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Esther Yanes Sanchez

Pre-training Assignment
Child Friendly Spaces Volunteers’ Training

1.Why do you think that promoting children’s rights to live, protection,

development and participation is important? Which factors risk these rights?

Promoting children’s rights to live, protection, development and participation is important

because children and young people have the same general human rights as adults and also
specific rights that recognize their special needs. Children are neither the property of their
parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of
their own rights.

Also, they are still developing, so children are especially vulnerable to poor living conditions
such as poverty, inadequate health care, nutrition, safe water, housing and environmental
pollution. The effects of disease, malnutrition and poverty threaten the future of children and
therefore the future of the societies in which they live.

2. Look at the image and write down different ways through which psychosocial
wellbeing of the children can be strengthened in crisis situations.

To promote the wellbeing of the children is one of our priorities. In this case we can promote
their wellbeing socializing with the other kids because in that case they play together they have
fun, enjoy their childhood and forget about the problems that can affect then because that’s not a
thing of which they have to be worried or suffer. We can help then making activities or games
and also teaching in order to get knowledge and culture.

3.Reflect and write down which special characteristics you think that are
important to consider when working with asylum seeking children? Reflect and
write down also which factors according to your opinion make a good volunteer.

The important characteristics that we have to consider when we are working with
asylum seeking children are the skill of listening each other, patience, being fun and
emotional strong because these children can have serious problem that affect their life
and you have to support then. Also, you have to know knowledge and culture in order to
give then some culture because if they don’t have that they can be more vulnerable.

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