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Module 3 Relafions and Funcfiong kef A and B be & Sef. Dhen She Bef of All ordered pares (a,b) there AEA and beEB 1 Called fhe cavfestan product oF cass product. te 19 denoted by AXB , Ihus Axa ={ (a,b) /aen and beB} &g:- Az {-1,0,1} and p-{a.3} AxB= { (118) (13) (0.2) (0,9) C2) C9) h BxA = { (a,-1) (210) (21) (8,-1) (3.0) tah Axa A BxA AxAz= A= {Guy (-1,0) (-141) (0,1) (0.0) Co, (uy) (1.0) GS Note: TF As to , goto} then AXB = men elemu se (4) het Aa fash - B={213} anc c={4,6} find (i) Bxc (i) (AuB)xc (ii) (8xA)u(Bxc) solv: (i) Bx = {(9.4) (0.6) 04,4) (3,695. (iD (Ava)xc = { | St xtaey { Cra) (1.6) C204) C96) C44) C2.09 04,0) F a} (ii) (AYA) U (nee) (eva) = {C2 Craylrs) C2 10024) Cas)h fave) - £ Can) (2.6) (4A) C.0)F (BVA) ulmxey = {CaN) (043) (4.5) (3) (9) (45) 2) (016) (2,4) (906) 9, (9) Find m™ and ha cach of She following caze% (3) (aa, 24g) = (6,1) (ii) (yma, Our) = (a-1, yra) soln'- (i) (a4, ary) = (6.1) OW=6 Oe | rae—al, (i) (y-a, 2441) = (1-1, gre) yoo = 4-4 , atta Yr t-Yy4+1=0 oe MAHA! =o oN) ere Stee ys peal [eer (3) Suppose A,B,C Co 2x%Z where A= { (>, Wy) / Y= 5X '} rtp ye e9 =f (yy au-ye A}, Find (v auc (ii) BUT So" (i) Aa AUC = Ane i Rog = Ans] =Anc faiaa. =} Cay eane B Qa aro Te can be wepwesenfed dragercm cattcdt @8 A gular Note: A coafang an efemenls , B comfang 1 efements ~fhen ef orfron -faom A £0 B confaing ca cfemnenfa, fous Prvbleans fi ar 2 G) A=1!:2:3) »B=f{% 4.5} find tre following rs 2 (1) [Ax p] f contains how (i) Number of a efecfions -farm A toB (iD Np of bimaay welefions on A (v) No of velafions fom A fo B thet comfain (1,0) and (1,5) (2) No. of veferfions Poem AbB S owmdered pares. frons foom Arto B Jhaf comfain exacfty (Ui) No. of refer dnaf cordfaing fleas oadered pouss men 2 3X3 =F A - gla SIA x so\r:- (i) 1A xB) = fi) ARB =e” (i) No. of aefafion on A = a” (iv) bef R= {(rarlns)f ra ; Aleve JaxBl=4 mo of avefafion 18 = q-g =< + at - 198 , 7 of aefefion from A to B jhe ofement (112) & (usd ovdered pays OT", m™_ gF- sia ie comdcin (v) ARB coarfaining omy S Acg = 106 elements ) Deas} F ovdeved prs possibilities ave a = 364941 546 2) he aztruas 4 > \ Ac Ute MS, ep and Ro beshe wefafion om DD aetime cor nr Y fefmed as (ANER fandouly f ass amuditple of b. Rave down R as a sef of ordered Pars. Soler. a rvs mntrple of b 1 (a.b) Sarpe A and ‘A is aq muttiple of by} Bae , ho r > r f = £(9.8) (251) (21a) (3.1) (313) (40 qt) (412) (e,1) Ce. 2) Ce.) Cer6) P CH) _Funcfrons ce hef A and & pe the Q Non- empty gefs . Shen A Senet oe or mapping fA toB a vefafion fom A fo B such that evevy element. of e ofermenf in ee b = fla) A has & aintgst of ta’? and tq’? re cattee| ewe be te catted Fhe manage 4ne preimage of ‘b’ | 4 function f fom Ade B denoted bY Pp toh 1 8 Dhe picforat ve pregenfafion of f fo eB b=fta) > range of FS. Sea) domain co-domain | Nolet: i (1) Lverny Pancefion 1% a vefefion buf every rrefafion meet meof be aPuncfion : (@) A confangousm cfemenle , B conams m efements jnen a function tf! favm A toB confang mn” efements, problems (4) Defeamine jhe Pollorwing acfafions ave fancf 100s @ nef Gi) Met aay - pef{ol oy R= {(u- (1,0) (a) (a0) scle:- Given get Cucp Cie) (ey (e)} A B . 