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Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS)

Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2021 (Hal : 146-162)

DOI : https://doi.org/10.35310/accruals.v5i01.627
ISSN 2614-5286 (Print) ISSN 2615-0409 (Online)


Rosiyana Dewi 1 Rulianto Situmorang 2
1,2Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia


Histori Artikel :
Tgl. Masuk : 09-01-2021 Currently environmental performance is information that
Tgl. Diterima : 03-03-2021 can increase company value, encourage companies to
Tersedia Online : 03-05-2021
always disclose it in various media, however, environmental
risks also need to be considered. The objective of this study
Environmental Performance,
is to analyze the influence of environmental performance on
Environmental Risk;
environmental disclosure with environmental risk as a
Environmental Disclosure moderating variable. The population of this study are
manufacture companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) in 2016-2018. The sampling technique
used is purposive sampling method, so there are 75
samples obtained that meet the criteria. The analytical
method used to test the hypotheses in this study is multiple
regression analysis. The results show that environmental
performance and environmental risk have a significant
positive influence on environmental disclosure, while
environmental risk significantly weaken the influence of
environmental performance on environmental disclosure.

INTRODUCTION positive trends with quantities that vary

around 0.03 ° C every year. Thus, it is
Global warming is still a serious feared that in the next 30 years the
threat to the environment because its average temperature in Indonesia will rise
impact can reduce the quality of life at this to 0.9 ° C from the current air temperature.
time as well as in the future. Based on On the World Environment Day
research conducted at NASA's Goddard celebration held in China on June 5, 2019,
Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the the theme raised was "Beat Air Pollution".
increase in Earth's temperature in 2018 The theme which is also a slogan in the
reached 0.8 ° C relative to average celebration is a form of invitation to take
temperatures of 1951-1980. The action in an effort to stop air pollution which
magnitude of the increase in air is now a worrying global problem. The aim
temperature that occurs in each country is to encourage public awareness
varies. Based on data from observations of throughout the world to contribute in
air temperature trends in Indonesia in saving the environment from the dangers
1981-2018 by BMKG (Meteorology, of air pollution
Climatology, and Geophysics Agency), in Researches about the effect of
general air temperatures in Indonesia have environmental performance on
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 147

environmental disclosure have been Based on the differences in the

widely done, but showed various results. research results that have been mentioned
One of them is research conducted by above, motivating researchers to conduct
Melvin and Julianti (2016). The research further research on the effect of financial
shows that earnings management and performance on environmental
profitability are positively related but not disclosures. In contrast to previous
significantly to environmental disclosure, studies, in this study there is a moderating
while environmental performance and variable between the influence of
company size have a significant and environmental performance on
positive influence on environmental environmental disclosure, namely
disclosure. Research conducted by environmental risk. Environmental risk is
Grigoris et al., (2016) shows that the thought to strengthen the effect of
intensity of greenhouse gases has a environmental performance on
negative and significant effect on environmental disclosure. This is based on
environmental disclosure, while research conducted by Dobler et al.,
environmental performance has a positive (2015) that environmental risk affects
and significant effect on environmental environmental disclosure positively and
disclosure. significantly. Dan Pratiwi and Sari (2016)
Both previous studies have shown who explained that the type of industry has
that environmental performance has a a positive and significant effect on Carbon
positive and significant impact on Emission Disclosure.
environmental disclosure, but there are The purpose of this study is to
other studies that show different results. analyze the effect of environmental
First, research conducted by Ismail et al., performance on environmental disclosure,
(2018). In this study, the results show that to analyze the effect of environmental risk
company size, foreign ownership, on environmental disclosure, and to
profitability, leverage and membership of analyze environmental risk in moderating
industry's associations have a positive and the effect of environmental performance
significant effect on environmental on environmental disclosure.
disclosure, while close to market variables, The researcher will limit this research by
degree of ownership concentration, selecting a sample of non-financial
multinational status, and environmental companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
certification have positive but not Exchange during the period 2016 to 2018
significant impact on the quality of and which publish sustainability reports
environmental disclosure. Variable type of consistently.
company, institutional ownership, and
This research is expected to
state ownership have negative but not
contribute to the development of theory
significant effect on the quality of
and practice, especially in relation to the
environmental disclosure. Research
theory of legitimacy and practice of
conducted by Stefano et al., (2015) shows
corporate social responsibility, especially
that legislation, public shareholders,
in the company's environmental
business industry and film size have a
positive and significant effect on
environmental disclosure, while
environmental performance has a negative
but not significant effect on the availability
of corporate environmental disclosures.
148 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

