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Arranged to fulfill the assignment of the Academy Plenary Meeting

Written by:

Allicia Violin Sayang Permata Sari / XII MIPA 2 / 3

Praise and Gratitude I offer to God, because of His blessings and grace, I was able to
complete this Academy Session paper with the theme of a story telling and this paper entitled
‘My Little Family’.

This paper is to fulfiil the assignment of Academy Plenary Meeting. The purpose is tell a lil bit
about my little family and our dynamic.

With humility, the author apologizes if there are any error words. Because the author still
learning writting this paper in English. I hope this paper is useful for the readers. Thank you for
the attention.

A Little Family
Hello guys! Today, I will tell you about a little family. Previously, this was a family story
from my friend named Vita. She is from Jakarta. She is the first child of three siblings in her

First, there's papa. She usually call him papa. Papa is a nurse in a hospital. He works in
the ICU, where he monitors people who are critically ill. And he also has a little special ability
from God.

Second, there was Mama. She was a teacher at a school in Vita’s domicile. She's a music
teacher, which is why Vita loves anything related to music.

Third, there’s Vita. . She is a einghteen-year-old girl. She likes everything about music
and dance.

Fourth, there is her first sister. Her name is Valery. She is 12 years old. TMI, Vita and her
two siblings have nicknames that all start with V. Valery's hobby is arguably quite unique among
the other two siblings. She has a sports hobby, namely karate and floor gymnastics. She
participated in the championship until the kejurda level and got a silver medal.

The fifth is her youngest sister. Her name is Violeta. Violeta's hobbies are the same as her,
which are related to music. She likes to sing and draw. Violeta is a little girl who is very curious
about many things.

Okay, here is my story session with her familydynamics.

Her father often goes out of town, because he has a job that is quite unique in my opinion,
which is to deliver corpses out of town. Even though he is often left far away, Papa always takes
the time to call. Their usually make regular video calls via WhatsApp. And sometimes mama
also has a job out of town, and papa usually always accompanies Mama when she gets a job out
of town.

Although her family dynamic with her siblings is quite rare, we still communicate closely
through chat. Violeta, on the other hand, now has a cellphone so she can contact me more often.
She says she misses that there are no more people who usually play pranks on her.
Understandably, Vita usually pranks her at home because when she gets angry, she looks so cute.
Mama and Papa educate Vita well at home. The physical and spiritual things Vita get are
often fulfilled, such as if Vita needs a laptop or cellphone, mama and papa will readily fulfill it.
However, Vita will be put aways first, and after that mama papa will help to incrase. For spiritual
matters, her mom and dad often take Vita to church every Sunday, to get closer to God.

The dynamics in her house can be said to be quite crowded, because her house joins the
house of Tante (Mama's younger sister). She had 2 beautiful cousins, and they were the ones who
made Vita laugh when Vita played with them.

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