3 Pe { a Pruncfron because ¥ , ok B&B ne 4a of A we velelet +o beth —1 and o of- B fy n=fiaap aed pa{-1o} S = {Cry (a,-1) (3,0)5 A e Tk wa funcfion . i rhe Because every element of amenf in B > | A here unrqyure ef€ fy Aaf1.9.34} , 9+ { (2.0) (a) tnd} Sole: - A HI 2 3 A Th 12 mef a fPunefion pecauze J of ¢ eforfect fo any element of A (Co-clomnean) , @) For Aah a3 45h and B= {rw myizd Pauncfion f fom A tog defined by | ae fey Ca.) (Ary) C504) Cap. Find tne vonage of ne following i) As { 1213} (i) Aa- Loa ast Sole: B (D A= {33 dhe vanage, f(A) < f of Wy Aor {oaad Sra) = fad Ae FE bot $ Foom R4AOR defined by Sr foo | ms for 3720 ~ 8x41 Pow %A $9) = 3(S)-5 = 0 (x= 9,29) 4 (Js) = -aCY)+ | =6 (x=-9,<9) (i) fty=b = anf) ret f(y = % ie SIE es Gop Yy (4S9 =o $'(0) = g 0579 to find, pry , bef Silay ex > SOWE) gl prs - 3A} =) ars — | —- faz o\ fas al fla=d L'(y=o pty a1 ay To find SCV ley an = POY = =| (9 >0) (0<9) -3A+) = -J 32-45 = —-] =y ~3X= 2 Bx = jr=%] a >o a g'CYH4 24 To fined f(s) Figaa 7 Hd = SxS = 3 BxA=S Hag » 350 ay 3 a SMy =k = [Fra] 346 -BAF) =3 —3%A=2 Merk, 3 LIND =~ 7s gly a {2 8h, —B%A+) = —-€ ga = 4 ca ee Ce » 2 x0 a a oe 3 3 Hf ‘Cog. ( 2 (bs Yan fis [-s.J py “SSF ST case (i) -SK Ox-FK T ot Sta oh ac oat oa co omen OK 3x < 10 >B —6 << < fo < case -¢ 6 34-565 645 < BX RHE al << oot < Jo hx ae 10 | “3 cas eli) —6 < -BAFI A —6-1< —-3% Mi An funefion. qo = a(n3-1) , WER fake % & % ER (Nef possible) So, ket ADO, go) = o(o-I)-0 cad eee qe (3-1) =o ‘9! 1g mof ome—one Puncfion, 4) ket fi z—vzZ defined by fia) =a+) for a&z Find wihefner f 13 one-one (D onto Solm- Plav= att! , Az Fake UGA € Z comnder . Py) =F) aH =O, +f =y % =a, 3 - 1B ome - OMe Now, Few pooving onto Pune, comsider bEZ Staab 4 z fa) a+ =] 5 a= b-j ia 7 Ge =y bole Zz (5) hef A=R ,Baf asa ww real § 1%0} Phe function PiA—-B defined by f(a) = a> Solr fa) =a? 9, 2% ER comsides, —PCen) =fCa,) a, =tfg> Qe + a, eq, =% @ qo) " f ip mey one OFF a f Now, fake beB. f(ay=b ean az= b sasib (AIDEA berowe A=R) . 2 oafo. Ney e (4) [Alam . lela, fis one-one from Abs plavm) = (a-my ni '(@) Ialem, lalen . £18 onto fur Prom Abe | plaim) = = c-* ace (m-K) lee ee BE ae (6) Shere 60 one-one Punefion Ato B and lAl=3 watnat + |p) = 9 Sole. plm,an) = a! fi-™)! GO a! OD! 60 = m(n-i)(n-2) (0D: ~ wr! ; => 60 = aln-a(m) [Go = 5x 4x3] « faes] Hlemce [Bl=Sy (4) hef Ae {12.345 64} and pif yoz Find tne nO of onto PuncHions faom A to B. sole- JAJ=zaiom ¢ IBl)=T=4 pln) = FS VE MG Cre K)™ K=0 A om p43) = 70 enk ac, AY) K=0 