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1 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Present Perfect).

1 I (not finish) ........................................... my homework.

2 Mary (already / write) ................................................. five letters.
3 Tom (live) ........................................ in this town since 1994.
4 My friend (be) ...................................... in Canada twice.
5 I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) ..................................... a new camera yet
6 (they / spend) ................................. their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
7 I (never / see) ............................................ a whale.
8 I (not / be) ....................................... to Canada so far.
9 But I (already / travel) .................................... to London a couple of times.
10 Last week, Mary and Paul (go) ................................... to the cinema.

1 Sort out the following words.

ever last year a week ago since never yet yesterday

Past Simple Present Perfect

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