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Document review number 79/21

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Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 79/21

Pursuant to Article 61 paragraph (2) of the Law on Administration (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 32/02 and
102/09) and Article 13 of the Law on Travel Documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”,
No. 4/97, 1/99, 9/99, 27/00, 32/00, 19/01, 47/04, 53/07, 15/08, 33/08, 39/08 and 60/13), the minister of civil affairs of Bosnia and
Herzegovina issues the following



Article 1

The Rulebook on Issuing official passports and visas (hereinafter: Rulebook) regulates the rules and the procedure of issuing official
passports and visas and prescribes the following:

a) an official visa form issued for the official passports;

b) keeping records on issued official passports and visas and other issues referring to issuing these passports and visas.

Article 2
(Official passport validity)

Passport validity of an official passport is five years.

Article 3

(1) Pursuant to the Law on Travel Documents of the Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 4/97, 1/99, 9/99, 27/00, 32/00, 19/01, 47/04, 53/07, 15/08, 33/08, 39/08 and 60/13) and the Rulebook, the Ministry
of the Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Ministry) issues official passport and visas for the citizens of the
Bosnia and Herzegovina and renews them.

(2) In the procedure of issuing an official passport upon the request of the competent authority, the person to whom an official passport
is being issued provides their biometric data in the headquarters of the Ministry. Exceptionally, biometric data of new-born children
born abroad who have the right to an official passport as well as biometric data of persons whose official passports were destroyed,
damaged or stolen abroad may be taken by the diplomatic mission of the Bosnia and Herzegovina abroad after a competent authority
submitted a request for that.

Article 4
(Travel visa)
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(1) An official passport has to contain an official travel visa.

(2) An official travel visa form is an integral part of the Rulebook.

Article 5
(Persons to whom an official passport is issued)

(1) An official passport is issued for travelling abroad to the employees of:

a) Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the parliament, delegates and employees of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska;

b) the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, institutions of the president and vice president of the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and the president of the Republic of Srpska;

c) the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ministries and other administrative bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
governments and ministries of the entities and administrative bodies of the entities and the Government of Brčko District of Bosnia and

d) the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Foreign Chamber of
Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina established in accordance with the laws of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and its entities;

e) courts, prosecutor’s offices, public attorney’s offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina and High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council;

f) diplomatic missions of Bosnia and Herzegovina not encompassed by the lists from the Rulebook on issuing diplomatic passports.

(2) Exceptionally, an official passport may be issued to the persons that are not employees of the institutions of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, entities and Brčko District in the following cases:

a) to spouses and children referred to in paragraph (1) point (f) of this Article, if the children are not older than 27 and live in a joint
household with the parent who is the official passport holder and if they are not married i.e., employed and an official passport is issued
to the children with extended parental care if they live in a joint household with the parent who is the official passport holder and if they
are not married regardless of their age;

b) to persons who, upon the proposal of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina or Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
go to work in international organisations;

c) experts and technical personnel of delegations of Bosnia and Herzegovina formed by the decisions of the Presidency of Bosnia and
Herzegovina or Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, personnel of the delegations of entities formed by the governments of
the entities;

d) employees of the governments or cantonal ministries in case they go on business travel to perform tasks referring to the European

Article 6
(Method of use and depositing an official passport)

(1) An official passport is used for business travel abroad in addition to the travel order approved by the head of the body or an
authorised person.

(2) After the end of the travel, the official passport is deposited at the competent authority or organisation that submitted a request for
issuing an official passport and that holders of rights to an official passport represent i.e., at an authority that made a decision on
training, content and referring the delegation abroad.
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(3) Heads of the authorities or organisations referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article are responsible for the timely and safe
deposition of the official passports.

Article 7
(Visa validity)

An official visa is issued:

a) to persons referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) point f) and paragraph (2) a) and b) of the Rulebook and it is valid for a year.

b) to other persons referred to in Article 5 of the Rulebook and it is valid for six months except when the service requires otherwise and
in that case the visa is valid for a year.

Article 8
(Applying for the official passport and visa)

(1) For the holder of the right to an official passport (hereinafter: holder of the right to a passport), a competent authority or
organisation that the holder of the right to a passport represents submits an application for an official passport and visa, i.e., an
application for renewal of visa (hereinafter: application).

(2) For the members, experts and technical personnel of the state delegation, entity delegation and delegation of Brčko District of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, a competent authority submits an application with an enclosed decision on educational qualifications, content
and referring the delegation abroad.

(3) The application is submitted at least fifteen days before the planned travel.

Article 9
(Attachments to the application for the passport)

An application for an official passport is submitted to the Ministry and the following documents are attached to the application:

a) decision on business travel or referral to work abroad or

b) travel order i.e., letter of invitation if the person is travelling upon the invitation of a foreign authority and

c) proof of transfer of official passport booklet fee money to the unique bank account of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

Article 10
(Attachments to the application for renewal of the official visa)

An application for an official visa is submitted to the Ministry and the following documents are attached to the application:

a) decision on business travel, travel order or letter of invitation,

b) proof of transfer of official visa renewal fee money to the unique bank account of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

Article 11
(Procedure in case of the disappearance of an official passport)

(1) The holder of the right to a passport is obligated to report the disappearance of the official passport in Bosnia and Herzegovina to
the Ministry immediately.

2) The holder of the right to a passport whose passport disappeared abroad is obligated to report it to the nearest diplomatic mission of
Bosnia and Herzegovina immediately as well as to the Ministry after they return to the country.
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(3) The holder of the right to a passport who lost their official passport or was left without it in some other way may be issued a new
passport after the circumstances under which it disappeared are established and the lost passport is declared invalid in the “Official
Gazette of the Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The passport holder declares it invalid.

Article 12
(The obligation to return the passport)

(1) An applicant for an official passport will return the official passport of the person who no longer has the capacity for which the
passport was issued within 15 days.

(2) If an applicant for an official passport does not possess the passport of the person referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article for any
reason, they are obligated to inform the Ministry about that within the deadline referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

Article 13
(Proclaiming the passport invalid)

The Ministry may proclaim an official passport invalid within 60 days from the day the grounds for the possession of an official
passport stopped existing if the applicant does not return the passport to the Ministry pursuant to the previous Article.

Article 14
(Making the passport invalid)

(1) An official passport that does not serve its purpose anymore for any reason (expired, full of stamps, change of personal data,
damaged, the right to an official passport was lost taking into consideration the date of issuing, etc.) The Ministry will cancel the
passport in the electronic database of issued official passports and it physically destroy it, if it is available.

(2) The passport is cancelled by physically perforating every page of the official passport and covers and stamping “cancelled”.

(3) Pages of the official passport containing valid visas of other countries and notes will not be cancelled.

Article 15
(Records of official passports and visas)

(2) the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina keeps records of issued official passports and visas using manual
processing and in the form of a hard-cover book in A4 paper size under the name “Records of issued official passports and visas”. The
form of the records is an integral part of the Rulebook.

(3) types of processed data are name and surname, name of the authority submitting the application, passport number, visa number, date
of issuing of the passport/visa, passport/visa validity and remark.

(4) data subject categories are persons who obtained a right to an official passport and visa in accordance with Article 5 of the

(5) the source of data is electronic records of issued official passports and an application for an official visa.

(6) the data is exchanged with the competent authorities pursuant to Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

(7) the documents containing personal data are kept permanently.

Article 16

With this Rulebook entering into force, the Rulebook on issuing official passports and visas (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 42/16 and 16/19) ceases to be valid.
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Article 17
(Entry into force)

The Rulebook enters into force on the day of its publication in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Number 06-02-2-7055/21
23 December 2021

Ankica Gudeljević, sgd.

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9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

Document review number 29/19

Home page(/) / Documents (/Docs/) / Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina (/Docs/ Government/) / Document review

Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 29/19

Pursuant to Article 61 paragraph (2) of the Law on Administration (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 32/02 and
102/09) and Article 12a paragraph (2) of the Law on Travel Documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 4/97, 1/99, 9/99, 27/00, 32/00, 19/01, 47/04, 53/07, 15/08, 33/08, 39/08 and 60/13), the Ministry of Civil Affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina issues the following



Article 1

This Rulebook defines the concept, purpose and importance of a navigator's, i.e. seafarer's identity document, the obligation of
ownership, validity, requirements and competency for issuing, form, the content of the form, data they contain, the procedure of
issuing, replacement, personalisation, transport, method and procedure of establishment and keeping electronic records of issued
navigator's and seafarer's identity documents.

