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This fascinating autobiography and multifaceted case history in neuroscience research is accessible to
laymen and potentially instructive to working scientists. Kandel takes the reader through his thought
processes as he describes experiments that led to some of the past decades’ major neuroscience
discoveries (some highlights of which are summarized in the review’s Appendix), and eventually to his
Nobel Prize. The review analyzes some of the terminological and conceptual issues that have often
inhibited communication between behavior analysts and neuroscientists, with special attention to some
of Bennett and Hacker’s admonitions viewed from the perspective of language evolution and linguistics.
The review then discusses opportunities for behavior analysts to collaborate with neuroscientists by
applying behavioral contingency analysis to help specify the independent variables of neuroscience
experiments described by Kandel. Finally, it examines Kandel’s provocative heuristics for locating
important research problems, and the lessons that can be gleaned from the book regarding the
attributes of potentially great achievers.
Key words: cognitive neuroscience, contingencies, scientific behavior, scientific method, terminology,
the mereological fallacy, reductionism


The physiologist of the future will tell us all that can and molecular mechanisms of learning and
be known about what is happening inside the memory.1
behaving organism. His account will be an advance Kandel’s detailed account of the stream of
over a behavioral analysis, because the latter is … discoveries that have progressively been fulfill-
confined to functional relations showing temporal
gaps. Something is done today which affects the ing some of Skinner’s and Freud’s anticipa-
behavior of an organism tomorrow. No matter how tions is not just that of a great scientist whose
clearly that fact can be established, a step is missing, own work it describes, but also that of a master
and we must wait for the physiologist to supply it. He science writer, story teller, philosopher of
will be able to show how an organism is changed science, and humanist. He laces the story with
when exposed to contingencies of reinforcement and intimate and sometimes gripping autobio-
why the changed organism then behaves in a graphical details as he discusses the personal-
different way, possibly at a much later date. — B. ities, motivations, thought processes, hypothe-
F. Skinner, 1974, pp. 236–237 ses, fumblings, sources of inspiration and
The deficiencies in our description would probably
personal lives of dozens of the field’s leading
vanish if we were already in a position to replace the
psychological terms by physiological and chemical contributors.
ones … —Sigmund Freud, 1922 This approach is valuable in three ways.
First, it can inform us of some important
If Freud and Skinner were alive today, they recent advances in neuroscience, highlights of
might well agree that Kandel’s work is what which are summarized in the Appendix
they had in mind when they wrote those following this review. Second, like all great
comments. Both began their scientific ca- case histories, it contributes to answering such
reers in the physiology laboratory, to which perennial questions as: What do good scien-
neither of them ever returned. Kandel made tists do? What are the conditions that produce
the reverse journey: from being a Freudian them? What predictive characteristics identify
psychoanalyst disillusioned by that field’s them? Skinner (1956), Marr (2003a), and
unscientific direction, he proceeded on a others have made the point that case histories
path that took him into the physiology
laboratory and in 2000 to Stockholm where 1
Kandel has also been awarded the National Medal of
he accepted the Nobel Prize in Physiology Science, the Wolf Prize, the Gairdner International Award,
or Medicine for decoding the biochemical the Charles A. Dana Award and the Lasker Award. In Search
of Memory was awarded the 2006 Los Angeles Times Book
Award for Science and Technology. Kandel is also co-
author of the widely used textbook ‘‘Principles of Neural
doi: 10.1901/jeab.2008.90-235 Science.’’


tend to be of more help in answering such TERMINOLOGICAL, SEMANTIC, AND

questions than philosophers of science. I will CONCEPTUAL ISSUES
return later to ways in which In Search of Memory
The contentions at discipline boundaries
bears on such questions.
tend to occur mostly in the realms of terminol-
And third, Kandel suggests an interesting
ogy, semantics, and conceptualization. Because
heuristic for identifying potentially fruitful
those types of issues tend to loom large when
directions and strategies for scientific research.
behavior analysts read a book like Kandel’s, I
Some behavior analysts ponder such questions will devote a significant part of the review to
as: In what directions can behavioral science attempts to bring them into perspective.
now progress? How can behavior analysis The language of every discipline evolves
continue to move forward as an experimental continuously, through processes of importing
science and not just as a series of applied terms, coining new ones and phasing out
technologies? What might be some of the others. The imported terms are then usually
field’s next great challenges? Kandel makes used in novel ways. Let’s look at some familiar
the provocative suggestion that the best place examples.
to look for answers to such questions is at the Physics imported force, mass, energy, time,
boundaries of disciplines: space, atom, particle, etc.; it coined voltage,
Few things are more exhilarating than bringing joule, photon, electron, proton, etc., and
a new way of thinking to another discipline. phased out phlogiston, earth, air, ether,
This cross-fertilization of disciplines is what essence, etc. Chemistry imported and phased
Jimmy Schwartz, Alden Spencer, and I had in out many of these same terms, and imported
mind … when we called our new division at bond, element, heat, charge, acid, base, fat,
NYU ‘‘neurobiology and behavior.’’ (p. 310)2 and the names of most metals. It coined
Ernst Mach makes a similar point in Analysis oxidation, benzene, hydroxyl, ketone, halo-
of Sensations: gen, etc. Biology imported life, cell, mem-
brane, plant, evolution, the names of many
… they [two different fields of science] may organs, etc.; it coined paramecium, bacterium,
come into closer contact, when it is noticed virus, protein, mitochondria, DNA, RNA, etc.;
that unexpected light is thrown on the and phased out vis viva, spirits, humors,
doctrines of one by the doctrines of another
phlegm, etc.
… the temporary relation between them [the
fields of science] brings about a transforma- Behavior analysis imported behavior, motor,
tion of our conceptions…. (Mach, 1914/1959) response, stimulus, learning, conditioning,
reinforcement, schedule, extinction, punish-
This heuristic makes sense when we consid- ment, avoidance, discrimination, generaliza-
er that demarcations and boundaries of tion, drive, sensation, perception, memory,
scientific disciplines do not exist in nature — visual, seeing, hearing, emotion, thinking,
they just reflect primitive efforts to categorize a attention, choice, etc. and coined operant,
natural universe we have barely begun to respondent, mand, IRT, etc. Neuroscience
understand. Since there is only a single natural imported many of these same terms, as well
universe for scientific disciplines to explore, as brain, mind, mental, representation, map,
the expansion of their domains within this storage, image, visualization, etc., and many
universe must inevitably bring them into terms from biology, and coined neuron, axon,
increasing contact. That is what we are ganglion, synapse, dendrite, cortex, etc. For
currently witnessing in the case of neurosci- both current behavior analysis and neurosci-
ence and behavior analysis. ence, the phasing out process has not yet
But boundary contact also entails frictions. proceeded long enough to permit it to be
A review of a neuroscience book for this viewed with any real perspective.3
journal would be remiss if it did not address
some of these, given how they often inhibit I am reluctant to discuss so-called cognitive psychology
communication and collaboration between as a separate discipline because the extremely heteroge-
neous set of activities so designated range from metaphys-
these two fields. ical word games at one extreme to important behavior
research at the other, and any effort to categorize these
All references to In Search of Memory will be indicated by activities would not be germane to the point being made
page numbers only. here.

