September 28 2019 Sessionplan-Tipones

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Qualification Title : DRIVING NCII


Learning Outcomes:
L.O. 1 Respond to emergencies
L.O .2 Arrange follow-up support and assistance


This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in responding to emergency incidents, follow-up support and assistance
and communicate to concerned individual during emergency.
L.O. 1 Respond to emergencies

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

1. Occupational Modular Read Information Answer Self Compare an- CBLM on
Health and Individualized sheet 1.1-1 on Check1.1-1 on swer to answer Occupational 30
Safety Procedures Learning Occupational Health Occupational key 1.1-1 Health and min
Method and Safety Health and Safety
Procedures Safety Procedures
Procedures Auto
Discussion Listen to the trainer Answer feedback E-MEDIA on
Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
while viewing the computer- Occupational 45
power point based exam Health and min
presentation on OHS Safety
Procedures Procedures

MODULAR Read information Answer self- Compare CBLM on Kinds

2. Kinds of Individualized sheet 1.1-2 on Kinds of check 1.1-2 on answer to an- of Emergency 30
Emergency Learning Emergency Situations Kinds of swer key 1.1-2 Situations min
Situations Method Emergency on Kinds of
Situations Emergency Situ-

Discussion Listen to the trainer Check E-MEDIA on 45

while viewing the answer by auto Kinds of min
power point presenta- Answer feedback Emergency
tion about the kinds Computer- Situations
of Emergency based exam

3. Procedures in Individualized Read information Answer self- Compare CBLM on

the Event of Learning sheet 1.1-3 on check 1.1-3 answer to an- Procedures in 30
Emergency Method Procedures in the swer key 1.1-3 the Event of min
Event of Emergency on Procedures Emergency
in the event of

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Discussion Listen to the trainer Oral Check your E-MEDIA 45
while viewing the Pow- Questioning answer by min
erPoint listening the
presentation on trainer’s
Procedures in the comment /
Event of feedback

Practical Observe to trainer’s Perform Task Evaluate own Materials and 1

Demonstration Demonstration on Sheet 1.1-1 on performance equipment to hour
Conduct role-play Conduct role- using be used in this
Procedures in the play on Proce- performance demonstration
Event of dures in the criteria
Emergency Event of checklist
4. Problems Arising Individualized Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on
During Learning sheet 1.1-4 on check 1.1-4 on swer to answer Problems 30
Emergency Method Problems Arising Problems key 1.1-4 Arising During min
Situations During Emergency Arising During Emergency
Situations Emergency Situations

Discussion Listen to the trainer Answer Oral Check your E-MEDIA on 45

while viewing the Pow- Questioning answer by Problems min
erPoint presentation listening the Arising During
on Problems trainer’s com- Emergency
Arising During ment / feed- Situations
Emergency back
Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
5. Preparation of Modular/Indi- Read Information Answer Compare CBLM on 30
Incident Report vidualized Sheet self-check answer to an- Preparation of min
and Other Learning 1.1-5 on 1.1-5 on swer key 1.1-5 Incident Report
Documentation Method Preparation of Preparation of and Other
Incident Report and Incident Report Documentation
Other Documentation and Other Doc- to Authority
to Authority and umentation to and
Medical Authority and Medical
Personnel Medical Personnel

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your E-MEDIA on 45

discussion using Pow- Questioning answer by Preparation of min
erPoint presentation listening the Incident Report
on Preparation of trainer’s and Other
Incident Report and comment / Documentation
Other Documentation feedback to Authority
to Authority and and
Medical Medical
Personnel Personnel
Practical Observe the trainer’s Perform Task Evaluate own Materials and 1.5
Demonstration in Prepare an Inci- Sheet 1.1-5 on performance equipment to hour
dent Report Prepare Inci- using perfor- be used in this
dent Report to- mance criteria demonstration
gether with checklist
Other Docu-

6. Driver’s Modular/ Indi- Read Information Answer Compare an- CBLM

Responsibilities vidualized Sheet self-check swer to answer 30

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
in Emergency Learning 1.1-6 Driver’s 1.6-1 on key 1.6-1 min
Situations Method Responsibilities in Driver’s
Emergency Situations Responsibili-
ties in Emer-
gency Situa-
Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Oral Question- Check your an- E-MEDIA 30
discussion using ing swer by listen- min
PowerPoint presenta- ing the trainer’s
tion on Driver’s re- comment /
sponsibilities in emer- feedback
gency situations

7. Handling and Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on Han-
Use of Fire vidualized sheet 1.1-7 on Han- check 1.1-7 on swer to answer dling and Use 30
Extinguishers Learning dling and Use of Fire Handling and key 1.1-7 on of Fire min
Method Extinguishers Use of Fire Ex- Handling and Extinguishers
tinguishers Use of Fire Ex-

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- Handling and min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s Use of Fire Ex-
on Handling and Use comment / tinguishers
of Fire Extinguishers feedback Personnel

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Practical Observe to trainer’s Perform Task Evaluate own Materials and 1
Demonstration discussion and oral Sheet 1.1-5 on performance equipment to hour
instruction on Handle Handle and using perfor- be used in this
and Use of Fire Extin- Use of Fire Ex- mance criteria demonstration
guishers tinguishers checklist

8. Handling Crime Modular/Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on Han-
Situations vidualized sheet 1.1-8 on check 1.1-8 swer to answer dling Crime Sit- 30
Learning Handling Crime on key 1.1-8 on uations min
Method Situations Handling Handling Crime
Crime Situations

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Check E-MEDIA on 45

discussion using Pow- Computer- answer by auto Handling Crime min
erPoint presentation based exam feedback Situations
Handling Crime