Article 2
(Basic concepts)

(1) A navigator’s identity document is a personal identity document, it is a public document used for proving the identity, and capacity
in which the holder is embarked as a crew member of an inland waterways vessel (a vessel enabled and registered for navigation on
rivers, channels, lakes), the duration of the navigator's service, medical fitness and professional competence to complete certain tasks
on an inland waterways vessel.

(2) A seafarer’s identity document is a personal identity document, it is a public document used for proving the identity, and capacity in
which the holder is embarked as a crew member of a sea-going vessel (a vessel enabled and registered for navigation at sea), the
duration of the seafarer's service, medical fitness and professional competence to complete certain tasks on a sea-going vessel.

(3) A navigator's i.e., seafarer's identity document (hereinafter: identity documents) is issued on a regulated form in accordance with the
provisions of this Rulebook.

(4) The document holder is a person whose name the document contains i.e. to whom it was issued.


Article 3
(The obligation to possess)
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(1) The following person is obligated to possess a navigator's identity document:

a) citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked as a crew member of an inland waterways vessel;

b) a foreigner with confirmed permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked as a crew member of an inland waterways

(2) The following person is obligated to possess a seafarer's identity document:

a) citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked as a crew member of a sea-going vessel;

b) a foreigner with confirmed permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked as a crew member of a sea-going vessel.

Article 4
(Validity and deadline for issuing)

(1) The validity of a navigator's i.e., seafarer's identity document is ten years.

(2) The deadline for issuing a navigator's i.e., seafarer's identity document is 30 days from the day the application for issuing i.e.
replacement of a booklet was received.

(3) The booklet holder is obligated to report any change that may impact the replacement i.e. termination of the validity of the booklet
within 15 days from the day the change occurred i.e, the day they found out about the change.

Article 5
(Requirements for issuing)

(1) A navigator's identity document is issued for the purpose of embarking as a crew member of an inland waterways vessel to a person
under the following conditions:

a) that they are a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina or a foreigner with confirmed permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

b) that they are 16 years old;

c) that they possess professional competence to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel;

d) that they possess medical fitness to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel.

(2) A seafarer's identity document is issued for the purpose of embarking as a crew member of an inland waterways vessel to a person
under the following conditions:

a) that they are a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina or a foreigner with confirmed permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

b) that they are 16 years old;

c) that they possess professional competence to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel;

d) that they possess medical fitness to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel;

e) that they underwent training and passed an obligatory exam on the grounds of the rule on ranks and certificates on qualification of
seafarers on the ships of merchant navy referring to the activities in case of danger on a sea-going vessel.

Article 6
(Competence for issuing, receiving and processing applications)

(1) The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter Ministry) issues, replaces and cancels the navigator's i.e.,
seafarer's identity document.
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(2) Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Srpska, Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications and the
competent authority of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: competent authorities for the reception and processing of
the application) receive and process the application for issuing and renewing of an identity document.

(3) When submitting the application for issuing and renewal of a booklet, the applicant makes a statement about the method of
collection of navigator's i.e., seafarer's booklet.

(4) The Ministry cooperates with competent authorities of other countries regarding the issues referring to the authenticity and validity
of issued identity documents.


Article 7
(Format and content of the navigator's booklet)

(1) Form of the navigator's identity document:

a) its shape is rectangular and its dimensions are 125 x 88 mm;

b) the covers are dark blue;

c) it contains two polycarbonate pages and 32 paper pages with a perforated serial number and Arabic numerals in chronological order
from 3 to 34.

(2) The form of the navigator's identity document is made from special materials in accordance with the ICAO 9303 standard.

(3) The front page of the covers of the form of the navigator's identity document contains, in the following order:


(b) the coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina;


(d) ICAO sign for electronic navigator's booklet.

(4) The inner side of the front cover contains, in the following order:


(b) serial number.

(5) The first inner page of the form of the navigator's identity document contains, in the following order:



(6) The second inner page of the form of the navigator's booklet contains, in the following order:


(b) label “SID” (Seafarer’s Identity Document);
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(c) ICAO sign for electronic navigator's booklet;

(d) text as follows:

1) type of the navigator's identity document;

2) (label) “BIH”

3) serial number;

4) name and surname;

5) citizenship;

6) sex;

7) unique personal registration number;

8) date of birth;

9) place of birth;

10) date of issuing;

11) expiration date;

12) issued by;

13) signature of the document holder;

e) area for a biometric photo;

f) a machine-readable zone (MRZ) area in accordance with the specifications of the ICAO 9303 standard.

a) third inner page of the form of the navigator's identity document contains:

b) text: “signature of the authorised person”

c) area for the seal of the competent authority for issuing.

(7) The content of the text and shape of tables where the text is written on the pages of the form of the navigator's identity document
from the ordinal number 4 to the ordinal number 34 is established by the technical specification.

(8) The inner side of the back cover of the form of the navigator's identity document contains a text in the following order:

a) This document is an identity document of seafarers used for the purpose of the 2003 Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention,
International Labour Organisation

b) This is an independent document, it is not a passport.

c) This document contains 34 (thirty-four) pages.

d) Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1, 71000 Sarajevo, phone number: 00387____,

(9) Text referred to in paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) in the Bosnian, Croatian and English languages (in the Latin alphabet)
and in the Serbian language (in the Cyrillic alphabet).
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Article 8
(Format and content of the seafarer's booklet)

(1) Form of the seafarer's identity document:

a) its shape is rectangular and its dimensions are 125 x 88 mm;

b) the covers are dark blue;

c) it contains 32 pages with a perforated serial number and Arabic numerals in chronological order.

(2) The form of the seafarer's identity document is made from special materials in accordance with the ICAO 9303 standard.

(3) The front page of the covers of the form of the seafarer's identity document contains, in the following order:


(b) the coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina;


(d) ICAO sign for electronic seafarer’s identity document.

(4) The inner side of the front cover contains, in the following order:


(b) serial number.

(5) The first inner page of the form of the seafarer's identity document contains, in the following order:



(6) The second inner page of the form of the seafarer's identity document contains, in the following order:


(b) label “SID” (Seafarer’s Identity Document);

(c) ICAO sign for electronic seafarer's identity document;

(d) text as follows:

1) type of the seafarer's identity document;

2) (label) “BIH”

3) serial number;

4) name and surname;

5) citizenship;
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6) sex;

7) unique personal registration number;

8) date of birth;

9) place of birth;

10) date of issuing;

11) expiration date;

12) issued by;

13) signature of the document holder;

e) area for a biometric photo;

f) a machine-readable zone (MRZ) area in accordance with the specifications of the ICAO 9303 standard.

7) third inner page of the form of the seafarer's identity document contains:

a) text: “signature of the authorised person”

b) area for the seal of the competent authority for issuing.

(8) The content of the text and shape of tables where the text is written on the pages of the form of the seafarer's identity document
from the ordinal number 4 to the ordinal number 34 is established by the technical specification.

(9) The inner side of the back cover of the form of the seafarer's identity document contains a text in the following order:

a) This document is an identity document of a seafarer used for the purpose of the 2003 Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention,
International Labour Organisation

b) This is an independent document, it is not a passport.

c) This document contains 34 (thirty-four) pages.

d) Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1, 71000 Sarajevo, phone number: 00387____,

(10) Text referred to in paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of this Article is in the Bosnian, Croatian and English languages (in
the Latin alphabet) and the Serbian language (in the Cyrillic alphabet).

Article 9
(Technical specifications and procurement of the forms)

Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter the “Agency”) establishes
a technical specification and procures forms referred to in Articles 7 and 8 of this Rulebook in accordance with the valid regulations
regulating the area of identification documents and public procurements.

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Article 10
(Data contained in the navigator's identity document)

(1) The navigator’s identity document contains the personal data of the document holder, data about the issuing and other data.

(2) The personal data of the document holder include:

a) a photograph;

b) name and surname;

c) citizenship;

d) sex;

e) unique personal registration number;

f) date of birth;

g) place of birth;

h) signature;

(3) Data about the issuing include:

a) serial number;

b) date of issuing;

c) expiration date;

d) name and headquarters of the authority that issued the navigator’s identity document;

e) signature of the person authorised to issue the navigator’s identity document.

f) seal of the authority competent for issuing a navigator’s identity document.