companies must report on their

Legitimacy Theory environmental responsibilities to increase
Legitimacy theory comes from the transparency and accountability of the
concept of organizational legitimacy, which company and gain legitimacy from
has been defined as a condition or status, stakeholders (Solikhah and Winarsih,
which exists when the entity's value 2016). Especially in companies whose
system is congruent with the social value social legitimacy gets public pressure and
system in which the company is located is widely exposed, disclosure of
(Dowling and Pfeffer, 1975). The main environmental responsibility can also be
focus of legitimacy is the interaction used as a medium to maintain the
between companies and the social company's reputation (Krisna and
environment. In the theory of legitimacy, Suhardianto, 2016).
organizations are seen as part of a broader When there are actual and potential
social system and are considered to have differences between company activities
no inherent rights to resources. The and community expectations, a legitimacy
greater the resources needed by the gap will arise that can threaten the
company, the greater the company's company's legitimacy. Companies that fail
efforts to obtain legitimacy from all to meet the community's expectations
stakeholders (Krisna and Suhardianto, have a high risk of losing their legitimacy to
2016). The company must take action that continue operating, even though meeting
is acceptable to the social community in the community's expectations is not legally
order to continue its operational activities bound (Chandok and Singh, 2017). The
(O'Donovan, 2002). In general, companies company operates in a changing
with a high level of industry sensitivity to environment so that legitimacy is dynamic,
the environment will also receive high therefore the legitimacy gap can also
attention from the community because of change even though there is no change in
its operational activities that have the every company's activities. Companies
potential to affect nature (Solikhah and that are deemed to have failed to meet the
Winarsih, 2016). In the theory of legitimacy expectations of the community will get
there is an assumption that the role of threats from the community and sanctions
managers is needed in ensuring that the from the authorities such as restrictions on
company's operational activities have operational activities, difficulties in
been running in accordance with the maintaining resources, to the impact on
expectations of the community so that it decreasing demand for company goods or
can be said as a legitimate or legitimate services, therefore, managers always try
company (Deegan, 2018). to ensure that every operational activity of
Legitimacy in his theory is always the company is still within the limits of
associated with the idea of social social norms and values. If a legitimacy
contracts. In this case the social contract is gap occurs, there needs to be corrective
an expectation of the social community action from the company and disclosure to
both implicitly and explicitly about how the the community to ensure the survival of the
company should operate (Deegan, 2018). company (Deegan, 2018).
The stakeholders must know the
realization of environmental responsibility Signaling Theory
that has been done by the company if the In the signaling theory, there are
company wants to gain legitimacy for its three main roles involved, namely the
environmental performance. Thus, sender, receiver, and signal. The sender is
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 149

the internal party of the company who has management. To ensure long-term
information about the company that has financial success, companies need to
not been or is not available to outside realize that they operate in a large
parties, both positive and negative environment and social environment.
information. This gives rise to different Companies need to pay attention to the
perspectives about the company between limitations of the community and
internal and external parties. The recipient regulations that govern the sustainability of
is an external party of the company who ecosystems in utilizing natural resources
has no information about the company. to carry out their operational activities
The recipient requires certain information (Joshi and Li, 2016). Not only that, the
about the company in the decision-making company must also compete with business
process related to the company with the competitors so the company must have a
aim of obtaining profits. Signals are all competitive advantage.
information from within the company that is In Resource Based Theory (RBT),
disclosed to external parties. The companies can create and maintain
information contained in the company is competitive advantage through the
either positive or negative and the sender collection and integration of scarce,
decides which information will be valuable, non-replicable, and irreplaceable
disclosed. In signal theory, companies resources (Hitt et al., 2016). RBT arises
reveal information to build a positive image because of the heterogeneity of resources
of information users (Connelly et al., within the company. The heterogeneity of
2011). resources in this case means the different
The meaning of the signal theory is characteristics of resources owned by
how the signal receiver analyzes various each company in an industry. These
types of signals given by the company to different characteristics of resources arise
draw conclusions about the company's because the advantages of each company
actual condition. The results of this are different in obtaining and using
analysis will affect the profit or loss of the resources in their operational activities
parties in making decisions related to the (Mulyono, 2013).
company (Ching and Gerab, 2017). RBT in relation to the company's
Signals sent by the company do not environmental performance states that not
provide perfect information regarding the all companies can benefit from
condition of the company. There is implementing a green strategy, but only
information asymmetry between the companies with unique resources and
sender and receiver of the signal and the good management capabilities can benefit
challenge is how the signal recipients financially from increasing environmental
make decisions without perfect information efficiency. The company's specific
(Presley et al., 2018). For this reason, resources and capabilities cannot be
users of company information will look for easily imitated by other companies (Joshi
information about companies that have and Li, 2016).
been tested for fairness by auditors, those
who provide independent guarantees on Environmental Disclosure
company reports (KPMG, 2017). Environmental disclosure is a
process used by companies to disclose
Resource Based Theory information relating to company activities
Environmental sustainability is one and their effects on environmental
of the problems faced in operational conditions (Julianto and Sjarief, 2016).
150 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

