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LEVEL OF ABSTRACTION:all level of dfd


In system analysis and design, DFD (Data Flow Diagram) fragments are smaller,
reusable components or patterns that represent common processes or structures
within a system. They are used to simplify the representation of complex systems
and promote modular design. DFD fragments help in reducing redundancy, improving
clarity, and facilitating efficient system analysis. Here are some commonly used
DFD fragments:

1. Process Fragment: A process fragment represents a standalone process or function

within a system. It encapsulates a set of activities or operations that transform
inputs into outputs. Process fragments are represented as rectangles with a unique
process number or label. They can be connected to other DFD components through
input and output data flows.

2. Data Store Fragment: A data store fragment represents a storage location for
data within the system. It can be a physical file, a database table, or a memory
location. Data store fragments are depicted as rectangles with a label indicating
the stored data. They represent the persistence of data across different processes.

3. External Entity Fragment: An external entity fragment represents an external

entity or system that interacts with the analyzed system. It can be a user, another
system, a device, or any external source or destination of data. External entity
fragments are shown as rectangles with a label describing the entity or system.

4. Data Flow Fragment: A data flow fragment represents the movement of data between
DFD components. It illustrates the flow of information or data streams within the
system. Data flow fragments are depicted as arrows connecting processes, data
stores, and external entities. They are labeled to indicate the specific data being

5. Control Fragment: A control fragment represents control or decision points in

the system. It captures conditions, branches, loops, or other control structures
that affect the flow of processes or data. Control fragments are shown as diamond
shapes with labels describing the control condition or decision criteria.
The Event Partitioned Model is a modeling technique used in system analysis and
design to capture and represent the events that occur within a system. It focuses
on identifying the events that trigger system activities and the resulting system
responses. The Event Partitioned Model helps in understanding system behavior,
defining system requirements, and designing system processes. Here are the key
components and concepts of the Event Partitioned Model:

1. Event: An event is a significant occurrence or incident that happens within the

system or in its environment. Events can be internal or external to the system and
can be triggered by various factors such as user actions, system conditions, or
external stimuli. Events are identified and named based on their relevance to the
system. Examples of events could be "Customer placed an order," "System error
occurred," or "Payment received."

2. Event Types: Events can be categorized into different event types based on their
nature and purpose. Event types provide a way to classify and group similar events.
Each event type represents a distinct class of events that share common
characteristics. For instance, event types could include "User Input Events,"
"System Events," or "Timer Events." Categorizing events into types helps in
organizing and understanding system behavior.

3. Event Partition: An event partition is a logical grouping of events based on

their relationship to a specific system process or functionality. It represents a
subset of events that are relevant to a particular aspect of the system. Event
partitions help in organizing and analyzing events within the system context. They
can be defined based on functional areas, system modules, or specific system

4. Event-Driven Processes: In the Event Partitioned Model, system processes are

designed to respond to specific events. Each event triggers a corresponding system
process or set of actions. These processes are referred to as event-driven
processes. Event-driven processes capture the system's responses to events and
describe the sequence of activities that need to be executed when an event occurs.

5. Event Flow: The event flow represents the flow of events within the system. It
illustrates how events are triggered, propagated, and processed through the system
processes. The event flow diagram depicts the relationships between events, event
partitions, and the associated processes.

6. System Responses: System responses are the actions or operations performed by

the system when events occur. Each event triggers a specific response or set of
responses that may involve data processing, information retrieval, system updates,
or external interactions. System responses are designed to fulfill the requirements
and objectvives of the system.

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