(4) Other data include:

a) surname, name, kinship, unique personal registration number/date of birth, sex, photograph and data about the physical examination
of the nuclear family member of the navigator’s identity document holder embarking on an inland waterways vessel;

b) name of qualification, name of the evidence of qualifications, name and headquarters of the authority that issued the evidence of
qualifications, number and date of issuing;

c) blood type, Rh factor and data about drug hypersensitivity, serum sickness and vaccine-associated hypersensitivity;

d) name and headquarters of the authority that issued a medical certificate, number and date of issuing and type of employment that the
navigator’s identity document holder is qualified to take up;

e) visas;

f) ordinal number, the duration of the previous embarkment, the purpose of the embarkment, type and power of the ship, name and
label of the ship;

g) ordinal number, place and date of embarkment, place and date of disembarkation, type and power of the ship, name and label of the
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h) name of the authority and date of the decision or other document revoking the authorisation and data about the revocation;

g) remarks.

Article 11
(Data contained in the seafarer's identity document)

(1) Seafarer's identity document contains the personal data of the document holder, data about the issuing and other data.

(2) The personal data of the seafarer's identity document holder include:

a) a photograph;

b) name and surname;

c) citizenship;

d) sex;

e) unique personal registration number;

f) date of birth;

g) place of birth;

h) signature;

(3) Data about the issuing include:

a) serial number;

b) date of issuing;

c) expiration date;

d) name and headquarters of the authority that issued the seafarer's identity document;

e) signature of the person authorised to issue the seafarer's identity document.

f) f) seal of the authority competent for issuing a seafarer’s identity document.

(4) Other data include:

a) blood type, Rh factor and data about drug hypersensitivity, serum sickness and vaccine-associated hypersensitivity;

b) STCW business activity code, validity, level of activity, qualifications and qualification validity, number, place and date of issuing a
certificate, seafarer's identity document number and name and surname of the seafarer's identity document holder;

c) name and headquarters of the authority that issued a medical certificate, number and date of issuing and type of employment that the
seafarer's identity document holder is qualified to take up;

d) place and date of embarkment, name of the ship, name of the port, ship type and drive type in GT-kw;

e) the purpose of embarkment, sailing category, place and date of disembarkation;

f) visas;
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g) name of the authority and date of the decision or other document revoking the authorisation and data about the revocation;

h) remarks.


Article 12
(Application and content of the application for the navigator’s identity document)

(1) An application for the navigator’s identity document is submitted to the Ministry via authority with local jurisdiction for receiving
and processing the applications

(2) An application referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article is submitted on a form whose looks and content are described in Schedule
1 of this Rulebook.

(3) In addition to the application referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the person submitting an application is obligated to enclose
the following evidence:

a) proof of identity: ID card, passport, driving licence or another identity document that is a public document that may be used to
reliably determine the identity and permanent or temporary residence of a displaced person;

b) medical fitness certificate certifying that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel issued
by a health care facility in accordance with the regulations regulating the area of health care;

c) evidence that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel (diploma, certificate, attestation,

d) proof of payment of a fee for issuing a navigator’s identity document).

4) Evidence referred to in points a), b) and c) of paragraph (3) of this Article are enclosed in the photocopies verified by a competent
authority for verification of the said photocopies.

Article 13
(Application and content of the application for the seafarer's identity document)

(1) An application for the seafarer's identity document is submitted to the Ministry via authority with local jurisdiction for receiving
and processing the applications

(2) An application referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article is submitted on a form whose looks and content are described in Schedule
2 of this Rulebook.

(3) In addition to the application referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the person submitting an application is obligated to enclose
the following evidence:

a) proof of identity: ID card, passport, driving licence or another identity document that is a public document that may be used to
reliably determine the identity and permanent or temporary residence of a displaced person;

b) medical fitness certificate certifying that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel issued by a
health care facility in accordance with the regulations regulating the area of health care;

c) evidence that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel;

d) that they passed an obligatory exam on the grounds of the rule on ranks and certificates on qualification of seafarers on the ships of
merchant navy referring to the activities in case of danger on a sea-going vessel.

e) proof of payment of a fee for issuing a seafarer's identity document.
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4) evidence referred to in points a), b), c) and d) of paragraph (3) of this Article are enclosed in the photocopies verified by a competent
authority for verification of the said photocopies.

Article 14
(Request for the replacement of the document)

1) Request for the replacement of the document is submitted in accordance with Article 12 i.e. 13 of this Rulebook.

2) In addition to the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the document holder encloses a certified copy of the document
whose replacement they are asking for except in the cases of loss, theft or other forms of the disappearance of the said document.


Article 15
(The procedure of issuing a document)

(1) The procedure of issuing a document is initiated and carried out by the Ministry on the basis of processed and delivered electronic
application for issuing a document as well as the list of the subject formed by a competent ministry for receiving and processing

(2) If the Ministry establishes that:

a) the requirements for issuing the document regulated by Article 5 of this Rulebook are met, it will approve the issuing of the

b) the requirements for issuing the document regulated by Article 5 of this Rulebook are not met, it will decline the request as
groundless with a decision.

Article 16
(Reasons for replacing a document)

(1) The document is replaced in the following instances:

a) after expiration referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1) of this Rulebook;

b) if there is a change of data of the document holder registered in the document;

c) if some of the data from the document referring to the document holder are incorrect or incorrectly recorded;

d) if the document is too damaged to serve its purpose;

e) if the document holder changed so much so they do not resemble the photograph from the document;

f) if the sections intended to be filled in with data are filled in with data;

g) if the document is lost, stolen or its holder was left without it.

(2) In the case referred to in paragraph (1) point g) of this Article, the document holder is obligated to report the disappearance or loss
of the document to the Ministry if the disappearance or loss of the document occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina and if the
disappearance or loss of the document occurred outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the booklet holder is obligated to report the
disappearance or loss of the document to the nearest diplomatic mission or consulate of Bosnia and Herzegovina abroad.

(3) Data about serial numbers of lost and stolen documents may be published on the website of the Agency and the Agency gives
instructions about it.
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

Article 17
(Replacement procedure)

(1) The document is replaced by cancelling the previously issued one and issuing a new document.

(2) The replacement is initiated and conducted by the Ministry based on the application to replace the document received electronically
by a competent authority for receiving and processing requests.

(3) If the Ministry establishes:

a) that there is a reason for replacement referred to in Article 16 paragraph (1) of this Rulebook and that requirements for issuing a
document referred to in Article 5 of this Rulebook are met, it cancels the previously issued document and approves issuing of a new

b) that there is no reason for replacement of the document referred to in Article 16 paragraph (1) of this Rulebook i.e. that requirements
for issuing a document regulated by Article 5 of this Rulebook are not met, it rejects the application as unfounded.

Article 18
(Cancelling a booklet)

(1) The Ministry initiates the cancellation of the document ex officio in the following instances:

a) if the document holder dies;

b) in other instances determined by valid legal regulations i.e. documents of competent authorities introduced on the basis of the
aforementioned regulations.

(2) After establishing facts, the Ministry makes a decision on the cancellation of the document and cancels it.

Article 19
(The right to appeal)

(1) An appeal may be filed against the decision referred to in Article 15 paragraph (2), Article 17 paragraph (3) and Article 18
paragraph (2) of this Rulebook within 15 days from the day of its reception.

(2) Board of Appeal of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina decides about the appeal referred to in paragraph (1) of this


Article 20
(Personalisation, technical processing and transport)

(1) The Agency takes on the tasks referring to personalisation and recording the data on the forms of the booklets and technical
processing of personalised forms.

(2) Personalisation and technical processing is conducted on the basis of a granted application for issuing a document delivered
electronically by the Ministry via a unique information system for issuing documents.

(3) The Ministry receives the personalised documents in order to deliver them.

Article 21
(Subsequent recording of data)
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

(1) After the Ministry issues documents, the other data referred to in Article 10 paragraph (4) and Article 11 paragraph (4) of this
Rulebook are subsequently recorded and listed.

(2) The Ministry and other authorities competent for the registration of data referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article conducts the
subsequent registration in accordance with the valid legal regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina regulating the area referring to travel
documents i.e. marine navigation.


