GLM Uni Multivariate

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Univariate and Multivariate

GLM (general linear model) is a general procedure for analysis of variance and
covariance, as well as regression. It can be used for both univariate and multivariate
designs. Repeated measures analysis is also available. Algorithms that apply only to
repeated measures are in the chapter GLM Repeated Measures.
For information on post hoc tests, see Appendix 10. For sums of squares, see
Appendix 11. For distribution functions, see Appendix 12. For Box’s M test, see
Appendix 14.

The following notation is used throughout this chapter. Unless otherwise stated, all
vectors are column vectors and all quantities are known.

n Number of cases.
N Effective sample size.
p Number of parameters (including the constant, if it exists) in the model.
r Number of dependent variables in the model.
Y n × r matrix of dependent variables. The rows are the cases and the columns
are the dependent variables. The ith row is y ′i , i = 1, K, n .
X n × p design matrix. The rows are the cases and the columns are the
parameters. The ith row is x i′ , i = 1, K, n .
rX Number of nonredundant columns in the design matrix. Also the rank of the
design matrix.
w Regression weight of the ith case.

f Frequency weight of the ith case.

B p × r unknown parameter matrix. The columns are the dependent variables.
The jth column is bj, j = 1,K, r .

Σ r × r unknown common multiplier of the covariance matrix of any row of

Y. The (i, j)th element is σij, i = 1,K, r , j = 1,K, r .

2 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

The model is Y = XB and y i′ is independently distributed as a p-dimensional
normal distribution with mean x i′ B and covariance matrix wi−1Σ . The ith case is
ignored if wi ≤ 0 .

Frequency Weight and Total Sample Size

The frequency weight f is the number of replications represented by an SPSS case;
therefore, the weight must be a non-negative integer. It is computed by rounding
the value in the SPSS weight variable to the nearest integer. The total sample size is
N= ∑
i =1
1 6 1 6
fi I wi > 0 , where I wi > 0 = 1 if wi > 0 and is equal to 0 otherwise.

The Cross-Product and Sums-of-Squares Matrices

To prepare for the SWEEP operation, an augmented row vector of length p + r is 0 5

z i′ = x i′ , y i′ 6
0 5 0 5
Then the p + r × p + r matrix is computed:

Z ′WZ = fi wi z i z i′ .
i =1

This matrix is partitioned as

 X′WX X ′WY 
Z ′WZ =
 Y′WX Y ′WY 
The upper left p × p submatrix is X′WX and the lower right r × r submatrix is
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 3

Sweep Operation
$ , and S, are obtained by sweeping the Z′WZ matrix
Three important matrices, G, B
as follows:
1. Sweep sequentially the first p rows and the first p columns of Z′WZ, starting
from the first row and the first column.
2. After the pth row and the pth column are swept, the resulting matrix is
 −G B$ 
 B$ ′ S
where G is a p × p symmetric g2 generalized inverse of X′WX, B $ is the p × r
matrix of parameter estimates and S is the r × r symmetric matrix of sums of
squares and cross products of residuals.

The SWEEP routine is adapted from Algorithm AS 178 by Clarke (1982) and
Remarks R78 by Ridout and Cobby (1989).

Residual Covariance Matrix

1 6
The estimated r × r covariance matrix is Σ$ = S N − rX provided rX < N . If
r = N , then Σ$ = 0 . If r > N , then all elements of Σ$ are system missing.
The residual degrees of freedom is N − rX . If rX > N , then the degrees of
freedom is system missing.

Parameter Estimates
Let the elements of Σ$ be σ$ ij , the elements of G, gij, and the elements of B $ , b$ .
$ $ $ $
Then var(bij ) is estimated by σ jj gii for i = 1,K, p; j = 1,K, r and cov(bij , brs ) is
estimated by σ$ js gir for i, r = 1,K, p; j, s = 1, K, r .

Standard Error of b$ij

4 9
se b$ij = σ$ jj gii

When the ith parameter is redundant, the standard error is system missing.
4 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

The t Statistic

For testing H 0 : bij = 0 versus H1 :bij ≠ 0 , the t statistic is

%&b$ / se(b$ ) if the standard error is positive

t= ij ij

The significance value for this statistic is 2 1 − CDF. T t , N − rx 1 68 where CDF.T is
the SPSS function for the cumulative t distribution.

