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Two-Year Progress Check Checklist

Are you intending to complete a two-year progress check (also known as the Progress Check at 2) this year?
Here are some handy prompts to help you complete this statutory assessment for the children in your care.

Have you...? Tick here

got a thorough understanding of what the Two-Year Progress Check is

explained the process to parents/carers

considered how you will present the report

considered the views of the child and sought their ‘voice’

consulted with parents and sought their opinions

completed the check collaboratively

(It is important to liaise with other professionals that support the child to develop a rounded
picture, for example, speech therapists.)

mentioned areas in which a child:

• is progressing well
• might need some additional support

focused on any areas where there is a concern that a child may have a developmental delay

considered putting a targeted plan in place for children that may require additional support

audited whether you have adequate resources to provide any additional support requirements

recorded targets, actions and strategies from the targeted plan and reviewed how well
interventions are working

ensured the report is clear, jargon-free, honest and sensitively written

shared a copy of the completed check with parents/carers and ensured the person with
parental responsibility has signed the report

considered how to securely store and retain all completed two-year progress check reports


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