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Ivan Miguel C. Perez was born on October 7,2005, and currently living in Pagsabungan Mandaue Cebu City Visayas Philippines. His particular hobbies are listening to music, playing games, watching movies, and sometimes
drawing. He is also an introvert, he wants so asssociate with just an ample amount of people, depends on his liking. He is also a very serious kind of guy, yet very fun to be with him when his in the mood. He is also wants to
achieve great things in life, especially academically.

He is enrolled at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue in his journey in college. He is yet to experience the life of an college student as he is still in his 1st year as of the S.Y. 2023-2024. Excited and motivated, he
wishes to graduate with his course/program of BSIT or Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with giving his best. Whatever the problems are too met, he will fight thhrough success, with his past achievements.

He graduated at the Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School in his Senior and Junior High School journey. Achieving an award of With Honors in all of his High School Years. He also graduated at the school in their
town, Pagsabungan Elementary School. Without stopping a single year in his whole academic life, he will continue on until he finishes it.

His goal in life is generally to finish education. Additionally, to help his family to go through the hardness in life. Financially, emotionally, and physically, he will sacrifice in order to give back the blood, sweat, and tears that his
parents give. All to escape poverty, and fullfill satsifaction in every achievement.

Overall, he is a simple, ambitious man that everone knows of. Carrying himself through the difficultness in life. He will try his best in order to help everyone, especially his family. Giving his all in every problems in life.

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