THE EVOLUTION OF TERMINOLOGIES objectively observable with the instruments

AND CONCEPTS that contemporary technology provided. This
requirement appeared to exclude the study of
One thing these examples show is that entities that Skinner termed ‘‘private events’’
adjacent disciplines often import the same — thinking, emotion, and other ‘‘mental
terms but then use them differently, and that processes,’’ — which constituted much of the
over time, terminologies and concepts, like domain of traditional psychology.4
theories, are phased out and replaced by more Not surprisingly, the resulting no-man’s
useful ones. This process accelerates when the land was promptly preempted by psychologists
measurement technology of one discipline is who were less committed to the rigors of
applied to the phenomena of the other. For empirical science. They freely imported the
example, the invention of the telescope terminology of colloquial parlance without
revolutionized astronomy; the microscope, concern for observability, and did not hesitate
biology; and the spectrometer, chemistry. to postulate hypothetical neural mechanisms
Kandel shows us how the technologies of as presumptive explanatory constructs.
single-cell recording, recombinant DNA, PET Kandel, though he applied some of Pavlov’s
and fMRI have similarly produced far-reaching paradigms in his research, often comments on
changes in certain conceptualizations in psy- why neuroscientists, in their explorations of
chology, behavior analysis, and neuroscience. neural correlates of behavioral phenomena,
We may also be seeing this process at work in generally found cognitive concepts more
ongoing discussions of whether neural or attractive than those of the ‘‘behaviorists’’
other internal processes should qualify as (Palmer, 2003). This preference was rein-
behavior (Marr, 2003b, pp. 76–77; Moore, forced by the discovery of neural correlates
2008, Ch. 4), and there are different views as of various perceptual processes, visualization,
to the necessity of overt muscle engagement, various types of memory, emotion, certain
i.e., movement (Hefferline & Keenan, 1963; language functions, and of many other behav-
Jacobson, 1932), or even of covert engage- ioral phenomena that cognitive psychologists
ment (Mechner, 1992, pp. 12–18). Thompson had been claiming as their domain. Schaal
(2007) makes the related points that the (2003) provides an analysis of these dynamics.
behavior repertoire has the status of a biolog-
ical system, like the digestive or circulatory
system, that behavior itself has the status of a MIND, THE BEHAVIOR REPERTOIRE,
biological function, and that distinctions be- AND MEMORY
tween endogenous and external events are The multiplicity of usages that the term
biologically and epistemologically problemati- ‘‘mind’’—arguably one of the life sciences’
cal. most popular imports—has received makes it
In Search of Memory should be read with the an active arena for controversy. Kandel (and
perspective that we are living in an epoch in many other neuroscientists) use the term
which the terminologies and concepts of the mind in a way that is consistent with the
related life science disciplines, and their very Aristotelian conception (not an entity but a set
boundaries, are undergoing rapid change. of powers, capacities, and potentialities), and
to Bennett and Hacker’s (2003, pp. 62–63) ‘‘a
A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE distinctive range of capacities.’’ When used in
this way, the term mind can generally be
How did the terminological and conceptual replaced by ‘‘behavior repertoire’’—the po-
issues between neuroscience and behavior tentiality for the occurrence of any of the
analysis come about? The power and appeal individual’s operant behavior. This may well
of Skinner’s approach is based in part on the
idea that the same rigorous experimental, 4
Travis Thompson (2007) and others have pointed out
empirical, and quantitative methods that had that endogenous biological events (e.g., circulatory,
proven spectacularly successful in other areas endocrine, digestive), whether or not they are consciously
perceived, are ‘‘private’’ in the same sense as behavioral
of natural science can also be used to study the and neural endogenous biological events, and that these
behavior of organisms (Skinner, 1938, 1953). can be accorded the same status as more easily observed
But the behavior so studied had to be ones.