Partial Eta Squared Statistic

%Kb$ (b$ + ( N − r ) var(b$ ))

ij ij if rX < N and the denominator is positive
= &1
η2 if rX = N but bij ≠ 0
K'SYSMIS otherwise

The value should be within 0 ≤ η 2 ≤ 1 .

Noncentrality Parameter

c= t

Observed Power

%K1 − NCDF. T(t , N − r X , c) + NCDF. T( − t c , N − rX , c) rX < N


p=& rX ≥ N ,
' or any arguments to NCDF. T
or IDF. T are SYSMIS

1 6
where tc = IDF.T 1 − α / 2, N − rX and α is the user-specified power level
0 5
0 < α < 1 . NCDF.T and IDF.T are the SPSS functions for the cumulative
noncentral t distribution and for the inverse cumulative t distribution, respectively.
The default value is α = 0.05 . The observed power should be within 0 ≤ p ≤ 1.
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 5

Confidence Interval

For the p% level, the individual univariate confidence interval for the parameter is

4 9
b$ij ± tα se b$ij

2 0 5
where tα = IDF.T 0.5 1 + p / 100 , N − rX 7 for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r . The default
value of p is 95 ( 0 < p < 100 ).


corr(b$ij , b$rs ) =
K%& 4 4 9 4 99
σ$ js gir se b$ij × se b$rs if the standard errors are positive
SYSMIS otherwise

for i, r = 1,K, p; j, s = 1, K, r .

Estimated Marginal Means

Estimated marginal means (EMMEANS) are computed as the generic l ′Bm $
expression with appropriate l and m vectors. l is a column vector of length p and m
is a column vector of length r. Since the l vector is chosen to be always estimable,
$ is in fact the estimated modified marginal means (Searle, Speed,
the quantity l ′Bm
and Milliken, 1980). When covariates (or products of covariates) are present in the
effects, the overall means of the covariates (or products of covariates) are used in
the l matrix. Suppose X and Y are covariates and they appear as X*Y in an effect;
then the mean of X*Y is used instead of the product of the mean of X and the mean
of Y.

L Matrix
For each level combination of the between subjects factors in TABLES, identify
the nonmissing cases with positive caseweights and positive regression weights
which are associated with the current level combination. Suppose the cases are
classified by three between-subjects factors: A, B and C. Now A and B are
specified in TABLES and the current level combination is A=1 and B=2. A case in
the cell A=1, B=2, and C=3 is associated with the current level combination,
6 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

whereas a case in the cell A=1, B=3 and C=3 is not. Compute the average of the
design matrix rows corresponding to these cases.
If an effect contains a covariate, then its parameters which belong to the current
level combination are equal to the mean of the covariate, and are equal to 0
otherwise. Using the above example, for effect A*X where X is a covariate, the
parameter [A=1]*X belongs to the current level combination where the parameter
[A=2]*X does not. If the effect contains a product of covariates, then the mean of
the product is applied.
The result is the l vector for the current between-subjects factor level
combination. When none of the between-subjects effects contain covariates, the
vector always forms an estimable function. Otherwise, a non-estimable function
may occur, depending on the data.

M Matrix
The M matrix is formed as a series of Kronecker products

M = I c ⊗ A1 ⊗ L ⊗ A t


%&I if the kth within subjects factor is specified in TABLES

'11 r 61
Ak =
k rk otherwise

with 1 rk a column vector of length rk and all of its elements equal to 1.

If OVERALL or only between-subjects factors are specified in TABLES, then
1 6
A k = 1 rk 1rk for k = 1,K, t .
The column for a particular within-subjects factor level combination, denoted
by m, is extracted accordingly from this M matrix.

Standard Error

% 0l′Gl54m′Σ$ m9
4 $
se l ′Bm 9 K&KSYSMIS
= if N − rX > 0 (1)
' otherwise

Since l are coefficients of an estimable function, the standard error is the same for
any generalized inverse G.
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 7

The t statistic is

%Kl′Bm 4$ 9
$ se l ′Bm
t= &KSYSMIS if se l ′Bm >0
' otherwise

If the t statistic is not system missing, then the significance is computed based on a
t distribution with N − rX degrees of freedom.

