Podcast Assignment

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Podcast Assignment

Due: Week 7

For this assignment, you will create a 3-minute podcast focused on any issue that you feel would be
interested to a target audience(s). The podcast will be recorded using a smart-phone or digital recorder.

This assignment will have two deliverables, including a CMAPP analysis of 500-words where you will
discuss the context, message, audience, purpose, and product, in relation to your podcast including the
script for your 3-minute podcast. It is alright if you improvise on your recording, but, for the most part,
you will want to follow your script. The second deliverable is the podcast itself, submitted through our
Moodle site.

ASSESSMENT/MARKING SHEET –Does the CMAPP analysis and the podcast convey a consideration for
the audience?

1. Is the context (background or setting) clear?

2. Is the message easy to decode, understand?
3. Is the purpose for the content clear?
4. Is the audio easy to listen to, without any noise?
5. Does the podcast cover all of the material presented in the script?
6. Is there an effective balance of ideas and details?
7. Is the script free of errors in spelling, punctuation, or capitalization?

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