Companies that are involved in industries carrying out its business activities, but
that have a large impact on the must also pay attention to environmental
environment are greater in carrying out safety. In addition to being a corporate
environmental disclosures compared to responsibility, good environmental
industries that have little effect on the performance can add value to the
environment. Transparency and company. Companies that actively
accountability are demonstrated by contribute to efforts to preserve the
companies by disclosing information in environment show that the company has a
their annual reports (P. C. Pratiwi and Sari, concern for the environment. This will build
2016). Enclosure of the environment is a good corporate image in front of
also seen as a corporate strategy in stakeholders.
providing certain information signals so as
to attract investors and enhance the Environmental Risk
company's reputation (Giannarakis et al, According to the Kamus Besar
2017). Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), risk is an
Information disclosed in the annual unpleasant (detrimental, dangerous) effect
report is divided into two, namely of an action or action. In the context of the
mandatory disclosure and voluntary company and the environment,
disclosure. Mandatory disclosure is the environmental risk is the possibility of the
minimum disclosure required by the impact of environmental damage that must
competent agency, while voluntary be borne by the company due to a series
disclosure is information disclosure of activities in its business processes.
beyond the applicable minimum Corporate activities that affect the
requirements. Companies have the environment both physically, chemically,
discretion to make voluntary disclosures in and biologically can cause dangerous
annual reports that give rise to the diversity responses from the environment that can
or variations of voluntary disclosures affect soil, water, air, natural resources,
between companies (Gunawan and Lina, and ecosystems. Impacts that occur on the
2015). environment can occur directly or indirectly
(Riyadi and Nuzula, 2018).
Environmental Performance Seeing the existence of
Environmental performance can be environmental risks that occur from every
defined as a company's performance in activity of the company, the company
creating a good environment (green) should conduct an “amdal”. According to
(Julianto and Sjarief, 2016). Companies in Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia
carrying out operational activities require Nomor 27 Tahun 2012, Analysis of
raw materials that come from nature. The Environmental Impacts, hereinafter
more goods to be produced, the more referred to as amdal, is a study of the
natural resources are needed. In significant impacts of a planned business
processing these natural resources, there and / or activity on the environment
are impacts on the environment, one of required for the decision-making process
which is the emission of greenhouse gases regarding the conduct of a business and /
such as carbon dioxide (CO2) which is one or activity. With the implementation of
of the causes of global warming. amdal, the expected goal will be achieved
Seeing the impact on the is to guarantee a development business or
environment, the company should not only activity can run in a sustainable manner
focus on achieving maximum profit in without damaging the environment.
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 151

Through the amdal study it is expected that effort needed to obtain legitimacy from the
development businesses and / or activities community. One of the company's efforts
can utilize and manage natural resources in gaining community legitimacy is to
efficiently, minimize negative impacts and reveal its environmental performance.
maximize positive impacts on the Based on signal theory (signaling
environment (Mukono, 2005). theory), the public will assess any
information (signal) provided by the
Hypothesis Development company. By disclosing their
environmental performance, the
The Effect of Environmental community can assess the extent to which
Performance on Environmental the company is environmentally
Disclosure responsible. Good or bad information
Environmental performance is a disclosed by the company will affect the
mechanism for companies to integrate public judgment, as well as environmental
their attention on the environment in its disclosure. Thus, the company will strive to
operational activities. The company pays improve its environmental performance so
attention to the environment as a form of as to produce good environmental
corporate responsibility and care for the disclosure. This is done so that the
environment. Communities living around company can create a good image of the
the company have an interest in the social community to ensure the company's
and environmental impacts arising from sustainability.
the company's activities. Thus, according Research conducted by Julianto
to the theory of legitimacy, companies and Sjarief (2016) shows that
must always adjust the value of the environmental performance has a
company with the value of society as part significant positive effect on environmental
of stakeholders to avoid the legitimacy gap disclosure. Companies with good
that can threaten the legitimacy of the environmental performance disclose
company (Chandok and Singh, 2017). better environmental information than
The selection of raw materials and companies with poor environmental
resources that do not damage the performance in terms of both quality and
environment and support sustainability is quantity. This is supported by research
one of the indicators of environmental conducted by Giannarakis et al., (2017)
performance evaluation. In resource- shows that higher levels of pollution in
based theory (RBT), a company's terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
competitive advantage is obtained by negatively affect the dissemination of
using resources that are not easily imitated carbon disclosure information. Based on
by other companies (Hitt et al., 2016). the description, the first hypothesis that will
Companies compete with each other to be tested in this study are:
develop a green strategy, which is an effort H1: Environmental performance has a
to explore raw materials and positive and significant impact on
environmentally friendly energy. Only environmental disclosure.
companies that have special capabilities to
manage raw materials and energy can The Effect of Environmental Risk on
obtain financial benefits and good Environmental Disclosure
environmental performance (Joshi and Li, The company's business activities
2016). The greater the natural resources will have an impact on the environment.
needed by the company, the greater the Possible environmental impacts that must
152 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