Pairwise Comparison

Between-Subjects Factor

Suppose the l vectors are indexed by the level of the between-subjects factor as
l i1,K,ib , is = 1,K, ns and s = 1, K, b where ns is the number of levels of between-
subjects factor s and b is the number of between-subjects factors specified inside
TABLES. The difference in estimated marginal means of level is and level is′ of
between-subjects factor s at fixed levels of other between-subjects factors is

4l K K
i1 , ,is −1 ,is ,is +1 , ,ib − li1,K,i K,i 9 Bm
s −1 ,is′ ,is +1 ,
$ for i , i ′ = 1,K, n ; i ≠ i ′ .
b s s s s s

The standard error of the difference is computed by substituting for l in (1):

l i1,K,is −1,is ,is +1,K,ib − l i1,K,is −1,is′ ,is +1,K,ib .

Within-Subjects Factor

Suppose the m vectors are indexed by level of the within-subjects factor as

m j1,K, jw , js = 1,K, ns and s = 1,K, w , where ns is the number of levels of within-
subjects factor s and w is the number of within-subjects factors specified inside
TABLES. The difference in estimated marginal means of level js and level js′ of
within-subjects factor s at fixed levels of other within-subjects factors is

4 K K K K 9
l ′B m j1, , js −1, js , js +1, , jb − m j1, , js −1, js′ , js +1, , jb for js , js′ = 1,K, ns ; js ≠ js′ .

The standard error of the difference is computed by substituting for m in (1)

m i1,K,is −1,is ,is +1,K,ib − m i1,K,is −1 ,is′ ,is +1,K,ib .
8 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

Confidence Interval
0 5
The 1 − α × 100% confidence interval is

$ ±t
l ′Bm 1−α 2;N − rX 4 9 $
× se l ′Bm

and t1−α 2; N − rX is the 11 − α 26 × 100% percentile of a t distribution with N − r

degrees of freedom. No confidence interval is computed if N − rX ≤ 0 .

Saved Values
Temporary variables can be added to the working data file. These include predicted
values, residuals, and diagnostics.

Predicted Values

The n × r matrix of predicted values is Y $ = XB$ . The ith row of Y $

$ is y$ ′ = x ′ B
i i ,
$ be y$ and the elements of XGX′ be π .
i = 1, K, n . Let the elements of Y ij ij

The standard error of y$ij is

3 8
se y$ij = σ$ jj π ii for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r

The weighted predicted value of the ith case is wi y$ i′ .

$ = Y−Y
The n × r matrix of residuals is E $.
$ is e$ ′ = y ′ − y$ ′ , i = 1, K, n .
The ith row of E i i i
$ be e$ ; then
Let the elements of E ij

e$ij = yij − y$ij , for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r

The weighted residual is wi e$ i′ .

GLM Univariate and Multivariate 9

Deleted Residuals (PRESS Residuals)

The deleted residual is the predicted residual for the ith case that results from
omitting the ith case from estimation. It is:

%&e$ 11 w − π 6
ij i ii if wi > 0 and wi π ii < 1;
'SYSMIS otherwise.

for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r .

Standardized Residuals
The standardized residual is the residual divided by the standard deviation of data:

K%&( y − y$ ) 4 σ$ jj wi 9 if wi > 0
ij ij

Studentized Residuals

The standard error for e$ij is

se(e$ij ) =
%K& σ$ (1 w − π ii ) if wi > 0 and wiπ ii < 1;
jj i

for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r . The Studentized residual is the residual divided by the
standard error of the residual.

%&e$ij se(e$ij ) if wi > 0 and se(e$ij ) > 0
'SYSMIS otherwise
10 GLM Univariate and Multivariate


Cook’s Distance

Cook’s Distance D measures the change to the solution that results from omitting
each observation. The formula is

  2 π 1
 6   11 w − π 6  r
σ$ jj 1 wi − π ii i ii X

for i = 1,K, n; j = 1,K, r . This formula is equivalent to

Dij = e$ij se(e$ij ) 8 4se3 y$ 8 se3e$ 89 r
ij ij X 3 8
provided wi > 0 and se e$ij > 0 .