Article 22
(Unique information system for issuing documents)

(1) Electronic records on navigators' and seafarers' booklets are kept through a unique information system at the level of Bosnia and

(2) The Ministry is competent to conduct all the activities referring to the creation of project tasks for the establishment of a unique
information system at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Agency.

(3) The Agency is competent to procure the system, equipment and consumables necessary to carry out tasks referred to in paragraph
(2) of this Article.

Article 23
(Electronic records on navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents)

(1) The Ministry and authorities competent for receiving and processing applications for issuing documents keep Records on
navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents by recording, checking and taking personal information (data) of the applicants for
issuing a document contained in other official records, and the Agency is competent for the technical maintenance of the
aforementioned records.

(2) The Agency conducts technical maintenance of the records of navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents at the level of Bosnia
and Herzegovina in accordance with the existing legal regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina regulating the area of maintenance of a
central register of data and personal data protection,

(3) The purpose of keeping records of navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents is:

a) to supervise and monitor issuing of documents;

b) to prove the importance of documents;

c) to prove the identity of the document holder;

d) to preserve the safety and integrity of documents.

(4) Records on navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents contain the following data:

a) biometric photograph;

b) surname;

c) name;

d) sex;

e) unique personal registration number;
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

f) date of birth;

g) place of birth;

h) biometric signature;

i) data about the authority that issued the document;

j) data about the type of document;

k) the serial number of the document;

l) data about the status of the document

m) data about the notice about the loss or disappearance of the document;

n) date of issuing the document;

o) validity of the document;

p) data about the registration i.e., retrieving data and the person who registered i.e. retrieved data ;

q) other data related to the issuing of the document.

(5) It is considered that the applicant submitting the signed application for issuing a document whose data are checked and retrieved
gave their consent for the aforementioned data to be checked and retrieved within the meaning of valid legal regulations regulating the
area of protection of personal data.

(6) the Ministry and the authorities competent for receiving and processing applications are responsible for the accuracy of the data
referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article.

Article 24
(Approach, transfer and exchange of data)

(1) The Agency enables an undisturbed approach, transfer and exchange of data kept in the registry of navigator’s and seafarer’s
identity document to the Ministry and authorities competent to receive and process applications.

(2) The Agency enables free access, transfer and exchange of data to the authorities of the legislature, an executive, and a judiciary
branch of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the valid legal regulations regulating the area of central registration and
exchange of data and protection of personal data.

(3) Ministry delivers data from the records of navigator’s and seafarer’s identity document to competent authorities of other countries
which ask for it in accordance with the valid legislation.


Article 25
(Repeal of the regulations)

With this Rulebook entering into force, the Rulebook on navigator’s and seafarer’s identity document (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 13/17) ceases to be valid.
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

Article 26
(Entry into Force)

(1) This Rulebook shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

(2) The provisions of this Rulebook referring to the procedure of issuing navigator’s and seafarer’s identity documents shall apply after
technical requirements are met which will be defined by a separate document of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Number 06-2-30-4-44/19
2 April 2019

Adil Osmanović, Sc. D, sgd
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

________________________________ SCHEDULE NO. 1

(name and headquarters of the competent authority)


NAME, FATHER'S NAME, SURNAME __________________________________________________







 of expiration of validity;
 of change of data recorded in the document;
 of incorrectly i.e. wrongly registered data in the document;
 of damage to the document because cannot serve its purpose anymore;
 of changes to the look of the document holder (the look of the document holder does not correspond to the photograph in the
 the sections intended for the data to be filled in are filled in;
 I do not possess a document anymore (the document was lost, stolen or I was left without it in some other way)

In addition to this application, I enclose a certified copy:

 of a navigator's identity document whose replacement I ask for, booklet serial number ___________, date of issuing _________;
 of proof that the navigator’s identity document issued with my name on it was declared void;
 of a valid identity document:  ID card,  passport,  driving licence,  other _______________________________________;
 medical fitness certificate certifying that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel
issued by a health care facility in accordance with the regulations regulating the area of health care;
 evidence that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on an inland waterways vessel;
 proof of payment of a fee for issuing a seafarer's booklet.


Signature of the applicant:
9/12/22 2:51 PM Official Gazette – document review

(name and headquarters of the competent authority)


NAME, FATHER'S NAME, SURNAME __________________________________________________







 of expiration of validity;
 of change of data recorded in the document;
 of incorrectly i.e. wrongly registered data in the document;
 of damage to the document because cannot serve its purpose anymore;
 of changes to the look of the document holder (the look of the document holder does not correspond to the photograph in the
 the sections intended for the data to be filled in are filled in;
 I do not possess a document anymore (the document was lost, stolen or I was left without it in some other way)

In addition to this application, I enclose a certified copy:

 of a seafarer's identity document whose replacement I ask for, document serial number _____________, date of issuing _______;
 of proof that the seafarer's identity document issued with my name on it was declared void;
 of a valid identity document:  ID card,  passport,  driving licence,  other _______________________________________;
 medical fitness certificate certifying that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel issued by a
health care facility in accordance with the regulations regulating the area of health care;
 evidence that the person is competent to complete a certain task(s) on a sea-going vessel;
 of proof that they passed an obligatory exam on the grounds of the rule on ranks and certificates on qualification of seafarers on
the ships of merchant navy referring to the activities in case of danger on a sea-going vessel;
 proof of payment of a fee for issuing a seafarer's booklet.


Signature of the applicant:
9/12/22 2:52 PM Official Gazette – document review

Document review number 29/19

Home page(/) / Documents (/Docs/) / Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina (/Docs/ Government/) / Document review

Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 72/19

After comparison with the original text, technical errors were found in the text of the Rulebook on navigator's and seafarer’s booklet
(“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No. 29/19); therefore, pursuant to Article 55 of the Unique rules for drafting legal
regulations in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 11/05, 58/14 and 60/14),
the Ministry of Civil Affairs issues the following



In all three languages:

1. In Article 7, paragraph (7) is added after paragraph (6) point f), points b) and c) are replaced with points a) and b) and paragraphs
(7), (8) and (9) are replaced with paragraphs (8), (9) and (10).

2. In Article 8 paragraph (1) point c), the text “) it contains 32 pages with a perforated serial number and Arabic numerals in
chronological order” is replaced with the text “it contains two polycarbonate pages and 32 paper pages with a perforated serial number
and Arabic numerals in chronological order from 3 to 34.”

3. In Article 23 paragraph (1), the wording ) “official records” is written in the appropriate grammatical case.

4. In Article 23 paragraph (4) point (p), the wording “retrieving” is spelt correctly.

5. In Article 23 paragraph (4), the point q) is replaced with point (r)

In the text written in the Bosnian language:

In the text of Articles 7, 8, 10, 11, 15 and 18, the wording “document holder” is spelt correctly.

Number 06-2-30-4-44-1/19
2 October 2019

Adil Osmanović, Sc. D, sgd
9/12/22 2:53 PM Official Gazette – document review

Document review number 55/20

Home page(/) / Documents (/Docs/) / Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina (/Docs/ Government/) / Document review

Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 55/20

Pursuant to Article 61 paragraph (2) of the Law on Administration (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 32/02 and
102/09) and Article 12a paragraph (2) of the Law on Travel Documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 4/97, 1/99, 9/99, 27/00, 32/00, 19/01, 47/04, 53/07, 15/08, 33/08, 39/08 and 60/13), the Ministry of Civil Affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina issues the following



Article 1

In Article 7 of the Rulebook on navigator’s and seafarer’s identity document (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 29/19
and 72/19), paragraph (7) is deleted.

In the current paragraph (8) which shall become paragraph (7), number 4 is replaced by number 3.

Paragraph (9) is deleted.

In the current paragraph (10) which shall become paragraph (8), the punctuation mark “,” after paragraph (6) is replaced by the
conjunction “and” and the text “(8) and (9)” is deleted.

Article 3

This Rulebook shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Number 06-2-30-4-70/20
24 August 2020
9/12/22 2:53 PM Official Gazette – document review

Ankica Gudeljević, sgd.

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State-owned enterprise Newspaper publisher OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. All rights reserved. 2014.