ko0, pla) = 4e, 47 = 16384 oo A -4xelet+ = — S448. fe Cee) eae ete = + = F6s neg, Plaa= 4a at 6x 1as = F eos, pla ee “40 qt = —A kaa, plad = CF 46 ( =o. pla,dj= 16384 — 8448 4468-440 = 840074 4) Composition of Pundions Comsider 3 Mon-emply functions f: A+B and g: Bc. ahe co of 4nese @ funefrons go : Ac wth qof . ghey Bets A,B,C and fre rmpos £10 we defined as he Punefion Aihere AEA 7~ qed. Nefe:- 1 ft AA then Sof = ~* Popo are a. ged = gq (Fen) 3. Pog = P( qe) gp rob lems (a) hel fee ond c= {rom yz} poh Pf: A+B and 9: Boe given: by S=fCa) Ca.) (3,6) (4.c)} cinct gaC (ar Cbry) Core)F find gf 9 al qot So] > gh = {0 lary (sp lnDy, an consider the Puncfrons f and 9 clefined by Pray= 22 and GO = +I LW KER. Find gof , fog 2 And algo show phacf- fog F gof 4 and "9 soln Pgopcny = GF) To find got Tofinel fo goofy a VF oy) fog ia) =P(I™) = 409 ; =flavy = Grr! fog = Fer )44 aod a eay 9 aly goh ond A Logs) 2 | To Fant F ToFind g? Sofa) = PCF) Ca 4a = pos) = gla = @93 9°99 = CMD 41, Pofm= x1, : TH) het Pf and g be the Panefrons Poom R to R defined by Pex) = axtb etnel go = Jamt ar if geht = gx2—974+3 - Find a and b. Sol Gy oF Ca) = 9x2-9043 fe g(axtb) = | — (a+b) + Catt) = 917-94 X43 garb + att brFeab = 97-943 ary +(@ab-a)a +(I-b +e) = 99?-4 443 Eqsuccting dhe co-efPficients of a x 8 consents gA2=— 4] M43 aoe Oe 0 ake At @ab-a=—-G, when asa, Sb~3=—-9 [b=-1J —6b+3=-q Athen qe To [bal 7 @ Dheowem 4 hef fr A+B and 9: Bc be any roo Peines 08 Shen the following ave Fme (5) rf f and 9 cave Ome one -20 gof 1 also one—one Qi) af get yz I-I thefts I-| fi rp f and q are pato 30 qof 1s algo onto. (fv) af get ig omfo Then 9 1g Orfo. proof If FIA 7B and a Boe then goh Aa (i) To_pwve af 1g ome ONL (9h: AC comsidew , A ” ae A gost) = go (%) | a ($cay) = q($ea)) Cr ge FY Pc =P) (+ P os I) | = a) =O, = gf rg ome OTL 7 aa CA then Pea) PC) CB and | $a) = fC) fake ‘g’ on. b-S (iD Foke, gq tpeay) = Gh Coy) ea =y gf lay = 19), =y =O, 13 OME - OTK, (ii) Jaxe aca ,Since f 18 onto -) fCajy=b and 4:ince og tS onto =$ C = 4b) ¢ a Compequentiy , gohy =9[Fay = glb)=¢ os gc 13 onto, (iv) Since got 13 onefo. gore) = 9 = glb) wf , cle ag is omtey, Bs Iheorem @! hef PIA7B,9: B70 and h:C—*D be Shree Punchons then prove haf (hog) oP = holqof) proof i comsidew LHS 1-349 [2-qh) » {freoglof hi) 7 go & Pi / / =y (hog) F(9) 7 (hog) (Fem) = hog (4) @ y= fer) > A(GCy)) = hCz) (- zeqty)) = EHS Af BYch DP Now, comsidey RHS) fholqo#)] eS h( gotta) = h(9 (fer) = b(9¢4)) 07 = RHS oS ae Hence proved Pauncfrions faom z40Z gia 3% - heap =o f xis odd Defermine erarfy theft AY heh Pr guh be the defined by Peay =x-\ 7 mw ig even and h(a) =) { Fo¢gon)] (m) and (Gog)oh)ov and $o(qoh) =(Fo9) eh. Sol: - [ Zo(qon) }(%) =$lger 9) =F(q(rory) » =F * =F (3h) (= Shop| = 3h0U—-| | E} Ol) =a — a ppm reven : of ae odd hw =o S00 | =o [ fog Joh} Pog (btn?) : $(qnew) ae (a(n) shea) | Pp wie even -\ S-r. ee ee wo ddl Q ©. folqeh) = (fog) eh y [Camiin[rese be i 3.