fragment for each region of the model can be Design) software, one determines the mass (body masses and ex-
calculated using the initial velocity for that region and the plosives and mass ratio C/M) and the geometric ratio t/d (average
largest of these ranges is defined as the maximum fragment body thicknes to average explosive diameter ratio). The CAD
range of the munition. Since upper bound estimates are used, (Computer Aided Design) method is also used to split the 3D model
the resulting range that is computed represents a conservative of the projectile into cylindrical segments (Fig. 1). We have
estimate. In all cases where the data allow the comparisons to be segmented projectile bodies into a large number of segments
made, the methodology in DDESB/Department of Defense Ex- because of their variable geometry. In this way, an attempt was
plosives Safety Board produces conservative results, i.e. ranges made to appreciate the geometry of the body as close as possible to
greater than the measured range [8]. reality (especially when the geometry is rapidly changing, ie at the
 The program (code) is not available for public use, and the end of ogive part).
literature does not cite comparisons of results obtained from The geometric parameter t/d, using the body and explosive
this model with numerical simulations for fragments. charge volume data obtained from CAD (Computer Aided Design)
 Crull & Swisdak [8] report validation of DDESB (Department of software, is analytically determined by first calculating the equiv-
Defense Explosives Safety Board) model by comparing the re- alent diameter of the explosive d (the explosive charge is converted
sults to the distances listed in several literature references for to a cylinder):
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1219

Fig. 1. Drawing, 122 mm OF-462 projectile model (3-Dimensional) and central body segments (up to the rotating band, 16e31 segments) used in the model to evaluate its efficiency.

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi projections [7], or indirectly after 3D scanning.

d¼ (1)
Here Lexp is explosive charge length and Vexp is explosive charge 2.2. A module for estimation of mass distribution of fragments
volume, determined based on the CAD (Computer Aided Design)
model of the projectile. To estimate the number N(m) of fragments from a high explo-
The average (so-called equivalent) thickness t of the projectile sive projectile, for each quasi-cylindrical segment of the body, the
body is given by: Mott formula is used [9,16]:

1  m1=2

t ¼ ðD  dÞ (2) M
2 NðmÞ ¼ (4)
Here D is the average (equivalent) diameter of the projectile,
determined by the expression: The mass M of the projectile body is known, based on CAD/
Computer Aided Design model of projectile (this information is
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi given in the test protocol, for example, in the fragmentation pit, but
4Vt also in the factory prospects of ammunition). Based on expression
D¼ þ d2 (3)
pLexp (4), for the condition when m / 0, a formula is obtained for the
total number of fragments N0 resulting from the fragmentation of
Here Vt is the volume of high explosive projectile body con-
the body of a high explosive projectile:
taining the explosive (determined by the Computer Aided Design
method). The volume of the body Vt can also be determined
analytically by dividing the projectile into segments and summing N0 ¼ (5)
the volumes of the segments. CAD (Computer Aided Design)
models of projectiles (such as one in Fig. 1) are also used for Expression (5) is also used to estimate the total number of
calculation of the initial velocity of projectile fragments (splinters), fragments from certain cylindrical segments of the projectile
as well as to define initial conditions (the initial coordinates of wherein then the mass M corresponds to the mass of the given
fragments, depending on their position on the body of the projec- segment. Using Mott’s formula (4), when N ¼ 1, the expression for
tile) in a generalized mechanics model (6DOF/Six Degrees of calculating the mass of the largest fragment from the body of a
Freedom model) for fragment trajectory. CAD (Computer Aided given projectile can be obtained:
Design) models are also used to evaluate, in a real (1:1 scale)
fragmentation test (arena) model, depending on the calculated   
pffiffiffi M 2
range of fragments, whether fragments of individual masses can mf ðmaxÞ ¼ m ln (6)
reach arena panels. Here, the Computer Aided Design model is used
to calculate the polar angles that appear in expressions for esti- This mass can later be also used to estimate the maximum
mation of the density of efficient fragments. CAD (Computer Aided possible range of fragments resulting from fragmentation of a given
Design) software can also be used to model the fragments them- projectile. The characteristic Mott parameter m from the above
selves (stochastic shape), either by drawing a fragment, based on its expressions is determined by the formula:
1220 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

 2 atmosphere to the target, is determined.

t The initial velocities of fragments are estimated by the Gurney
m ¼ BM 2 t 3 d3 1 þ
5 2
d model [17]:

Here BM is the Mott constant that depends on the material of the

projectile body and the explosive charge, while t is the equivalent 2E
thickness of the projectile body and d is the equivalent diameter of vM ¼ (9)
ðM=C þ 0; 5Þ1=2
the explosives determined by the previously described method
(Computer Aided Design modeling of the projectile). When frag- Here, M and C are the masses of the projectile body and
mentation data is available for a projectile (testing in the pit), explosive, respectively, and 2E is Gurney’s constant. Detonation
optimization of the Mott constant (for a given projectile) can be velocity D of explosive charge can be determined by software (in
performed, using the expression: EXPLO5 [12], for a given charge density - determined from the table
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi data for charge mass and charge volume determined in the CAD
u M
BM_opt ¼ u
u  2 (8) (Computer Aided Design) system - based on projectile drawings).
t The Gurney constant can be determined analytically, e.g. based on
2N0 t 5=3 d2=3 1 þ dt
detonation velocity of explosives, using the expression
2E ¼ 0:338D [13], where Cooper averaged test data for a twenty-
In this way (by optimizing the Mott constant) the agreement
five conventional explosives. In our country mainly TNT and Comp.
between the experimental data obtained in the pit test and the
B were used in the projectiles mentioned in the paper so we limited
Mott model is better than using the value of the BM constant re-
the model for these explosives (as per Cooper suggestion). This
ported in the available literature. Data on the values of the opti- pffiffiffiffiffiffi
mized BM_opt constant for individual high explosive projectiles used relationship is capable of accurately predicting 2E of sensitive and
in our country can be found in Refs. [7]. moderately sensitive near ideal explosives; however, this equation
When analyzing the parameters of a new projectile (eg in the is somewhat unsuitable for predicting 2E of insensitive and
preliminary design process for new ammunition), it is suggested nonideal explosives (ie. NTO, PBX-9502, AFX-902), because it
that if the experimental data obtained by fragmentation a given overestimates 2E of some insensitive explosives. As a result, the
projectile in the pit are not available, the averaged values of the BMsr model may overestimate the lethal radius of projectiles containing
constant be adopted for the given projectile caliber and appropriate insensitive explosives such as the new M795 155 mm artillery
explosive charge for projectiles of the same (or closest) caliber of projectile filled with IMX-101 (DNAN/NTO/NQ) or even the lethal
the same type of ammunition and of the same explosive charge and radius of the 122 mm OF-462 filled with amatol (nonideal
body material. explosive).
Since the Mott constant is not the same for any one projectile In the model presented in the paper, a simultaneous overall
(even for the same type of ammunition, in different tests), it is detonation of explosive is assumed, and initial velocity varies along
possible, for example, to use the Monte Carlo method to estimate the axial coordinate of projectile only due to the varying shell
the value of a given constant in the appropriate BM range obtained thickness (ratio C/M). Regarding accuracy of the Gurney model,
experimentally using a random number method. Walters and Zukas [14] state: “The Gurney approximation is based
When all the necessary parameters are known, the Mott mass on the conservation of momentum and energy, and the results
distribution parameter m for a given projectile is first determined. represent excellent engineering approximation, within 10% of the
Therefore, based on the model, it is possible to calculate the average experimental results or detailed numerical result.
mass of fragments (2m) obtained by fragmentation (this data can be Basically, none of the Gurney-like (modifications) models pro-
compared with the data from the tests, if available). vide significant improvement over the basic Gurney expressions,
The next step in the model is to apply the Mott method to but they serve to extend the Gurney method to geometries not
selected segments of high explosive projectiles that presumably covered by the Gurney assumptions, for example, implosive ge-
participate in penetrations into the target (Fig. 1, for example, ometries, or extension of the M/C range of validity. Karpp and
segments 16e31 on the projectile body to the rotating band). In this Predebon showed that fragment velocity predictions based on
way, the cumulative distribution of the number of fragments for the Gurney formula is adequate for cases when flow is onedimensional
given segments is obtained, using the Mott formula (expression 4). (radial) and for practical ranges of charge to metal ratios (0.1 < C/
These data are used further in the model when estimating the M < 2).”
density of efficient fragments. Fig. 2 shows the curve of the fragment’s initial velocity for the
The model assumes that only fragments from the central part of 122 mm high explosive OF-462 projectile as a function of position
the body to the rotating band (Fig. 1) are involved in penetrations, ie along the projectile (relative centers of segments on the projectile
it is assumed that fragments from the front and rear spray do not body). With this projectile, the wall in the central part of the body is
significantly contribute to the efficiency of the high explosive
The model assumes that the projectile is in a vertical position
(90 impact angle simulation). In this way, the lethal radius of the
projectile is ultimately obtained, and the results can be compared,
for example, with the results from the quarter-circle arena used in
our country.