be an important translation key that behavior organism psychological predicates that can
analysts bring to the communication chal- ‘‘meaningfully’’ be attributed only to the
lenge. organism as a whole (pp. 68–107). ‘‘Says
The term ‘‘knowledge’’ is generally applied who?’’ is a pithy capsule summary of J. M.
to a certain subset of the potentialities that Sytsma’s (2007a, 2007b) critique of this prin-
comprise the behavior repertoire. For exam- ciple. The essence of his critique is that
ple, Bennett and Hacker (2003, p. 164) say Bennett and Hacker’s standard of correct
that ‘‘…knowledge is an ability.’’ Thus Kan- usage runs counter to empirical linguistics
del’s question, ‘‘How does mind acquire (e.g., Gonzalez-Marquez, Mittelberg, Coulson,
knowledge of the world?’’ (p. 9) would then & Spivey, 2007) and to the view of language
be translatable into ‘‘How does a behavior and verbal behavior as a subject of study by the
repertoire come to include the subset ‘knowl- methods of empirical science (e.g., Skinner,
edge of the world?’’’ and the ‘‘disposition’’ 1957).5 Another reviewer (Kohler, 2003) com-
concept (Cross, 2005; Ryle, 1949) could be mented that ‘‘Bennett and Hacker render
viewed as a conditional probability parameter their conclusions immune against empirical
of the behavior repertoire’s components. results by their exclusively a priori style of
In Search of Memory shows us that the concept reasoning.’’
of memory requires extensive parsing when
used in the sense of the potentiality for the
reoccurrence, after a time, of the behavioral MEANINGFULNESS AS AN
effects of a learning or perceptual episode. EMPIRICAL ISSUE
Current categorizations include short-term, The relevant issue in evaluating the ‘‘mean-
long-term, declarative, episodic (Eichenbaum ingfulness’’ and acceptability of usages would
& Fortin, 2005), intrinsic, working (Goldman- seem to be the empirical one of their
Rakic, 1995b), experiential, factual, visual, communicative effectiveness among their us-
auditory, and spatial (Kandel, pp. 282–284; ers. Bennett and Hacker (2003) offer no
O’Keefe & Dostrovsky, 1971). The continued evidence that any specific usage has ever
identification and brain mapping of the actually resulted in a misunderstanding or
multiple anatomically distributed sites at confusion—they just state that it could, would,
which these potentialities of the behavior or should—and often offer, as supposed
repertoire are stored, and the ‘‘nestedness’’ proofs, invented extreme cases designed to
of those and other sites (Schaal, 2003), are sound ridiculous. In reality, metaphorical or
current frontiers of neuroscience. illogical usages within a linguistic community
generally do not result in misunderstandings
BENNETT AND HACKER’S CRITICISMS or conceptual confusion: the French double
OF USAGES negative—an extreme and notorious instance
of illogic—clearly doesn’t cause misunder-
Bennett and Hacker (2003) expose as standings or confusion among native speakers,
misconceived many of the issues that currently nor does the English usage of ‘‘quite a few’’
preoccupy some neuroscientists and philoso- and ‘‘quite few’’ as opposites. To use Daniel
phers, but their criticisms become too general Robinson’s expression (Bennett, Dennett,
when they take aim at certain of Kandel’s and Hacker, & Searle, 2007, p. 186), if there is
other neuroscientists’ uses of language. The agreement on usage within a large and highly
essence of their criticisms, based on a kind of qualified linguistic community, is it not the
connectivity analysis, is that terms may be used outsider who must rethink the matter? The
only in accordance with certain a priori incoherence and confusion is usually only in
semantic and syntactic rules and in conformity the eye of the foreign speaker.
with their usages in ordinary parlance and the I would add that many of Bennett and
dictionary. Violation of those usages, they Hacker’s (2003) criticisms also lack the science
claim, results in ‘‘incoherence’’ and ‘‘pro- historian’s perspective regarding the inexora-
found confusion.’’ Bennett and Hacker also
propose what they call ‘‘the mereological 5
Bennett and Hacker’s (2003) anti-empirical bias is
principle,’’ which holds that it is fallacious consistent with their dismissive comments about ‘‘behav-
and incoherent to attribute to parts of an iorism.’’