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Document review number 65/16

Home page(/) / Documents (/Docs/) / Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina (/Docs/ Government/) / Document review

Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 65/16

Pursuant to Article 46 paragraph (2) of the Law on Aliens (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 88/15) and upon the
provided opinion of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 06-02-1-4154/16-1 dated 21 June 2016, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 08/2-42-30-2-18990-1/16 dated 27 June 2016 and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs no.
18.6.1-14.1-3866/16 dated 29 June 2016, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina issues the following



Article 1

This Rulebook regulates the form, look and content of the travelling certificate for aliens, documents that are required to be enclosed in
addition to the application for issuing a travelling certificate, the procedure of issuing and other technical issues referring to the
travelling certificate for aliens (hereinafter: travelling certificate).

Article 2
(Shape and security features of the form of the travelling certificate)

(1) Form of the travelling certificate:

(a) has a quadrilateral shape and its dimensions are 29.5 x 19 centimetres;

(b) is printed one-sided in black;

(c) contains the coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a serial number.

(2) The form referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article contains security features too.

(3) Technical specification of security features is defined by the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.

(4) The technical specification is confidential.

(5) The degree of confidentiality is decided by the director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange
of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the current regulations on the protection of confidential information and is not
published in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Article 3
(The content of the travelling certificate)
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

(1) Personal data of the foreigner to whom a travelling certificate is issued are entered into the travelling certificate.

(2) A photograph of the alien to whom a travelling certificate is issued is glued on the travelling certificate on the place intended for

(3) Data about the family members of the alien to whom a travelling certificate is issued are entered into the travelling certificate if the
family members travel with them and their photographs are glued on the place intended for that.

(4) Data about the authority issuing the travelling certificate are entered into the travelling certificate including the date of issuing and

(5) The travelling certificate must be signed by an authorised officer and verified with the seal of the authority issuing the travelling

(6) The form of the travelling certificate makes an integral part of this Rulebook (Form 1).

Article 4
(Travelling certificate for an alien)

(1) A travelling certificate within the meaning of Article 43 of the Law on Aliens (hereinafter: the Law) is a travel document valid for
one travel and issued to an alien:

a) whose valid travel document is lost or destroyed and cannot be replaced or the alien left without it in some other way and there is no
diplomatic consular post (hereinafter DCP) of their country of domicile in Bosnia and Herzegovina or their interests are not
represented by some other country to enable the foreigner to return to their country of domicile or country that will host them.

b) who is or was granted international protection or temporary protection or is in the process of obtaining such status to enable them to
voluntarily return to their country of origin or domicile or country that will host them.

c) who ceased being a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the purpose of travelling abroad;

d) who lost a travel document for refugees or a travel document for stateless persons abroad issued by a competent authority in Bosnia
and Herzegovina to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina;

e) who is being deported from Bosnia and Herzegovina to return to their country of origin, domicile or third country that will host

(2) Except for cases referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, a travelling certificate for an alien may be issued in the following
instances if there are justified reasons for that:

a) to an alien whose travel document expired and there is no diplomatic mission of their country of domicile in Bosnia and
Herzegovina or a diplomatic mission of another country representing their interests in order to enable them to leave Bosnia and

b) to a newly-born child of an alien who has a residence permit to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina and there is no diplomatic mission
of the country of their citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina and there is no diplomatic mission of another country representing their
interests in order to enable them to leave Bosnia and Herzegovina;

c) to an alien whose status of subsidiary protection is recognised and who does not possess a valid travel document or is not able to get
a travel document from the country of their domicile to travel abroad if there are serious humanitarian reasons for that;

d) to a stateless person in cases when there is a written document from a third country certifying that they will accept the alien; or

e) for other reasons that competent authority evaluate justified.
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

Article 5
(Submitting application)

(1) Application for issuing a travelling certificate is submitted by alien or other interested institutions or establishments from Bosnia
and Herzegovina to a competent organisational unit of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs (hereinafter: Service).

(2) A parent, guardian or legal representative submits an application for issuing a travelling certificate for persons under the age of 18.

(3) An application for issuing a travelling certificate is submitted on a prescribed form.

(4) By way of exception from paragraph (1) of this Article, the Service may issue a travelling certificate ex officio.

Article 6
(Required documents)

(1) In addition to the application for issuing a travelling certificate, an applicant is obligated to enclose proofs that justify the reasons
for submitting the application for issuing a travelling certificate within the meaning of Article 43 of the Law.

(2) Proofs referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article are the following:

a) certificate of reported lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travel document or other proof issued by a competent authority in
Bosnia and Herzegovina that the valid travel document was lost or destroyed and cannot be replaced or that the alien was left without it
in some other way;

b) certificate of reported lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travel document or other proof that an alien is or was approved
international or temporary protection or that they are undergoing the procedure of acquiring that status;

c) Bosnia and Herzegovina’s residence permit;

d) proof of admission of aliens by a competent authority admitting an alien;

e) proof of cessation of citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

f) a copy of an expired travel document;

g) proof demonstrating serious humanitarian reasons for the alien to be abroad assessed by the Ministry of Security – Sector for
Asylum, or

h) other proof justifying the basis for submitting an application.

(3) In addition to the request for issuing a travelling certificate, an alien is obligated to deliver two photographs whose size is 35 x 45

Article 7
(Reporting lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travelling certificate)

(1) An alien is obligated to report lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travelling certificate to the organisational unit of the
Service or police that has territorial jurisdiction according to the place of residence as soon as they find out about it and if the
aforementioned occurred outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are obligated to report it to the nearest diplomatic mission of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

(2) If an alien’s travel document was stolen, the competent police department i.e. the competent diplomatic consular post of Bosnia and
Herzegovina abroad will issue a certificate to the alien after they received the report of theft and they will refer the alien to the
competent organisational unit of the Service to report lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travel document.

(3) Report referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article is made on the form “Report of lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless
travelling document” which is an integral part of this Rulebook (Form 2).
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

(4) In addition to the form referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article, an alien is obligated to deliver two photographs whose size is 35 x
45 mm.

Article 8
(Certificate of reported lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travelling certificate)

(1) After establishing the identity of an alien, the lawfulness of their stay and the truthfulness of the statement, the competent
organisational unit of the Service will issue a “Certificate of reported lost, destroyed or for other reasons useless travelling certificate”
which is an integral part of this Rulebook (Form 3) to the alien.

(2) Certificate referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article replaces the alien’s foreign travel document:

a) for travelling to the diplomatic mission of the alien’s country of domicile or the diplomatic mission of another country representing
their interests.

b) required for the stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the alien obtains a new travel document or travelling certificate of the country
of their domicile,

c) required for the stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the alien is issued a travelling certificate for aliens referred to in Article 43 of
the Law.

(3) The competent organisational unit is obligated to define the validity of the certificate referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article and
it cannot be longer than 30 days from the day of the issuing of the certificate.

(4) The competent organisational unit is obligated to insert a photograph of the alien in the upper right corner of the certificate and
leave a seal impression in the upper left corner of the photograph so that the photograph remains visible.

Article 9
(Returning the found travelling certificate)

(1) Travelling certificate whose loss is reported and which is found in the meantime will be returned to the alien and an official record
about that will be created.

(2) A foreign travel document that was found and cannot be handed to the alien whose name is on it will be delivered to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina through an organisational unit of the Service in the headquarters for it to be forwarded to
the competent state authority of the country that issued the travel document.

Article 10
(Provision, distribution and recording forms)

(1) The forms that make an integral part of this Rulebook are printed in the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet in the official languages of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the English language. Travelling Certificate (Form 1) is provided by the Agency for Identification
Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the form is distributed to the Service upon its request. The
Service provides other forms that represent an integral part of this Rulebook.

(2) Organisational units of the Service are obligated to deliver copies of reports and certificates of reported lost, destroyed or for other
reasons useless travel documents and copies of each individually issued travelling certificate or possibly wrongly filled in travelling
certificate to the Service in headquarters keeping the records of the abovementioned documents.

(3) Records of issued travelling certificates are an integral part of the central database on aliens.

Article 11
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

With this Rulebook entering into force, the Rulebook on Travelling Certificate for Aliens (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 80/09 and 9/15) ceases to be valid.

