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Professional Development Problem Solving and Service deemed essential and imperative for

the graduates to be adept in

- refers to all training, certification, •If a guest has been given the wrong
and education that a worker needs to reservation and the problem is not
succeed in his or her career. It is no resolved in a friendly and positive
Technical Elements
secret that different jobs require way, the guest will not have an
different skills. enjoyable experience. The goal is to - used as a basis for the development
resolve problems so the guest feels of educational curriculum, future
satisfied about the solution and that profiling of jobs and technical
Professional learning she wants to continue her stay so that functions the industry desires the
ideally, she will want to return most
- more than just training, however,
and it is important for employers and Behavioral Elements
employees alike to familiarize
Safety and Security - soft skills which include concepts
themselves with the nuances
like skills, disposition, attitudes,
between these two terms (American •The hospitality industry must also
beliefs and values, all non-technical
Hospitality Academy, 2021). prepare staff and develop plans in the
in nature
event of natural disasters and
potential terrorist activity. This is so
Importance Training and Development important, because if the staff doesn't
know what to do, chaos will emerge, Hard vs. Soft Skills
because people panic while they are
- hard skills comprise of technical skills
trying to determine the best course of
Company Culture and knowledge, the soft skills
encompasses many skills like
• Every hospitality company has its
communication skills, interpersonal
own special way of doing things. You
skills, stress management, problem
might remember a specific hotel National Certifications solving, self- management, time
because of the chocolates that a
management, customer service skills,
courteous maid deliberately left on •Housekeeping
decision making skills, leadership
your pillow. A cruise line might always
•Food and Beverage skills, cognitive skills and team
make towel monkeys that sit on the
working stated Leckey, McGuigan,
bed to greet you •Bartending
•Front Office
- Teachable abilities or skills set that
Company Culture of Starbucks •English Proficiency are easy to quantify

•Creating a culture of warmth and Skills

belonging, where everyone is
- Refers to the level of performance of - soft skills cannot be substituted for
an individual on a particular task or technical skills. Rather they act as
Company Culture of Microsoft capability to perform a job well, “harmonizing skills” that help in
defined Noe, Hollenbeck & Gerhar. bringing about highly effective
•Corporations allows flexibility at the performances even in people with
Skills can be divided into technical
workplace . excellent hard skills observed John
elements and behavioral elements.

- Also known as “people skills” or

Developing and Training Talent
Skills Gap “interpersonal skills”
•Training for the hospitality industry is
- Huge gaps have been found between
diverse. Basic skills include
the formal classroom training and
communication and ways to interact Vital Competencies and Skills set
industry expectations in the hotel
with the hotel guests. It also involves
industry. Johnstone (1994) states,
teamwork training and diversity Personal Competencies. The ability of
that hospitality management
training, because the staff is perceived a person to be critical of oneself to
programs should concentrate on
as one unit by guest one’s values, attitudes, and ideals.
those skills hard and soft, which are
•- working towards self improvement.
•- the tourism industry, employees ➢Business etiquette - Involves evaluating a situation,
who demonstrate friendliness, problem, or argument and choosing a
hospitality, empathy are usually ➢Smart power dressing path of investigation that leads to the
favored at entry-level positions. best possible answers.
➢Basic makeup techniques
•- other skills include: self-motivation,
➢Basic English proficiency
willingness to learn, personal
Benefits of Critical Thinking
commitment, ability to work under ➢Advance telephone techniques
pressure, etc - Contribute to teams through what
➢Time management you say and do
Technical and productivity courses - Gain the respect of both your
Activity and action-oriented
manager and co-workers
competencies. Ability to ➢Concierge operations
operationalize all kinds of social - Develop the best solutions to
communication, personal values, and ➢Butler services
ideals and to integrate all other kinds
➢PBX Operations - Gain greater insight into motives of
of competencies.
➢Flower arrangements others Give sound arguments
•- in the tourism industry it may
include activities like mise en place, - Identify key issues
➢Cleaning a guestroom
paperwork duties, attending shift
- Write and speak with impact
briefing and de-briefing, ➢Food quality control
troubleshooting, joining colleagues for - Improve customer service through
meal breaks, attending committee greater understanding of customer
brainstorming sessions, checking Mandatory courses needs
personal hygiene and grooming, etc.
➢First aid techniques
•- the most relevant in action-
oriented competencies are initiative, ➢Emergency training Deceptive Reasoning Techniques
being proactive, and creativity - Using irrelevant facts
➢Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
Citing facts that do not apply to the
➢Waste Management Practices
Professional and methodological matter at hand
competencies. Ability of a person to ➢Quarantine Procedures
translate all concepts, experiences,
➢Covid Health Protocols Example
and techniques learned through
education, work exposures and ➢Data Privacy and Records “We’re going to have a new company
developmental activities. Management president in the next few months, so
➢Knife skills for culinarians Management courses we might as well take it easy until he
is selected”
➢Use of POS system ➢Executive leadership
➢Scholarship ➢Financial management
Point out the irrelevance of the fact
➢Observation tour of properties ➢Strategic planning “Yes, we are getting a new president,
abroad but I think that is irrelevant to the
➢Negotiation skills level of effort we put into the job.”
➢Growing profit
➢Business ethics