ble evolution of the languages and conceptu- some of Kandel’s, as common ways of speaking
alizations of scientific disciplines when their about behavior and neural phenomena. He
domains expand and their interactions in- shows that Bennett and Hacker’s ‘‘appropri-
crease. To the assertion that usages must ateness’’ criterion of correctness (Bennett &
conform to ordinary language, the scientific Hacker, 2003, p. 81) fails when applied, for
linguist’s first response would be ‘‘whose instance, to the perceptual function of an
ordinary language, as used in what circum- edge-detector neuron:
stances?’’ The semantic and syntactic evolu-
To say that the cell sees the edge is simply to
tion of both natural and scientific languages is
say that it responds to visual stimuli in
an ongoing and universal process. ‘‘appropriate’’ ways (it responds by firing or
I would certainly not say that all usages and not in a way that corresponds with the
figures of speech are equally useful or can presence or absence of a contour). This usage
move a science forward; just that it is futile to is neither figurative nor confused. It is straight-
try to combat the ones we view as inadequate. forwardly meaningful, communicative, and
Whether we consider a particular usage useful as a way of describing the behavior of
desirable or undesirable, useful or counter- such neurons. (Sytsma, 2007b)
productive, is irrelevant. It’s what goes on.
If the sincere goal is to spare cognitive
neuroscientists the frustrations of chasing will- THE STATUS OF METAPHORS
o’-the-wisps, the best strategy is to offer them AND ANALOGIES
concrete tools with which to do better, and to
Like many common colloquialisms (‘my
convince them of their utility. Such tools could
eyes tell me’, ‘hold your tongue’, ‘use your
include ways to parse or reformulate fuzzy
concepts into operationally meaningful ones, brain’, etc.), such figures of speech and
and techniques of behavioral contingency metaphors rarely lead to ‘‘profound confu-
analysis for specifying relevant parameters of sions, misconceptions, and incoherence.’’ As
independent variables. Blakemore put it:
[I do not] think that the employment of
common language words (such as map, repre-
EXAMINING THE sentation, code, information and even lan-
‘‘MEREOLOGICAL FALLACY’’ guage) is a conceptual blunder … Such
metaphorical imagery is a mixture of empirical
I am dwelling on the terminology issue at
description, poetic license and inadequate
such length partly because Bennett and Hack- vocabulary. (Blakemore, 1990)
er’s (2003) term ‘‘mereological fallacy,’’ which
they coined and applied to many common In fact, most imported scientific terms are
usages including some of Kandel’s, has seeped metaphorical in that they rely on analogy. The
into the vocabulary of behavior analysis (Schaal, new usage is never identical to the original
2005) with the effect of adding one more one. The term energy was originally used in the
barrier to communication between behavior sense of an attribute of people, the term
analysts and neuroscientists, and perhaps even particle was originally applied only to visible
to reading In Search of Memory. entities, the term acid only to the taste of
I hope to convince the reader that many substances, and so forth. The extension of
mereological and related figures of speech meanings based on analogy and metaphor is
often used by Kandel and other neuroscien- part of the process that drives the evolution of
tists are eminently acceptable by virtue of scientific languages, perhaps of all languages.
being widely used and understood by their Schaal put it elegantly:
users (Sytsma, 2007a, 2007b). Examples: a
It may be the ability of metaphors and
nerve ending detects, my ears recognize a voice,
analogies to help researchers accomplish their
the dog’s cochlea hears high frequencies, the theoretical goals, and not how well they stand
hemispheres communicate via the corpus callo- up to connective analysis relative to their
sum, the brain processes, the brain interprets a conventional counterparts, that is the better
neural signal that originates in the amputee’s basis for approving or disapproving of them
stump as pain in the phantom limb, etc. (i.e., of figures of speech that involve meta-
Sytsma defends mereological usages, including phors or analogies). (Schaal, 2005, p. 691)

Bennett and Hacker counter such argu- structures that create the potentialities for the
ments by saying that the real problem with behavior of remembering. Bennett and Hack-
Kandel’s and other neuroscientists’ figures of er’s statement that the term retention would be
speech is that they are meant literally rather acceptable while the term storage would not,6
than metaphorically, as evidenced by the and that map be replaced with the noun
conclusions that are supposedly often drawn mapping, seem to me to highlight the pedantry
from them (Bennett & Hacker, 2003, p. 76), of some of their concerns. On the matter of
but all of the supposed conclusions they cite mappings and representations, Schaal (2005)
are merely extensions of the same metaphors, states, evidently in agreement with Kandel,
not new empirical propositions. In scientific that neuroscience is moving closer to demon-
parlance, a metaphor is objectionable only strating that these are physically observable,
when it is used as a pseudoexplanation, and no longer mere hypothetical constructs or
thereby obfuscating ignorance and deflecting cognitive neurologizing.7
research attention (Skinner, 1950). Taking, again, the science historian’s per-
spective, it seems likely that today’s termino-
logical and conceptual controversies will some
‘‘STORAGE,’’ ‘‘RECORDS,’’ ‘‘MAPPINGS,’’ day be viewed as quaint quibbles, footnotes in
AND ‘‘REPRESENTATIONS’’ the evolution of the life sciences. Just as
Kandel often speaks of memories being certain terms that were once widely used are
‘‘stored’’, in conformity with the general usage seen with increasing rarity in today’s technical
that an entity is said to be stored when it literatures— air and weight in physics; earth and
continues to be retrievable, like an electric fire in chemistry; life and animate in biology—so
charge (or a potential) in a capacitor, poten- too may we, over time, see a gradual phasing
tial energy in a battery or a coiled spring, a out from scientific usage of such semantically
document filed in a computer’s memory, or fuzzy terms as mind, intention, awareness, con-
biological data in the fossil record. The term sciousness, thought, memory, and emotion, and
record is generally used when the stored entity their replacement with new and more useful
is informational as opposed to a physical terms and concepts.
object or potential, and is variously termed
electronic, magnetic, mechanical, geological, POTENTIAL AREAS OF COLLABORATION
historical, or fossil. When the stored entity is a BETWEEN NEUROSCIENTISTS AND
new behavioral potentiality that resulted from BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS
a learning episode (i.e., an addition to the
behavior repertoire), the record, we have If I have convinced some behavior analysts
learned, is a modified neural structure. This to suspend, at least temporarily, possible
is true even if the record is not observed in a qualms about some of neuroscience’s cogni-
particular case, but nonetheless real based on tively-tinged terminology and concepts, I
the principle of uniformity (Palmer, 2003, would like to point to some ways in which In
p. 169). Search of Memory can be read as an invitation to
Regarding these usages, Bennett and Hack- behavior analysts to collaborate with neurosci-
er make a surprising assertion: entists. Schaal (2003), Green (2006), Timber-
lake, Schaal, and Steinmetz (2005), Thompson
The idea that in order to remember there (2007), and Donahoe (2003) have discussed
must be a neural record stored in the brain is the value of attempts at conceptual synthesis
incoherent. For even if there were such a or even collaboration, and I believe that In
‘record,’ it would not be available to a person Search of Memory opens the door even wider.
in the sense in which his diary or photograph For example, it describes many instances of
album is available to him — after all, a person
neuroscience research in which behavior
cannot see into his own brain or read
Neuralese. (Bennett & Hacker, 2003, p. 164) 6
Retention is broader than storage in that it is applicable
But the issue is not the physical record’s also to qualities or attributes, but storage is more customary
when applied to potentialities.
legibility or availability to the subject. The issue 7
That is, when the term representation is used to describe
is whether the term storage mechanism can research results the way Kandel does, not when it is used as
intelligibly be applied to the modified neural an explanation.