2.3. A module for predicting the initial velocity of fragments

When, based on the Mott method, the number of fragments

from individual projectile segments is known, the initial velocity of
these fragments, required to calculate their trajectory through the Fig. 2. Initial velocities of fragments for projectile 122 mm OF-462.
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1221

relatively thick (relative to, for example, a 122 mm M76 projectile), individual projectile segments. The point of origin (lower part of
so in these body segments, the initial velocities of the fragments are Fig. 3) is represented by the center of mass of the projectile. The
slightly less than in some segments on the frontal part. directions in the lower part of Fig. 3 (on the projectile) should not
The front part of the 122 mm OF-462 projectile (Fig. 2) has be confused with the initial velocity vectors; they serve here only to
slightly higher initial velocities, but for the assumed position of the estimate the angles measured from the projectile axes to the cen-
projectile (90 impact angle), most of this forward spray of frag- ters of the individual projectile segments (in order to construct the
ments, as previously assumed, ends in the ground and does not diagram in Fig. 3) Such diagrams can serve to better visualize the
reach the target (e.g., quarter-arena panels). The model assumes parameters of the terminal ballistics of a high explosive projectile.
that there is no ricochetting of fragments, which is a reasonable
assumption for terrestrial terrain, but in urban conditions, rico- 2.4. Fragment trajectory calculation module
chetting from the ground can occur, especially if the soil is very
hard (eg granite slabs). On the other hand, Fig. 2 shows that the end Trajectories are calculated for representative fragments by
spray of fragments has much less initial velocity. It is assumed that geometrically arranged segments per projectile body, with a
this part of the beam of fragments does not affect the parameters of discrete variation of the mass of fragments by mass groups, so that
the efficiency of the projectile, although fragments from the bottom the computation of trajectories for all fragments is reduced to an
of the projectile may have a relatively long range (some authors acceptable number of trajectories, much smaller than the actual
report the range of fragments from the bottom of the projectile over number of fragments. The projectile body is divided into a number
3 km). of segments, and then a representative fragment is determined at
The initial velocity of fragments, determined by the Gurney the center position of each body segment. Projectile segments are
method, for quasi-cylindrical projectile elements (ratio of body broken down into numerous fragments, which are divided into a
mass to mass of explosive charge M/C greater than 0,5 - usually the number of mass groups. The calculation of the trajectories of all
case for high explosive projectiles) represents the upper limit fragments for one segment of the projectile body is reduced to the
(maximum) of the fragment velocity because there are energy calculation of the trajectory of one representative fragment, with
losses due to the fracture of the projectile body and the early the variation of mass by a certain number of mass groups.
leakage of gaseous detonation products. On the other hand, for There are two variations in the number of fragment trajectories:
relatively thin projectile walls, where M/C < 0.5 (which is rarely the
case in practice), the real initial velocities of the fragments are a) position of fragments representative for each projectile
slightly higher than obtained using the Gurney method. segment,
Similar to the research performed by Crull and Swisdak for US b) a representative mass of a particular mass group of fragments.
DDESB (Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board) [8], pro-
jectile segments are also approximated by cylindrical elements in For example, if the projectile body is divided into 6 segments
this model, with the initial velocity fragment vector perpendicular and the mass of fragments into 5 mass groups, this means that a
to the projectile axis. The expansion of the projectile body is not total of 30 representative trajectories must be calculated. Since the
taken into account. The obtained data on the initial velocities of program calculates a single trajectory in a relatively short time (less
fragments are further used in the model for the calculation of the than a minute), then the automated process of calculating all
trajectory of fragments, for realistic initial conditions. representative trajectories is performed within the acceptable
Fig. 3 provides a different way of displaying the initial velocities operating time.
of high explosive projectile fragments (comparing to Fig. 2), rep- The intensity of the initial velocity of a representative fragment
resented via a polar diagram (Grapher© software was used) in is determined algorithmically according to formula (9) and Fig. 2,
which one axis represents the initial velocities of the fragment and the direction of the initial velocity is algorithmically deter-
(units m/s) and the angular axis of the diagram represents the mined according to the relative position of the fragment on the
angles measured from the projectile axis to the centers of the projectile body, according to Fig. 3. Based on these initial kinematic
conditions, with the variation of mass by mass groups, all repre-
sentative trajectories are determined.
Thus, fragment trajectories were obtained for each segment of
the projectile’s body, for several characteristic mass groups, so that
the total number of trajectories to be determined is reduced to a
significantly reduced number relative to the actual total number of
The calculation of the trajectory and changes in the kinetic en-
ergy of fragments as they move through the atmosphere is deter-
mined on the basis of a parametric 6DOF (Six Degrees of Freedom)
model of fragment flight mechanics.
Generally, determining the position of the body during the
motion through atmosphere includes determining the position of
the moving coordinate system (fixed to the rigid body) in relation
to the fixed (inertial) reference (coordinate) system. The orientation
of the body in relation to the reference coordinate system is
determined by three Euler angles (j, 4, q) and three coordinates (x,
y, z) that define the position of the body relative to the given
Fig. 4 shows the coordinate system tied to the Earth (xyz) and
the moving system tied to the fragment (xhz). The figure also shows
Fig. 3. Variation of initial fragment velocity for 122 mm OF-462 projectile as a function the vectors of the total aerodynamic force F ad and moment M ad
of segment position, presented in the polar diagram. (determined using our model described in earlier paper [11]),
1222 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

Fig. 4. Visualization of coordinate systems, dynamic and kinematic parameters during the movement of fragment through the atmosphere.

