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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CBESICHENIE sw [T 1c sth Saartr BLE: Dogiee Reesataatony ANGSGpEIN20 Operating @ystaraa > Note: Auswer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question frog mi stati Fa, Bi iy pia oe ran I a ee dees ra oe oR 2. a. What are miorokemals? Poin out thei avant (is mats) b. What ate the two models of inter process 6? What are the strengths and wealeess of the two approaches? 8 Marks) ¢. Compare and contrast, short term, medi term scheduling. (Mark) 3% Point out aad explain the vario gf mult threaded programming, @emaree) 1, Consider the five processes a burst given in milisecors inthe onder given, wit the lengih of the CPU Busine Cor 10 B, 2 Py 3 Pe 7 Pe iz and RR (quantum = 10ns) scheduling, draw the Gantt chert for Determine average waiting time and turnaround tie for all the gorithm. Which algoritim would give the minimum average viting time? (2 Maras) oR fe critical section problem point out and explain its three requirements. (05 Marks) re semaphores, explain how mutual exclusion is implemented with semaphores. (05 Mavs) : BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Modute-3, What are deadlocks? Point out and explain its necessary conditions. Explain the various methods of recovery from deadlock ©. Consider a system with five processes Po through Pa and three resources types Resouree type A hs 10 instances, resource type B has 5 instances and resoure instances suppose that, a time Te, the following snapshot ofthe system, ‘Allocation Max, ‘Avaliable A[B]C{A|BI[ClalB Rlotifol7[st3t3t3 pf2popots 212 mts of2 {afore Bl2tift|2}272 plopotzta tats aw the need matrix ‘The sequence is safe tate or ng or Define paging. Explain paging hurdware with a What is sgmentation? Explain basic met with an example Consider the following sequene 7,0,1,2,0, 3,04, 2,3, 0,332, How many page faults oc oR utes, explain le operations. types of files. Module-5 sk scheduling algorithm with an example. ‘plain access Batrix protection system of OS oR 10 inthe various. Components ofthe Linux system. the process management in Linux. 20f2 Go green 15CS64 (ot Maris) (5 Macks) dC. 1% (oman) (o8atarks) (os Marks) page fault with a neat diagram, (sak) (osnnanas) (60a) (stark) (saris) omar) (smaris) (osntarks) coaytarks) BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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