be borne by the company for its H2: Environmental risk has a positive
operational activities are called and significant effect on
environmental risks. Environmental risk for environmental disclosure.
each company varies, depending on the
level of sensitivity of the company to the The Effect of Environmental
environment. Environmental risk is one of Performance on Environmental
the important factors in efforts to get Disclosure with Environmental Risk as
legitimacy from the community. The a Moderation Variable
operational activities of companies that Previous research on the effect of
have greater potential for environmental environmental performance on
damage will get more attention from the environmental disclosure showed different
community, so companies that have high results. Research conducted by Julianto
environmental risks will be more difficult to and Sjarief (2016) shows that
obtain legitimacy from the community. environmental performance has a positive
The public can assess a company's and significant effect on environmental
environmental risk from environmental disclosure. This is supported by the
disclosure. When associated with signal assumption that companies have the drive
theory and legitimacy theory, companies to disclose good environmental
that have a higher environmental risk tend performance and companies with good
to disclose their environmental environmental performance can reduce
performance better to gain legitimacy for costs related to the environment in the
their operational activities. Research future. Other studies that show that
conducted by Dobler et al., (2015) environmental performance has a positive
concluded that environmental risk and significant effect on environmental
positively and significantly affects disclosure are shown by research
environmental disclosure, a similar study conducted by Giannarakis et al., (2017). In
was also conducted by Pratiwi and Sari the study, environmental performance was
(2016). In this research environmental risk explained by greenhouse gas emission
is explained through industry type variables and environmental disclosure
variables. The study also showed that the was explained using carbon disclosure
type of industry had a positive and variables. The research shows that the
significant effect on Carbon Emission level of greenhouse gas emissions
Disclosure. In research conducted by produced by the company negatively
Solikhah and Winarsih (2016), affects carbon disclosure.
environmental risk is demonstrated by On the other hand, there are several
assessing the sensitivity of the industry to studies that show conflicting results such
the environment. The research shows that as research conducted by Dobler et al.,
industry sensitivity has a positive and (2015) which shows that environmental
significant effect on the quality of corporate performance has a negative but not
environmental disclosure, meaning significant effect on environmental
companies that have a high level of disclosure. In addition, research
sensitivity to the environment will disclose conducted by Ismail et al., (2018) which
environmental information more broadly. uses environmental certification variables
From this description, the second in explaining environmental performance,
hypothesis that will be tested in this study shows that environmental certification
are: owned by companies has a positive but not
significant effect on the quality of
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 153