➢Conflict management - Avoiding uncomfortable facts

Vital Competencies and Skills SetCont.
Professional and methodological ➢Report writing Omitting facts that do not support
competencies your argument
➢Profit planning
Personal enhancement courses Example
Critical Thinking
“Ineffective marketing has caused a improve something, it takes research - Begging the question
drop in the demand of our product, so and looking at new ideas.”
Making a claim that is supported only
we are reducing the marketing
by itself. This is also known as circular
department staff by 20%”
- Appealing to the multitude
Seeking agreement because the idea
Point out the missing fact
is supported by many people Example
“Financial reports show there has
“You be the note taker and I’ll be the
been a major slowdown in the
leader for the meeting.”
economy. I wonder if this is one factor Example
you haven’t considered.” “Why should you be the leader for the
“We should use X brand printer paper
meeting?” “Because you’ll be taking
because most people use it.”
the notes!”
- Oversimplifying Rebuttal
Making something sound less Mention the lack of support the
Challenge the reasoning and ask for a
complex to the point of error statement has for the conclusion
more convincing piece of evidence
“That’s like saying ’50 million people
“Let’s start from the beginning
can’t be wrong.’ Well, sometimes they
Example without either of us having an
can be. X brand paper may be
assigned role. Now I’d like to discuss
“The increase in workload, the hiring popular, but that has nothing to do
the criteria we want for a leader for
freeze, and the reduction in benefits with the unique specifications and
this meeting.”
happened because the senior staff requirements of our printers.”
likes to shake things up.”

Rebuttal - Attacking the person

- Presenting a false cause
Point out the illogic and mention Falsely discounting an argument by
Claiming that one event causes
other evidence that suggests a more discrediting the person making it.
another simply because it happens at
complicated argument “I’m not sure
around the same time
that would be the only reason for the
senior staff to make all those changes. Example
I suspect major changes in company
policy are influenced by many Example “Janet says she has found a flaw in
factors.” the financial analysis. I don’t trust her
“Valentina is friendly and outgoing.
judgment because Janet doesn’t have
- Arguing from ignorance Jonathan is more introverted and
a college degree”
quiet. Shortly after, they are moved
Taking a position based on the fact into a new workspace, Jonathan Rebuttal
that it has never been disproved becomes less productive at work.
Point out the irrelevance these
Jonathan supervisor says, ‘Jonathan’s
attacks have to the argument
work is suffering because Valentina
Example talks too much.” “Janet’s not having a degree isn’t
relevant to this particular piece of
“I’ve never seen a more efficient way Rebuttal
work. Let’s focus on the reasons she
to go about it, so I guess this workflow
Point out the lack of connection that gives for the mistake.”
process is the best there is.”
exists in the statement
“Moving in with Valentina may have
Emotional Manipulation
Explain the limitations this has for affected Jonathan’s work, but so far
proving a point there has been no proof there is any
relationship between her
“I understand you haven’t seen a Inflammatory Words
talkativeness and his effectiveness.”
better way. But if we ever want to
- Arousing or expressing feelings of Does not examine the details of an - Compare your initial goals with your
approval or disapproval to get others argument results
to concede. Inflammatory words
Excessively confident in his own Ensure your evaluation stays in you
evoke emotions that may be untrue or
conclusion want to accomplish
irrelevant to the situation under
review. Arrogant, self-deluded, egotistical
- How to handle: Rephrase them into Avoids difficult problems Ongoing Fair-Mindedness
more neutral words, forcing the
speaker to consider and clarify the - Accept that others may have a
message he/she is conveying. different worldview
Critical Thinking Strategies
Put yourself in his shoes and then
- A willingness to look at yourself
view the current situation from his
Pressure Tactics perspective
- Persistent evaluation
- Intimidating others into agreement - Look for points of agreement
- Ongoing fair-mindedness
- How to handle: Ignore them. If this Focus on aspects of the opposing
- Commitment to an informed
does not work, restate such statement points that you could agree with
in a neutral manner and ask for
clarification. - Recognize there are often several
solutions to a problem
A willingness to look at yourself
Never stop at your first solution.
Appeals to Sentiment - Ask WHY questions Approach every problem as if it is an
assignment from a client who wants
- Using pity or compassion to get Instead of accepting things at face
at least three solutions to choose
others to accept particular value, keep asking why you believe or
conclusions view things as you do.