analysts can fill an under-appreciated need by chandran has found evidence of comparable
offering a powerful tool—their understanding neurons in the premotor cortex of people …
of behavioral contingencies. one can see a whole new area of biology
Mapping the functions of neural structures opening up, one that can give us a sense of
often involves correlating recorded neural what makes us social, communicating beings.
An undertaking of this sort might not only
activity with some behavior. When Kandel discern factors that enable members of a
(p. 306) cites the study showing that ‘‘…the cohesive group to recognize one another but
hippocampus is activated during imagined also teach us something about the factors that
travel, when a taxi driver is asked to recall give rise to tribalism, which is so often
how to get to a particular destination,’’ he associated with fear, hatred, and intolerance
implies that the presumptive independent of outsiders. (pp. 425–426)
variable in this study included verbal instruc-
tions to the driver in conjunction with certain Systematic behavioral contingency analysis
other experimental conditions, including the can reveal many of an independent variable’s
driver’s history. These, together, comprised detailed components that may be differentially
the prevailing behavioral contingencies (Dick- correlated with neural effects, but that can
ins, 2005). Mechner (2008a; 2008c) describes a easily escape attention. These can include the
language for analyzing and codifying such precise wording of the instructions, the sub-
contingencies and making their details explic- ject’s prediction and/or perception of the
it, precise, and replicable. act’s consequences and their attributes, the
full specification of the effort level, duration,
or repetitiveness of the subject’s acts, and the
APPLICATIONS OF BEHAVIORAL CON- subject’s history regarding all of the above
TINGENCY ANALYSIS IN (Mechner, 2008b, pp. 40–43; Schlund & Cat-
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH aldo, 2005). The methodology used in many
In Search of Memory also describes many neural correlate studies often leaves open the
additional instances of neuroscience research logical possibility that the same neural activa-
in which behavior analysts could contribute by tion pattern could also be produced by
assisting in the analysis and specification of the variables other than the presumptive indepen-
behavioral contingencies. Examples are re- dent variable, including some of its incidental
search on neuronal activity during delay parameters. What is often lacking in such
periods between stimulus events as in the studies is the causative isomorphism and
experiments on working memory by Goldman- symmetry present in some of Kandel’s work.
Rakic (1995a, 1995b), Kalenscher et al. (2005), Those are reasons why a behavioral contin-
Yarkoni, Braver, Gray, and Green (2005) and gency-based methodology would constitute a
Kandel (p. 353), as well as in research on substantial advance over the generally used
attention, automatization, and other behavior- ‘‘verbal instruction’’ approach.
al phenomena often termed ‘‘cognitive.’’ A further interesting opportunity to apply
Schaal (2003, p. 95) provides the example of contingency analysis in specifying the indepen-
research on the neuronal effects of stress, dent variable is presented by research on the
where specification of the behavioral contin- neural correlates of the behavioral phenome-
gencies that generate the presumed stress non termed ‘‘observing false belief’’ (e.g.,
would always be critically important. Grèzes, Frith, & Passingham, 2004; Saxe &
Another major opportunity for collabora- Baron-Cohen, 2007;). In the behavioral contin-
tion is provided by research on imitation and gency language, the core dynamic of observing
‘‘mirror neurons’’ (Arbib, 2005; Calvo-Merino, another party’s false belief would be codified
Glaser, Grèzes, Passingham, & Haggard, 2005; simply as a party’s perception of another party’s
Ramachandran, 2000; Rizzolatti & Craighero, misprediction of an act’s consequence (Mech-
2004). Kandel comments on the significance ner, 2008b, p. 44). Again, the full analysis of
of this research as follows: this type of contingency would reveal the
Rizzolati … suggests that they (mirror neu- numerous associated variables and potential
rons) provide the first insight into imitation, parameters that could play important roles.
identification, empathy, and possibly the abil- Kandel also often stresses the importance of
ity to mime vocalization. Vilayannur Rama- studying animal models of behavioral phe-