gravity force mg, and angular velocity vectors u in the initial and where the surface of the irregularly shaped body is approximated,
arbitrary times, and Euler’s angles: j (angle of precession), q (angle via continuous surface, by a triaxial ellipsoidal surface (b.) aero-
of nutation) and f (angle of intrinsic rotation). These angles dynamic force modeling based on momentum change of fluid
determine the spherical movement around the center of the body particles colliding with the irregularly shaped body at high velocity.
mass, i.e., defines the position of the body relative to the reference This elemental effect (momentum change) is integrated over the
coordinate system tied to the Earth. exposed surface of the moving body and obtain the total aero-
Differential equations of the translational motion component in dynamic force and the total aerodynamic moment for the center of
a coordinate system rigidly connected to the body, are set using the mass. In this way, the model does not require force coefficients but
law of the body center of mass movement: directly obtains the drag force. The kinetic energy of the fragment
(parameter important for lethal radius estimation) at different
dV X n
distances was determined using this model, as the fragment mass
mac ¼ m ¼ Fi (10)
dt and its velocity during a flight are known. This model has been
validated with experimental data and numerical simulations using
where: F i is external forces, m is body (fragment) mass, a and V are Ansys Fluent. More details on this model can be found in our pre-
acceleration and velocity of the body center of mass. vious paper [11].
External forces acting on a fragment are an aerodynamic force Differential equations of rotation around the body center of the
and a force of gravity, so the expression (10) can be expressed as: mass are obtained using the law of change of angular momentum:

mac ¼ F ad þ mg (11) dLc X n

¼ Mi (13)
By projecting equation (11) on axes of the inertial (fixed) coor- dt i¼1
dinate system oxyz (Fig. 4), the following expressions are obtained:
Here M is vector of the aerodynamic moment, a L is angular
mx€c ¼ Fadx (12a) momentum vector in moving coordinate system tied to the body.
Aerodynamic moment M ad acts on a fragment, so expression
(13) can be written as:
my€c ¼ Fady (12b)

mz€c ¼ Fadz  mg (12c) ¼ Mad (14)
The model uses a novel approach, in the first place in defining After the neccesary tranformations and kinematic expressions
the aerodynamic force that was used for trajectory calculations. We for (13), j is angle of precession, q isangle of nutation and f is angle
defined our model for aerodynamic force and moment estimation of intrinsic rotation are obtained.
based on several geometrical body parameters, as well as several In order to obtain the value of the aerodynamic force F ad , pro-
kinematic and parameters of the media where the body motion jected on the fixed coordinate system oxyz, the transformation
occurs. This model has two major parts: (a.) geometrical modeling, matrix R is used:

2 3
cos j cos 4  sin j cos q sin 4 cos j sin 4  sin j cos q cos 4 sin j sin q
R ¼ 4 sin j cos 4 þ cos j cos q sin 4 sin j sin 4 þ cos j cos q cos 4 cos j sin q 5 (15)
sin q sin 4 sin q cos 4 cos q
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1223

So the aerodynamic force is obtained by: individual mass groups) may correspond to the mean masses of

2 3 2 3
F adx ðcos j cos 4  sin j cos q sin 4ÞF adx ð  cos j sin 4  sin j cos q cos 4ÞF adh ðsin j sin qÞF adz
4 F ad 5 ¼ 4 ðsin j cos 4 þ cos j cos q sin 4ÞF ad ð  sin j sin 4 þ cos j cos q cos 4ÞF adh ð  cos j sin qÞF adz 5 (16)
y x
F adz ðsin q sin 4ÞF adx ðsin q cos 4ÞF adh ðcos qÞF adz

Similarly, the following can be written for the aerodynamic fragments obtained after fragmentation of this projectile in the
moment: pit or taken arbitrarily for a given mass group. Fragments of all

2 3 2 3
M adx ðcos j cos 4  sin j cos q sin 4ÞM adx ð  cos j sin 4  sin j cos q cos 4ÞM adh ðsin j sin qÞM adz
4 M ad 5 ¼ 4 ðsin j cos 4 þ cos j cos q sin 4ÞM ad ð  sin j sin 4 þ cos j cos q cos 4ÞM adh ð  cos j sin qÞМ adz 5 (17)
y x
M adz ðsin q sin 4ÞM adx ðsin q cos 4ÞM adh ðcos qÞM adz

mass groups up to 100 g are considered in the analysis. It is

The model assumes that the fragments are approximated using assumed that fragments of mass above 100 g do not significantly
the triaxial ellipsoid. An ellipsoid has three pairwise perpendicular affect the efficiency of the high explosive projectile.
axes of symmetry which intersect at a center of symmetry, called
the center of the ellipsoid. The line segments that are delimited on If one, for example, looks at the fragmentation data of the
the axes of symmetry by the ellipsoid are called the principal axes. 122 mm OF-462 projectile in the pit [7], it can be concluded that
If the three axes have different lengths, the ellipsoid is said to be this projectile has the highest number of fragments of very low
triaxial, and the axes are uniquely defined. Semi-axes of the ellip- mass (<0.5 g), so that the assumption of using fragments of mass
soid, a, b, c are half the length of the principal axes. They correspond less than 0,5 g for the purpose of calculating the trajectories of the
to the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis of an ellipse. Dimen- fragments is justified. In addition, these fragments, although of very
sion a is the largest, and c the smallest. More details on fragment low mass, have relatively high kinetic energy and can be effective
shape and determination of fragment reference area (projected against unprotected human targets (for cases where Ekin > 80 J).
exposed area) can be found in our earlier paper [15].
This module for determination of fragments trajectory is  The initial height of the fragments should correspond to the
implemented in Matlab program, written by authors. The basic position of the center of each segment separately (eg. segments
parameters of the fragments (the dimensions of the half-axis of the 16e31, Fig. 1) on the cylindrical part of the projectile, which is
ellipsoid by which the fragment is approximated) can be arbitrarily positioned vertically (top down) with respect to the ground
changed in the analysis. Based on their values and values of initial (with the fuze). A stationary coordinate system is placed at the
conditions (direction of the initial velocity vector, components of top of the fuze, on the ground. For each segment of the pro-
initial translational and angular velocity, orientation and position of jectile, calculations of the trajectories of fragments of all mass
fragments with respect to coordinate origin), the trajectory of groups are performed (for given dimensions of the fragments)
fragments and changes of its kinetic energy during flight through and the level of their kinetic energy is estimated at certain
the atmosphere are determined. The calculation of path elements is distances from the center of the explosion.
obtained by software, eg in Matlab.  The initial elevation angle of the fragments is assumed to be
From the point of view of evaluating the effectiveness of high zero in the trajectory simulations - because the projectile is
explosive projectiles against human targets, it is important to positioned vertically with respect to the ground, and it is
evaluate the trajectory elements of fragments at ranges up to assumed that the initial velocity vectors of the fragments (which
40e50 m. In this regard, the calculation of trajectory elements for a are perpendicular to the axis of the projectile) of the cylindrical
particular projectile is performed for fragments that start from the part of the projectile are parallel to the ground (plane xy of a
segment centers on a given projectile. The calculation should try to fixed coordinate system, Fig. 5).
get as close as possible to the real conditions that may occur after  The initial translational velocity vector is set in the positive di-
the detonation of fragments. For example, the following initial rection of the x-axis (Fig. 4). The intensities of the initial velocity
conditions can be set in the calculation: are given exactly for each segment of the projectile, according to
the values obtained by calculation using the Gurney method
 The shape of fragments is defined according to the dimensions (Fig. 2).
of the real fragments that are available (eg. by measuring frag-  The initial angular velocity of fragments can have any value (it is
ments - by measuring the maximum dimensions of fragments in presumed that the order of magnitude of the maximum in-
three mutually perpendicular directions) generated by detona- tensity value of the initial angular velocity is 50 rev/s). In the
tion of a particular high explosive projectile, the mean values of videos, recording the process of fragmentation of the high
the a/b and a/c dimension ratios for real fragments are obtained. explosive projectile, one can observe the general trend of
In this regard, in the calculation of the trajectories, for each mass movement of individual fragments in the first phase after the
group, the shapes (dimensions) of the fragments corresponding detonation. The footage shows that the fragments rotate at a
to the real relations a/b and a/c are defined. Fragment masses (in certain angular velocity (mostly around all three axes). Angular
1224 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