3 8
When wi ≤ 0 or se e$ij = 0 , Dij is system missing.

Leverage (Uncentered)

The leverage for the ith case ( i = 1, K, n ) for all dependent variables is

%&wiπ ii if wi > 0
'SYSMIS otherwise

Hypothesis Testing
Let L be an l × p known matrix, M be an r × m known matrix and K be an l × m
known matrix. The test hypotheses H 0 :LBM = K versus H1 :LBM ≠ K are
testable if and only if LB is estimable.
The following results apply to testable hypotheses only. Nontestable hypotheses are
$ − K )′ LGL ′
The hypothesis SSCP matrix is S H = (LBM 0 5 −1 $ − K) and the
error SSCP matrix is S E = M ′SM .
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 11

Four test statistics, based on the eigenvalues of S −1

E S H , are available: Wilks’
lambda, Hotelling-Lawley trace, Pillai’s trace, and Roy’s largest root.
Let the eigenvalues of S −1
E S H be λ 1 ≥ K ≥ λ rE ≥ 0 and λ rE +1 , K, λ m = 0 , and
let rE = rank(S E ) ; 1 6
s = min l, rE ; ne = n − rX ; m∗ = 1
2 2r
E 7
− l −1 ;

n = 1
2 1n e 6
− rE − 1 .

Wilks’ Lambda

1 6 m

6 ∏ 11 + λ 6 .
det S E 1
det S H + S E
k =1 k

When Ho is true, the F statistic

1ςτ − 2υ 6 41 − Λ 9
τ 1
lrE Λ1 τ

follows asymptotically an F distribution, where

ς = ne − 12 rE − l + 1 1 6
υ= 1
4 1lr − 26

τ = & 4l r − 49 4l
2 2 2
+ rE2 − 5 9 4 9
if l 2 + rE2 − 5 > 0
K' 1


1 6
The degrees of freedom are lrE , ςτ − 2υ . The F statistic is exact if s = 1, 2 . See
Rao (1951) and Section 8c.5 of Rao (1973) for details.
The eta-squared statistic is η 2 = 1 − Λ1/ s .

The noncentrality parameter is λ = ξτ − 2υ η 2 / 1 − η 2 .6 4 9 1

The power is 1 − NCDF. F2Fα , lr , 1ξτ − 2υ 6, λ 7 where
E Fα is the upper 100α
percentage point of the central F distribution, and α is user-specified on the ALPHA
keyword on the CRITERIA subcommand.
12 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

Hotelling-Lawley Trace
In the SPSS software, the name Hotelling-Lawley trace is shortened to Hotelling’s

T = trace S −E1S H = 9 ∑ m
k =1

When Ho is true, the F statistic

2 sn∗ + 1
T 9
s 2m + s + 1 s∗
follows asymptotically an F distribution with degrees of freedom
4 s4 2 m *
9 4 99
+ s + 1 , 2 sn + 1 . The F statistic is exact if s = 1.

0 50 5
The eta-squared statistic is η 2 = T / s / T / s + 1 .

The noncentrality parameter is λ = 24sn + 19η / 41 − η 9 . * 2 2

The power is 1 − NCDF. F4Fα , s42 m + s + 19,24sn + 19, λ 9 where F

* *
α is the upper
100α percentage point of the central F distribution, and α is user-specified on the
ALPHA keyword on the CRITERIA subcommand.

Pillai’s Trace

4 1
V = trace S H S H + S E 6 9=∑
−1 m
k =1
λk 1+ λk1 6
When Ho is true, the F statistic

42n + s + 19 V

42m + s + 19 0s − V 5

GLM Univariate and Multivariate 13

follows asymptotically an F distribution with degrees of freedom

4 s4 2 m *
94 99
+ s + 1 , s 2n + s + 1 . The F statistic is exact if s = 1.

The eta-squared statistic is η 2 = V / s .