environmental disclosure. This can be Research Design

considered as a signal for companies to This study uses hypothesis testing
give more attention to several to test the effect of environmental
stakeholders such as the public, foreign performance as an independent variable
shareholders, creditors and industry on environmental disclosure as a
associations. dependent variable, also to test
Seeing the differences in results environmental risk as a variable that
from previous studies, the authors moderates the effect of the independent
examined other variables that moderate variable with the dependent variable. The
the effect of environmental performance object of this research is manufacturing
on environmental disclosure. In this study companies (non financial industries) in
the moderating variable used is Indonesia. The type of data used in this
environmental risk. Based on previous study is secondary data, obtained from the
research conducted by Solikhah and Arga official website www.idx.co.id and the
Mustika Winarsih (2016), Pratiwi and Sari official website of each company. The data
(2016), and Dobler et al., (2015) showed taken in this study is panel data or pooling
that environmental risk had a positive and data.
significant effect on environmental
disclosure. Based on the description, the Types of variables and measurements
third hypothesis that will be tested in this In this study, environmental
study are: disclosure was measured using Core
H3: Environmental risks can Environmental Disclosure Items. This
strengthen the effect of measurement is consistent with the
environmental performance on measurement of environmental disclosure
environmental disclosure. used in research conducted by (Hummel
and Schlick, 2016).
Table 1
Core Environmental Disclosure Item
Data collection techniques and
Disclosure Item Disclosure Content
sampling Use of Raw Weight and volume of all raw
This study uses secondary data obtained Materials materials used
through literature study from the data Energy Total direct and indirect
Consumption energy consumption
available in the annual reports and
Water Total water consumption
sustainability reports of companies listed Consumption based on the source
on IDX, which are available on the Green House Gas Total direct and indirect GHG
websites of each company. The sampling (GHG) Emission emissions
method used in this research is purposive Gas Emissions
Total emissions of ozone-
sampling method, determining the sample depleting gases and other
and Other
pollutant gas emissions by
based on certain criteria. Pollutant Gas
type and volume
These criteria are manufacture Companies Emissions
Total water discharge based
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Water Discharge on the type of emission that
during 2016-2018, Companies that was carried by the water
publish sustainability reports on the Waste Total weight of waste by type
company's official website every year for Source: Hummel dan Schlick (2016)
2016-2018 and have complete data for
each variable used in this study. The measurement of environmental
disclosure consists of 7 items of
154 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

disclosure. Each item disclosed is worth 1 Source: Fontana et al., (2015)

and if not disclosed is 0, so if the company
discloses all items then the value obtained In this study, there are control variables
is 7. The formula for calculating the value consisting of Leverage, Performance, and
of environmental disclosure is as follows: size of company. Leverage is the
company's ability to use assets or funds
∑ Xyj that have a fixed cost (fixed cost assets or
CEDIj= funds) to increase the level of income
Explanation: (return) for company owners. In this study,
CEDIj : Corporate Environmental leverage is measured using the ratio
Disclosure Index of the company studied between liabilities and assets (Biswas et
∑ Xyj : the total score of items disclosed al., 2018), namely by the formula total
by the company studied liabilities d tivided by otal assets.
nj : sum of disclosure items Profitability is the company's ability to
generate profits. In this study, profitability
Environmental performance is a is measured using the value of ROA
mechanism for companies to integrate (Return on Assets) (Dobler et al., 2015),
their attention to the environment into their namely by the formula net income devided
operational activities and interactions with by total asset. The size of the company is
stakeholders, which exceeds the size of a company that is indicated by
organizational responsibility in the legal the value of total assets. In this study,
field (Haholongan, 2016). In this study, company size is measured using the
environmental performance variables logarithm value of natural total assets
were measured using Environmental (Ismail et al., 2018), namely by the formula
Performance Factors. This measurement Ln Total of Assets.
was developed in a study conducted by
(Ezzi and Jarboui, 2016). Data analysis method
The data analysis method used in this
Table 3 research is quantitative data analysis
Environmental Sensitivity method, while data testing is done using
Classification SPSS (Statistical Product and Service
Environmental Solution) application. In this study,
Industrial Sector Score hypothesis testing was carried out by
Aerospace and multiple regression analysis. Multiple
Defense regression analysis was conducted to
Contracting examine the effect of the independent
variable on the dependent variable. In this
Energy Supply
Extraction and case, namely to examine the effect of
Mining environmental performance as an
High 2 independent variable on environmental
Food Processing
Medical and disclosure as the dependent variable with
Telecom environmental risk as a moderating
Equipment variable. In addition, in this study, a classic
Paper and Pulp
assumption test was also carried out
Steel and Auto
Parts before testing the hypothesis. The aim is to
Sektor Industri ensure that the data to be used are free
Low 1 from various disturbances such as
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 155

normality, multicollinearity, N Maximum Mean deviation

heterocedasticity, and autocorrelation so EP 75 0,1667 1 0,63 0,183
ER 75 1 2 1,52 0,502
that the data becomes feasible to be ED 75 0,1429 1 0,66 0,235
tested. LEV 75 0,1331 0,7918 0,49 0,175
SIZE 75 2.950.559 jt 126.723.419.jt 33.471.547.jt 30.452.026.jt
ROA 75 -0,1149 0,480 0,066 0,089