Fig. 5. Initial orientation of fragments (vector of fragment initial translational velocity is in the direction of x-axis).

velocity values cannot be determined precisely because frag- nor minimal but represents the stochastic (random) value of the
ments are moving at high velocities and the ability to estimate exposed surface.
angular velocities based on videos depends primarily on the
frame rate per second the camera enables. For example, it may After defining the initial geometric-inertial and kinematic con-
be possible to rotate a fragment several times while changing ditions, it is possible to calculate the trajectories and changes in the
one frame on the camera and to prevent proper estimation of kinetic energy of fragments of high explosive projectiles. Thus, for
the angular velocity of the body. If professional ultra-fast cam- example, Fig. 6 shows the trajectories of fragments of different
eras are available, this information can be more accurately masses and shapes, which begin the movement from a particular
determined. In the model, for example, it can be assumed that segment on the cylindrical part of the body of the 122 mm OF-462
all components of the initial angular velocity are the same and projectile. The diagram in Fig. 6 is shown (without sacrificing de-
have a value of 50 rev/s (314.16 rad/s). In this case, the total tails) to see the trajectories as closely as possible, but it should be
intensity of the initial angular velocity is 544.14 rad/s. borne in mind that in this case the maximum value at the ordinate
 The initial orientation of the fragments (Fig. 5) is also a sto- is 0.25 m and the abscissa is 35 m. Based on the results of the
chastic parameter and, in general, the initial roll angle a0, pitch program for calculation of the trajectories of fragments of indi-
angle b0, and the yaw angle g0 can take on any value. The vidual masses and shapes, and for the given initial conditions, it is
fragment is unlikely to start from an idealized orientation when, possible to estimate which fragments can reach certain distances,
for example, its initial projected surface (surface in a plane and on this basis, also the data on the number of fragments from
perpendicular to the velocity direction) is minimal individual segments of the projectile (Mott method), to estimate
(a0 ¼ b0 ¼ g0 ¼ 0) or when its initial exposed surface is the density of efficient fragments in space.
maximum (a0 ¼ g0 ¼ 0 , b0 ¼ 90 ) - these orientations (and Based on the data obtained, the change in kinetic energy of the
angles) refer to the given initial conditions when the initial fragments during the flight can also be estimated. Thus, for
velocity vector is directed in the positive direction of the x-axis example, Fig. 7 shows the drop in kinetic energy of fragments of
(Fig. 5). It can be assumed in the analysis (within the model) that different mass and shape, which begin their movement from
the fragments begin their movement from an arbitrarily chosen segment no. 16 (Fig. 1) on the cylindrical part of the 122 mm OF-462
orientation (eg, these can be angles a0 ¼ g0 ¼ b0 ¼ 45 ; Fig. 5, projectile body. The diagram shows that fragments (especially
right). It should be noted that a0, g0, and b0 do not represent the fragments of larger masses) have high kinetic energy and do not
angles of the longitudinal axis of the fragment according to the lose it significantly up to a distance of 30 m through the
coordinate axes, i.e., cosa0 þ cosg0 þ cosb0 s 1. At this orien- atmosphere.
tation, the projected surface of the fragment is neither maximal In order to better see the kinetic energy drop curves for smaller

Fig. 6. Trajectories of fragments of different masses and shapes, starting from a segment on the cylindrical part of the 122 mm OF-462 projectile body.
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1225

Fig. 7. Drop in kinetic energy of fragments of different masses and shapes, starting from the segment on the cylindrical part of the 122 mm OF-462 projectile body.

Fig. 8. The drop in kinetic energy of fragments of different masses and shapes, which
start their movement from segment no. 16 on the cylindrical part of the 122 mm OF-
462 projectile body. Fig. 9. Computer Aided Design model of projectile fragment, approximated with an

mass fragments (up to 2 g), the ordinates and abscissas of Fig. 7 can First, the results of our model for estimation of aerodynamic
be scaled and presented in another way. Thus, in Fig. 8 (Fig. 8 is just force (where fragment is approximated with triaxial ellipsoid,
“zoomed in” Fig. 7, where we tried to better represent (visualize) Fig. 9) will be compared with the results obtained by CFD (eng.
the trajectories of smaller fragments) it can be seen that even a Computer Fluid Dynamics) numerical simulations (Ansys Fluent)
fragment of mass 0.28 g has kinetic energy sufficient to incapacitate for aerodynamic forces acting on an irregularly shaped fragment
human targets (Ekin > 80 J). However, smaller mass fragments also with jagged, iregular surface (Fig. 10). The flow was directed to-
have a smaller range, which is particularly important, for example, wards positive and negative y and z axes (shown in Fig. 9).
for the 122 mm OF-462 projectile, which after fragmentation has a Table 1 shows comparisons of results for the aerodynamic force
very large number of fragments (about 40% of all fragments) with a acting on the fragment (Fig. 9) obtained by numeric simulations
mass below 0.5 g, which can significantly affect the effectiveness of (for real fragment) with the results for force obtained using the our
projectiles because fragments of a given mass group generally have aerodynamic force model (correction due to compressibility of air
a short range. taken into account).
Based on the results of the kinetic energy levels of fragments of The results in Table 1 show there are no large deviations (rela-
given shapes, for given initial conditions, it is possible, using the tive difference of 5.3%e23.6%) for flow in the direction of z axis for
Mott method, to estimate the density of efficient fragments at this fragment (flow towards largest exposed area of fragment). In
certain distances from the detonation center and subsequently the
lethal radius of this projectile. For the 122 mm OF-462 projectile,
for example, in which 16 segments on the body are analyzed
(16e31, Fig. 1), and for the given mass groups (12 of them), a total of
192 trajectory calculations were performed.
The calculation of the trajectories for the given fragments, under
such initial conditions defined, takes very short time - about 1 s (the
initial coordinates z0 have low values and the flight time of the
fragments is short), with trajectories for each projectile segment
(12 trajectories because there are 12 mass groups) are written to a
single document (MS Excel) for easier analysis.
We will give here a comparison between our model for deter-
mining aerodynamic force (necessary for trajectory calculations)
and model where the force is determined via drag coefficient, since
determining the aerodynamic force is the single most important
task when estimating the trajectory of a body and hence model
accuracy. Our model also includes compressibility effects which are
important in supersonic flow of high explosive projectile
fragments. Fig. 10. Refinement of mesh around irregularly shaped fragment (Ansys Fluent).
1226 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

Table 1
Comparison of results for aerodynamic force acting on fragment, obtained by nu-
merical simulations and developed model.