- How to handle: Shift the - Identify and challenge your ideas

conversation back to the argument at Commitment to an Informed Decision
hand Biases and stereotypes encourage
inaccuracies in perception. Holding - Create a clear line of reasoning
onto them is a way to avoid using your
“thinking muscles.” Build a logical step-by-step
Critical Thinking progression to the reasonable
- Recognize your thinking process solution
Looks at all sides of a situation or
problem Get rid of unproductive thinking - Recognize the need for trade- off or
strategies and learn effective new consensus in making your decision
Identifies the core element of a
ones. People use different strategies
problem Take the decision’s social context into
for how they approach new
information, problems, and account. Remember that your
Research alternative solutions to
challenges. decision must be implemented in the
real world, and not an idealized
Guides others “virtual” world.

Plans a course of action Persistent Evaluation

- Solicit feedback Steps in Decision Making

VS Regularly check documents or solicit - Identifying the Problem

perspectives from customers and co-
workers - Generating Alternatives

Non-Critical Thinking - Appraise the quality of your answers - Evaluating Alternatives

Closed-minded Try to discover the best method for - Choose Alternatives

reaching correct or better answers
- Implementing Decision
- Evaluating Decision Styles according to Rensis Likert Sees work as a natural part of life
(1950) from which people gain a sense of
satisfaction. Workers can be
Types of Decisions motivated to give their best by
- Exploitative/Authoritative respect and recognition
- Programmed Decisions

Trigger solutions that have already

been determined by past experiences the leader has little trust or
as appropriate for the problem in confidence in his subordinates,
Ridden, Hersey, Blanchard (1980s)
question manages by issuing orders and uses
fear and punishment as motivators - Telling/Directing

When both are unwilling and unable

- Non-Programmed Decisions
- Benevolent/Authoritative
No established procedure for handling
the problem, either because it - Selling/Coaching
involves issues that have never been
the leader has some trust in his When there is some competence but
encountered before or because it is
workers but treats them in a a lack of commitment
complex or extremely important.
condescending and paternalistic
- Participating/Supporting
- Strategic Decisions
When they are competent but
Made by upper-level management - Consultative
unwilling or insecure
and important long-term implications
for the organization. Reflects a
consistent pattern for directing the the leader shows trust and confidence
organization according to its vision - Delegating
towa subordinates, seeks their
and mission opinions and idea decision making Competence and commitment are
power both high

Management or Leadership Style

- Participative Action- Centered Leadership (John
- Manner in which managers exercise
their authority in the workplace and Adair)
the leader trusts his subordinates
ensure that their objectives are completely, seeks and acts on their - Adair suggests that leaders need to
achieved. ideas and involves them in setting be attentive to task needs, group
goals needs and individual needs. The most
- It covers how managers plan and
organize work in their area of effective leaders balance all three
responsibility and, in particular, about areas. However, the leader may need
how they relate to, and deal with their to vary the degree of emphasis given
colleagues and team members. to each of the three components in
Styles according to Douglas McArthurt
response to the situation at any point
- The key components of management (1960)
in time.
and leadership style are attitudes and
behaviors, including what a manager
says; how they say it; the example - Theory X
they set; their body language; and
their general conduct and demeanor. suggests that human beings have an
Transactional Leadership
inherent dislike of work and need to
be controlled and directed if they are - Exchange between leader and
to achieve objectives. follower where the interests of both
parties are served.
- Theory Y
- The efforts made by followers to
achieve organizational aims are
exchanged for specific rewards, which
may be financial or non-financial.

- Effective in emergency or conflict

situations when all parties are able to
see a tangible benefit.

Transformational Leadership
(Downton & Burns)

- It remains the predominant

leadership approach in the literature
and has also had a significant impact
on the way that modern leaders

- Involves the engagement of

followers and therefore
transformational leaders are often

- How the leader can fulfil the

development needs of their
followers. Employees want to feel
inspired and empowered by their
leaders, and transformational
leadership fits well with the
modern age.

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