Multiple Regression Model Source: Data processed using SPSS Statistics version 25.
Multiple regression analysis was 2019
conducted to determine the role of
environmental performance as an Descriptive statistical analysis for
independent variable affecting environmental disclosure variables
environmental disclosure as the showed the highest value (max) of 1 and
dependent variable with environmental risk the lowest value (min) of 0.1429 with an
as a moderating variable. This study also average of 0.666664 out of the total score
uses control variables, namely leverage, of 0-1. This shows that the companies
company size, and profitability. The sampled in this study on average have
multiple regression equation in this study revealed environmental information quite
is as follows: well. The standard deviation of
Model 1 (Before Moderation): environmental disclosures of 0.2352339 is
ED = α + β1 EP + β2 ER + β3 LEV + β4 lower than the average value indicating the
SIZE + β5 ROA + e low fluctuation of environmental disclosure
variable data. The environmental
performance variable in this study shows
Model 2 (after Moderation):
the highest value (max) of 1 and the lowest
ED = α + β1 EP + β2 ER + β3 KL*RL +
value (min) of 0.1667 with an average of
β4 LEV + β5 SIZE + β6 ROA + e 0.635551 of the total score of 0-1. This
shows that the companies sampled in this
ED is Enviromental Disclosure , EP is study have on average had a good
Enviromental Performance, ER is environmental performance. The standard
ENviromental Risk, Lev is leverage, Size deviation of environmental performance of
is Size company.s, ROA is Return and 0.1831705 is lower than the average value
Assets , α is konstanta, and e is Standar indicating the low fluctuation of
environmental performance variable data.
The environmental risk variable in this
study produced the highest value (max) of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2 and the lowest value (min) of 1 with an
average of 1.52 of the total score of 1-2.
Research sample and Descriptive This shows that the comparison of the high
Statistics and low environmental risks of the
Based on the sample data selection using companies sampled in this study is
certain criteria as mentioned above, the balanced. The environmental deviation
number of samples in this study is 75. standard of 0.5029642 is lower than the
Following are the results of the descriptive average value indicating the low
analysis test that has been carried out fluctuation of environmental risk variable
using SPSS Statistics: data.
The results of descriptive
Table 4
Descriptive Statistics
analysis for environmental performance
variables in this study indicate that
156 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

environmental performance factors in the 1

form of transportation facilities have the 0.8
lowest average value of 0.04, only 1 out of 0.4
25 companies sampled in this study use 0.2
efficient transportation to reduce air
pollution. The environmental performance
factor that has the highest value is the
environmental performance standard
factor, in which all companies in this study
apply high standards in environmental
Data Analysis
performance, namely ISO 14001
concerning environmental management The Classical Assumption Test is carried
systems. out to ensure that the research model
Picture 1
meets certain requirements before testing
Environmental Performance Graph
multiple linear regressions. The
requirements that must be met are normal
1 data distribution, not containing
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and
Sumber Penggunaan Sarana Standar Konsumsi Daur Ulang Based on the results of the One-Sample
Energi Bahan Baku Transportasi Kinerja Energi
Lingkungan Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (1-sample K-S),
both model I (before moderation) and
model II (after moderation) show a
The results of descriptive analysis for probability value (sig) of 0.200> 0.05.
environmental disclosure variables in this Thus, Ho is accepted, the data is normally
study indicate that environmental distributed. The multicollinearity test of the
disclosure indicators in the form of ozone- data in this study for model I, all variables
depleting gas emissions and other show a tolerance value> 0.1 and VIF <10,
meaning that Ho is accepted, there is no
polluting gas emissions have the lowest
multioclinearity, while for model II,
average value of 0.3867.This shows that environmental performance,environmental
there are still few companies that disclose risk, and environmental performance *
information about gas emissions. ozone environmental risk indicates a tolerance
destroyer and other polluting gas value <0.1 and a VIF value> 10, meaning
emissions produced by the company. that Ho is rejected, there is
Environmental disclosure indicators in the multicollinearity. This can occur because
the moderating variable value of
form of total direct and indirect energy Environmental Performance *
consumption have the highest value, Environmental Risk is the result of the
namely 0.92, which means that 69 out of multiplication of environmental
75 company sample data reveal the total performance variables and environmental
direct and indirect energy consumption risk, so that there is a relationship between
these variables. The Glejser test to test the
heterocedacity of the data in this study for
models I and II shows the value of Sig.>
Environmental Disclosure Graph
0.05 for each variable. Thus, Ho is
accepted, there is no heteroscedasticity.
Autocorrelation testing using the Durbin-
Watson test, the results show that in model
I (before moderation) the value of dW =
2.057 is in a condition that the regression
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 157