Velocity Fragment
Airflow in direction of y axis Airflow in direction of z axis

F_model F_simul rel. diff. F_model F_simul rel. diff

/N /N /% /N /N /%

1 58.38 82.33 41.02 108.26 113.95 5.25

1.2 81.89 118.65 44.89 152.55 166.15 8.92
1.3 94.86 138.30 45.79 177.12 194.48 9.80
1.5 123.08 179.67 45.98 230.94 255.12 10.47
2 206.29 302.30 46.54 391.62 432.21 10.37
3 423.78 641.11 51.28 820.49 904.52 10.24
4 707.68 1129.3 59.58 1390.4 1541.4 10.86
Velocity Airflow in direction of -y axis Airflow in direction of -z axis Fig. 12. Experimental data for drag force coefficient CD for fragments [18].
/Ma F_model F_simul rel. diff. F_model F_simul rel. diff.
/N /N /% /N /N /%
1 58.38 71.98 23.30 108.26 120.09 10.94
1.2 81.89 105.11 28.36 152.55 174.34 14.28 surfaces were considered so the results can also be compared with
1.3 94.86 123.31 29.99 177.12 204.83 15.65 results obtained with our model (shown in Table 1). Dimensions of
1.5 123.08 159.99 29.98 230.94 271.26 17.46 the fragment were the same as in Fig. 9. Air density was taken as
2 206.29 265.27 28.59 391.62 462.37 18.07 value at sea level, r ¼ 1.225 kg/m3.
3 423.78 524.68 23.81 820.49 982.39 19.73
4 707.68 890.58 25.85 1390.4 1718.3 23.58
Experimental [18] values (CDmax, CDaver) were taken as an
approximate CD values for this fragment. Fig. 12 presents these data.
It is assumed that values of CDmax correspond for the case when the
fragment was exposed to flow with the largest surface projection
case of flow towards the smaller exposed surface of the fragment
(Amax), and CDaver for the case when the fragment was exposed to
(ie in the direction of the positive and negative y axis; Table 1,
flow with an average surface projection (Aaver).
Fig. 9), the relative differences are somewhat larger (23.3%e59.6%).
Table 2 presents the comparison of results for the aerodynamic
Also for different directions of fluid flow, even in the same direction
force acting on the fragment (from Fig. 11), obtained by numerical
(same axis), the results may be significantly different (Table 1). It
simulations (Fig. 10), and results using the “classical” model (force
should be noted that every possible fragment (even with the same
determined via drag force coefficient), for two directions of flow
general dimensions) will have somewhat different values of these
(towards positive/negative y and z axis, Fig. 11). Relative differences
forces because of the stochastic nature of the natural fragmentation
between the results for aerodynamic force obtained by the “clas-
sical” approach and numerical simulation (for a fragment) for flows
Next, the results from numerical simulations for real fragments
towards the y axis were from 192.8% to 386.3% and for flow towards
were then compared with the results for the aerodynamic force
the z axis from 128.5% to 206.5% (Table 2). These errors can be larger
acting on fragment - determined using the “classical” model (F ¼
or smaller depending on adopted CD values as well as adopted
0:5rACD v2 ) where force is determined via drag force coefficient (to values of the reference area (ie. projected area of a body). When CD
establish the order of errors). In this analysis, the fragment was values are adopted as constant (ie such as in DDESB/Department of
approximated with parallelepiped (Fig. 11), as this shape approxi- Defense Explosives Safety Board model), the errors can grow
mation is suggested by some authors. The largest projection of the significantly.
exposed surface of the fragment was represented with Amax ¼ ab As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, using the “classical”
(Fig. 11), the average projection of fragment exposed surface is approach for the determination of aerodynamic force acting on a
assumed Aaver ¼ ac; smallest projection of the exposed surface of fragment can give significantly larger errors (192%e386%) than
the fragment, in this case, is Amin ¼ bc (Fig. 11). These projected using our physical model (where rel. differences were <60%,
Table 1), which can lead to erroneous (less accurate) results for
fragment trajectory.

2.5. Module for estimating the density of efficient fragments

In order to be able to estimate the efficiency zone of a high

explosive projectile, with the knowledge of the above parameters,
it is necessary to first determine the density of effective fragments
at different distances from the detonation point.
The estimation of the efficiency of a high explosive projectile is
based, first of all, on the knowledge of the density function of
efficient fragments from a high explosive projectile depending on
the distance from the explosion center. The model assumes that the
distribution of fragments in space is symmetrical with respect to
the axis of symmetry of the projectile (Fig. 13).
Previous models of researchers in the world, which defined the
density of efficient fragments in space, are based largely on the
results of experimental studies in fragmentation arenas, which,
although irreplaceable, are quite expensive and time-consuming,
Fig. 11. Fragment approximated with a parallelepiped. and in addition require the work of larger number of people
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1227

Table 2
Comparison of results for force acting on fragment, obtained by “classical” model (force determined via drag force coefficient) and numerical simulations.

Velocity Fragment
/Ma Airflow in direction of y axis Airflow in direction of z axis
F_classical model F_simul rel. diff. F_classical model F_simul rel. diff
/N /N /% /N /N /%

1 16.93 82.33 386.29 39.18 113.95 190.83

1.2 27.77 118.65 327.25 60.43 166.15 174.94
1.3 34.27 138.31 303.55 73.57 194.48 164.34
1.5 49.41 179.67 263.70 104.33 255.12 144.53
2 82.52 302.31 266.33 176.01 432.21 145.57
3 171.26 641.11 274.34 379.66 904.52 138.24
4 304.14 1129.3 271.30 674.47 1541.46 128.54

Velocity Airflow in direction of -y axis Airflow in direction of -z axis

/Ma F_classical model F_simul rel. diff. F_classical model F_simul rel. diff.
/N /N /% /N /N /%

1 16.93 71.98 325.16 39.18 120.09 206.50

1.2 27.77 105.11 278.50 60.43 174.34 188.49
1.3 34.27 123.31 259.81 73.57 204.83 178.41
1.5 49.41 159.99 223.86 104.33 271.26 160.00
2 82.52 265.27 221.46 176.01 462.37 162.71
3 171.26 524.68 206.36 379.66 982.39 158.75
4 304.14 890.58 192.81 674.47 1718.36 154.77