4 9 4 9
The noncentrality parameter is λ = s 2n * + s + 1 η 2 / 1 − η 2 .

The power is 1 − NCDF. F4Fα , s42 m * + s + 19, s42n* + s + 19, λ 9 where Fα is the
upper 100α percentage point of the central F distribution and α is user-specified on
the ALPHA keyword on the CRITERIA subcommand.

Roy’s Largest Root

Θ = λ1

which is the largest eigenvalue of S −1

E S H . When Ho is true, the F statistic is

F = Θ ne − ω + rH ω 6
1 6
where ω = max l, rE is an upper bound of F that yields a lower bound on the
significance level. The degrees of freedom are ω , ne − ω + rH . The F statistic is6
exact if s = 1.
The eta-squared statistic is η 2 = Θ / 1 + Θ . 0 5
1 6 4 9
The noncentrality parameter is λ = ne − ω + rH η 2 / 1 − η 2 .

The power is 1 − NCDF. F1 Fα , ω , ne − ω + l, λ 6 , where F α is the upper 100α

percentage point of the central F distribution and α is user-specified on the ALPHA
keyword on the CRITERIA subcommand.
14 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

Individual Univariate Test

S H ;i l
S E;i n − rX 6 , i = 1,K, m
where SH;i and SE;i are the ith diagonal elements of the matrices SH and SE
respectively. Under the null hypothesis, the F statistic has an F distribution with
degrees of freedom l, n − rX . 6
3 8
The partial eta-squared statistic is η 2 = S H ;i / S H ;i + S E;i .

1 6
The noncentrality parameter is λ = n − rX S H ;i S E;i .

1 6
The power is 1 − NCDF. F Fα ,1, n − rX , λ where Fα is the upper 100α percentage
point of the central F distribution and α is user-specified on the ALPHA keyword on
the CRITERIA subcommand.

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity

Bartlett’s test of sphericity is printed when the Residual SSCP matrix is requested.

In Bartlett’s test of sphericity the null hypothesis is Ho :Σ = σ 2 I r versus the
alternative hypothesis H1: Σ ≠ σ 2 I r where σ 2 > 0 is unspecified and I r is an r × r
identity matrix.

Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic

%K A n2
if trace A > 0
K 1trace0A5 r6 nr 2

if trace A ≤ 0
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 15

4 9 4
$ ′ W Y − XB
where A = Y − XB 9
$ is the r × r matrix of residual sums of squares
and cross products.

Chi-Square Approximation
Define W = λ2 n . When n is large and under the null hypothesis that for n − rX ≥ 1
and r ≥ 2 ,

2 1 6 7 4 9 4 4 9 4
Pr − ρ n − rX log W ≤ c = Pr χ 2f ≤ c + ω 2 Pr χ 2f + 4 ≤ c − Pr χ 2f ≤ c + O n −3 99 4 9

0 5
f = r r +1 2 −1
ρ = 1 − 42r + r + 29 26r1n − r 67

ω =
0r + 250r − 150r − 2542r + 6r
3 2
+ 3r + 2 9
288r 1n − r 6 ρ
2 2 2 2

Chi-Square Statistic

%&− ρ1n − r 6 log W
X if W > 0
'SYSMIS otherwise

Degrees of Freedom

0 5
f = r r +1 2 −1
16 GLM Univariate and Multivariate


0 5 2 0 5
1 − CDF.CHISQ c, f − ω 2 CDF.CHISQ c, f + 4 − CDF.CHISQ c, f 0 57
where CDF.CHISQ is the SPSS function for the cumulative chi-square
distribution. The significance is reset to zero whenever the computed value is less
than zero due to floating point imprecision.

Custom Hypothesis Tests

The TEST subcommand offers custom hypothesis tests. The hypothesis term is any
effect specified (either explicitly or implicitly) in the DESIGN subcommand. The
error term can be a linear combination of effects that are specified in the DESIGN
subcommand or a sum of squares with specified degrees of freedom. The TEST
subcommand is available only for univariate analysis; therefore, an F statistic is
computed. When the error term is a linear combination of effects and no value for
degrees of freedom is specified, the error degrees of freedom is approximated by
the Satterthwaite (1946) method.