Article 12
(Entry into force)

The Rulebook enters into force on the day of its publication in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Number 06-02-30-4-74/16
23 August 2016

Adil Osmanović, Sc. D, sgd

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9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

Document review number 65/16

Home page(/) / Documents (/Docs/) / Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina (/Docs/ Government/) / Document review

Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 65/16

Pursuant to Article 81 paragraph (2) of the Law on Asylum (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 11/16 and 16/16) and
after consultations with the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 07-2/02-1-4147-1/16 dated 14 June 2016, the Ministry
of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued the following



Article 1

Rulebook on refugee travel document (hereinafter: Rulebook) regulates the shape, look, content, required documents that are enclosed
in the application for issuing, the procedure of issuing, price, reasons for the rejection of the application for issuing a travel document,
reasons for seizing and cancellation of a travel document and other technical issues referring to the refugee travel document
(hereinafter: travel document).

Article 2
(Shape and look of a travel document)

The following is the look and shape of a travel document:

a) it has a rectangular shape

b) the covers are light blue

c) The front cover contains the following words in the following order:


2) “(Convention of 28 July 1951)”


d) The text referred to in point c) lines 1), 2 and 3) is in the Bosnian, Croatian and English languages (in the Latin alphabet) and the
Serbian language (in the Cyrillic alphabet).

e) The text on the first page of the travel document is the same as the text on the front cover.

Article 3
(Content of the travel document)
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

The travel document contains:

a) 32 pages. Pages 2 – 32 contain a perforated serial number;

b) laminated second page used for identifying containing data in the Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and English languages. The data on that
page will be written in the Latin alphabet:

1) type.

2) country code,

3) surname,

4) name (names),

5) date of birth,

6) place of birth,

7) unique personal registration number,

8) sex,

9) passport serial number,

10) date of issue,

11) validity,

12) issued by,

13) photograph of the travel document holder,

14) signature of the travel document holder;

c) the third page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in the Latin
alphabet and in the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:

1) “This document is issued to represent a travel document of the document holder that may be used instead of a passport. It does not
presume and does not affect the citizenship of the document holder.”

2) “The document holder is permitted to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina for as long as the travel document is valid.”

3) “If the document holder accepts residence in a country different from the one issuing the travel document and if they want to travel
again, they have to ask for a new document from the competent authorities of the country of their residence.”

d) the fourth page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in the
Latin alphabet and in the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:

1. “This travel document is valid in all the countries except for the refugee’s country of origin or the country of their domicile.”

e) the thirty-second page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in
the Latin alphabet and the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:

1. “This travel document contains 32 numbered pages.”
9/12/22 2:46 PM Official Gazette – document review

(1) The second page of the form of the travel document contains an area for the needs of automatic reading of data where visible
alphanumeric characters of the document are written.

(2) The form of the travel document contains a contactless memory element as well used for the automatic reading of data in
accordance with the ICAO 9303 standard using ECA (abbreviation meaning extended access control defining the data protection

(3) The form of the travel document contains protective elements in the schedule of this Rulebook. The schedule of the Rulebook is
protected with a degree of confidentiality defined by the minister of civil affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the Law
on Protection of Confidential Data (“Official Gazette of the Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 54/05 and 12/09) and will not be published
in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

(4) Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina procures the forms of travel
documents in accordance with the Rulebook on the competence and procurement of forms of travel documents (“Official Gazette of
Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 101/11).

Article 5
(Submitting an application)

(1) A person with an established refugee status submits an application for issuing a travel document personally to the Ministry of
Security (hereinafter: the Ministry) three months before the expiration of the refugee identity certificate at the latest.

(2) Seriously ill and immobile persons submit an application for issuing a travel document through a mobile workstation.

(3) In cases of a minor person and a legally incapacitated person, an application for issuing a travel document is submitted by one of the
parents with the consent of another parent or a legal guardian or another legal representative.

(4) By way of exception from paragraph (3) of this Article, a travel document will be issued without the consent of another parent in the
following instances:

a) if one of the parents is a missing person,

b) if the permanent or temporary residence of one of the parents is unknown,

c) if one of the parents is not available to the authority competent for issuing a travel document,

d) if one of the parents was awarded custody of the child by a court decision except in the case when that court decision defines that
issuing a travel certificate and travel of a child abroad does not depend on the consent of both parents.

e) if one of the parents is deceased,

f) if the minor has only one parent.

(5) The Ministry is obligated to determine ex officio if the requirements referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article are met.

(6) The application for issuing a travel document is submitted on the form regulated by the Ministry.

(7) The Ministry is obligated to process the application for issuing a travel document within 30 days from the day of submitting the

Article 6
(Required documents)
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(1) In addition to an application for issuing a travel document, the following documents are enclosed:

a) certified photocopy of a refugee identity certificate.

b) proof of payment of travel document.

c) registration of residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina not older than 6 months.

(2) In addition to the request for issuing a travel document, an applicant is obligated to provide their personal and biometric data
(photograph, fingerprint, signature).

Article 7
(Rejection of an application for issuing a travel document)

The Ministry will reject an application for issuing a travel document in the following instances:

a) if the applicant does not provide documents regulated by Article 6 of this Rulebook;

b) if it is required by reasons of protection of public policy and safety of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

c) if in the applicant’s case a procedure of revocation or cancellation of refugee status;

d) if there is a valid imposed measure or decision of competent authority listed in the official records – the register of certain aliens.

e) if the refugee obtained citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the meantime.

Article 8

(1) Rejection of the application for issuing a travel document and reasons for such rejection will be explained in writing only if the
applicant for issuing a travel document expressly demands it.

(2) A refugee whose application for issuing a travel document was rejected or who had their travel document confiscated or cancelled
for reasons regulated by this Rulebook may make a complaint to the Board of Appeal of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and
Herzegovina within 15 days from the day when the decision was received. The complaint is filed through the Ministry and filing it shall
not stay the execution of the decision.

Article 9
(Issuing a travel document in a shorter period than the one regulated by the law)

(1) An applicant for issuing a travel document has a right to ask for the travel document to be issued in a shorter period than the one
regulated by the law when submitting an application.

(2) The Ministry issues a travel document within 48 hours from the moment when the application was submitted at the latest if it is a
matter of treatment abroad, disease or death of a nuclear family member and the applicant is obligated to submit required evidence of

(3) When processing an application for issuing a travel document, the Ministry is obligated to indicate on the application that the travel
document is necessary to be issued within the deadline referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article at the latest.

(4) The Ministry may issue a travel document at the request of the party and without establishing justified reasons for issuing a travel
document following the aforementioned procedure referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article.

(5) At the request of the Ministry, Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange is obligated to immediately start
issuing travel documents.
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(6) The price of a travel document issued pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Article is the same as the price of a travel document issued
under the regular procedure.

(7) The price of a travel document issued pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article is BAM 200.

(8) An authority at whose request the travel document was issued distributes travel documents issued pursuant to this Article.

Article 10
(Collecting a travel document)

(1) An applicant shall collect a travel document at the Ministry in person or through an agent.

(2) In the case of minors under the age of 14, a travel document shall be collected by a parent, legal guardian or another legal

(3) A minor between the age of 14 and 18 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or another legal representative when collecting a
travel document.

(4) An applicant for issuing a travel document may authorise an adult who shall collect a travel document before officials who receive
the application for issuing a travel document and the applicant shall confirm it with their signature on the application for issuing a travel

(5) When collecting a travel document, an agent who was not authorised by power of attorney pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article
is obligated to submit a power of attorney signed by the travel document holder and certified by an authority competent for certifying
power of attorney to the Ministry.

(6) When collecting a travel document, a travel document holder, parent, guardian or other legal representative or their agent is
obligated to confirm that they collected the travel document with their signature.

Article 11
(How refugees treat a travel document)

(1) A refugee may not cede their travel document to another person or use a travel document of another person as their own. Otherwise,
an official will report a criminal offence immediately after they found out about it pursuant to the Criminal Procedure Code.

(2) A refugee who no longer has a refugee status is obligated to return the travel document to the Ministry immediately and within three
days after the aforementioned circumstance occurred at the latest.

(3) A refugee is obligated to immediately report a lost, destroyed or for other reasons disappeared travel document to the Ministry or
police according to their place of temporary or permanent residence and if the document was lost, destroyed or for other reasons
became useless outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are obligated to immediately report it to the nearest diplomatic mission of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.

(4) An authority to whom facts referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article are reported issues a Certificate of reported lost, destroyed or
for other reasons disappeared travel document. If a refugee reported that to the police i.e. diplomatic mission of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the police i.e. diplomatic mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina are obligated to inform the Ministry immediately and during
the same day at the latest.

(5) Travel document that was lost, destroyed or for other reasons disappeared is listed as void in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina” at the expense of the refugee.