fragments of a certain mass - fragments that, based on the results of

the model for estimating the trajectory of fragments, reach the
distance for which the density of fragments is determined.
The target surface Sm from expression (18) is taken arbitrarily,
and this area may be the area of the panel in the semicircular arena,
the area of the sector in the quarter-circular arena, the exposed
surface of the standing man, or any other value. The ratio SUi/Sm
from expression (18) is the ratio of the surface area of a part of a
sphere cut off by a spatial angle in a given polar zone to the surface
of the target (eg. panel or arena sector).
The general expression for defining the area of a part of a sphere
cut off by two adjacent space angles for the i-th polar zone (Fig. 13)
is given by the expression SUi ¼ 2pRk 2 ðcos qi  cos qiþ1 Þ, where the
angles q define the angular width of the target (eg. panel, sector),
looking from the projectile segments [7].
Fig. 13 shows the geometric parameters (polar angles - q, areas
of part of a sphere cut off by the spatial angle U in a given polar zone
- SU, target surface - Sm, distance to the target - Rk) required to
determine the total number of fragments that occur after frag-
Fig. 13. Polar zones in determining the number of fragments in space. mentation of high explosive projectile.
The formula for determining the number of fragments ni in i-th
polar zone hitting the target with area Sm at the distance Rk can be
(counting penetrations in wooden panels). represented in the form:
The total number of fragments Nuk in space can be estimated by
summing the number of fragments Ni in projectile segments: Nuk ¼
i¼1 Ni , where Ni ¼ ni SUi =Sm , where ni is the number of fragments
ni ¼ Ni (19)
hitting the target Sm, and SUi is the surface area of a sphere cut off by 2pRk ðcos qi  cos qiþ1 Þ

a spatial angle in a given polar zone. These methods for estimating

the density of fragments are generally based on knowing (experi- When the value of the number of fragments ni in i-th polar zone
mentally - via tests in the fragm. arena) the parameter ni - number is known, estimation of the density of fragments at a certain dis-
of fragments that hit the arena panels. In our new model, on the tance from the detonation center can be determined. Namely, the
other hand, it is necessary to determine exactly the number of density of fragments qi at a certain distance from the center of
fragments ni in the i-th polar zone that hit the target, for the known detonation can be expressed via the formula qi ¼ ni =Sm , so the
total number of fragments Ni in the i-th polar zone, using the density of (all) fragments qi at a certain distance from the center of
expression: detonation, and for the i-th polar zone, can be written in the form:

Sm Ni
ni ¼ Ni (18) qi ¼ (20)
S Ui 2pRk ðcos qi  cos qiþ1 Þ

The total number of fragments Ni from expression (18) is In our model it is necessary to determine the density of efficient
determined by the Mott method, in interaction with the module for (energies greater than 80 J) fragments qef-i, so expression (20) can
predicting the trajectory of fragments, taking into account only be represented in the following form:
1228 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

Fig. 14. Example of determination of polar angles - angles measured from the axis of a 122 mm OF-462 projectile to the top and bottom of the 1st sector of the quarter-circular arena
(10 m).

tests in the former Yugoslavia, it was considered that only frag-

Nefi ments with energy greater than 80 J could penetrate 2.5 cm thick
qefi ¼ (21)
2pRk 2 ðcos qi  cos qiþ1 Þ wooden panels.
A number of parameters affect the efficiency of fragments, the
Here Nef-i is the total number of effective fragments in a given most important being the kinetic energy, the shape of the fragment,
polar zone around the projectile. In the model, polar angles qi are the current orientation of the fragment at the time of impact, and
measured from the projectile axis to the directions connecting the the location of the impact of the fragment. Since it is almost
centers of the selected segments with the top and bottom of the impossible to predict precisely all these parameters, the procedure
arena (Fig. 14). These angles are precisely determined in CAD is simplified by determining the reference level of kinetic energy.
(Computer Aided Design) software, based on the projectile and All fragments with kinetic energy above the reference are consid-
arena drawings (1: 1 scale). Fig. 14 shows, for example, that the ered effective in the stated sense of penetration efficiency of
angles q1 ¼ 81.2 and q2 ¼ 91.4 for the first sector of the arena wooden panels of a certain thickness.
(distance from the projectile is 10 m), for the case of the 122 mm
OF-462 projectile. The angles for the other two sectors of the
quarter-circular arena (used in our country) are similarly deter- 2.6. Module for estimating the lethal radius of HE projectiles
mined. These angles, together with information for the radius of
fragm. arenas, are used in an expression (21). Based on the known value of effective fragments density, it is
The total number of effective fragments Nef-i from expression possible to determine the lethal radius (and area of the high
(21) is determined using the mass distribution estimation module explosive projectile efficiency zone) against human targets. The
(Mott’s method) and the fragment trajectory prediction module. area of efficiency of a high explosive projectile is a circular surface
Specifically, the Mott method estimates the number of fragments of (zone) within which fragments with greater than 80 J are present
a given mass group, as well as the total number of fragments Ni for a and within which the density of effective fragments is greater than
given projectile segment (the projectile is divided into a larger 1 fragment per m2 of surface area. The boundary curve (circle) of
number of segments in CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, the efficiency zone is obtained provided that the density of efficient
Fig. 1). fragments is equal to 1 fragment/m2 - it is assumed that a standing
When the total number of fragments (and the number of frag- soldier, with an exposed area of 1 m2 towards the center of the
ments by specific mass groups, ie the number of fragments of mass explosion, receives at least one effective fragment. Of course,
greater than mass m) generated from a given segment of the HE analysis can also be carried out according to the needs of the
projectile is known, the trajectory simulations for different mass research with the assumption that the density of efficient frag-
groups (and fragments shapes) determine the trajectory and a ments is greater or less than 1 frag/m2.
decrease in the velocity and kinetic energy of the fragments for The authors used the effective fragments density criteria of 1
each segment of the projectile body. The kinetic energy of a frag- fragm/m2 to calculate the radius of efficiency since this is the
ment at a certain distance can be determined, using the model standard used in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ie the former Yugoslavia,
results for estimating the fragment trajectory, since the mass of the similar to the Warsaw Pact countries models (large scale frontal
fragment and its translational velocity during flight at any given attack). Western countries, on the other hand, take into account a
time are known. The rotational kinetic energy of a fragment is lower density of soldiers per surface area. In addition, this density
negligible relative to its translational kinetic energy [7]. of 1 fragm/m2 was used in the standard arena test in our country to
The next step in the model is to determine, based on the results compare the efficiency of high explosive projectiles in the devel-
obtained from the calculation in the fragment trajectory program, opment and production phase, and as such is an important
which fragments have kinetic energy greater than 80 J (from frag- parameter in the preliminary analysis of the fragmentation po-
ments whose range is greater than the distance for which the tential of high explosive projectiles. But generally speaking, this
density of efficient fragments is considered) for incapacitation of parameter is arbitrary and it can be taken into analysis that the
human targets (eg. soldiers on the battlefield). density of soldiers in the field is, for example, less than or greater
After the values of the number of effective fragments for certain than 1 fragm/m2, depending on the needs of the researcher.
segments of the projectile at a given distance are known, the When evaluating the efficiency, similar to fragment density, it is
density of effective fragments at that distance (expression 21), for a assumed that the projectile is positioned vertically to the ground,
given polar zone, is determined. The density function of efficient with the fuze facing the ground. In this way, the maximum effi-
fragments has a declining character, and in the regression analysis ciency zone for a given projectile is obtained, since it is known that
it is usually an exponential or power function (depending on the by reducing the impact angle, the projectile efficiency zone is also
correlation coefficient). reduced. In previous studies, Catovic [10] found that the density of
Regarding the criteria of the kinetic energy of the fragments efficient fragments is a decreasing function (3D surface) going from
(80 J) used in the model, this is the energy level required for the the center of detonation and that the highest density of fragments
fragment to be considered effective (incapacitating human targets) is in the lateral spray. Fig. 15 shows the dominant side spray; For
and has been accepted in most NATO countries. Also, in the arena clearer visualization, a projectile model (2D section) was added to
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1229