{0) = Sez Ext Aiea! 7 ek does ce tugs | (Gan a PTF gq ars j ants Fo cad, okher. [Camiin|rase pa p= det ~4a-f 2) es 1g t+ a y w= 7 = Tonnes Joh O) = xe [Camin] owe 1 rage. 1 Tee erin is: A als =e at ~ : ; a =X akge a trey yy ee Xi 73 6G =e ae TP fv be of A=>8 ia “Foe? Bs “ewe Bhd ait ~ Rar ee tie. > Nepal that | = obs tee e ~ F Fake O., a € A: < : 7 CT toweda Jay = a j al i gaan = gl FOOT. : 7% (dn POA) = ge Cx) « eh J = Uo G@d= + Tp C42) : no Ops & J ft ia te L 4 : Ts = 8. _p qoke aen, FEl=® 2 ob Take ; fla oe Coy) defee| ROP ; eRe AW 10: C2 airs | @uwextely PP Tone one aud onto PT | ees ae 0. b i Tae (oe. = st = ts Sr Go Py a Urtog : Soe an a P\ra) Ms 61329 NpF te Couto inh 0: gL Ban, ; pagen. ma “m2 6), QF 3 w he i | = : = Dorr p= {mmetf {1329-1 Z| i Be oan ZS a Te | = | Teal oe { a Roy sth ss } ef 35 . & B ic e aes Lig es alias aged Be BG wy = ease | va =. bi, Wa a aie me eet ee ee i J Relofrons I XK wer - one Madnx! A mabix weprese nfafion of refafion by assigning , a ie (aber 1g called Fhe 0 HP (an eR gelation mafrix of R. And 1k 12 denoted by Mp@ M(R) ext Bp =fa-b.c¥ » Bath 24 and Ref (ary (aa) (b.3) Cerf @) Diagraph of a Relaken: Dhe picforial wepresenfafion of the wefasion R afa Bef A 2 called directed graph @ digrraph of R. exr- Tf A={1a3} Raft) (Hay (2.2) (3.2) Rs Dhen Me= . b ~ hop, OWRD Node (Verfex) he each efement of Eage a Dvav an ar wPy catfed az eclge _ Farom ome Berfex fo anosher re vfex. Loop + (one inebreed and Lewminay ports a7 Same for tne neater) Dhe invbral ancl -bearminaf rderfexs ave © ys catled Qoop. omnnecfiog Bame Berber An-cegree: She MS ef edges enfering certlect Tm —deqr ss of hock —Oag Jeaving —tracf anderen. to ewertex IS ge ofex. a arertex he MO ug —degerce S ceqree of catted ore Problems :- - (a) het Ae {1a aay defn by aRy Pe @) wrtte clown R (iD Daw the drageaph of R (wy Defermne the indeqress and ouf-cle Yeofsces 1 the qrare. sol W) R= {ha (2.4) 5 w —_ ® 4 and R pe the vwefation on A ya et qs of @ [vethes [ala] ala. ernie Eafe] foster] ft] ef (@) hep Aa{1, a.a,af and bef R be tne relation on A defn by 2ARy WF Wy divides Yy” pootHen aly (a) wete down R as a 34 of ordered pair. (b) Devan Ine diag-raph of R. (© Deferrmine the im—degrees’ and uf degrees of the Weotices im-tnre diag-aph. Ang :-(a) “x divides y", aly ifr, Ne, ila, a 242 aja ala, 4/4 e pe{(y 1) Cosa (1a) reap (212) (208) (2.92) (ce) Vertex 4 a23a4 in-degree 12 2 A 3 out ~deqre er al | (3) Lek Ax {} and R be Teles on A defred by aRb iff “a is anuthiple of b” @ Wwte down R. (6) Deaw +he aig~aph of R ©) Defermine im-degree and ou} —degeree ofthe Vesftees tm +ne geaph. A) pate down the relation ™mafaty, Solr Given A={1-9,3.4,6} @) a is multiple of b - r={(oy (3,1) ( 212)€3 11) (3:3) (Ae) 2) (4) (611) 06.2) (6. 