Article 12
(Request for revoking a travel document)

(1) In the following instances competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, competent authorities in the entities and Brčko District
of Bosnia and Herzegovina deliver a request for revoking a travel document to the Ministry that issued it:
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a) if the refugee obtained a travel document using incorrect or misleading information;

b) if they permit another person to use their travel document;

c) if there are reasons referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) points b) and e) of this Rulebook.

(2) The Ministry decides about the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

(3) A request for revoking a travel licence needs to contain identification data of the refugee for whom the request is submitted
including the unique personal registration number, surname, name, name of a parent, date and place of birth, permanent residence and
address, legal grounds for revoking and cancellation of the travel document, name of the authority that issued the travel document and
travel document number.

(4) The Ministry will revoke ex officio a travel document of an alien with recognised refugee status in Bosnia and Herzegovina whose
refugee status in Bosnia and Herzegovina was cancelled or abolished with a legally binding decision.

Article 13
(Revocation of a travel document)

(1) When the Ministry receives a request for revoking a travel document, it is obligated to immediately check in the central register of
issued travel documents if the refugee for whom the request is submitted possesses a valid travel document.

(2) If the Ministry establishes that the refugee for whom the request for revoking or cancellation of a travel document possesses a valid
travel document and there are legal conditions for revocation or cancellation of a travel document, it issues a decision on revocation or
cancellation of a travel document.

(3) The Ministry shall invite a travel document holder to hand over the travel document to the Ministry. If the travel document holder
fails to hand over their travel document, the travel document will be seized forcibly. A certificate of seized travel document shall be

(4) In cases of emergency a travel document may be temporarily revoked by another authority competent for issuing a travel document
or an authority competent for monitoring crossing the border checkpoints and on that occasion a refugee whose travel document is
temporarily revoked is issued a certificate.

(5) If a temporarily revoked travel document is not returned to the refugee from whom it was revoked within 24 hours after the
revocation, the aforementioned travel document is delivered to the competent authority that issued a travel document immediately and
within 3 days at the latest.

(6) The person whose travel document was temporarily revoked shall be informed about the delivery of the temporarily revoked travel
document referred to in paragraph (5).

(7) Revocation of a travel document shall represent a prohibition of issuing a new travel document to the same person.

(8) The procedure referred to in paragraphs (5) and (6) is considered urgent.

(9) Temporarily revoked travel document is deposited and kept at the competent authority.

(10) After the reason for the temporary revocation of a travel document ceases to exist, the competent authority shall return the travel
document to the document holder.

Article 14
(Cancellation of a travel document)

(1) The Ministry shall cancel a travel document which was established to contain incorrect information, to be expired, a replaced travel
document and damaged travel document or if it was revoked for the reasons regulated by Article 12 of the Rulebook.

(2) A travel document shall be cancelled by physically destroying the travel document and printing a stamp “Cancelled” over the
entered data in the travel document and empty pages of the travel document.
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(3) A cancelled travel document may be returned to the holder of the travel document upon their request except for the travel document
containing incorrect information.

Article 15
(Central register)

The central register of refugee travel documents is kept by the Ministry and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and
Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 16
(Repealing of the previous regulation)

With this Rulebook entering into force, the Rulebook on Refugee Travel Document (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No.
80/09) ceases to be valid.

Article 17
(Entry into force)

The Rulebook enters into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Number 06-2-30-4-74/16
15 August 2016

Adil Osmanović, Sc. D, sgd

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Document review number 65/16

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Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 65/16

Pursuant to Article 46 paragraph (2) of the Law on Aliens (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 88/15) and upon the
provided opinion of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 06-02-1-4154/16-1 dated 21 June 2016, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 08/2-42-30-2-18990-1/16 dated 27 June 2016 and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs no.
18.6.1-14.1-3866/16 dated 29 June 2016, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina issues the following



Article 1

Rulebook on stateless person’s travel document (hereinafter: the Rulebook) regulates the form, look and content of the stateless
person’s travel document, automatic reading of data, submitting an application, required documents enclosed to the application for
issuing, rejection of the application for issuing a stateless person’s travel document, making a complaint, issuing a travel document
within a deadline that is shorter than the regulated, collecting the travel document, the conduct of refugees with a travel document,
revocation of a travel document, cancellation of a travel document, central register and other technical issues referring to the issuing of
stateless person’s travel document (hereinafter: travel document).

Article 2
(Shape and look of a travel document)

The following is the look and shape of a travel document:

a) it has a rectangular shape

b) the covers are grey

c) The front cover contains the following words in the following order:


c) “(Convention of 28 September 1954)”

d) sign of an electronic travel document.

3) The text referred to in paragraph (2) points a), b) and c) is in the Bosnian, Croatian and English languages (in the Latin alphabet) and
the Serbian language (in the Cyrillic alphabet).
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4) The text on the first page of the travel document is the same as the text on the front cover.

Article 3
(The content of the travel document)

The travel document contains:

a) 32 pages. Pages 2 – 32 contain a perforated serial number;

b) laminated second page used for identifying containing data in the Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and English languages. The data on that
page will be written in the Latin alphabet including:

1) type,

2) country code,

3) surname,

4) name (names),

5) date of birth,

6) place of birth (place and country of birth, the country is listed under the code defined by the international standards),

7) unique personal registration number,

8) sex,

9) passport serial number,

10) date of issue,

11) validity,

12) issued by,

13) photograph of the travel document holder,

14) signature of the travel document holder;

c) the third page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in the Latin
alphabet and in the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:



3) “The document holder is permitted to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina for as long as the travel document is valid”,

4) “In case of settling in some other country and for the purpose of travelling, the travel document holder is obligated to submit an
application for issuing a new travel document to the competent authority in the new country of residence.

(the document holder is obligated to return the old travel document to the competent authority that issued a new one and the
aforementioned authority will return the aforementioned document to the competent authority that issued it.)”,
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5) “(Convention of 28 September 1954)”;

d) the fourth page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in the
Latin alphabet and in the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:

1) “This document is issued as a travel document and it replaces a passport. It does not presume and does not affect the citizenship of
the document holder.”

2) “This document contains 32 pages excluding the covers”;

e) the fifth page of the travel document contains the following text in the Bosnian, Croatian, and English languages written in the Latin
alphabet and in the Serbian language written in the Cyrillic alphabet:

1) “This document is valid in all countries”.

Article 4

(1) The second page of the form of the travel document contains an area for the needs of automatic reading of data where visible
alphanumeric characters of the document are written.

(2) The form of the travel document contains a contactless memory element as well used for the automatic reading of data in
accordance with the ICAO 9303 standard where data referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article and biometric data referring to the
fingerprint providing additional protection in accordance with the ICAO 9303 standard using ECA (abbreviation meaning extended
access control defining the data protection techniques).

(3) The form of the travel document contains protective elements in the schedule of this Rulebook. The schedule of the Rulebook is
protected with a degree of confidentiality defined by the minister of civil affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the Law
on Protection of Confidential Data (“Official Gazette of the Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 54/05 and 12/09) and will not be published
in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

(4) Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina procures the forms of travel
documents in accordance with the Rulebook on the competence and procurement of forms of travel documents (“Official Gazette of
Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 101/11).

Article 5
(Submitting application)

(1) An application for issuing a travel document to a person with an approved stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina is submitted to Service
for Foreigners’ Affairs (hereinafter: Service) in person.

(2) Seriously ill and immobile persons submit an application for issuing a travel document through a mobile workstation.

(3) In cases of a minor person and a legally incapacitated person, an application for issuing a travel document is submitted by one of the
parents with the consent of another parent or a legal guardian or another legal representative.

(4) By way of exception from paragraph (3) of this Article, a travel document will be issued without the consent of another parent in the
following instances:

a) if one of the parents is a missing person,

b) if the permanent or temporary residence of one of the parents is unknown,

c) if one of the parents is not available to the authority competent for issuing a travel document,

d) if one of the parents was awarded custody of the child by a court decision except in the case when that court decision defines that
issuing a travel certificate and travel of a child abroad does not depend on the consent of both parents.
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e) if one of the parents is deceased,

f) if the minor has only one parent.

(5) The Sevice is obligated to determine ex officio if the requirements referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article are met.

(6) The application for issuing a travel document is submitted on the form regulated by the Ministry of Safety of Bosnia and
Herzegovina (hereinafter: Ministry).