nomena and comparing human and animal within and beyond his own research work. His
results in the mapping of brain functions, frequent references to his persistent interest
especially for nonverbal types of behavior. This in the biological basis for the distinction
is another area in which collaboration involv- between conscious and unconscious behav-
ing the application of contingency analysis ioral phenomena (e.g., pp. 370–375) reveal
methodology could be very productive. the continuing influence of his original
training as a Freudian psychoanalyst. For
example, he expresses fascination with Fran-
cis Crick’s hypothesis that the claustrum may
In describing his thought processes, Kandel be the neural structure that mediates con-
discusses a rarely addressed attribute that sciousness, though he leaves open the possi-
distinguishes the major contributors to science bility that parsing this concept into observ-
from the mere practitioners, namely, keen able behavioral phenomena would increase
judgment regarding the choice of problems to its susceptibility to experimental attack
work on. He calls it ‘‘taste’’ (pp. 172–173). (pp. 383–384). He speculates that at the
Though he never tells us directly how to neural level, the phenomenon of conscious-
recognize taste, he provides ostensible exam- ness may involve the fusion of multiple inputs
ples of it. by mechanisms analogous to the modulatory
One technique he describes at several points multisensory inputs to the hippocampus in
is one that could be described as parsing the the dopamine-dependent encoding of spatial
problem. Knowing that Eccles was able to environments, in this case also with directed
produce only brief synaptic changes, Kandel attention functioning as the necessary spot-
concluded that synaptic changes lasting a light and filter (pp. 307–315), (and as in
lifetime must result from a different type of Wurtz, Goldberg & Robinson, 1982).
learning. This parsing of memory storage into Kandel’s provocative heuristic may also
short-term and long-term was the breakthrough challenge some behavior analysts to think of
that led to Kandel’s eventual discovery of the exciting research problems that reside at
different neural mechanisms for the two: discipline boundaries. Here are two that
occurred to me:
I realized that I would need to reformulate
Cajal’s theory that learning modifies the 1. It is well established that when mistakes of
strength of the synaptic connections between
neurons. Cajal thought of learning as a single
any kind are learned and practiced, they
process… I realized that there are many may later resurge unexpectedly, and may
different forms of learning produced by interfere with the subsequent learning of
different patterns and combinations of stimuli more desirable behavior patterns (Mech-
and that these give rise two very different forms ner, 1992, pp. 49–61). This may be ex-
of memory storage. (p. 159) plained in part by Kandel’s discovery that
learning and the formation of long-term
Kandel also appears to associate ‘‘taste’’ with
memories involves new growth at synapses.
adventurousness and the disposition to seek
Kleim et al. (2002) found that in the
challenges at the boundaries of disciplines:
absence of reinforcement of a learned
I think it is important to be bold, to tackle reaching response, the number of synapses
difficult problems, especially those that appear per cell declined. Are there types of
initially to be messy and unstructured. One interventions that reverse the neural
should not be afraid to try new things, such as growths that encode undesired long-term
moving from one field to another or working memory?
at the boundaries of different disciplines, for it
is at the borders that some of the most
2. At the moment an imitation or mirroring
interesting problems reside. (p. 427) act occurs, the model is no longer present
— it was necessarily perceived prior to the
act. Therefore, what is matched at the
APPLYING KANDEL’S HEURISTIC moment the imitation behavior occurs is
the short-term or long-term memory of the
Kandel provides many examples of his own model, whether it is called a representa-
application of his thought provoking heuristic tion, an image, or an internalized model

(Mechner, 1992, pp. 28–36). How is the that he would agree with Gordon Shepherd
mirror neuron system involved in the that
behavior of comparing, critiquing, and
in order to understand how (e.g., the behavior
adjusting when matching a model during of reading this page) occurs, we need to look
the activity of practicing a performance? inside the brain …To understand how a system
works, we need to analyze the organization of
the centers… one starts with a given behavior
KANDEL’S REDUCTIONISM and works downward, so to speak, through
successive levels of organization, to identify the
Kandel makes repeated references to his units of function underlying that behavior.
‘‘reductionist approach’’ and orientation. The Nothing in neurobiology makes sense except
examples he cites suggest that he uses the term in the light of behavior. (Shepherd, 1988,
in the sense of the direction in which he is pp. 6–7)
inclined to look for questions and answers— In fact, Kandel’s whole life story chronicles
the type of reductionism Mayr (1982) might his inclination to seek understanding by
call ‘‘constitutive’’—the view that any event or ‘‘looking downward.’’ Having been victimized
process consists of events and processes found by the Nazis as a child, Kandel later undertook
at lower levels of analysis. Here are some a historical analysis of Nazism,8 and then
examples: proceeded down the explanatory hierarchy to
I was convinced that the biological basis of psychoanalysis and the mind, medical school,
learning should be studied first at the level of study of the brain, and his receptivity to Harry
individual cells, and moreover, that the ap- Grundfest’s comment that mind must be
proach was most likely to succeed if it focused studied one brain cell at a time (p. 55). Kandel
on the simplest behavior of a simple animal … often also adopts the alternative bottom-up
It seemed likely to me that, in the course of perspective, as when he writes, ‘‘Cellular
evolution, humans had retained some of the studies have provided the first glimpse into
cellular mechanisms of learning and memory the biological basis of perception, voluntary
storage found in simpler animals. (p. 144)
movement, attention, learning, and memory
First, instead of conducting experiments in
storage’’ (p. 59), and ‘‘Each perception and
whole animals, I would remove the nervous thought we have, each movement we make, is
system and work on a single ganglion … the outcome of a vast multitude of basically
Second, I would select a single nerve cell—a simple neural calculations.’’ (p. 72). Bottom-
target cell—in that ganglion to serve as a up and top-down accounts are often inter-
model … I would then apply different patterns translatable without introducing any new
of electrical pulses modeled on the different propositions or assertions, for example ‘‘new
forms of learning to a particular bundle of synaptic growth accounts for long-term mem-
axons extending from sensory neurons on ory’’ and ‘‘long-term memory requires new
Aplysia’s body surface to the target cell.
(p. 161)
synaptic growth.’’ Kandel views the discoveries
of neural science not as explanations of
In 1980 we carried our reductionist approach behavior, but rather as amplifying what is
one step further and explored what happens at known about behavior, as a synthesis of levels
the synapses during classical conditioning. of analysis.
(p. 201)