3)(6,6)} & @ (© Verhees 41 2 3 4 6 An-deg ace se \ Ouf—cleqaee 1b @ a 3 4 @ M,= Hae ) R 1}]4 0000 | 4 ft 0.0 0 oo 0 400 ia 1 O10 €'4 440 @) Find +he velafion represented by-the ting raph given befow. Algo pare down if3 mafaix. o Solr: pa {agoyg (212) (2.3) (4.1) (4.424 Q Tl pee BeOoL oOoOPR CoPRFs 3 ! 0 Q A 3 oO 4 6 G) For A={vb, cele, fF find the vrejation and selation of mafrx. o @7 © 6+ 4) Reflexive Refation:— A relation R on a sefA ig gaid +o be weflexive rf (a,a) eR-for any aeA ex: Tf A={112137 Raftvy (22)(2. 9} A wrefafion R, ona Sef A ig gaid +o be iaveflexive rf faiaye R forany 2A ex: A=-{ : 2134 pe fii lay (af () Symmefnie Reledrom ?= A relation R om a eet A is Said £0 be Byrn ef 70 ep Cay b) ER hence (bayeR for at] abeA. exe: A={h 2134S R=f (11) (211) (ria) (3,1) Criadd @)_A-symmef-re Relasions- A relafion R om a Bd A is gaid to be By mmm ef 3c if (a-BJER buf (balZR for abe. a. acti ns}, pater (2) (24) af Herve (13)ER but (AER. :) (©) Ardi-symmefne Relafon A elation R on gf 18 gatd to be anfi-symmefaic if (arb)e R and (bea) €R Where a=b for a,beA ex t- Dats, 2134 LR= (1 (ai2af (6) Trransrtive Relafion :- A Relation R on ase A ig Zaid to be fransifive relation If (AbJER § (bic) ER then (ACJER for a,bic CA exi- Azg{1 2135 pifen (1,2) (2,1) (212) (13) (3) (3,3) (3.2)(2a)h (FJ Eqyuivalerce Relofrom:- A Relasion R om a BIA ig gaid +o be eqyetivrtence vefafion f if areplexive, sytamef rie and f-ransifive A ={1.2035 eftvi) (a) (2.3) (ua) Cat) (32) (2 ex: Ga) ket Ae Following rrefasions ON A. (i) gy wf an tnantsn y( 2230s) (29749 I] foe 2 4 _preblems {i 2 3A Defewmine the amafure of the | ) ! 0 70). 40 \ I ! | o 0 Gi) Ry 1% represented by the digvaph BY Sole: (i) RR, Replexive, Symmef ric and Prangishive. Ths a equiv lence crefafion. (ii) Rg aftr ly (3) (ea) (311) (3,2) (2.9 (314) Carr} Ry 13 Nef Reflexive , Ne} Symmetne , and 18 fransistive. iid = Rox f Cardy Care) (ard) (bre) Cerdy Rs ig teansihive. @ on-tne se zt a vefafion R 1s defined by aRp PP a divictes b. PT R 1x veflexive ,fvansrhs and anf rsyymmefore buf not symmefenc, som For any a7 bic eau “ @ divides b" (Give? y+ “a divides a” 43 kme > Re plexive, +} tq divides b’ bab b doce net divides a > Ris net : Bg romeh ne ~y a divides b! & b dividey a! then A=b =7 RB Gane e. + a divides b', b divides c +he a divides C jm => R we Pvansiftve. —————— ) het AHL 2B AF and Raf (tI) (12) C21) (2.2) (3.1)( 3.9(13)(41) (44) F, bea relation om A. Ts Roan equivalence rejafion. colm-W(aayer, WaeR SR vefferxive (ee (11) (2.270413) (a) (i) Cam)ER Jhen (baVER, WarbER =p Syrmmeme Here, (A,IJER but CLYDER Rs nefsymnetnc = = Hence Th 18 mof eqyurvatence vxefafion, @ heft S be the Sef of at] Now- th = da (cra) Rea) Rowe Bymmelve. (i) @m)Reeay § CA Reeg) Hun ad =be ofan ad= be & cfh=de ak = (§) =y af=be > af= eb ey (a,b) R (ef) Rs Lreansitive Hence th 38 an eqyseuvatence Refcefron. By 3) Fora