LO 2: Arrange follow-up support and assistance

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
1. First Aid Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on First
Practices vidualized sheet 1.2-1 on First check 1.2-1 on swer to answer Aid 30
Learning Aid Practices First Aid key 1.2-1 on Practices min
Method Practices First Aid

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- First Aid Prac- min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s tices
on First Aid Practices comment /

Practical Observe to trainer’s Perform Task Evaluate own Materials and 1

Demonstration discussion and oral Sheet 1.2-1 on performance equipment to hour
instruction on First Practice First using perfor- be used in this
Aid Practices Aid mance criteria demonstration
Practices checklist

2. Kinds of Body Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM Kinds of
Harm and How vidualized sheet 1.2-2 on Kinds check 1.2-2 on swer to answer Body Harm and 30
to Deal with Learning of Body Harm and Kinds of Body key 1.2-2 on How to Deal min
Them Method How to Deal with Harm and How Kinds of Body with Them
Them to Deal with Harm and How
Them to Deal with

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- Kinds of Body min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s Harm and How
on Kinds of Body comment / to Deal with
Harm and How to feedback Them
Deal with Them

3. Appraisal of Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on 30
Passenger Needs vidualized sheet 1.2-3 on check 1.2-3 on swer to answer Appraisal of min
in Emergency Learning Appraisal of Passenger Appraisal of key 1.2-3 on Passenger
Situations Method Needs in Emergency Passenger Appraisal of Needs in Emer-
Situations Needs in Emer- Passenger gency Situa-
gency Situa- Needs in Emer- tions
tions gency Situa-

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your E-MEDIA on 45

discussion using Pow- Questioning answer by Appraisal of min
erPoint presentation listening the Passenger
on trainer’s Needs in
Appraisal of Passenger comment / Emergency
Needs in Emergency feedback Situations
4. Handling Injured Modular/Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare CBLM on

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Person vidualized sheet 1.2-4 on check 1.2-4 on answer to Handling In- 30
Learning Handling Injured Handling In- answer key jured min
Method Person jured 1.2-4 on Person
Person Handling

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- Handling In- min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s jured
on Handling Injured comment / Person
Person feedback
Practical Observe trainer’s Perform task Evaluate E-MEDIA on 1
demonstration demonstration thru sheet 1.2-4 on Performance Handling In- hour
viewing the Power- Handle Injured using jured Person
Point presentation on Person performance
Handling Injured criteria
Person checklist 1.2-4

5. Transporting Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on
Injured Person vidualized sheet 1.2-5 on check 1.2-5 on swer to answer Transporting 30
Learning Transporting Injured Transporting key 1.2-5 on Injured Person min
Method Person Injured Person Transporting
Injured Person

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- Handling In- min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s jured
on Handling Injured comment / Person
Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Person feedback
6. Hospital Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM on
Procedures in vidualized sheet 1.2-6 on check 1.2-6 on swer to answer Hospital 30
Emergency Learning Hospital Procedures Hospital key Procedures in min
Situations Method in Emergency Situa- Procedures in 1.2-6 on Emergency
tions Emergency Sit- Hospital Proce- Situations
uations dures in
Emergency Sit-

Discussion Listen to the trainer Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA on 45
discussion using Questioning swer by listen- Handling In- min
PowerPoint ing the trainer’s jured
presentation on comment / Person
Handling Injured feedback

7. Workplace Modular/ Indi- Read information Answer self- Compare an- CBLM
Procedure in vidualized sheet 2.7-1 on check 2.7-1 on swer to answer 30
Emergency Learning Workplace Procedures Workplace key 2.7-1 on min
Situations Method in Emergency Procedures in Workplace Pro-
Situations Emergency cedures in
Situations Emergency

Discussion Listen to the trainer’s Answer Oral Check your an- E-MEDIA 45
discussion using Pow- Questioning swer by listen- min
erPoint presentation ing the trainer’s
on Workplace Proce- comment /
dures in Emergency feedback

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01

 At the end of the module, students, should be able to take the summative assessment with the following type of TESTS:
For LO1
1. Written Test
2. Direct Observation
3. Interview

For LO2,
1. Written Test
2. Direct Observation
3. Observation / Interview

 Performance Test: At the end of the first module the students should be able to perform the following tasks:

For LO1
1. Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in every task.
2. Demonstration / Simulation on proper procedures in the event of emergency specifically vehicular accident.
3. Prepare and design an incident report and other documentation to authority and medical personnel.
4. Proper handling and use of fire extinguisher.

For LO2
1. Demonstrating / Simulation on how to arrange follow-up support and assistance

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01

Learning how to drive is simple, but for others, there are many challenges and same goes with teaching, it is not easy to
teach driving specially for those students that experience a hard time accomplishing the tasks given to them. That is the
cause why the instructor must make a reasonable adjustment especially for slow, too nervous students, and students
with disability and hindrances. Always think and imply different methods of teaching suited for the trainees as well as
the lessons. All of the competencies specially the main four (4) competencies could only be acquired by the students
through performing continuous task and several activities.

In addition, in terms of CORE four (4) “Implement and Coordinate Accident – Emergency Procedures” - to catch the
attention of the students, they should be first exposed on the vehicular accidents through watching videos. It gives them
the interest to focus more in terms of proper emergency response to be able to prevent accidents while driving their own
wheels. I believe that more demonstration and/or simulation exercises must be given to the trainees so they could easily
acquire the skills in responding to vehicular emergencies.

Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01
Trainers Methodology Level I Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
July 13, 2019 Issued by:
Date Revised:
September 30, 2019 Page __ of __
DRIVING NC II Developed by: NTTA
Revision # 01

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