Our finding that short-term memory results LEADS FOR IDENTIFYING AND
from a functional change and long-term PRODUCING GOOD SCIENTISTS
memory from an anatomical change raised
even more questions. What is the nature of I now return to the observation that case
memory consolidation? Why does it require histories like In Search of Memory, when
the synthesis of new protein? To find out, we sufficiently detailed, can increase our under-
would have to move into the cell and study its standing of what good scientists do. Marr
molecular makeup. (p. 218)
He intersperses interesting references to that aspect of
The ways in which Kandel applies the term his story, including a perspicacious analysis of that historic
reductionist to his research strategies suggest episode.

(2003b, p. 65) points out that ‘‘the science of term pursuit of a goal. Kandel spent the better
behavior has given little attention to the part of a lifetime pursuing the goal of
behavior of scientists. Considering the com- discovering the neurological mechanisms of
plexity of the topic, this should not be learning and long-term memory, and some of
surprising.’’ those years in an intense search for the best
research preparation, culminating in his
Scientific thinking is the most complex and
probably the most subtle of all human activi-
choice of the giant sea snail Aplysia.
ties… we do not know enough about human Whether the goal is the description of the
behavior to know how the scientist does what genetic code, of the origin of species, of the
he does… Meanwhile, we can only fall back on laws of motion, or of a general theory of
examples. (Skinner, 1956) relativity, or the rendering of certain aesthetic
color effects in painting light, these and
Because the way good scientists do their innumerable other great achievements result-
work is as diverse as the problems they address, ed from an intense, long-term, unswerving
specific experiments can rarely serve as valid or commitment to their pursuit. Some corrobo-
typical examples of the supposed behavior of rative quotes: Louis Pasteur—‘‘My strength lies
good scientists, much less of applications of solely in my tenacity.’’ Albert Einstein—‘‘It’s
the ‘‘scientific method’’ as described by the not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stay with
philosophers or statisticians. We need case problems longer.’’
history data to help us learn to identify
behavior patterns that all good scientists share.
While it may be easy to recognize a good CONTRARINESS
scientist retrospectively, the challenge is to In Search of Memory, like the biographies of
predict and control who might become one. virtually all great achievers, reveals a disposi-
tion, variously called contrariness, originality,
LONG-TERM IMMERSION unconventionality, rebelliousness, or anti-au-
thoritarianism, to swim against the current of
Marr (2003a, p. 23) makes the point that a contemporary fashions and belief systems, and
behavioral characteristic seen in virtually all to question or even defy authority. The names
biographies of history’s great achievers is long- of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, Copernicus, Lavoisier,
term deep immersion in their craft. Kandel’s Darwin, Pasteur, Einstein, Picasso, Cézanne,
account of his work illustrates this pattern Beethoven and Stravinsky are prominent
repeatedly. Some corroborative quotations by among those we associate with the disposition
others: Sir Isaac Newton—‘‘I keep the subject to buck the prevailing order, whether religious,
of my inquiry constantly before me.’’ Albert cultural, scientific, or artistic. This trait may also
Einstein—‘‘Mastery demands all of a person.’’ be related to behavior variability and the
Alexander Hamilton—‘‘When I have a subject disposition to generate accidents that provide
in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it opportunities for creativity (Skinner 1956;
is before me. My mind becomes pervaded with Marr, 2003a, pp. 18–20; Neuringer, 2003).
it.’’ In the realms of music and painting too, Einstein, who often claimed contempt for
the great ones—Bach, Mozart, Schubert, authority, wrote ‘‘The important thing is not
Beethoven, Monet, Van Gogh—all tended to to stop questioning.’’ Here is one of many
work many hours per day almost every day for quotes from Kandel that make a similar point:
large periods of their lives, and generated the ‘‘Even though it meant swimming against the
highest outputs per year compared to other tide of current thinking, I yearned for a more
composers and painters. radical, reductionist approach to the biology of
learning and memory storage.’’ (p. 144).
A second, closely related behavior pattern Marr (2003a, p. 26) states that extrinsic
that Kandel describes and that is also often reinforcers are often important in the motiva-
seen in other biographies and case histories is tions of great achievers, observing that for
the single-minded, tenacious, obsessive, long- Newton and Ramanujan religious and mystical