fixed infeger N>1, PT the refafion . Congruenf- modufo mn” 1% an eqstivafence Tefafon on the ef of arf impegess Z. Solt- Given for arbez then A= b (moda) [o-o= x afa-b- (ab wa mutfsple of m (i) a= a (moda) he A-a=0 1% a -mutfiple of -. Ri Re plexive. (i) Wa bez QE b(mod n) = (a-p) 1 a mulfiple of 1 =y (b-a) 4 mutfiple of-n > b=almoda) 7 Rw Biypommeyne. Gv Uabcez a= b(moda) & b= C(mody) cb 4 oe cmufiple of 1 => @-b) +(b-o) = a-c 3 a mubfple of > a= c(mody = Row frvansifive Hence 12 eqyurvatence. Refection. ow Eqyeivatence class; hef R be an eqptivelence refatien ona Bet A and acA .dhen the Sef of atf those elements x of A which owe vrefated bya by R 1s catled -Jhe equivalence cfass of ce and if-1e cfenefed by [aj @ ROW re (a) -{xen/ Cain eR] exi- A=¢{ 12.35 Ref (riplngy (era) (3H oo fs) = {2} {3J={1! 33 @&) PARTITION OF A_SET: het A be a nron-empby Sep, then there exisk 00 empty Subse}s Ai, Aa, As, --- Ar of AL suchthet the fellowing 40 comdittong are Safisfied @ A= A\VALL-— vA, @) AsnaAj=f for tAj se By Az, ---Ak are Aisyorn ohen Sef pe A1,Ar,---Ay} 1 catled paafthien of A. i eee Bath) GP) Ay-t13, Ar ={233 Ag=t45 oa =t Dy P21 As f 1% paotiton pat J of A- (A) For the equivalence relation aL Cr (a2) Cast) (2129 (8049 (3) (3.9) (4 depimed om sep He {23:4} defermne te partion anducect, Solm- Given A={! 9.345 Raf Vlng7 Cay OD (3.3) (4-99} Now, Equivalence classes of A py atras ta) = {1a} (3) ={2AJ fa) = {24d Ta whreh 0) and [3] ave dishincf. : 0 fa ww the paofrtion ofA p {i 2 £3.03) ee son (3) So A= i 1213.43 cine fhe euivadence refas pe {tur (a2) (23) ca, FF defined om A. Find the pookitien of A inducect bY R. soln: (1) ={ip JY ={2,35, (aja {235 weted ts} ={4-5} Tm whieh (19-2) aad (4) ave hs 2 po{oL Ly “A ={Od. 299 tad) ig tre parton of A PT eee ca (13 o{2az0test Qincf - ) he A= {112:3,4,5,6, +} Defined by a wefation R om A by p=f{car)/@-b) 1g divisible by 3) ST R & equivalence arelafion, Algo Lind +he pach Lion of A induced by R. SOM- Given, A={h 213,415, 6,4 Raf (any/Ca-b) ig Alvisible by 3} 2 Ref (4/1) (52) Co y9 (2129 913) (49) (81S) EO) (a4) (1.4) Cut) (ais) (216) (6D (419) (a4) (sh) re Acb (i) (a,aeR > RB Replexive. Woe (11) (22994) (515) (616) (419) ER. (iy Ca-DIER fil bay ER — Symmefanc area) Bymmedre GH faweR & (b.cVER then (AO) eR . Rig Pransi£tve R we equivalence qefapion. nee cfasses #8, Eqyuivale pati aas tsjo {a5 ta) = { 25} te) ={ 3/6) (3) =f{a6h (aja fi ab (ay = {aay Tr which Ci) 02) and (3) ave Ars tinef pa{tvt Ady, pafinsas, fod 49033 1s parfidien of A. @ het 4 ={ 1, 2,3,A 5}. Define a relation R on AXA by CapReamy PP WY = UY @) Verrfy haf Rs an egveurvalence relafion on AXA () Defermine the equivalence classes (C39), (2) and [01.1 (ii) Determine the paafition of AXA imduced by R. Solm- For any (14) E-AXA - We have WHY = UY re (ueyReayy - RY ove lexive S ferke Cary) (aa) AKA IP CrWRoa