(7) The Service is obligated to process the application for issuing a travel document within 30 days from the day of submitting the

Article 6
(Required documents)

(1) In addition to an application for issuing a travel document, the following documents are enclosed:

a) certified photocopy of a certificate of identity.

b) proof of payment of travel document.

(2) In addition to the request for issuing a travel document, an applicant is obligated to provide their personal and biometric data
(photograph, fingerprint, signature).

Article 7
(Rejection of an application for issuing a travel document)

An application for issuing a travel document will be rejected in the following instances:

a) if the applicant does not provide documents regulated by this Rulebook;

b) if it is required by reasons of protection of public policy and safety of Bosnia and Herzegovina or public health;

c) if the applicant is convicted of a criminal offence or misdemeanour unless the authority carrying out the procedure provides their

d) if the applicant is sentenced to prison or fine or imposed a measure of confiscation of material gain or is obligated to compensate for
damage until the end of the sentence, i.e. until they pay the fine or return material gain or compensate for damage;

e) if the Service initiated a procedure of cancellation of temporary residence or exile against the applicant;

f) if the applicant submitted an application for issuing a travel document three months before the expiration of the residence permit;

g) if there is reasonable doubt that the applicant will avoid fulfilling their property-legal obligation from marriage or parent-child
relationship, tax liability, or other property-legal obligation regulated by law whose fulfilment was ordered by a competent court.

(2) An application for issuing a travel document may be rejected if there is reasonable doubt that the applicant will break the
regulations prohibiting or limiting export or import, transport or breaking down narcotics or contrary to the regulations referring to
customs, i.e. international trade.

(3) Authorities that have data referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article except for the data referred to in paragraph (1) point a)
of this Article, are obligated to deliver them regularly to authorities competent for issuing travel documents. Authorities competent for
issuing travel documents keep separate registers of delivered data that represent an obstacle for issuing travel documents within the
meaning of this Article and register them electronically into a central register of travel documents.
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Article 8

(1) Rejection of the application for issuing a travel document and reasons for such rejection will be explained in writing only if the
applicant for issuing a travel document expressly demands it.

(2) A stateless person whose application for issuing a travel document was rejected or who had their travel document confiscated or
cancelled for reasons regulated by this Rulebook may make a complaint to the Board of Appeal of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia
and Herzegovina within 15 days from the day when the decision was received. The complaint is filed through the Service and filing it
shall not stay the execution of the decision.

Article 9
(Issuing a travel document in a shorter period than the one regulated by the law)

(1) An applicant for issuing a travel document has a right to ask for the travel document to be issued in a shorter period than the one
regulated by the law when submitting an application.

(2) The Service issues a travel document within 48 hours from the moment when the application was submitted at the latest if it is a
matter of treatment abroad, disease or death of a nuclear family member and the applicant is obligated to submit required evidence of

(3) When processing an application for issuing a travel document, the Service is obligated to indicate on the application that the travel
document is necessary to be issued within the deadline referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article at the latest.

(4) The Service may issue a travel document at the request of the party and without establishing justified reasons for issuing a travel
document referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article.

(5) At the request of the Service, the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange is obligated to immediately
start issuing travel documents.

(6) The price of a travel document issued pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Article is the same as the price of a travel document issued
under the regular procedure.

(7) The price of a travel document issued pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article is BAM 200.

(8) An authority at whose request the travel document was issued distributes travel documents issued pursuant to this Article.

Article 10
(Collecting a travel document)

(1) An applicant shall collect a travel document at the Service.

(2) In the case of minors under the age of 14, a travel document shall be collected by a parent, legal guardian or another legal

(3) A minor between the age of 14 and 18 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or another legal representative when collecting a
travel document.

(4) Exceptionally, a travel document may be collected by an agent in the case when the Service received an application for issuing a
travel document through a mobile workstation.

(5) An applicant for issuing a travel document may authorise an adult who shall collect a travel document before officials who receive
the application through a mobile workstation and the applicant shall confirm it with their signature on the application for issuing a
travel document.
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(6) When collecting a travel document, an agent who was not authorised by power of attorney pursuant to paragraph (5) of this Article
is obligated to submit a power of attorney signed by the travel document holder and certified by an authority competent for certifying
power of attorney to the Service.

(7) When collecting a travel document, a travel document holder, parent, guardian or other legal representative or their agent is
obligated to confirm that they collected the travel document with their signature.

Article 11
(How stateless persons treat a travel document)

A stateless person is obligated to treat the stateless person’s travel document pursuant to Article 45 of the Law on Aliens.

Article 12
(Request for revoking a travel document)

(1) In the following instances competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, competent authorities in the entities and Brčko District
of Bosnia and Herzegovina deliver a request for revoking a travel document to the Service that issued it:

a) if the stateless person obtained a travel document using incorrect or misleading information;

b) if they permit another person to use their travel document;

c) if there are reasons referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) points b), c), d), e) and g) and paragraph (2) of the same Article of this

(2) The Service decides about the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article and it registers it in the central register of travel

(3) A request for revoking a travel licence needs to contain identification data of the stateless person for whom the request is submitted
including the unique personal registration number, surname, name, name of a parent, date and place of birth, temporary residence and
address, legal grounds for revoking and cancellation of the travel document, name of the authority that issued the travel document and
travel document number.
Article 13
(Revocation of a travel document)

(1) When the Service receives a request for revoking a travel document, it is obligated to immediately check in the central register of
issued travel documents if the stateless person for whom the request is submitted possesses a valid travel document.

(2) If the Service establishes that the stateless person for whom the request for revoking or cancellation of a travel document possesses
a valid travel document and there are legal conditions for revocation or cancellation of a travel document, it issues a decision on
revocation or cancellation of a travel document.

(3) The Service shall invite a travel document holder to hand over the travel document to the Service. If the travel document holder fails
to hand over their travel document, the travel document will be seized forcibly. A certificate of seized travel document shall be issued.

(4) If a stateless person who has a valid travel document is rejected an application for prolongation of the validity of a residence permit,
they are obligated to return the travel document. If the stateless person fails to return the travel document, the procedure referred to in
paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article will be conducted.

(5) In cases of emergency a travel document may be temporarily revoked by another authority competent for issuing a travel document
or an authority competent for monitoring crossing the border checkpoints and on that occasion a stateless person whose travel
document is temporarily revoked is issued a certificate.

(6) If a temporarily revoked travel document is not returned to the stateless person from whom it was revoked within 24 hours after the
revocation, the aforementioned travel document is delivered to the Service immediately and within 3 days at the latest.
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(7) The person whose travel document was temporarily revoked shall be informed about the delivery of the temporarily revoked travel
document referred to in paragraph (8).

(8) Revocation of a travel document shall represent a prohibition of issuing a new travel document to the same person until the reasons
for revocation of the aforementioned travel document cease to exist.

(9) The procedure referred to in paragraphs (5) and (6) is considered urgent.

(10) Temporarily revoked travel document is deposited and kept at the Service.

(11) After the reason for the temporary revocation of a travel document ceases to exist, the Service shall return the travel document to
the document holder.

Article 14
(Cancellation of a travel document)

(1) The Service shall cancel a travel document which was established to contain incorrect information, to be expired, a replaced travel
document and a damaged travel document.

(2) A travel document shall be cancelled by printing a stamp “Cancelled” over the entered data in the travel document and empty pages
of the travel document.

(3) A cancelled travel document may be returned to the holder of the travel document upon their request except for the travel document
containing incorrect information.

Article 15
(Central register)

The central register of stateless person’s travel documents is kept by the Ministry and the Agency for Identification Documents,
Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 16
(Repealing of the previous regulation)

With this Rulebook entering into force, the Rulebook on stateless person’s travel documents (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, No. 80/09) ceases to be valid.

Article 17
(Entry into force)

The Rulebook enters into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Number 06-2-30-4-74/16
15 August 2016

Adil Osmanović, Sc. D, sgd
9/12/22 2:45 PM Official Gazette – document review

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State-owned enterprise Newspaper publisher OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. All rights reserved. 2014.

Džemala Bijedića 39/III
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Editorial Board
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Legal Department
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Shipping department
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Marketing Department
Phone no. 033/722-049 and 033/722-050, Fax: 033/722-074 E-mail (mailto:
Technical secretary
Phone no. 033/722-061, Fax: 033/722-064

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