motivations played a big role. Kandel makes Suddenly we heard the loud bang! bang! bang!
frequent reference to the social and collegial of action potentials, a sound I recognized
rewards of scientific research and discovery. immediately from my experiments on crayfish.
Alden had penetrated a cell! We quickly
But there is a particularly powerful and
realized it was a pyramidal cell … every
seemingly universal type of extrinsic reinforc- stimulus I applied elicited a beautiful, large
er, a socially and interpersonally mediated action potential … Alden and I were euphoric
one, on which virtually all great achievers, in — we had obtained the first intracellular
all domains of human endeavor, appear to be signals ever recorded from the region of the
highly dependent. It is variously called recog- brain that stores our fondest memories! We
nition, admiration, esteem, veneration, adula- almost danced around the lab. (p. 139)
tion, fame, prestige, power, influence, or Einstein said, ‘‘I have no special gift. I am
credit. James Watson (1968) provides perhaps only passionately curious.’’ Richard Feynman
the most explicit and unabashed examples of (Feynman, 1999; Feynman & Leighton, 1988;
the operation of this type of reinforcer among Feynman, Leighton, & Hutchings, 1985)
scientists. chronicled his raging curiosity regarding the
Kandel claims no exemption for himself natural universe.
from susceptibility to such extrinsic reinforc-
ers. He points with muted pride to his own
intellectual and cultural heritage—the pre- SELECTING AND MENTORING
World War II Viennese culture that spawned
the Vienna Circle, the Ernst Mach Society, and But the five behavior patterns and disposi-
the culture that was, in his words, ‘‘a world tions described above — let’s call them long-
center of scientific medicine, psychoanalysis … term immersion, tenacity, contrariness, ego,
literature, science, music, architecture, philos- and curiosity — are common to all great
ophy, and art.’’ Always straining not to cross achievers, whether their pursuit consists of
the bounds of proper modesty, he describes, trying to reach the South Pole, winning
with evident relish, his impressive accomplish- military battles, becoming world chess cham-
ments and their culmination in his receipt of pion, writing The Ring of the Nibelung, deter-
the Nobel Prize with its associated ceremony, mining the mass of the electron, proving
as well as the world-wide acclaim he has been Fermat’s theorem, or gaining political power.
enjoying. They are not specific or limited to the behavior
of good scientists. An individual who rates
high in all five could just as easily become a
CURIOSITY successful corporate CEO, business entrepre-
neur, journalist, or movie star.
The capacity to be excited by ideas and An understanding of these five patterns may
discovery (e.g., Sidman, 2007; Skinner, 1956, help us recognize them, but it does not help us
1972) seems to be a special behavioral trait teach them or acquire them. So how can we
associated with great achievers. About Cajal, steer into science an individual whom we
Kandel writes: ‘‘Santiago Ramon y Cajal … recognize as rating high in all five? That’s
arguably the most important brain scientist where mentoring comes in. Kandel’s story is
who ever lived … was driven by the same replete with instances in which he was
curiosity that drove Freud and that many years inspired, mentored, and taught by teachers
later drove me.’’ (p. 61). and colleagues: ‘‘I learned methodology and
Kandel’s account of his own work pulsates strategy from Grundfest and Purpura, and
with expressions of exhilaration, excitement, later from Stanley Crain … these early positive
and wonderment: ‘‘… I found the bang! bang! research experiences and the ideas to which I
bang! of action potentials intoxicating. The was exposed when I was twenty-five years old
idea that I had successfully impaled an axon had a major impact on my thinking and life’s
and was actually listening in on the brain of work … I was beginning to think like a
the crayfish as it conveyed messages seemed biologist.’’ (p. 106).
marvelously intimate.’’ (p. 108). Kandel relates how he subsequently learned
In describing his work on the hippocampus, from Alden Spencer’s ‘‘insights into what
he writes: questions were scientifically important’’ (p.

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APPENDIX The new growth involves protein synthesis (as

all growth does), which in turn requires the
Below is a brief synopsis of some highlights creation of RNA templates. How this happens:
of what Kandel and his colleagues have As the modulatory interneurons provide suffi-
discovered. For a more detailed summary see cient stimulation of the mediating neuron,
Mechner (2008c). genes in the mediating neuron’s nucleus are
activated with resulting creation of messenger
Neurons that mediate between sensory and RNA and the manufacture (in the neuron’s
motor neurons release glutamate into a syn- ribosomes) of the proteins from which the
apse. The amount of glutamate they release, new terminals are built. The messenger RNA
and the consequent strength of synaptic trans- for manufacturing the proteins for new
mission, is tuned by the release of serotonin by growth is sent to all of the neuron’s synaptic
modulatory interneurons at the mediating terminals, of which there may be thousands,
neuron’s membrane. The momentary release but protein synthesis occurs only at those
of serotonin triggers the production, inside the terminals that are ‘‘marked for growth’’ by the
mediating neuron, of cyclic AMP which sets in modulatory interneuron’s serotonin stimula-
motion a chain of chemical reactions. The tion. But the protein synthesis process quickly
resulting synaptic events last only minutes. But fizzles if it is not maintained so as to complete
the conversion of a short-term into a long-term the new growth and create the long-term
memory requires the growth of new terminals at memory, and it is maintained only at the
the same synapse. The frequency, intensity, or marked terminals.
number of repetitions of the impulses from the
modulatory interneurons determines the These mechanisms describe learning and
amount of new growth and consequently the memory formation in the sea snail Aplysia,
length of time the memory will last. and long-term potentiation in the mammalian

brain differs from it in some respects, but is other neural circuits, dopamine can stimu-
substantially similar. In the mammalian brain, late the activation of cyclic AMP, which
modulatory neurons also often release dopa- initiates the sequence of events that culminates
mine (which is also associated with rein- in the turning on of genes that produce new
forcement and attention). Like serotonin in growth.

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