Fig. 17. The sequence of the video showing fragments strikes in the arena sectors after
the detonation of the high explosive projectile (Pretis Sarajevo military factory test
Fig. 15. Effective fragment densities for122 mm OF-462 for different polar zones [10]. site).

the diagram, with the tip facing in the appropriate direction. As stated earlier, this model assumes that most of the front spray
The lethal radius is determined by first determining the den- fragments for this high explosive projectile position (the position in
sities of the effective fragments for different distances from the which the projectile is placed in the quarter-circular arena, or any
detonation center, after which regression analysis is used to define similar arena) are pointing toward the ground. Confirmation of this
the curve that best fits the data obtained (usually exponential or assumption can be seen in Fig. 17, which shows the moment after
power functions; namely, to keep the correlation coefficient as fragmentation of a 122 mm high explosive projectile. The picture
close as possible to the value 1). shows a video sequence of the impact of fragments into the sectors
Regression analysis of the effective fragment density data, with of the quarter-circular arena after the detonation of a high explo-
the aim of estimating the lethal radius of a HE projectile, is per- sive projectile at the test site of the Pretis Sarajevo factory. The shot
formed by software (for this purpose MatLab is very suitable). After was taken with a Canon dSLR camera and a Tamron tele-zoom lens
determining the approximation curve by regression analysis, the at a distance of about 100 m from the center of the blast.
distance at which the density of effective fragments is equal to 1 Fig. 17 shows that, after the projectile explosion, many frag-
frag/m2 is determined, thus defining the radius of the efficiency ments strike the ground (fragments from the front of the projectile
zone of a high explosive projectile against human targets. When the body), and detonation products are present that spread rapidly
lethal radius is known, the procedure for determining the area of around the explosion site. It is worth mentioning that the deto-
the efficiency zone is trivial, using the expression: Aef ¼ Ref2
p. nation pressure for TNT, the charge inside the 122 mm OF-462
Fig. 16 is a schematic representation (in scale) of a 2D model of a projectile, is 17.2 GPa and it is sufficient for the rapid disintegra-
122 mm OF-462 artillery projectile, divided into segments. In red, tion of the projectile body (the detonation pressure is much greater
schematic trajectories of the lateral (dominant) spray of fragments than the tensile strength of the steel forming the projectile body)
at the initial part of the trajectory are indicated (these trajectories and fragmentation into a large number of pieces. The temperature
naturally are not straight-line trajectories but represent part of the of the detonation products is about 3040 K, and during the deto-
ballistic trajectory of fragments). This position of the projectile nation, about 580 L of detonation products are developed per 1 kg
(Fig. 16) is suitable so that the results can be compared with the of an explosive charge (software EXPLO 5).
experimental results from the quarter-circular fragmentation arena It is assumed that fragment end spray in the position of the high
used in the former Yugoslavia. explosive projectile, as shown in Fig. 17, goes above the quarter-
circular arena sectors. In the real case, this may be considered at
least partially correct because the projectile body expands after
detonation and the rear spray of fragments for a given impact angle
(90 ) probably start moving at relatively large elevation angles
(relative to the ground). The model, therefore, neglects the front
and end spray of fragments from the high explosive projectile when
estimating the radius of the efficiency zone against human targets.
It should also be noted here that it is sometimes overlooked that
the character of the density curve of effective fragments as a
function of distance (on the basis of which the radius of the effi-
ciency zone against human targets is determined) depends a great
deal on data from the closest sector of the arena (first sector in
Fig. 17). These data can skew results so a special attention should be
exercised when counting penetration data.

3. Calculation of the lethal zone radius and analysis of results

Based on the model developed, the lethal radius was evaluated

for four artillery projectiles: 105 mm M1 (TNT), 122 mm OF-462
(TNT), 122 mm M76 (Comp. B), 130 mm M79 (TNT). The results
Fig. 16. 122 mm OF-462 projectile division into segments and dominant side spray of were compared with the experimentally obtained (quarter-circular
fragments with schematically shown trajectories. arena tests used in the former Yugoslavia, Fig. 20) lethal radius
1230 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

Fig. 18. Artillery projectiles tested [7].

Fig. 19. Four artillery projectiles for which the model has been used to determine the lethal radius (122 mm OF-462, 122 mm M76, 130 mm M79 and 105 mm M1).

the mass of explosives to the mass of body C/M and the ratio t/d) of
the projectiles considered.
This research uses the results of fragmentation tests of high
explosive projectiles performed by detonation in a quarter-circle
fragmentation arena (Fig. 20) at the Pretis factory in Sarajevo.
The results of these tests are used to evaluate the parameters of
the spatial distribution of fragments and the efficiency of a high
explosive projectile. This fragmentation test is applied in the design
phase and serial production of high explosive projectiles. Frag-
mentation arena test data is used for determination of the number
of penetrations of fragments per area of the arena at different
Fig. 20. A quarter-circle fragmentation arena at the Pretis factory in Sarajevo.
distances, the spatial distribution of fragments and lethal radius of
the projectile. The warhead or projectile in the test is placed
vertically in the center of the arena at ground level, with the fuze
values for the given projectiles. Fig. 18 shows the projectiles used in facing the ground, and detonated electrically. The number of pen-
the analysis, as well as their CAD (Computer Aided Design) models etrations per square meter can be determined for each individual
(2D cross-sections). projectile, or the average for the group is calculated. The calculation
Fig. 19 shows the CAD (Computer Aided Design) models of the is made for each sector according to the general form:
given artillery projectiles and the central segments of the projectile
body considered in the analysis (down to the obturating band). qi ¼ (22)
Table 3 shows the characteristics of the projectile components
Si G i
and their ballistic performance. Here qi is the number of penetrations per m2, ni is the number of
Table 4 gives the mass and geometric parameters (the ratio of penetrations in the sector of radius Ri, Si is an area of the sector (m2)
A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233 1231

Table 3
Characteristics of the projectile components and their ballistic performance.

Projectile Components characteristics Performance

Component Mass/kg Length/mm Material Muzzle velocity Max. pressure Range

/(m∙s-1) /MPa /km

105 mm M1 body 11,8 398 

C.9180 VP with 7. charge: 230 11,6
explosive 2,2 342 TNT 491
fuze 0,9 max. Steel, Brass
(PD M557) 152
122 mm OF-462 body 17,8 502 
C.1737 VP with reduced charge: 230 11,8
explosive 3,5 448 TNT 515 with full charge: 245 15,3
fuze 0,42 max. Steel 690
(UTIU M72) 105
122 mm M76 body 17,2 500 
C.9180 VP with full charge: 260 17,2
explosive 4,2 445 Comp. B 735
fuze 0,42 max. Steel
(UTIU M72) 105
130 mm M79 body 27,5 557 
C.1737 VP with reduced charge: 265 19,1
explosive 3,6 485 TNT 705 with full charge: 309 27,5
fuze 0,42 max. Steel 930
(UTIU M72) 105

