Punomoć I Izjava Advokat Boris Novković

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Attorney Aleja Svetog Save 23

BORIS NOVKOVIĆ 78 000 Banja Luka

Phone number/fax +387 51/264-917
Mobile phone number + 387 65/177-552
e-mail: advokatnovkovic@gmail.com

Unique personal registration number and ID card number:___________________________________
by which I authorise
1. Novković Boris, an attorney from Banja Luka,
2. Tomašević Nikola, an attorney from Banja Luka,
3. Tomašević Aleksandar, an attorney from Banja Luka,
4. Paleksić Miloš, an attorney from Banja Luka
to represent me without any limitations before:
I especially authorise the agents to represent me and take all the necessary actions before all the state
authorities and institutions in the administrative procedure, administrative dispute, all extrajudicial
proceedings, in the procedure of compulsory acquisition of real estate and compensation for damages
until the end of the procedures.
I also authorise them to file a lawsuit, propose the start of a non-contentious procedure, reach a
settlement, abandon a lawsuit, make a counter-statement, acknowledge or dismiss a claim, make an
agreement and any form of settlement in the judicial, administrative and extrajudicial proceedings,
pursue a legal remedy, to request an injunction, represent me at the preliminary hearing, main hearing
and other hearings in all procedures, request enforcement and/or security and to undertake all the
necessary actions in the procedure within that request and to take all the actions and to represent me
before all the administrative, city and municipal authorities until the end of the procedures.
I also authorise the agents to receive money for the real estate that underwent a compulsory
acquisition, to conduct enforcement proceedings for the purpose of debt collection and especially
authorise the agents to receive the agreed percentage of the fee in their behalf and on their behalf as
well as court costs referring to the administrative and judicial proceedings.
Should my agent be prevented to represent me, I hereby authorise him to appoint the following person
his deputy: ________________________________________________________________________
who also may represent me and do all acts in law within the scope of the given power of attorney.


(agent) (name and surname)

In Banja Luka on ___________________

Attorney Boris Novkovič, Banja Luka, Aleja Svetog Save 23

Transfer account: 5620998159845649 NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka
Company number: 4511418730004

By which I ____________________, from ________________________,

unique personal registration number and ID card number: ______________________, declare
I cede the total fee earned for the real estate that underwent a compulsory acquisition referred to in
case no. 21.11/473-623/22 of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs
Banjaluka and registered in the real estate folio 201 of the cadastral municipality Ivanjska Gornja as
well other fees to Boro Malinić i.e. I agree for the fee belonging to me to be transferred to the account
and for the benefit of Boro Malinić in proportion to the co-ownership fraction.
Therefore I explicitly declare that, according to the given power of attorney, my agent, Boris
Novković, an attorney from Banjaluka, may make a declaration by which the operating authority or
court will order the payment of the aforementioned fee earned in the procedure of compulsory
acquisition of real estate in favour of Boro Malinić.

On 2 September 2022

Declaration made by:

Name and surname

Unique personal registration number ______________________

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