model is free from autocorrelation. Table 6

Likewise, model II (after moderation) Simultaneous F Test
shows the value of dW = 2.096. means that Model F Sig.
the regression model is free from I 20,499 .000b
autocorrelation. II 18,943 .000b
Source: Data processed using IBM SPSS Statistics
version 25. 2019
Goodness of fit and Hypothesis Test
The following results are the
coefficient of determination in this study: The simultaneous F test results in
Table 5 this study for model I (before moderation)
Determination Coefficient Test Results show the prob value. (F-statistics), i.e.
0,000 <0.005 and the calculated F value is
20.499, while the F value of the Table
Adjusted R
Model Std. Error of the Estimate (5.70) = 2.35 so that the F calculated> F
I 0,568 0,1545229 table. Thus, the simultaneous F test results
II 0,593 0,1501379 for model I show that simultaneous
Source: Data processed using SPSS Statistics
version 25. 2019
environmental performance and
environmental risk as independent
In the table above it is known that variables, as well as leverage, company
the coefficient of determination shown by size, and profitability as control variables
the adjusted R Square value for model I have a significant effect on environmental
(before moderation) is 0.568, meaning that disclosure as the dependent variable. F
the environmental disclosure variable of test results for model II (after moderation)
56.8% can be explained by the show the prob value. (F-statistic) that is
environmental performance and 0,000 <0.005 and the calculated F value of
environmental risk variables as 18.943, while the value of F Table (6.69) =
independent variables, as well as 2.23 so that the F count> F table. Thus, the
leverage, size company, and profitability simultaneous F test results for Model II
as a control variable, while the remaining show that simultaneous environmental
43.2% can be explained by other factors performance as an independent variable,
outside the variables studied. The environmental risk as a moderating
coefficient of determination shown by the variable, as well as leverage, company
adjusted R Square value for model II (after size, and profitability as control variables
moderation) is 0.593 which means that in have a significant influence on
this study the environmental disclosure environmental disclosure as the
variable of 59.3% can be explained by the dependent variable.
variables of environmental performance, The partial test results (T test) for
environmental risk, environmental risk that the model I in this study can be shown as
moderates environmental performance, follows:
and leverage, company size, and Table 7
profitability as control variables, while the Partial Test (T Test) Model I
remaining 40.7% can be explained by Regression Sig.
Model Variable Coefficient
other factors outside the variables studied. (B)
There is an increase in the value of R I (Constant) -6,109 .000
Environmental 0,357 .002
square of 0.027 after adding the environmental
risk variable as a moderating variable. Environmental 0,112 .005
The results of the simultaneous F test in this Risk
Leverage 0,099 .366
study can be shown as follows
Company Size 0,142 .000
158 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

Profitability 0,074 .722

Source: Data processed using IBM SPSS Statistics
version 25. 2019

Based on table 8 above, it can be The Effect of Environmental

concluded that environmental Performance on Environmental
performance and environmental risk have Disclosure
a positive and significant effect on Environmental performance
environmental disclosure. The regression illustrates the form of company attention to
model for model I (before moderation) is as the environment for the company's
follows: operational activities that involve the
environment. In this study, hypothesis
ED = -6,109 + 0,357 EP + 0,112 ER + testing regarding the effect of
0,099 LEV + 0,142 SIZE + 0,074 ROA + e environmental performance on
environmental disclosure shows the
The partial test results (T test) for results that environmental performance
model II in this study can be shown as has a significant and positive effect on
follows: environmental disclosure both in model I
Table 8 (before moderation) and model II (after
Partial Test (T Test) Model II moderation).
Koefisien Sig. The results of this study are in line
Model Variabel
Regresi (B)
II (Constant) -6,260 .000 with research conducted by Julianto and
Environmental 1,295 .004 Sjarief (2016) which shows that
environmental performance has a
Environmental 0,434 .004
Risk significant positive effect on environmental
Environmental -0,537 .027 disclosure. One indicator of environmental
Performance *
Environmental performance is the management of raw
Risk materials and resources. Companies
Leverage 0,015 .894
Company Size 0,134 .000
compete with each other to develop a
Profitability -0,130 .560 green strategy, which is an effort to explore
Source: Data processed using SPSS Statistics raw materials and environmentally friendly
version 25. 2019
energy. The greater the natural resources
needed by the company, the greater the
Based on table 8 above, it can be effort needed to obtain legitimacy from the
concluded that environmental community. One of the company's efforts
performance and environmental risk have in gaining community legitimacy is to
a positive and significant effect on reveal its environmental performance.
environmental disclosure, while the The results of this study are also
environmental risk variable significantly supported by research conducted by
weakens the effect of environmental Giannarakis et al., (2017),shows that
performance on environmental disclosure. higher levels of pollution in terms of
The regression model for model II (before greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
moderation) is as follows: negatively affect the dissemination of
carbon disclosure information. Companies
ED = -6,26 + 1,295 EP + 0.434 ER with good environmental performance
– 0,537 EP*ER + 0,015 LEV + 0,134 SIZE disclose better environmental information
- 0,130 ROA + e than companies with poor environmental
performance in terms of both quality and
2021 Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS) 159