Table 4 In summary, the results for the high explosive projectile lethal
Mass and geometric parameters of the projectiles considered. radius, obtained by the described physical model show good
Projectile Body mass/kg Expl. mass/kg C/M t/d agreement (relative differences less than 17%) with the experi-
105 mm M1 11.8 2.18 (TNT) 0.217 0.191
mental results (it should be noted that, even for the same projectile,
122 mm OF-462 17.8 3.53 (TNT) 0.219 0.185 significant differences in values of lethal radius during fragmenta-
122 mm M76 17.2 4.2 (Comp.B) 0.298 0.149 tion tests in the arena are possible [7]), although a relatively large
130 mm M79 27.5 3.6 (TNT) 0.141 0.278 number of assumptions and approximations in the model were
adopted. As such, the model developed represents a small step
forward in the complex study of the terminal-ballistic parameters
of radius Ri, Gi is the number of projectiles fragmented within one of a high explosive projectile.
group. The number of penetrations per m2 is shown graphically by Future research in this area could focus on:
sectors (for different radii).
In order to accurately determine the lethal radius for high 1. Development of new models:
explosive projectiles, regression analysis of the data (e.g., Matlab,  Numerical simulation of the projectile body fragmentation,
Curve Fitting Toolbox) is performed, and the approximate functions where the initial velocity of fragments, the angle of ejection
of the efficient fragment density are determined. These functions and deformation of the projectile body can be estimated. For
are generally power (y ¼ a,xb) or exponential (y ¼ a,e(b,x)). The these simulations, it is important to properly select the frac-
functions are chosen so that the correlation coefficient (between ture model of the body material and the equation of state for
the experimental data and the approximation curve) is as close as individual projectile materials and to adequately characterize
possible to 1. The lethal radius of a high explosive projectile is the material, which requires relatively expensive experi-
determined experimentally as the distance from the center of mental research.
detonation at which the density of effective fragments (those that  Simulation of the impact of fragments of high explosive
have penetrated the wooden targets of the arena) is equal to 1 projectiles into different targets (human targets, wooden and
fragment/m2. metal targets, concrete structures, etc.).
Using the developed model, described in the paper, with all its  Extension of the model for evaluation of efficiency to other
modules (Section 2), the radii of efficiency for the given artillery types of high explosive projectiles (eg. mortar projectiles,
projectiles (presented in Fig. 18) were calculated and compared rocket warheads).
with the experimental results [7] (fragmentation tests in the 2. Monte Carlo simulations for statistical determination of frag-
Yugoslav arena, Fig. 20), and the results are presented in Table 5. ment trajectories set for different initial conditions, in a certain
More information on the step by step procedure for calculating range of variables, where stochasticity is introduced.
the radius of efficiency using this model for a given high explosive 3. Additional experimental tests should be performed to deter-
projectile can be found in Refs. [7], bearing in mind that this mine what the real kinetic energy level (for the energy of frag-
reference is written in Bosnian language. ments of different mass) is required to penetrate these wooden
panels, and how much energy of the fragment is lost after
Table 5 4. Supplementing the experimental database:
Lethal radius of high explosive projectiles against human targets for a given artillery
 Fragmentation tests in the pit and semicircular arena should
projectile (model comparison with experimental results).
be performed for other types of high explosive projectiles.
Projectile Lethal radius  Development of a technique for experimental measurement
Model/m Experiment/m Rel. diff./% of fragment velocity.
105 mm M1 (TNT) 19,7 16,9 16,5  Development of a method for visualizing the trajectory and
122 mm OF-462 (TNT) 25,3 22,8 10,9 stability of fragments in flight, using a gas cannon, ultra-fast
122 mm M76 (Comp. B) 26,5 30,2 13,9 cameras, and barriers for measuring the speed of fragments
130 mm M79 (TNT) 29,3 27,2 7,7 during flight.
1232 A. Catovic, E. Kljuno / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 1217e1233

 Assessment of damage to targets that simulate human targets aerodynamic moment for the center of mass. In this way, the model
(ballistic gelatin models) by the effects of fragments of high does not require force coefficients but directly obtains the drag
explosive projectiles. force. The kinetic energy of the fragment (parameter important for
5. Development of software: lethal radius estimation) at different distances was determined
 Development of a program for fast calculation of the lethal using this model, as the fragment mass and its velocity during a
radius of a high explosive projectile, based on the developed flight are known. This model also has been successfuly validated
model. with experimental data and numerical simulations using Ansys
Fluent. Model for aerodynamic force and moment estimation,
which is the most important part of 6DOF trajectory model, showed
4. Conclusions significantly better accuracy than model that uses drag force co-
efficient for calculating the force that acts on a fragment during its
The model is comprehensive, consisting of several modules, motion thrugh the air.
where every part has some novelty: CAD (Computer Aided Design) The model for determination of fragments trajectory is imple-
modeling of a real projectile, analytical estimation of fragments mented in the new MatLab program, written by authors.
number (Mott formula), prediction of fragments initial velocity Novel estimation of efficient fragments density model involves
(Gurney formula), calculation of fragments trajectory (6DOF/Six interactively combined: CAD (Computer Aided Design) method,
Degrees of Freedom), estimation of efficient fragments density, and optimized Mott method, 6DOF (Six Degrees of Freedom) trajectory
estimation of the projectile lethal radius. model and analytical model for spatial fragment density
The model effectively takes into account the real geometry of determination.
projectile via CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling component. The lethal radius of high explosive projectile against human
Computer Aided Design models of projectiles are also used in targets is defined as a distance from the explosion at which there is
fragment mass distribution (Mott model) determination; the an efficient fragment (kinetic energy of at least 80 J) density of 1
calculation of the initial velocity of fragments; to define initial frag/m2. It is assumed that the position of a projectile upon deto-
conditions (the initial coordinates of fragments for trajectory, nation is vertical to the ground, so lethal radius represents a radius
depending on their position on the body of the projectile); to of a circular lethal zone - a maximal possible lethal zone of a pro-
calculate the polar angles that appear in equations for estimation of jectile on the ground. This parameter (lethal radius) can be used in
the efficient fragments density. an initial phase of design to compare the efficiency of different high
The model uses (where Pit fragmentation data is available) explosive projectiles.
optimized Mott constant value for a given projectile. In this way, the The model showed overall good agreement with experimental
agreement between the experimental data (Pit tests) and the Mott results from arena fragmentation tests (used in our country).
model is better. The number of fragments is determined analyti- This model can be used in any terminal-ballistics scenario for
cally using an optimized Mott method for a large number of body high explosive projectiles since it is general, parametric, fast and
segments (the body is sectioned into quasi-cylindrical segments). relatively easy to implement. The model also saves money, since it
The model assumes that only fragments from the central part of the can extrapolate from calculations of some important data and
body up to the rotating band are involved in efficiency calculation implement them with fewer fragmentation tests (which are
(it is assumed that fragments from the front and rear spray do not generally expensive) when designing new projectiles or modifying
significantly contribute to the efficiency of high-explosive the old ones.
The initial velocities of fragments were determined for a large Declaration of competing interest
number of projectile segments, using the Gurney model. In this
analysis, the detonation velocity of explosive was determined by The authors declare that they have no known competing
software EXPLO5, for a given charge density - determined from the financial interests or personal relationships that could have
table data for explosive mass and its volume (determined in the appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Computer Aided Design system - based on projectile drawings). The
obtained data on the initial velocities of fragments are used in the
model for the calculation of the fragment trajectories, for better References
realistic initial conditions.
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