The following notation is used in this section:

S Number of effects in the linear combination

qs Coefficient of the sth effect in the linear combination, s = 1, K, S
ls Degrees of freedom of the sth effect in the linear combination, s = 1, K, S
MSs Mean square of the sth effect in the linear combination, s = 1, K, S
Q Linear combination of effects
lQ Degrees of freedom of the linear combination
MSQ Mean square of the linear combination
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 17

Error Term

Mean Squares

If the error term is a linear combination of effects, the error mean square is

MSQ = ∑ q × MS s s
s =1

If the user supplied the mean squares, MSQ is equal to the number specified after
the keyword VS. If MSQ < 0 , the custom error term is invalid, and MSQ is equal
to the system-missing value and an error message is issued.

Degrees of Freedom
If MSQ ≥ 0 and the user did not supply the error degrees of freedom, then the error
degrees of freedom is approximated using the Satterthwaite (1946) method. Define

ds =
K%&1q MS 6 2
ls if ls > 0
s s

Then D = ∑ d . The approximate error degrees of freedom is
s =1

%K3MS 8 D 2
Q if D > 0
' otherwise

If MSQ ≥ 0 and the user supplied the error degrees of freedom, lQ is equal to the
number following the keyword DF. If lQ < 0 , the custom degrees of freedom is
invalid. In this case, lQ is equal to the system-missing value and an error message
is issued.
18 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

Hypothesis Test

F Statistic

The null hypothesis is that all parameters of the hypothesis effect are zero. The F
statistic is used for testing this null hypothesis. Suppose the mean square and the
degrees of freedom of the hypothesis effect are MS H and lH ; then the F statistic is

F = MSQ &K if MSQ > 0 & MS H ≥ 0

SYSMIS' otherwise

Significance Level

The significance level is

significance =
%&1 − CDF. F( F, lH , lQ ) if l H > 0, lQ > 0 & F ≠ SYSMIS
'SYSMIS otherwise

where CDF.F is the SPSS function for the F cumulative distribution function.

Univariate Mixed Model

This section describes the algorithms pertaining to a random effects model. GLM
offers mixed model analysis only for univariate models—that is, for r = 1 .

The following notation is used throughout this section. Unless otherwise stated, all
vectors are column vectors and all quantities are known.

k Number of random effects, k ≥ 0 .

p0 Number of parameters in the fixed effects, p0 ≥ 0 .
pi Number of parameters in the ith random effect, pi ≥ 0 , i = 1,K, k .

σ i2 Unknown variance of the ith random effect, σ i ≥ 0 , i = 1,K, k .

GLM Univariate and Multivariate 19

σ 2e Unknown variance of the residual term, σ e > 0 .


Xi The n × pi design matrix, i = 0,1,K, k .

β0 The length p0 vector of parameters of the fixed effects.
βi The length pi vector of parameters of the ith random effect, i = 1,K, k .
L The s × p full row rank matrix. The rows are estimable functions. s ≥ 1.

Relationships between these symbols and those defined at the beginning of the
chapter are:
• p = p0 + p1 + L + pk
• X = X 0 | X1|K| X k

β "#
β #
M #
• B=

!β #$

The mixed model is represented, following Rao (1973), as

Y = X 0β 0 + ∑X β + e
i i
i =1

The random vectors β1,K, β k and e are assumed to be jointly independent.

4 9
Moreover, the random vector β i is distributed as N pi 0, σ i2 I pi for i = 1,K, k and
the residual vector e is distributed as 4
Nn 0, σ 2e W −1 9 . Thus,
E Y = X 0β 0

cov0Y 5 = ∑ σ i2 X i X i′ + σ e2 W −1

i =1
20 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

Expected Mean Squares

For the estimable function L, the expected hypothesis sum of squares is

1 6  1
E SSL = E Y ′W 2 A L W 2 Y

= β ′0 X ′0 W 2 A L W 2 X 0β 0 +

 1 1

trace X ′k W 2 A L W 2 X k + σ 2e trace A L 1 6
i =1


A L = W 2 XGL ′ LGL ′ 5 −1
LGX ′W 2

1 6
Since L = LGX ′WX , trace A L = s and X ′W 2 A L W 2 X = L ′ LGL ′
1 1
0 5 −1
L . The
1 1
matrix X ′W A L W X can therefore be computed in the following way:
2 2