wy = Y= y+ Yp_ = WatY= UTY 7 (421%) R (arr) he: Aymmeprre: hashly Bake (Ai /%y) (42%) (a) & XA PB) Revi) Ord Car DReagivgy Fhe Oty, = Ate x,+Y2= TY =y tr +¥, = IMs = (x yy) R (5 +3) -. Rw transifive. Rw egyrivalence vefafion om AXA ) (og ={Ouyeava/rury = 1435 = { (9 (249 (30 [ (2:49) = {ry eaxa/ ary = 249} 2 f (2a) (oa) (3.99 (05) 9) ECan) ay rryad tl ={o} OY Come fon} (C123) ={Crycvy =(Gnd Cen ay) =f C39 C29 ng) = UE) = [C229] renay) = {Crap toa oatengh = [l2ay}= (C029) C2) (as) = f(s) (ag) (2aplen oD} = [n= (eg = Ley) | = { (ny) (easy Ja{ (259/52 (3.4) (495 = (tsa) = (3) =a [Cas = {ao (4.0) } = (6s) =e) [e) = {9 YJ = [(s4J (6.37) =LED -: parhifron of AXA PCCD Leas), eval trong)- (9 U9) (2 [49] Usd, () PARTIAL ORDER (‘posefs) A rvefafion R on a sef A 12 2afd to be pafiatt oaderx im velation on gef 4 Ae { (1) Rs aedlexive (i) R18 anfi—symmefare (i) Rw fvansibtive on A. A sef'A ioth a partial order R om eae cae a poset If 1% cemofed by plArR) © (AR) @) Flasse Diagvams She digraph of a padtal onder 1x called poset digram (D Hage diagram. Working Rate t (4) Elianinate Replexive edass (etrmmate doops) @ Suppose rnc Ai qreaph edg 68 from a to _b § edges Sarom btoc 8 qexen fren eliminate jne edge Prom_o fC. (3) Now Draw the digraph att edges poi ret 1n uprard Aicvecfion +40 Toeneecl to put ArDkKS 19 jne edges (rat vs understood ak edges ave upnard], preblemg ay Tet Ax{1, 8,3, 44 and Rea{ (1-1) (12) (2a) (204) (13) (213) (aap (104) (4a) }. Verret drab Rove ot pastas ovdex on AL anc alo pare down Hasse diagram of R. So|ns- Given Aa fnraay pain (29 (0) 3) (202: 99109 (9475. Herve, R Re plexivey Arehi- symmehox and 113 2 vansishve =y rt posed Hasse chagaam a a{trny tun (2) (2.490 13) (2,3)( 314) tea) wag} = car = (Hhef Nal 23,4} and R be defined as %Ra +f APG» PT (AiR) 2 el poses waite ut Hasse clam. Soft: Given Aa{h21 3.9} & mARy rf ay aR H{ (ri plraytnan (nay (212929) (29 (40) } Rw Replexive , Pacfi-syrmmelox and Pransibive Riz paofial order on Sef A Hasse drag rary R= {OC V013) Wray (22) (214) (373) ceay 2\. 2 4: Digrmph of R o Daw the hasse chiagrerm ryeprrese ving the x que divigow of 36 ' GT 121 18/,5E sola bef A={ 4» 34 , OF te afb =y coe I oo SeXy co . ho CO ycuancroarcragere) CAI 2) C0) C36) ove) (204926) coi) (2 Na 23e) (aa (s6)( 2,9) Caiv2) (48) (mae) . taray (2) (ar36) (66) (612) C0, 18) (6136) caxay Ca,18) (136) Crna) (12136) (isis) (18136) (36.36)f, nb we GokGa) (vy) aaph for & refafion om jhe Sef 13 ag Shown belo. @) he drag au {ra.3 68h yerrrrfy haf. (A WR) A posef and fotte down ifs Hasse oii x sol:- Qa CYC MeO cre) (202) (216) (2.8) | (213) (3,6) ce.8) Cab) } Rs replerive, Drfr-symmefry & +eansrefive Risa pada] ordey on A 6 8 ft} we A wey" Hasse crag vam. e: 6F Defeamine She amafmy of ne partial orden Whose Hasse raey-reim w oe S and draw ifg diag -vaph and mafn ae 3 I solm- af (1-1) (212) (313) (4a) (515) C2) (1.9) (414) Ch, (20) (25)J (2s as. Mp oo a a CO ae) a) Oe Oe AO 0. O40 sto On 070. 