quantity. Based on signal theory (signaling is very important to build a good corporate
theory), the public will assess any image and to obtain legitimacy.
information (signal) provided by the
company. Good or bad the community's Environmental Risk Strengthens the
assessment of the company depends on Effect of Environmental Performance
the information received. Thus, the on Environmental Disclosure
company will continue to improve its In this study, hypotheses regarding
environmental performance to produce environmental risk amplifying the effect of
good environmental disclosure. In the environmental performance on
theory of legitimacy, a company that has a environmental disclosure were rejected.
social contract to the community that The results of hypothesis testing in this
discloses its environment based on the study indicate that environmental risk
environmental performance carried out by significantly weakens the effect of
the company. In resource based theory, a environmental performance on
company can create or maintain its scarce environmental disclosure. Companies that
resources so that they cannot be imitated have good environmental performance
to excel in competition, one of which is have a good image in the eyes of
through environmental performance stakeholders in an effort to gain legitimacy,
disclosure. so the company will reduce the disclosure
of environmental information related to
The Effect of Environmental Risk on environmental risks. Based on the
Environmental Disclosure signaling theory, the stakeholders will
Environmental risk describes the assess the company in accordance with
possible environmental impacts that the information (signal) provided, therefore
companies must bear for their operational the company will reduce environmental
activities. The environmental risk of each disclosures related to its environmental
company is different, depending on the risks. This was done to avoid the
characteristics and types of each company emergence of negative stigma from
that affect the company's sensitivity to the stakeholders that could worsen the good
environment. In this study, hypothesis image of the company that had been built
testing regarding the effect of through environmental performance.
environmental risk on environmental
disclosure shows the results that CONCLUSIONS
environmental risk has a significant Based on the results of research
positive effect on environmental disclosure and discussion that has been stated, the
in both model I (before moderation) and conclusions of this study are as follows:
model II (after moderation). The results of testing the first hypothesis
The results of this study are in line show that environmental performance has
with research conducted by Dobler et al., a significant positive effect on
(2015) and Pratiwi and Sari (2016) which environmental disclosure in both model I
states that environmental risk has a (before moderation) and model II (after
significant positive effect on environmental moderation). The results of testing the
disclosure. Companies that have high second hypothesis show that
environmental risks require legitimacy environmental risk has a significant
from stakeholders to run their business positive effect on environmental disclosure
activities so that environmental disclosure in both model I (before moderation) and
model II (after moderation).
160 Volume 05, No. 01 - Maret 2021

The results of testing the third hypothesis It is expected that company management
indicate that environmental risk will publish sustainability reports in a
significantly weakens the effect of complete and consistent manner every
environmental performance on year. It is hoped that further research will
environmental disclosure. The results of use more independent variables, such as
the control variable testing show that both corporate governance indexes and audits,
in model I (before moderation) and model as well as broader research periods so that
II (after moderation), firm size has a research results will be more significant.
significant positive effect on environmental
disclosure while leverage and profitability LIMITATIONS
do not significantly influence The limitations in this study are as follows:
environmental disclosure. This research does not cover companies
from the financial sector because the
IMPLICATIONS influence of financial sector business
The implications of this research are as activities on the environment is not
follows: significant. Limited sample size because
For the company, It is hoped that there are still many companies in
companies that have published Indonesia that have not yet published
sustainability reports can better disclose sustainability reports. Companies that
environmental performance in these issue their financial statements in US
reports so that the quality of their dollars are still calculated as a research
sustainability reports will increase. sample and the values in their financial
Companies that have not published a statements are converted to rupiah based
sustainability report are expected to on the BI middle rate at the end of each
publish it because a good sustainability financial year. Thus, the original rupiah
report can provide long-term benefits for value in the company's financial
company value. For Investors or statements cannot be ascertained.
goverment, the quality of the company's
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