1. Compute an s × s upper triangular matrix U such that U ′U = LGL′ by the

Cholesky decomposition.
2. Invert the matrix U to give U −1 .
3. Compute C = L ′U −1.
1 1
Now we have X ′W 2 A L W 2 X = CC′ . If the rows of C are partitioned into the
same-size submatrices as those contained in X—that is,

C "#0

M #

!C #$k

1 1
where Ci is a pi × s submatrix—then X ′k W 2 A L W 2 X k = Ci Ci′ , i = 0,1,K, k .
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 21

1 6
Since trace Ci Ci′ is equal to the sum of squares of the elements in Ci , denoted
1 6
by SSQ Ci , the matrices Ci Ci′ need not be formed. The preferred computational
formula for the expected sum of squares is

1 6
E SSL = β ′0 C0 C′0β 0 + ∑σ 2
i SSQ 1C 6 + sσ
i =1

Finally the expected mean square is

1 6
1 6
E SSL = β ′0 C0 C′0β 0 +
s ∑σ 2
i SSQ 1C 6 + σ
i =1

For the residual term, the expected residual mean square is: E MSE = σ 2e . 0 5
Note: GLM does not compute the term β ′0 C0 C′0β 0 but reports the fixed effects
whose corresponding row block in C0 contains nonzero elements.

Hypothesis Test in Mixed Models

Suppose MSL is the mean square for the effect whose estimable function is L, and
s L is the associated degrees of freedom. The F statistic for testing this effect is


05 05
where MSE L is the mean square of the error term with s E L degrees of freedom.

Null Hypothesis Expected Mean Squares

If the effect being tested is a fixed effect, its expected mean square is

1 6
E MSL = σ e2 + c1σ 12 + L + ckσ 2k + Q L 05
22 GLM Univariate and Multivariate

where c1,K, ck are coefficients and Q L is a quadratic term involving the fixed
effects. Under the null hypothesis, it is assumed that Q L = 0 . Although the
quadratic term may involve effects that are unrelated to the effect being tested, such
effects are assumed to be zero in order to draw a correct inference for the effect
being tested. Therefore, under the null hypothesis, the expected mean square is

1 6
E MSL = σ e2 + c1σ 12 + L + ckσ 2k

0 5
If the effect being tested is a random effect, say the jth 1 ≤ j ≤ k random effect, its
expected mean square is

1 6
E MSL = σ e2 + c1σ 12 + L + ckσ 2k

Under the null hypothesis σ 2j = 0 ; hence, the expected mean square is

1 6
E MSL = σ 2e + ∑c σ 2
i i
1≤i ≤ k ,i ≠ j

Error Mean Squares

0 5
Let MSi be the mean square of the ith i = 1,K, k random effect. Let si be the
corresponding degrees of freedom. The error term is then found as a linear
combination of the expected mean squares of the random effects:

MSE 0 L5 = q1MS1 + L + qk MSk + qk +1MSE

such that

E MSE 0 L5 9 = q1E1 MS1 6 + L + qk E1 MSk 6 + qk +1E0 MSE 5 = σ 2e + c1σ 12 + L + ckσ 2k

0 5
If si = 0 1 ≤ i ≤ k then qi = 0 .
GLM Univariate and Multivariate 23

The error degrees of freedom is computed using the Satterthwaite (1946) method:

4MS 0 5 9
sE L =
∑ 1q MS 6 i i
1≤i ≤ k ;si > 0

If the design is balanced, the above F statistic is approximately distributed as an F

4 0 59
distribution with degrees of freedom s L , s E L under the null hypothesis. The
statistic is exact when only one random effect is used as the error term—that is,
qi0 = 1 and qi = 0 for i ≠ i0 . If the design is not balanced, the above approximation
may not be valid (even when only one random effect is used as the error term)
because the hypothesis term and the error term may not be independent.

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