4: “ Rig a parfial order on A Hasse dragrams 1s HW () Defermine She amafaix of tne pachal ordey ihoge Hasse diagram 2 Uy and daavn Ps atigrraph and ancfox 3 a a solr Qe {11} (212929) (5.5) (112) (109) (HOP (2.4) (ais) } 4 a3 4 5 Mp= ao alo istee Optaeels oO Bo 0 Oe 410 oo 0 20 00. 01 Hn. (g) bef A={2.3,4,6,12} on A» define the ~refation R by aRp PP a divides b. pT Ra partial | order om A. Daan the Haase diagram for +hig Aefafion. Solmr- R= {ti YOuaynaycraycr "6 C112) GD (214) (216) (2012) (3, 13) (3+ 6) (3112) ( (£04) (4-12) (6:6) (6 yee} (A.QER, for at}atA,>R % aeflexve a divides b and b divides athen a divides C TR be berangi hive a divides b and b divides a then azb thence © R is avdr—symmeforc. wis Qa Te Viet paras onder om A- Hasse diagram for R, 1 (6) Draw the Hasse diagram ofthe rrefafion R on Batt 23 H5F Whose amafvix 12 as given below ss wn i ie =O OT o 0 0 0 SO|™- R= fay ean (3,4) (2.5) ait) (siS)} \ i ee) Oe v Saoa6 Cec 2cs) (213) Cag (245) Rha) a a ® Extremal elements rn posts consider a posef (AR) a) M Fm (2) _Mevernal_efemert of A AeA ww catlecl mMaxiamce| cleaner f jhaf ar Aa efemenf sfx MO efemenf rAa rn A Auch there ex @® _Mimmas element: An efemenf acA anal efemenf of A jhere exrsf “7° efermene- Ra. w cattect mini aba nA such-|hat (3) Upper bound : An efemenf acA w Bald +o be upper on of a 4ubsef B of ATL xRa for atl eR @ ower bound: Am elemenp aeA '% Baid -lo be Qower bounce of a Subse B of A. rf aRa for atl xEB © Leask upper bound : Dn element acA i said +0 be Leask upper bound of a Subsef p of A if i Gafisfies the following cond (i) a 18 am wppew bound of B. (i) TH aA we an upper bound of B.Ihen aRd 6) Greafest fower bound: Ob of a 3ubsef 1g gaid +o be q An element acA owing cond, BHA te safrsfres she foll 12 lower bound of B jer bound of B then A&Ra. (pe cl ) ee dad w an Qo Prob lems (a) bet pa{2, 3,4,6,8,19,24F .R be aRy Pf ry Lef pif, 6 1a} Find’ (i) AU upper bounds of B. (i) Atl Power pounds of B wae Gi) LuB of B OY Gp ose. olh:- R= fers) couyer) (208) (2412) cPi2u) (2%) (2,6) (Fy (3.20) CuYu) (4.8) (aia) (aaa) (6) C6412) (634) (8) (6124) (19 \2) (12124) (2020 2. Consider she flasse chiag-am of - pose (A a given below 4 a $ a e Q b f pe {odie} Sind @) all atpper bounds of B. (i) ath Power bounds ofp (iD) Ghe Jeast upper bound of B (iw) 4c qrrecdest Corre bound of 2. Sol - (7) Bz {cide} he wppry bounds ave Sirgen” (rn) Bafordey ts welafed +o c, ab ~ abit ave Lover bounds of B. (ii) Ohe apper bound AD is celafed to oper Upper bore q Fe os aaah Qeas} wp pre bound tua cand b veld ed by C ODB lower bounds (ww) he c 1 «GLB of B. Hw: 3. comsider the posef- whose Hasse drageram 18 Show eo of BatGdey J 9 goff.1. LOB © Bae. 7 GiB of B= a.

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